Before you doom yourself, there are a few things you should know: 1. If you use GUI Emacs, run `M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts` so you don't get weird symbols all over the place. 2. When you edit ~/.doom.d/init.el or modify modules, run: bin/doom refresh This will ensure all needed packages are installed, all orphaned packages are removed, and your autoloads files are up to date. This is important! If you forget to do this you will get errors! 3. If something inexplicably goes wrong, it's a good idea to try: bin/doom doctor It will diagnose common issues with your environment and setup, and may give you clues about what is wrong. 4. To update doom, run bin/doom upgrade Doing it any other way will require you run `bin/doom refresh` otherwise, 5. Check out `bin/doom help` to see what else it can do (it is also safe to add ~/.emacs.d/bin to your PATH). Have fun!