#+TITLE: :lang org This module provides support for org-mode. + A custom attachment system that keeps files in a centralized location. + Drag-and-drop support for images (with inline preview) and media files (drops a file icon and a short link). + Executable code blocks with support for a variety of languages and tools, including REST requests, SQL, google translate, plantuml, and matlab. + An org-capture workflow that works from outside Emacs (through the =bin/org-capture= shell script). + Exported documents are saved to a centralized location. + A configuration for using org-mode for slide-show presentations, or exporting org files to reveal.js slideshows. + (TODO) A static site generator based in org-mode and Emacs. #+begin_quote org-mode is a beast, and Doom's most difficult module to maintain. And its most important. This module is /highly/ opinionated and experimental; my foray into learning org is a neverending quest. #+end_quote * Table of Contents :TOC: - [[#install][Install]] - [[#macos][MacOS]] - [[#arch-linux][Arch Linux]] - [[#configuration][Configuration]] - [[#usage][Usage]] - [[#appendix][Appendix]] * Install Org has no hard dependencies, but there are some things you'll need to make use of Org's more esoteric features. + For inline LaTeX previews, you need ~latex~ and ~dvipng~. + To run babel code blocks, you need whatever dependencies those languages need. It is recommended you enable the associated module in =lang/= and ensure its dependencies are met. + The =+crm= module uses a sqlite database to manage your contacts, invoices, and projects; this needs sqlite installed. ** MacOS #+BEGIN_SRC sh brew cask install mactex brew install sqlite #+END_SRC ** Arch Linux #+BEGIN_SRC sh sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S texlive-core texlive-bin texlive-science sqlite #+END_SRC * Configuration (Coming soon) * Usage (Coming soon) * Appendix (Coming soon)