;;; core/cli/autoloads.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- (defvar doom-autoload-excluded-packages '("gh") "What packages whose autoloads file we won't index. These packages have silly or destructive autoload files that try to load everyone in the universe and their dog, causing errors that make babies cry. No one wants that.") (defvar doom-autoload-cached-vars '(load-path auto-mode-alist interpreter-mode-alist Info-directory-list doom-disabled-packages) "A list of variables to be cached in `doom-package-autoload-file'.") ;; externs (defvar autoload-timestamps) (defvar generated-autoload-load-name) (defun doom-cli-reload-autoloads () "Reloads `doom-autoload-file' and `doom-package-autoload-file' files." (doom-cli-reload-core-autoloads) (doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads)) (defun doom-cli-reload-core-autoloads (&optional file) (print! (start "(Re)generating core autoloads...")) (print-group! (let ((file (or file doom-autoload-file)) doom-autoload-cached-vars) (cl-check-type file string) (and (print! (start "Generating core autoloads...")) (doom-cli--write-autoloads file (doom-cli--generate-autoloads (cl-loop for dir in (append (list doom-core-dir) (cdr (doom-module-load-path 'all-p)) (list doom-private-dir)) if (doom-glob dir "autoload.el") collect it if (doom-glob dir "autoload/*.el") append it) 'scan)) (print! (start "Byte-compiling core autoloads file...")) (doom-cli--byte-compile-file file) (print! (success "Generated %s") (relpath (byte-compile-dest-file file) doom-emacs-dir)))))) (defun doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads (&optional file) (print! (start "(Re)generating package autoloads...")) (print-group! (doom-initialize-packages) (let ((file (or file doom-package-autoload-file))) (cl-check-type file string) (and (print! (start "Generating package autoloads...")) (doom-cli--write-autoloads file (doom-cli--generate-var-cache doom-autoload-cached-vars) (doom-cli--generate-autoloads (mapcar #'straight--autoloads-file (cl-set-difference (hash-table-keys straight--build-cache) doom-autoload-excluded-packages :test #'string=)))) (print! (start "Byte-compiling package autoloads file...")) (doom-cli--byte-compile-file file) (print! (success "Generated %s") (relpath (byte-compile-dest-file file) doom-emacs-dir)))))) ;; ;;; Helpers (defun doom-cli--write-autoloads (file &rest forms) (make-directory (file-name-directory file) 'parents) (condition-case-unless-debug e (with-temp-file file (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)) (print-quoted t) (print-level nil) (print-length nil)) (insert ";; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-\n" ";; This file is autogenerated by Doom, DO NOT EDIT IT!!\n") (dolist (form (delq nil forms)) (mapc #'print form)) t)) (error (delete-file file) (signal 'doom-autoload-error (list file e))))) (defun doom-cli--byte-compile-file (file) (condition-case-unless-debug e (let ((byte-compile-warnings (if doom-debug-mode byte-compile-warnings)) (byte-compile-dynamic t) (byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings t)) (when (byte-compile-file file) (unless doom-interactive-mode (add-hook 'doom-cli-post-success-execute-hook #'doom-cli--warn-refresh-session-h)) (load (byte-compile-dest-file file) nil t))) (error (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)) (signal 'doom-autoload-error (list file e))))) (defun doom-cli--warn-refresh-session-h () (print! "Restart or reload Doom Emacs for changes to take effect:") (print-group! (print! "M-x doom/restart-and-restore") (print! "M-x doom/restart") (print! "M-x doom/reload"))) (defun doom-cli--generate-var-cache (vars) `((setq ,@(cl-loop for var in vars append `(,var ',(symbol-value var)))))) (defun doom-cli--filter-form (form &optional expand) (let ((func (car-safe form))) (cond ((memq func '(provide custom-autoload)) nil) ((and (eq func 'add-to-list) (memq (doom-unquote (cadr form)) doom-autoload-cached-vars)) nil) ((not (eq func 'autoload)) form) ((and expand (not (file-name-absolute-p (nth 2 form)))) (defvar doom--autoloads-path-cache nil) (setf (nth 2 form) (let ((path (nth 2 form))) (or (cdr (assoc path doom--autoloads-path-cache)) (when-let* ((libpath (locate-library path)) (libpath (file-name-sans-extension libpath)) (libpath (abbreviate-file-name libpath))) (push (cons path libpath) doom--autoloads-path-cache) libpath) path))) form) (form)))) (defun doom-cli--generate-autoloads-autodefs (file buffer module &optional module-enabled-p) (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents file) (while (re-search-forward "^;;;###autodef *\\([^\n]+\\)?\n" nil t) (let* ((standard-output buffer) (form (read (current-buffer))) (altform (match-string 1)) (definer (car-safe form)) (symbol (doom-unquote (cadr form)))) (cond ((and (not module-enabled-p) altform) (print (read altform))) ((memq definer '(defun defmacro cl-defun cl-defmacro)) (if module-enabled-p (print (make-autoload form file)) (cl-destructuring-bind (_ _ arglist &rest body) form (print (if altform (read altform) (append (list (pcase definer (`defun 'defmacro) (`cl-defun `cl-defmacro) (_ type)) symbol arglist (format "THIS FUNCTION DOES NOTHING BECAUSE %s IS DISABLED\n\n%s" module (if (stringp (car body)) (pop body) "No documentation."))) (cl-loop for arg in arglist if (and (symbolp arg) (not (keywordp arg)) (not (memq arg cl--lambda-list-keywords))) collect arg into syms else if (listp arg) collect (car arg) into syms finally return (if syms `((ignore ,@syms))))))))) (print `(put ',symbol 'doom-module ',module))) ((eq definer 'defalias) (cl-destructuring-bind (_ _ target &optional docstring) form (unless module-enabled-p (setq target #'ignore docstring (format "THIS FUNCTION DOES NOTHING BECAUSE %s IS DISABLED\n\n%s" module docstring))) (print `(put ',symbol 'doom-module ',module)) (print `(defalias ',symbol #',(doom-unquote target) ,docstring)))) (module-enabled-p (print form))))))) (defun doom-cli--generate-autoloads-buffer (file) (let* (;; Prevent `autoload-find-file' from firing file hooks, e.g. adding ;; to recentf. find-file-hook write-file-functions ;; Prevent a possible source of crashes when there's a syntax error ;; in the autoloads file debug-on-error ;; The following bindings are in `package-generate-autoloads'. ;; Presumably for a good reason, so I just copied them (backup-inhibited t) (version-control 'never) case-fold-search ; reduce magic autoload-timestamps ; reduce noise in generated files ;; Needed for `autoload-generate-file-autoloads' (generated-autoload-load-name (file-name-sans-extension file)) (target-buffer (current-buffer)) (module (doom-module-from-path file)) (module-enabled-p (and (or (memq (car module) '(:core :private)) (doom-module-p (car module) (cdr module))) (doom-file-cookie-p file "if" t)))) (save-excursion (when module-enabled-p (quiet! (autoload-generate-file-autoloads file target-buffer))) (doom-cli--generate-autoloads-autodefs file target-buffer module module-enabled-p)))) (defun doom-cli--generate-autoloads (files &optional scan) (require 'autoload) (let (autoloads) (dolist (file (cl-remove-if-not #'file-readable-p files) (nreverse (delq nil autoloads))) (with-temp-buffer (print! (debug "- Scanning %s") (relpath file doom-emacs-dir)) (if scan (doom-cli--generate-autoloads-buffer file) (insert-file-contents file)) (save-excursion (let ((filestr (prin1-to-string file))) (while (re-search-forward "\\_" nil t) ;; `load-file-name' is meaningless in a concatenated ;; mega-autoloads file, so we replace references to it with the ;; file they came from. (let ((ppss (save-excursion (syntax-ppss)))) (or (nth 3 ppss) (nth 4 ppss) (replace-match filestr t t)))))) (let ((load-file-name file) (load-path (append (list doom-private-dir) doom-modules-dirs load-path))) (condition-case _ (while t (push (doom-cli--filter-form (read (current-buffer)) scan) autoloads)) (end-of-file)))))))