;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*- ;;; core/packages.el ;; core.el (package! auto-minor-mode :pin "17cfa1b548") (package! gcmh :pin "8867533a73") ;; core-ui.el (package! all-the-icons :pin "1416f37984") (package! hide-mode-line :pin "88888825b5") (package! highlight-numbers :pin "8b4744c7f4") (package! rainbow-delimiters :pin "5125f4e476") (package! restart-emacs :pin "9aa90d3df9") ;; core-editor.el (package! better-jumper :pin "6d240032ca") (package! dtrt-indent :pin "48221c928b") (package! helpful :pin "c54e9ddbd6") (when IS-MAC (package! ns-auto-titlebar :pin "1efc30d385")) (package! pcre2el :pin "0b5b2a2c17") (package! smartparens :pin "be8d5c9a63") (package! so-long :built-in 'prefer ; included in Emacs 27+ ;; REVIEW so-long is slated to be published to ELPA eventually, but until then ;; I've created my own mirror for it because git.savannah.gnu.org runs ;; on a potato. :recipe (:host github :repo "hlissner/emacs-so-long") :pin "ed666b0716") (package! undo-tree :pin "5b6df03781") (package! ws-butler ;; Use my fork of ws-butler, which has a few choice improvements and ;; optimizations (the original has been abandoned). :recipe (:host github :repo "hlissner/ws-butler") :pin "e4430d3778") (unless IS-WINDOWS (package! xclip :pin "d022cf947d")) ;; core-projects.el (package! projectile :pin "341150c0e7") ;; core-keybinds.el (package! general :pin "f6e928622d") (package! which-key :pin "7b068f3e95") ;; autoload/cache.el (package! persistent-soft :pin "a1e0ddf2a1")