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- - - It is a story as old as time. A stubborn, shell-dwelling, and melodramatic vimmer -- envious of the features of modern text editors -- spirals into despair before finally succumbing to the [dark side][evil-mode]. This is his config. Doom strives to be fast, fabulous and hacker friendly. It is tailored for neckbeards with blue belts or better in command-line-fu, Elisp and git. > Doom **only** supports Emacs >= 25.1, and is tested on Arch Linux 4.7+ and > MacOS 10.11. YMMV on other platforms. - - - ## Quick start ```bash git clone ~/.emacs.d cd ~/.emacs.d cp init.example.el init.el # maybe edit init.el make install ``` Don't forget to run `make` every time you modify init.el! Visit the wiki for [a more detailed guide on installing, customizing and grokking Doom][wiki]. ## Feature highlights + A fast, organized and opinionated Emacs configuration with a command line interface. + A custom, declarative [package management system][doom-packages] that combines package.el, [use-package] and [quelpa], allowing you to manage packages from the command line and install packages from sources other than ELPA. + A [popup management system][doom-popups] (powered by [shackle]) that minimizes the presence and footprint of temporary and/or disposable buffers. + A vim-like experience with [evil-mode], including ports for several vim plugins, C-x omnicompletion and a slew of [custom ex commands][doom-my-commands]. + Integration with [editorconfig]. Let someone else argue about tabs and spaces. (spaces, duh). + Code completion for many languages, powered by [company-mode] (some languages may have external dependencies). + Project-awareness powered by [projectile], with tools and an API to navigate and manage projects and their files. + Fast project search (and replace) utilities, powered by [the_silver_searcher], [ripgrep] and [wgrep], with integration for [ivy] (the default), [helm] and ido. + Isolated and persistent workspaces powered by [persp-mode]. Also substitutes for vim tabs. + Inline/live code evaluation (using [quickrun]), including REPLs for a variety of languages. ## Troubleshooting Found a problem? Here are some things to try: + Run `make install` to ensure all plugins are installed. + `void-function` or `void-variable` errors could signal an out-of-date autoloads file. Run `make autoloads` or `M-x doom//reload-autoloads` to update it. + Scan for common OS/environment issues with `make doctor`. + **Never debug byte-compiled code. It will interfere in subtle ways.** Clean up \*.elc files with `make clean` or `M-x doom//clean-byte-compiled-files`. + Check [the FAQ][wiki-troubleshooting] to see if your issue is mentioned. + Check the relevant module's, if one exists. There may be extra steps to getting certain features to work. If all else has failed, [file a bug report][doom-new-issue]. ## Contribute Doom (and my Emacs work in general) is a labor of love and incurable madness, done on my spare time. It wasn't intended for public use, but I enjoy making Doom a resource for others. If you'd like to support my efforts, I welcome contributions of any kind: + I love pull requests and bug reports. Elisp pointers are especially welcome. Seriously, don't hesitate to [tell me my Elisp-fu sucks][doom-new-issue]! + Talk to me about Emacs workflow, ideas or tooling. Or talk to me about gamedev, or pixel art, or anime, or programming, or the weather, or band camp. Whatever. I don't mind. Holler at [wiki]: /../../wiki [wiki-conventions]: /../../wiki/Conventions [wiki-modules]: /../../wiki/Modules [wiki-customization]: /../../wiki/Customization [wiki-troubleshooting]: /../../wiki/FAQ#troubleshooting [doom-my-bindings]: modules/private/hlissner/+bindings.el [doom-my-commands]: modules/private/hlissner/+commands.el [doom-new-issue]: [doom-packages]: core/autoload/packages.el [doom-popups]: core/core-popups.el [doom-theme]: [company-mode]: [editorconfig]: [evil-mode]: [git-gutter-fringe]: [helm]: [ivy]: [persp-mode]: [projectile]: [quelpa]: [quickrun]: [ripgrep]: [shackle]: [the_silver_searcher]: [use-package]: [vim]: [wgrep]: