;;; core-lib.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- (let ((load-path doom-site-load-path)) (require 'subr-x) (require 'cl-lib)) ;; Polyfills (unless EMACS26+ (with-no-warnings ;; `kill-current-buffer' was introduced in Emacs 26 (defalias 'kill-current-buffer #'kill-this-buffer) ;; if-let and when-let were moved to (if|when)-let* in Emacs 26+ so we alias ;; them for 25 users. (defalias 'if-let* #'if-let) (defalias 'when-let* #'when-let))) ;; ;;; Helpers (defun doom--resolve-path-forms (spec &optional directory) "Converts a simple nested series of or/and forms into a series of `file-exists-p' checks. For example (doom--resolve-path-forms '(or A (and B C)) \"~\") Returns (approximately): '(let* ((_directory \"~\") (A (expand-file-name A _directory)) (B (expand-file-name B _directory)) (C (expand-file-name C _directory))) (or (and (file-exists-p A) A) (and (if (file-exists-p B) B) (if (file-exists-p C) C)))) This is used by `associate!', `file-exists-p!' and `project-file-exists-p!'." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t)) (cond ((stringp spec) `(let ((--file-- ,(if (file-name-absolute-p spec) spec `(expand-file-name ,spec ,directory)))) (and (file-exists-p --file--) --file--))) ((and (listp spec) (memq (car spec) '(or and))) `(,(car spec) ,@(cl-loop for i in (cdr spec) collect (doom--resolve-path-forms i directory)))) ((or (symbolp spec) (listp spec)) `(let ((--file-- ,(if (and directory (or (not (stringp directory)) (file-name-absolute-p directory))) `(expand-file-name ,spec ,directory) spec))) (and (file-exists-p --file--) --file--))) (spec))) (defun doom--resolve-hook-forms (hooks) "Converts a list of modes into a list of hook symbols. If a mode is quoted, it is left as is. If the entire HOOKS list is quoted, the list is returned as-is." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t)) (let ((hook-list (doom-enlist (doom-unquote hooks)))) (if (eq (car-safe hooks) 'quote) hook-list (cl-loop for hook in hook-list if (eq (car-safe hook) 'quote) collect (cadr hook) else collect (intern (format "%s-hook" (symbol-name hook))))))) ;; ;;; Public library (defun doom-unquote (exp) "Return EXP unquoted." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t)) (while (memq (car-safe exp) '(quote function)) (setq exp (cadr exp))) exp) (defun doom-enlist (exp) "Return EXP wrapped in a list, or as-is if already a list." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t)) (if (listp exp) exp (list exp))) (defun doom-keyword-intern (str) "Converts STR (a string) into a keyword (`keywordp')." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t)) (cl-check-type str string) (intern (concat ":" str))) (defun doom-keyword-name (keyword) "Returns the string name of KEYWORD (`keywordp') minus the leading colon." (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t)) (cl-check-type :test keyword) (substring (symbol-name keyword) 1)) (defmacro doom-log (format-string &rest args) "Log to *Messages* if `doom-debug-mode' is on. Does not interrupt the minibuffer if it is in use, but still logs to *Messages*. Accepts the same arguments as `message'." `(when doom-debug-mode (let ((inhibit-message (active-minibuffer-window))) (message ,(concat (propertize "DOOM " 'face 'font-lock-comment-face) (when (bound-and-true-p doom--current-module) (propertize (format "[%s/%s] " (doom-keyword-name (car doom--current-module)) (cdr doom--current-module)) 'face 'warning)) format-string) ,@args)))) (defun FILE! () "Return the emacs lisp file this macro is called from." (cond ((bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file)) (load-file-name) (buffer-file-name) ((stringp (car-safe current-load-list)) (car current-load-list)))) (defun DIR! () "Returns the directory of the emacs lisp file this macro is called from." (let ((file (FILE!))) (and file (file-name-directory file)))) ;; ;;; Macros (defmacro λ! (&rest body) "Expands to (lambda () (interactive) ,@body)." (declare (doc-string 1)) `(lambda () (interactive) ,@body)) (defalias 'lambda! 'λ!) (defmacro λ!! (command &optional arg) "Expands to a command that interactively calls COMMAND with prefix ARG." (declare (doc-string 1)) `(lambda () (interactive) (let ((current-prefix-arg ,arg)) (call-interactively ,command)))) (defalias 'lambda!! 'λ!!) (defmacro pushnew! (place &rest values) "Like `cl-pushnew', but will prepend VALUES to PLACE. The order VALUES is preserved." `(dolist (--value-- (nreverse (list ,@values))) (cl-pushnew --value-- ,place))) (defmacro delq! (elt list &optional fetcher) "Delete ELT from LIST in-place." `(setq ,list (delq ,(if fetcher `(funcall ,fetcher ,elt ,list) elt) ,list))) (defmacro add-transient-hook! (hook-or-function &rest forms) "Attaches a self-removing function to HOOK-OR-FUNCTION. FORMS are evaluated once, when that function/hook is first invoked, then never again. HOOK-OR-FUNCTION can be a quoted hook or a sharp-quoted function (which will be advised)." (declare (indent 1)) (let ((append (if (eq (car forms) :after) (pop forms))) (fn (if (symbolp (car forms)) (intern (format "doom|transient-hook-%s" (pop forms))) (make-symbol "doom|transient-hook")))) `(let ((sym ,hook-or-function)) (fset ',fn (lambda (&rest _) ,@forms (let ((sym ,hook-or-function)) (cond ((functionp sym) (advice-remove sym #',fn)) ((symbolp sym) (remove-hook sym #',fn)))) (unintern ',fn nil))) (cond ((functionp sym) (advice-add ,hook-or-function ,(if append :after :before) #',fn)) ((symbolp sym) (put ',fn 'permanent-local-hook t) (add-hook sym #',fn ,append)))))) (defmacro add-hook! (&rest args) "A convenience macro for adding N functions to M hooks. If N and M = 1, there's no benefit to using this macro over `add-hook'. This macro accepts, in order: 1. Optional properties :local and/or :append, which will make the hook buffer-local or append to the list of hooks (respectively), 2. The hook(s) to be added to: either an unquoted mode, an unquoted list of modes, a quoted hook variable or a quoted list of hook variables. If unquoted, '-hook' will be appended to each symbol. 3. The function(s) to be added: this can be one function, a list thereof, or body forms (implicitly wrapped in a closure). Examples: (add-hook! 'some-mode-hook 'enable-something) (same as `add-hook') (add-hook! some-mode '(enable-something and-another)) (add-hook! '(one-mode-hook second-mode-hook) 'enable-something) (add-hook! (one-mode second-mode) 'enable-something) (add-hook! :append (one-mode second-mode) 'enable-something) (add-hook! :local (one-mode second-mode) 'enable-something) (add-hook! (one-mode second-mode) (setq v 5) (setq a 2)) (add-hook! :append :local (one-mode second-mode) (setq v 5) (setq a 2)) \(fn [:append :local] HOOKS FUNCTIONS)" (declare (indent defun) (debug t)) (let ((hook-fn 'add-hook) append-p local-p) (while (keywordp (car args)) (pcase (pop args) (:append (setq append-p t)) (:local (setq local-p t)) (:remove (setq hook-fn 'remove-hook)))) (let ((hooks (doom--resolve-hook-forms (pop args))) (funcs (let ((val (car args))) (if (memq (car-safe val) '(quote function)) (if (cdr-safe (cadr val)) (cadr val) (list (cadr val))) (list args)))) forms) (dolist (fn funcs) (setq fn (if (symbolp fn) `(function ,fn) `(lambda (&rest _) ,@args))) (dolist (hook hooks) (push (if (eq hook-fn 'remove-hook) `(remove-hook ',hook ,fn ,local-p) `(add-hook ',hook ,fn ,append-p ,local-p)) forms))) `(progn ,@(if append-p (nreverse forms) forms))))) (defmacro remove-hook! (&rest args) "A convenience macro for removing N functions from M hooks. Takes the same arguments as `add-hook!'. If N and M = 1, there's no benefit to using this macro over `remove-hook'. \(fn [:append :local] HOOKS FUNCTIONS)" (declare (indent defun) (debug t)) `(add-hook! :remove ,@args)) (defmacro setq-hook! (hooks &rest rest) "Sets buffer-local variables on HOOKS. (setq-hook! 'markdown-mode-hook line-spacing 2 fill-column 80) \(fn HOOKS &rest SYM VAL...)" (declare (indent 1)) (unless (= 0 (% (length rest) 2)) (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list #'evenp (length rest)))) (let ((vars (let ((args rest) vars) (while args (push (symbol-name (car args)) vars) (setq args (cddr args))) (string-join (sort vars #'string-lessp) "-")))) (macroexp-progn (cl-loop for hook in (doom--resolve-hook-forms hooks) for mode = (string-remove-suffix "-hook" (symbol-name hook)) for fn = (intern (format "doom|setq-%s-for-%s" vars mode)) collect `(fset ',fn (lambda (&rest _) ,@(let (forms) (while rest (let ((var (pop rest)) (val (pop rest))) (push `(setq-local ,var ,val) forms))) (nreverse forms)))) collect `(add-hook ',hook #',fn 'append))))) (defmacro def-advice! (symbol arglist docstring where places &rest body) "Define an advice called NAME and add it to PLACES. ARGLIST is as in `defun'. WHERE is a keyword as passed to `advice-add', and PLACE is the function to which to add the advice, like in `advice-add'. DOCSTRING and BODY are as in `defun'." (declare (doc-string 3) (indent defun)) (unless (stringp docstring) (push places body) (setq places where where docstring docstring (format "%s advice for %s." where places))) `(progn (defun ,symbol ,arglist ,docstring ,@body) (dolist (target (doom-enlist ,places)) (if (eq ,where :remove) (advice-remove target #',symbol) (advice-add target ,where #',symbol))))) (cl-defmacro associate! (mode &key modes match files when) "Enables a minor mode if certain conditions are met. The available conditions are: :modes SYMBOL_LIST A list of major/minor modes in which this minor mode may apply. :match REGEXP A regexp to be tested against the current file path. :files SPEC Accepts what `project-file-exists-p!' accepts. Checks if certain files or directories exist relative to the project root. :when FORM Whenever FORM returns non-nil." (declare (indent 1)) (unless noninteractive (cond ((or files modes when) (when (and files (not (or (listp files) (stringp files)))) (user-error "associate! :files expects a string or list of strings")) (let ((hook-name (intern (format "doom--init-mode-%s" mode)))) `(progn (fset ',hook-name (lambda () (and (fboundp ',mode) (not (bound-and-true-p ,mode)) (and buffer-file-name (not (file-remote-p buffer-file-name))) ,(or (not match) `(if buffer-file-name (string-match-p ,match buffer-file-name))) ,(or (not files) (doom--resolve-path-forms (if (stringp (car files)) (cons 'and files) files) '(doom-project-root))) ,(or when t) (,mode 1)))) ,@(if (and modes (listp modes)) (cl-loop for hook in (doom--resolve-hook-forms modes) collect `(add-hook ',hook #',hook-name)) `((add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #',hook-name)))))) (match `(add-to-list 'doom-auto-minor-mode-alist '(,match . ,mode))) ((user-error "Invalid `associate!' rules for mode [%s] (:modes %s :match %s :files %s :when %s)" mode modes match files when))))) (defmacro file-exists-p! (spec &optional directory) "Returns non-nil if the files in SPEC all exist. Returns the last file found to meet the rules set by SPEC. SPEC can be a single file or a list of forms/files. It understands nested (and ...) and (or ...), as well. DIRECTORY is where to look for the files in SPEC if they aren't absolute. For example: (file-exists-p! (or doom-core-dir \"~/.config\" \"some-file\") \"~\")" (if directory `(let ((--directory-- ,directory)) ,(doom--resolve-path-forms spec '--directory--)) (doom--resolve-path-forms spec))) (defmacro load! (filename &optional path noerror) "Load a file relative to the current executing file (`load-file-name'). FILENAME is either a file path string or a form that should evaluate to such a string at run time. PATH is where to look for the file (a string representing a directory path). If omitted, the lookup is relative to either `load-file-name', `byte-compile-current-file' or `buffer-file-name' (checked in that order). If NOERROR is non-nil, don't throw an error if the file doesn't exist." (unless path (setq path (or (DIR!) (error "Could not detect path to look for '%s' in" filename)))) (let ((file (if path `(expand-file-name ,filename ,path) filename))) `(condition-case e (load ,file ,noerror ,(not doom-debug-mode)) ((debug doom-error) (signal (car e) (cdr e))) ((debug error) (let* ((source (file-name-sans-extension ,file)) (err (cond ((file-in-directory-p source doom-core-dir) (cons 'doom-error doom-core-dir)) ((file-in-directory-p source doom-private-dir) (cons 'doom-private-error doom-private-dir)) ((cons 'doom-module-error doom-emacs-dir))))) (signal (car err) (list (file-relative-name (concat source ".el") (cdr err)) e))))))) (defmacro custom-theme-set-faces! (theme &rest specs) "Apply a list of face specs as user customizations for THEME. THEME can be a single symbol or list thereof. If nil, apply these settings to all themes. It will apply to all themes once they are loaded. (custom-theme-set-faces! '(doom-one doom-one-light) `(mode-line :foreground ,(doom-color 'blue)) `(mode-line-buffer-id :foreground ,(doom-color 'fg) :background \"#000000\") '(mode-line-success-highlight :background \"#00FF00\") '(org-tag :background \"#4499FF\") '(org-ellipsis :inherit org-tag) '(which-key-docstring-face :inherit font-lock-comment-face))" `(let* ((themes (doom-enlist (or ,theme 'user))) (fn (gensym (format "doom|customize-%s-" (mapconcat #'symbol-name themes "-"))))) (fset fn (lambda () (dolist (theme themes) (when (or (eq theme 'user) (custom-theme-enabled-p theme)) (apply #'custom-theme-set-faces 'user (cl-loop for (face . spec) in (list ,@specs) if (keywordp (car spec)) collect `(,face ((t ,spec))) else collect `(,face ,spec))))))) (funcall fn) (add-hook 'doom-load-theme-hook fn))) (defmacro custom-set-faces! (&rest specs) "Apply a list of face specs as user customizations. SPECS is a list of face specs. This is a drop-in replacement for `custom-set-face' that allows for a simplified face format, e.g. (custom-set-faces! `(mode-line :foreground ,(doom-color 'blue)) `(mode-line-buffer-id :foreground ,(doom-color 'fg) :background \"#000000\") '(mode-line-success-highlight :background \"#00FF00\") '(org-tag :background \"#4499FF\") '(org-ellipsis :inherit org-tag) '(which-key-docstring-face :inherit font-lock-comment-face))" `(custom-theme-set-faces! 'user ,@specs)) (defmacro defer-until! (condition &rest body) "Run BODY when CONDITION is true (checks on `after-load-functions'). Meant to serve as a predicated alternative to `after!'." (declare (indent defun) (debug t)) `(if ,condition (progn ,@body) ,(let ((fun (make-symbol "doom--delay-form-h"))) `(progn (fset ',fun (lambda (&rest args) (when ,(or condition t) (remove-hook 'after-load-functions #',fun) (unintern ',fun nil) (ignore args) ,@body))) (put ',fun 'permanent-local-hook t) (add-hook 'after-load-functions #',fun))))) (defmacro defer-feature! (feature &optional mode) "Pretend FEATURE hasn't been loaded yet, until FEATURE-hook is triggered. Some packages (like `elisp-mode' and `lisp-mode') are loaded immediately at startup, which will prematurely trigger `after!' (and `with-eval-after-load') blocks. To get around this we make Emacs believe FEATURE hasn't been loaded yet, then wait until FEATURE-hook (or MODE-hook, if MODE is provided) is triggered to reverse this and trigger `after!' blocks at a more reasonable time." (let ((advice-fn (intern (format "doom--defer-feature-%s-a" feature))) (mode (or mode feature))) `(progn (setq features (delq ',feature features)) (advice-add #',mode :before #',advice-fn) (defun ,advice-fn (&rest _) ;; Some plugins (like yasnippet) will invoke a mode early to parse ;; code, which would prematurely trigger this. In those cases, well ;; behaved plugins will use `delay-mode-hooks', which we can check for: (when (and ,(intern (format "%s-hook" mode)) (not delay-mode-hooks)) ;; ...Otherwise, announce to the world this package has been loaded, ;; so `after!' handlers can react. (provide ',feature) (advice-remove #',mode #',advice-fn)))))) (defmacro quiet! (&rest forms) "Run FORMS without generating any output. This silences calls to `message', `load-file', `write-region' and anything that writes to `standard-output'." `(cond (noninteractive (let ((old-fn (symbol-function 'write-region))) (cl-letf ((standard-output (lambda (&rest _))) ((symbol-function 'load-file) (lambda (file) (load file nil t))) ((symbol-function 'message) (lambda (&rest _))) ((symbol-function 'write-region) (lambda (start end filename &optional append visit lockname mustbenew) (unless visit (setq visit 'no-message)) (funcall old-fn start end filename append visit lockname mustbenew)))) ,@forms))) ((or doom-debug-mode debug-on-error debug-on-quit) ,@forms) ((let ((inhibit-message t) (save-silently t)) (prog1 ,@forms (message "")))))) (provide 'core-lib) ;;; core-lib.el ends here