# Emacs for the stubborn vimmer What we do every night, Pinky... ## Installation ```sh brew install emacs --cocoa --with-imagemagick --with-gnutls` brew install cask git clone --recursive https://github.com/hlissner/emacs.d ~/.emacs.d cd ~/.emacs.d && cask install ``` ## Modules See `./Cask` for what packages I use. ## Customizations ### Ex commands ``` a # switch to other file (headers, css/scss, js/coffee, etc.) ag # helm ag search ag! # regex helm ag search ag[cw]d # helm ag search in current directory ag[cw]d! # regex helm ag search in current directory al[ign] # align selected text that matches cd # self-explanitory en[ew] # create and open new file template en[ew]! # same, but does it silently (ignore editable fields) er[rors] # open flycheck errors panel full[scr] # toggle emacs fullscreen mode (classic fullscreen) gdiff # (git) show diff on selected hunks grevert # (git) revent selected hunks gstage # (git) stage selected hunks ini # run find-file in ~/.emacs.d/ k[ill] # kill-this-buffer k[ill]all # kill all buffers and windows k[ill]all! # kill all project buffers and windows k[ill]buried # kill all buried buffers k[ill]buried! # kill all buried project buffers k[ill]o # clean up buried buffers and unused processes killpersp # kill perspective msg # show emacs messages n[otes] # run find-file in org-directory o[rg]agenda # (org-mode) open org-agenda o[rg]align # (org-mode) align all tags o[rg]archive # (org-mode) archive item at point o[rg]attach # (org-mode) attach file o[rg]link # (org-mode) create link o[rg]refile # (org-mode) refile at point o[rg]rgarchive # (org-mode) archive item at point o[rg]todo # (org-mode) pres[ent] # toggle presentation mode (bigger fonts) proj[ect] # helm-projectile-switch-project re[gex] # open re-builder for writing regex rec[ent] # helm-recentf recompile # byte-compile emacs directory ref[actor] # activate emr menu ren[ame] # rename current file to retab # converts to tabs (or spaces, depending on settings) snip[pets] # edit/expand one of this major-mode's snippets sq[uint] # narrow to selected region sw[oop] # live project-wide ag search tcd # send 'cd ' to tmux (or 'cd (default-directory)' if blank) ```