#+TITLE: :ui doom-modeline This module customizes the Emacs mode-line. The DOOM modeline was designed for minimalism, and offers: + A match count panel (for ~evil-search~, ~iedit~ and ~evil-substitute~) + An indicator for recording a macro + Local python/ruby version in the major-mode + A customizable mode-line height (see ~+doom-modeline-height~) + An error/warning count segment for flycheck [[/../screenshots/ml.png]] [[/../screenshots/ml-search.png]] [[/../screenshots/ml-subst.png]] [[/../screenshots/ml-macro.png]] [[/../screenshots/ml-version.png]] [[/../screenshots/ml-errors.png]] * Table of Contents :TOC: - [[#install][Install]] - [[#extracting-my-modeline][Extracting my modeline]] - [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]] - [[#where-are-my-minor-modes][Where are my minor modes?]] * Install This module requires the fonts included with ~all-the-icons~ to be installed. Run ~M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts~ to do so. * Extracting my modeline Some might want my modeline without the DOOM config altogether. I've tried to make this easier for you, but there are a few things you'll need to do: + Ensure [[https://github.com/bbatsov/projectile][projectile]] and [[https://github.com/domtronn/all-the-icons.el][all-the-icons]] are installed. + Ensure ~projectile-mode~ is enabled. + Ensure the fonts included with ~all-the-icons~ are installed (~M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts~). + Replace ~def-package!~ calls with ~use-package~. + Replace ~doom-project-root~ calls with ~projectile-project-root~. + The ~+doom-modeline--make-xpm~ function is memoized with the ~def-memoized!~ macro. Change ~def-memoized!~ to ~defun~. + Copy the ~add-hook!~ macro definition from [[/master/core/core-lib.el][core/core-lib.el]]. + Copy the following macros and functions from [[/master/core/core-ui.el][core/core-ui.el]]: + ~def-modeline-segment!~ + ~def-modeline!~ + ~doom--prepare-modeline-segments~ + ~doom-modeline~ + ~doom-set-modeline~ That /should/ be everything. As I have never used this out of my config I can't guarantee immediate success, but I'd be happy to help you out if you file an issue. * Troubleshooting ** Where are my minor modes? I didn't need it, so I removed it. Run ~M-x doom/what-minor-mode~ to investigate what minor modes are currently active.