;;; core-ui.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- (defvar doom-theme nil "A symbol representing the color theme to load.") (defvar doom-font nil "The default font to use. Expects a `font-spec'.") (defvar doom-big-font nil "The default large font to use when `doom-big-font-mode' is enabled. Expects a `font-spec'.") (defvar doom-variable-pitch-font nil "The default font to use for variable-pitch text. Expects a `font-spec'.") (defvar doom-unicode-font nil "Fallback font for unicode glyphs. Is ignored if :feature unicode is active. Expects a `font-spec'.") (defvar doom-major-mode-names '((sh-mode . "sh") (emacs-lisp-mode . "Elisp")) "An alist mapping major modes symbols to strings (or functions that will return a string). This changes the 'long' name of a major-mode, allowing for shorter major mode name in the mode-line. See `doom|set-mode-name'.") ;; (defvar doom-init-ui-hook nil "List of hooks to run when the UI has been initialized.") (setq-default ansi-color-for-comint-mode t bidi-display-reordering nil ; disable bidirectional text for tiny performance boost blink-matching-paren nil ; don't blink--too distracting compilation-always-kill t ; kill compilation process before starting another compilation-ask-about-save nil ; save all buffers on `compile' compilation-scroll-output 'first-error confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer t confirm-kill-emacs #'doom-quit-p ; custom confirmation when killing Emacs cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil ; hide cursors in other windows custom-theme-directory (expand-file-name "themes/" doom-private-dir) display-line-numbers-width 3 enable-recursive-minibuffers nil frame-inhibit-implied-resize t ;; remove continuation arrow on right fringe fringe-indicator-alist (delq (assq 'continuation fringe-indicator-alist) fringe-indicator-alist) highlight-nonselected-windows nil image-animate-loop t indicate-buffer-boundaries nil indicate-empty-lines nil inhibit-compacting-font-caches t max-mini-window-height 0.3 mode-line-default-help-echo nil ; disable mode-line mouseovers mouse-yank-at-point t ; middle-click paste at point, not at click resize-mini-windows 'grow-only ; Minibuffer resizing show-help-function nil ; hide :help-echo text split-width-threshold 160 ; favor horizontal splits uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward use-dialog-box nil ; always avoid GUI visible-cursor nil x-stretch-cursor nil ;; defer jit font locking slightly to [try to] improve Emacs performance jit-lock-defer-time nil jit-lock-stealth-nice 0.1 jit-lock-stealth-time 0.2 jit-lock-stealth-verbose nil ;; `pos-tip' defaults pos-tip-internal-border-width 6 pos-tip-border-width 1 ;; no beeping or blinking please ring-bell-function #'ignore visible-bell nil ;; don't resize emacs in steps, it looks weird window-resize-pixelwise t frame-resize-pixelwise t) (fset #'yes-or-no-p #'y-or-n-p) ; y/n instead of yes/no ;; ;; Plugins ;; ;; `avy' (setq avy-all-windows nil avy-background t) ;; `all-the-icons' (def-package! all-the-icons :commands (all-the-icons-octicon all-the-icons-faicon all-the-icons-fileicon all-the-icons-wicon all-the-icons-material all-the-icons-alltheicon) :init (defun doom*disable-all-the-icons-in-tty (orig-fn &rest args) (when (display-graphic-p) (apply orig-fn args))) :config ;; all-the-icons doesn't work in the terminal, so we "disable" it. (dolist (fn '(all-the-icons-octicon all-the-icons-material all-the-icons-faicon all-the-icons-fileicon all-the-icons-wicon all-the-icons-alltheicon)) (advice-add fn :around #'doom*disable-all-the-icons-in-tty))) ;; `hide-mode-line-mode' (add-hook 'completion-list-mode-hook #'hide-mode-line-mode) (add-hook 'Man-mode-hook #'hide-mode-line-mode) ;; `highlight-numbers' -- better number literal fontification in code (def-package! highlight-numbers :hook (prog-mode . highlight-numbers-mode) :config (setq highlight-numbers-generic-regexp "\\_<[[:digit:]]+.*\\_>")) ;; `highlight-escape-sequences' (def-package! highlight-escape-sequences :hook ((prog-mode conf-mode) . highlight-escape-sequences-mode)) ;; `rainbow-delimiters' Helps us distinguish stacked delimiter pairs. Especially ;; in parentheses-drunk languages like Lisp. (def-package! rainbow-delimiters :hook (lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode) :config (setq rainbow-delimiters-max-face-count 3)) ;; `restart-emacs' (setq restart-emacs--args (list "--restore")) ;; `visual-fill-column' For a distractions-free-like UI, that dynamically ;; resizes margins and can center a buffer. (setq visual-fill-column-center-text t visual-fill-column-width ;; take Emacs 26 line numbers into account (+ (if (boundp 'display-line-numbers) 6 0) fill-column)) (defun doom*hide-undefined-which-key-binds (bindings) (cl-loop for bind in bindings if (or (member (cdr bind) '("Prefix Command" "??")) (fboundp (intern (cdr bind)))) collect bind)) (advice-add #'which-key--get-current-bindings :filter-return #'doom*hide-undefined-which-key-binds) (advice-add #'which-key--get-keymap-bindings :filter-return #'doom*hide-undefined-which-key-binds) ;; ;; Built-in packages ;; ;; show typed keystrokes in minibuffer (defun doom|enable-ui-keystrokes () (setq echo-keystrokes 0.02)) (defun doom|disable-ui-keystrokes () (setq echo-keystrokes 0)) (doom|enable-ui-keystrokes) ;; ...but hide them while isearch is active (add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook #'doom|disable-ui-keystrokes) (add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook #'doom|enable-ui-keystrokes) ;; Highlights the current line (def-package! hl-line ; built-in :hook ((prog-mode text-mode conf-mode) . hl-line-mode) :config ;; I don't need hl-line showing in other windows. This also offers a small ;; speed boost when buffer is displayed in multiple windows. (setq hl-line-sticky-flag nil global-hl-line-sticky-flag nil) ;; On Emacs 26+, when point is on the last line, hl-line highlights bleed into ;; the rest of the window after eob. This is the fix. (unless (get 'display-line-numbers 'nlinum) (defun doom--line-range () (cons (line-beginning-position) (cond ((save-excursion (goto-char (line-end-position)) (and (eobp) (not (bolp)))) (1- (line-end-position))) ((or (eobp) (save-excursion (forward-line) (eobp))) (line-end-position)) ((line-beginning-position 2))))) (setq hl-line-range-function #'doom--line-range)) ;; Disable `hl-line' in evil-visual mode (temporarily). `hl-line' can make the ;; selection region harder to see while in evil visual mode. (after! evil (defvar-local doom-buffer-hl-line-mode nil) (defun doom|disable-hl-line () (when hl-line-mode (setq doom-buffer-hl-line-mode t) (hl-line-mode -1))) (defun doom|enable-hl-line-maybe () (if doom-buffer-hl-line-mode (hl-line-mode +1))) (add-hook 'evil-visual-state-entry-hook #'doom|disable-hl-line) (add-hook 'evil-visual-state-exit-hook #'doom|enable-hl-line-maybe))) ;; undo/redo changes to Emacs' window layout (def-package! winner :after-call doom-exit-window-hook :preface (defvar winner-dont-bind-my-keys t) ; I'll bind keys myself :config (winner-mode +1)) ;; highlight matching delimiters (def-package! paren :after-call (after-find-file doom-exit-buffer-hook) :init (defun doom|disable-show-paren-mode () "Turn off `show-paren-mode' buffer-locally." (set (make-local-variable 'show-paren-mode) nil)) :config (setq show-paren-delay 0.1 show-paren-highlight-openparen t show-paren-when-point-inside-paren t) (show-paren-mode +1)) ;; The native border "consumes" a pixel of the fringe on righter-most splits, ;; `window-divider' does not. Available since Emacs 25.1. (setq-default window-divider-default-places t window-divider-default-bottom-width 1 window-divider-default-right-width 1) (add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'window-divider-mode) ;; remove prompt if the file is opened in other clients (defun server-remove-kill-buffer-hook () (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-query-functions #'server-kill-buffer-query-function)) (add-hook 'server-visit-hook #'server-remove-kill-buffer-hook) ;; `whitespace-mode' (built-in) (setq whitespace-line-column nil whitespace-style '(face indentation tabs tab-mark spaces space-mark newline newline-mark trailing lines-tail) whitespace-display-mappings '((tab-mark ?\t [?› ?\t]) (newline-mark ?\n [?¬ ?\n]) (space-mark ?\ [?·] [?.]))) (defun doom|highlight-non-default-indentation () "Highlight whitespace that doesn't match your `indent-tabs-mode' setting." (unless (or (bound-and-true-p global-whitespace-mode) (bound-and-true-p whitespace-mode) (eq indent-tabs-mode (default-value 'indent-tabs-mode)) (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode) (derived-mode-p 'special-mode)) (require 'whitespace) (set (make-local-variable 'whitespace-style) (if (or (bound-and-true-p whitespace-mode) (bound-and-true-p whitespace-newline-mode)) (cl-union (if indent-tabs-mode '(tabs tab-mark) '(spaces space-mark)) whitespace-style) `(face ,@(if indent-tabs-mode '(tabs tab-mark) '(spaces space-mark)) trailing-lines tail))) (whitespace-mode +1))) ;; ;; Line numbers ;; ;; Emacs 26+ has native line number support, and will ignore nlinum. This is for ;; Emacs 25 users: (defun doom|enable-line-numbers () (display-line-numbers-mode +1)) (defun doom|disable-line-numbers () (display-line-numbers-mode -1)) ;; Line number column. A faster (or equivalent, in the worst case) line number ;; plugin than `linum-mode'. (def-package! nlinum :when (get 'display-line-numbers 'nlinum) :commands nlinum-mode :init (defvar doom-line-number-lpad 4 "How much padding to place before line numbers.") (defvar doom-line-number-rpad 1 "How much padding to place after line numbers.") (defvar doom-line-number-pad-char 32 "Character to use for padding line numbers. By default, this is a space character. If you use `whitespace-mode' with `space-mark', the whitespace in line numbers will be affected (this can look ugly). In this case, you can change this to ?\u2002, which is a unicode character that looks like a space that `whitespace-mode' won't affect.") :config (setq nlinum-highlight-current-line t) ;; Fix lingering hl-line overlays (caused by nlinum) (add-hook! 'hl-line-mode-hook (remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) 'face 'hl-line)) (defun doom-nlinum-format-fn (line _width) "A more customizable `nlinum-format-function'. See `doom-line-number-lpad', `doom-line-number-rpad' and `doom-line-number-pad-char'. Allows a fix for `whitespace-mode' space-marks appearing inside the line number." (let ((str (number-to-string line))) (setq str (concat (make-string (max 0 (- doom-line-number-lpad (length str))) doom-line-number-pad-char) str (make-string doom-line-number-rpad doom-line-number-pad-char))) (put-text-property 0 (length str) 'face (if (and nlinum-highlight-current-line (= line nlinum--current-line)) 'nlinum-current-line 'linum) str) str)) (setq nlinum-format-function #'doom-nlinum-format-fn) (defun doom|init-nlinum-width () "Calculate line number column width beforehand (optimization)." (setq nlinum--width (length (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (format-mode-line "%l"))))) (add-hook 'nlinum-mode-hook #'doom|init-nlinum-width)) ;; Fixes disappearing line numbers in nlinum and other quirks (def-package! nlinum-hl :when (get 'display-line-numbers 'nlinum) :after nlinum :config ;; With `markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively' enabled in `markdown-mode', ;; line numbers tend to vanish next to code blocks. (advice-add #'markdown-fontify-code-block-natively :after #'nlinum-hl-do-markdown-fontify-region) ;; When using `web-mode's code-folding an entire range of line numbers will ;; vanish in the affected area. (advice-add #'web-mode-fold-or-unfold :after #'nlinum-hl-do-generic-flush) ;; Changing fonts can leave nlinum line numbers in their original size; this ;; forces them to resize. (advice-add #'set-frame-font :after #'nlinum-hl-flush-all-windows)) (def-package! nlinum-relative :when (get 'display-line-numbers 'nlinum) :commands (nlinum-relative-mode nlinum-relative-on nlinum-relative-off) :config (setq nlinum-format " %d ") (add-hook 'evil-mode #'nlinum-relative-setup-evil)) ;; ;; Theme & font ;; (defvar doom-last-window-system (if (daemonp) 'daemon initial-window-system) "The `window-system' of the last frame. If this doesn't match the current frame's window-system, the theme will be reloaded.") (defun doom|init-fonts () "Initialize fonts." (condition-case e (custom-set-faces (when (fontp doom-font) (let ((xlfd (font-xlfd-name doom-font))) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist (cons 'font xlfd)) `(fixed-pitch ((t (:font ,xlfd)))))) (when (fontp doom-variable-pitch-font) `(variable-pitch ((t (:font ,(font-xlfd-name doom-variable-pitch-font)))))) ;; Fallback to `doom-unicode-font' for Unicode characters (when (fontp doom-unicode-font) (setq use-default-font-for-symbols nil) (set-fontset-font t 'unicode doom-unicode-font nil) nil)) ((debug error) (if (string-prefix-p "Font not available: " (error-message-string e)) (lwarn 'doom-ui :warning "Could not find the '%s' font on your system, falling back to system font" (font-get (caddr e) :family)) (lwarn 'doom-ui :error "Unexpected error while initializing fonts: %s" (error-message-string e)))))) (defun doom|init-theme () "Set the theme and load the font, in that order." (when (and doom-theme (not (memq doom-theme custom-enabled-themes))) (load-theme doom-theme t))) ;; Getting themes to remain consistent across GUI Emacs, terminal Emacs and ;; daemon Emacs is hairy. `doom|init-theme' sorts out the initial GUI frame. ;; Attaching `doom|init-theme-in-frame' to `after-make-frame-functions' sorts ;; out daemon and emacsclient frames. ;; ;; There will still be issues with simultaneous gui and terminal (emacsclient) ;; frames, however. There's always `doom/reload-theme' if you need it! (defun doom|reload-theme-in-frame-maybe (frame) "Reloads the theme in new daemon or tty frames." (when (and (framep frame) (not (eq doom-last-window-system (framep-on-display frame)))) (with-selected-frame frame (load-theme doom-theme t)) (setq doom-last-window-system (framep-on-display frame)))) (defun doom|reload-theme-maybe (_frame) "Reloads the theme after closing the last frame of a type." (unless (cl-find doom-last-window-system (frame-list) :key #'framep-on-display) (setq doom-last-window-system nil) (doom|reload-theme-in-frame (selected-frame)))) ;; fonts (add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'doom|init-fonts) ;; themes (add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'doom|init-theme) (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions #'doom|reload-theme-in-frame-maybe) (add-hook 'after-delete-frame-functions #'doom|reload-theme-maybe) ;; ;; Bootstrap ;; ;; simple name in frame title (setq frame-title-format '("%b – Doom Emacs")) ;; draw me like one of your French editors (tooltip-mode -1) ; relegate tooltips to echo area only ;; a good indicator that Emacs isn't frozen (add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'blink-cursor-mode) ;; line numbers in most modes (add-hook! (prog-mode text-mode conf-mode) #'display-line-numbers-mode) ;; Make `next-buffer', `other-buffer', etc. ignore unreal buffers. (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist (cons 'buffer-predicate #'doom-buffer-frame-predicate)) ;; Prevent the glimpse of un-styled Emacs by setting these early. (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(tool-bar-lines 0)) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(menu-bar-lines 0)) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(vertical-scroll-bars)) ;; prompts the user for confirmation when deleting a non-empty frame (global-set-key [remap delete-frame] #'doom/delete-frame) (defun doom|no-fringes-in-minibuffer (&rest _) "Disable fringes in the minibuffer window." (set-window-fringes (minibuffer-window) 0 0 nil)) (add-hook! '(doom-init-ui-hook minibuffer-setup-hook window-configuration-change-hook) #'doom|no-fringes-in-minibuffer) (defun doom|set-mode-name () "Set the major mode's `mode-name', as dictated by `doom-major-mode-names'." (when-let* ((name (cdr (assq major-mode doom-major-mode-names)))) (setq mode-name (cond ((functionp name) (funcall name)) ((stringp name) name) ((error "'%s' isn't a valid name for %s" name major-mode)))))) (defun doom|protect-visible-buffer () "Don't kill the current buffer if it is visible in another window (bury it instead). Meant for `kill-buffer-query-functions'." (not (and (delq (selected-window) (get-buffer-window-list nil nil t)) (not (member (substring (buffer-name) 0 1) '(" " "*")))))) (defun doom|protect-fallback-buffer () "Don't kill the scratch buffer. Meant for `kill-buffer-query-functions'." (not (eq (current-buffer) (doom-fallback-buffer)))) (defun doom|init-ui () "Initialize Doom's user interface by applying all its advice and hooks." (add-to-list 'kill-buffer-query-functions #'doom|protect-fallback-buffer nil #'eq) (add-to-list 'kill-buffer-query-functions #'doom|protect-visible-buffer nil #'eq) (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'doom|set-mode-name) (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'doom|highlight-non-default-indentation) (add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook #'doom|apply-ansi-color-to-compilation-buffer) ;; (run-hook-wrapped 'doom-init-ui-hook #'doom-try-run-hook)) (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook #'doom|init-ui) ;; ;; Fixes/hacks ;; ;; doesn't exist in terminal Emacs; we define it to prevent errors (unless (fboundp 'define-fringe-bitmap) (defun define-fringe-bitmap (&rest _))) (defun doom*disable-old-themes-first (orig-fn &rest args) (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes) (apply orig-fn args) (when (fboundp 'powerline-reset) (powerline-reset))) (advice-add #'load-theme :around #'doom*disable-old-themes-first) (defun doom|disable-whitespace-mode-in-childframes (frame) (when (frame-parameter frame 'parent-frame) (with-selected-frame frame (setq-local whitespace-style nil) frame))) (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions #'doom|disable-whitespace-mode-in-childframes) ;; Disruptive motion errors take over the minibuffer while we're typing there; ;; prevent this from happening. (defun doom*silence-motion-errors (orig-fn &rest args) (if (not (minibufferp)) (apply orig-fn args) (ignore-errors (apply orig-fn args)) (when (<= (point) (minibuffer-prompt-end)) (goto-char (minibuffer-prompt-end))))) (advice-add #'left-char :around #'doom*silence-motion-errors) (advice-add #'right-char :around #'doom*silence-motion-errors) (advice-add #'delete-backward-char :around #'doom*silence-motion-errors) (advice-add #'backward-kill-sentence :around #'doom*silence-motion-errors) (defun doom*no-fringes-in-which-key-buffer (&rest _) (doom|no-fringes-in-minibuffer) (set-window-fringes (get-buffer-window which-key--buffer) 0 0 nil)) (advice-add 'which-key--show-buffer-side-window :after #'doom*no-fringes-in-which-key-buffer) ;; Switch to `doom-fallback-buffer' if on last real buffer (advice-add #'kill-this-buffer :around #'doom*switch-to-fallback-buffer-maybe) (provide 'core-ui) ;;; core-ui.el ends here