;;; ui/popup/+hacks.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; What follows are all the hacks needed to get various parts of Emacs and other ;; plugins to cooperate with the popup management system. Essentially, it comes ;; down to: ;; ;; 1. Making plugins that control their own window environment less greedy (e.g. ;; org agenda, which tries to reconfigure the entire frame by deleting all ;; other windows just to pop up one tiny window). ;; 2. Forcing plugins to use `display-buffer' and `pop-to-buffer' instead of ;; `switch-to-buffer' (which is unaffected by `display-buffer-alist', which ;; we must rely on, heavily). ;; 3. Closing popups (temporarily) before functions that are highly destructive ;; to the illusion of popup control get run (with the use of the ;; `save-popups!' macro). ;; ;; Keep in mind, all this black magic may break in future updates, and will need ;; to be watched carefully for corner cases. Also, once this file is loaded, ;; many of its changes are irreversible without restarting Emacs! I don't like ;; it either, but I will address this over time. ;; ;; Hacks should be kept in alphabetical order, named after the feature they ;; modify, and should follow a ;;;## package-name header line (if not using ;; `after!' or `use-package!'). ;; ;;; Core functions (defadvice! +popup--make-case-sensitive-a (orig-fn &rest args) "Make regexps in `display-buffer-alist' case-sensitive. To reduce fewer edge cases and improve performance when `display-buffer-alist' grows larger." :around #'display-buffer-assq-regexp (let (case-fold-search) (apply orig-fn args))) ;; Don't try to resize popup windows (advice-add #'balance-windows :around #'+popup-save-a) (defun +popup/quit-window () "The regular `quit-window' sometimes kills the popup buffer and switches to a buffer that shouldn't be in a popup. We prevent that by remapping `quit-window' to this commmand." (interactive) (let ((orig-buffer (current-buffer))) (quit-window) (when (and (eq orig-buffer (current-buffer)) (+popup-buffer-p)) (+popup/close nil 'force)))) (global-set-key [remap quit-window] #'+popup/quit-window) ;; ;;; External functions ;;;###package buff-menu (define-key Buffer-menu-mode-map (kbd "RET") #'Buffer-menu-other-window) ;;;###package company (defadvice! +popup--dont-select-me-a (orig-fn &rest args) :around #'company-show-doc-buffer (let ((+popup--inhibit-select t)) (apply orig-fn args))) ;;;###package eshell (progn (setq eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies t) ;; When eshell runs a visual command (see `eshell-visual-commands'), it spawns ;; a term buffer to run it in, but where it spawns it is the problem... (defadvice! +popup--eshell-undedicate-popup (&rest _) "Force spawned term buffer to share with the eshell popup (if necessary)." :before #'eshell-exec-visual (when (+popup-window-p) (set-window-dedicated-p nil nil) (add-transient-hook! #'eshell-query-kill-processes :after (set-window-dedicated-p nil t))))) ;;;###package evil (progn ;; Make evil-mode cooperate with popups (defadvice! +popup--evil-command-window-a (hist cmd-key execute-fn) "Monkey patch the evil command window to use `pop-to-buffer' instead of `switch-to-buffer', allowing the popup manager to handle it." :override #'evil-command-window (when (eq major-mode 'evil-command-window-mode) (user-error "Cannot recursively open command line window")) (dolist (win (window-list)) (when (equal (buffer-name (window-buffer win)) "*Command Line*") (kill-buffer (window-buffer win)) (delete-window win))) (setq evil-command-window-current-buffer (current-buffer)) (ignore-errors (kill-buffer "*Command Line*")) (with-current-buffer (pop-to-buffer "*Command Line*") (setq-local evil-command-window-execute-fn execute-fn) (setq-local evil-command-window-cmd-key cmd-key) (evil-command-window-mode) (evil-command-window-insert-commands hist))) (defadvice! +popup--evil-command-window-execute-a () "Execute the command under the cursor in the appropriate buffer, rather than the command buffer." :override #'evil-command-window-execute (interactive) (let ((result (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))) (execute-fn evil-command-window-execute-fn) (execute-window (get-buffer-window evil-command-window-current-buffer)) (popup (selected-window))) (if execute-window (select-window execute-window) (user-error "Originating buffer is no longer active")) ;; (kill-buffer "*Command Line*") (delete-window popup) (funcall execute-fn result) (setq evil-command-window-current-buffer nil))) ;; Don't mess with popups (advice-add #'+evil--window-swap :around #'+popup-save-a) (advice-add #'evil-window-move-very-bottom :around #'+popup-save-a) (advice-add #'evil-window-move-very-top :around #'+popup-save-a) (advice-add #'evil-window-move-far-left :around #'+popup-save-a) (advice-add #'evil-window-move-far-right :around #'+popup-save-a)) ;;;###package help-mode (after! help-mode (defun +popup--switch-from-popup (location) (let (origin enable-local-variables) (save-popups! (switch-to-buffer (car location) nil t) (if (not (cdr location)) (message "Unable to find location in file") (goto-char (cdr location)) (recenter) (setq origin (selected-window)))) (select-window origin))) ;; Help buffers use `pop-to-window' to decide where to open followed links, ;; which can be unpredictable. It should *only* replace the original buffer we ;; opened the popup from. To fix this these three button types need to be ;; redefined to set aside the popup before following a link. (define-button-type 'help-function-def :supertype 'help-xref 'help-function (lambda (fun file) (require 'find-func) (when (eq file 'C-source) (setq file (help-C-file-name (indirect-function fun) 'fun))) (+popup--switch-from-popup (find-function-search-for-symbol fun nil file)))) (define-button-type 'help-variable-def :supertype 'help-xref 'help-function (lambda (var &optional file) (when (eq file 'C-source) (setq file (help-C-file-name var 'var))) (+popup--switch-from-popup (find-variable-noselect var file)))) (define-button-type 'help-face-def :supertype 'help-xref 'help-function (lambda (fun file) (require 'find-func) (+popup--switch-from-popup (find-function-search-for-symbol fun 'defface file))))) ;;;###package helpful (defadvice! +popup--helpful-open-in-origin-window-a (button) "Open links in non-popup, originating window rather than helpful's window." :override #'helpful--navigate (let ((path (substring-no-properties (button-get button 'path))) enable-local-variables origin) (save-popups! (find-file path) (when-let (pos (get-text-property button 'position (marker-buffer button))) (goto-char pos)) (setq origin (selected-window)) (recenter)) (select-window origin))) ;;;###package helm ;;;###package helm-ag (when (featurep! :completion helm) (setq helm-default-display-buffer-functions '(+popup-display-buffer-stacked-side-window-fn)) ;; Fix #897: "cannot open side window" error when TAB-completing file links (defadvice! +popup--helm-hide-org-links-popup-a (orig-fn &rest args) :around #'org-insert-link (letf! ((defun org-completing-read (&rest args) (when-let (win (get-buffer-window "*Org Links*")) ;; While helm is opened as a popup, it will mistaken the *Org ;; Links* popup for the "originated window", and will target it ;; for actions invoked by the user. However, since *Org Links* ;; is a popup too (they're dedicated side windows), Emacs ;; complains about being unable to split a side window. The ;; simple fix: get rid of *Org Links*! (delete-window win) ;; ...but it must exist for org to clean up later. (get-buffer-create "*Org Links*")) (apply org-completing-read args))) (apply #'funcall-interactively orig-fn args))) ;; Fix left-over popup window when closing persistent help for `helm-M-x' (defadvice! +popup--helm-elisp--persistent-help-a (candidate _fun &optional _name) :before #'helm-elisp--persistent-help (let (win) (and (helm-attr 'help-running-p) (string= candidate (helm-attr 'help-current-symbol)) (setq win (get-buffer-window (get-buffer (help-buffer)))) (delete-window win))))) ;;;###package Info (defadvice! +popup--switch-to-info-window-a (&rest _) :after #'info-lookup-symbol (when-let (win (get-buffer-window "*info*")) (when (+popup-window-p win) (select-window win)))) ;;;###package org (after! org ;; Org has a scorched-earth window management policy I'm not fond of. i.e. it ;; kills all other windows just so it can monopolize the frame. No thanks. We ;; can do better. (defadvice! +popup--suppress-delete-other-windows-a (orig-fn &rest args) :around '(org-add-log-note org-capture-place-template org-export--dispatch-ui org-agenda-get-restriction-and-command org-goto-location org-fast-tag-selection org-fast-todo-selection) (if +popup-mode (letf! ((#'delete-other-windows #'ignore) (#'delete-window #'ignore)) (apply orig-fn args)) (apply orig-fn args))) (defadvice! +popup--org-fix-goto-a (orig-fn &rest args) "`org-goto' uses `with-output-to-temp-buffer' to display its help buffer, for some reason, which is very unconventional, and so requires these gymnastics to tame (i.e. to get the popup manager to handle it)." :around #'org-goto-location (if +popup-mode (letf! (defun internal-temp-output-buffer-show (buffer) (let ((temp-buffer-show-function (doom-rpartial #'+popup-display-buffer-stacked-side-window-fn nil))) (with-current-buffer buffer (hide-mode-line-mode +1)) (funcall internal-temp-output-buffer-show buffer))) (apply orig-fn args)) (apply orig-fn args))) (defadvice! +popup--org-fix-popup-window-shrinking-a (orig-fn &rest args) "Hides the mode-line in *Org tags* buffer so you can actually see its content and displays it in a side window without deleting all other windows. Ugh, such an ugly hack." :around '(org-fast-tag-selection org-fast-todo-selection) (if +popup-mode (letf! ((defun org-fit-window-to-buffer (&optional window max-height min-height shrink-only) (when-let (buf (window-buffer window)) (delete-window window) (select-window (setq window (display-buffer-at-bottom buf nil))) (with-current-buffer buf (setq mode-line-format nil))) (funcall org-fit-window-to-buffer window max-height min-height shrink-only))) (apply orig-fn args)) (apply orig-fn args))) ;; Ensure todo, agenda, and other minor popups are delegated to the popup system. (defadvice! +popup--org-pop-to-buffer-a (orig-fn buf &optional norecord) "Use `pop-to-buffer' instead of `switch-to-buffer' to open buffer.'" :around #'org-switch-to-buffer-other-window (if +popup-mode (pop-to-buffer buf nil norecord) (funcall orig-fn buf norecord))) ;; HACK `pop-to-buffer-same-window' consults `display-buffer-alist', which is ;; what our popup manager uses to manage popup windows. However, ;; `org-src-switch-to-buffer' already does its own window management ;; prior to calling `pop-to-buffer-same-window', so there's no need to ;; _then_ hand off the buffer to the pop up manager. (defadvice! +popup--org-src-switch-to-buffer-a (orig-fn &rest args) :around #'org-src-switch-to-buffer (letf! ((#'pop-to-buffer-same-window #'switch-to-buffer)) (apply orig-fn args)))) ;;;###package org-journal (defadvice! +popup--use-popup-window-a (orig-fn &rest args) :around #'org-journal-search-by-string (letf! ((#'switch-to-buffer #'pop-to-buffer)) (apply orig-fn args))) ;;;###package persp-mode (defadvice! +popup--persp-mode-restore-popups-a (&rest _) "Restore popup windows when loading a perspective from file." :after #'persp-load-state-from-file (dolist (window (window-list)) (when (+popup-parameter 'popup window) (+popup--init window nil)))) ;;;###package pdf-tools (after! pdf-tools (setq tablist-context-window-display-action '((+popup-display-buffer-stacked-side-window-fn) (side . left) (slot . 2) (window-height . 0.3) (inhibit-same-window . t)) pdf-annot-list-display-buffer-action '((+popup-display-buffer-stacked-side-window-fn) (side . left) (slot . 3) (inhibit-same-window . t)))) ;;;###package profiler (defadvice! +popup--profiler-report-find-entry-in-other-window-a (orig-fn function) :around #'profiler-report-find-entry (letf! ((#'find-function #'find-function-other-window)) (funcall orig-fn function))) ;;;###package wgrep (progn ;; close the popup after you're done with a wgrep buffer (advice-add #'wgrep-abort-changes :after #'+popup-close-a) (advice-add #'wgrep-finish-edit :after #'+popup-close-a)) ;;;###package which-key (after! which-key (when (eq which-key-popup-type 'side-window) (setq which-key-popup-type 'custom which-key-custom-popup-max-dimensions-function (lambda (_) (which-key--side-window-max-dimensions)) which-key-custom-hide-popup-function #'which-key--hide-buffer-side-window which-key-custom-show-popup-function (lambda (act-popup-dim) (letf! ((defun display-buffer-in-side-window (buffer alist) (+popup-display-buffer-stacked-side-window-fn buffer (append '((vslot . -9999)) alist)))) ;; HACK Fix #2219 where the which-key popup would get cut off. (setcar act-popup-dim (1+ (car act-popup-dim))) (which-key--show-buffer-side-window act-popup-dim)))))) ;;;###package windmove ;; Users should be able to hop into popups easily, but Elisp shouldn't. (defadvice! +popup--ignore-window-parameters-a (orig-fn &rest args) "Allow *interactive* window moving commands to traverse popups." :around '(windmove-up windmove-down windmove-left windmove-right) (letf! (defun windmove-find-other-window (dir &optional arg window) (window-in-direction (pcase dir (`up 'above) (`down 'below) (_ dir)) window (bound-and-true-p +popup-mode) arg windmove-wrap-around t)) (apply orig-fn args)))