;;; core-os-osx.el --- Mac-specific settings ;; Use a shared clipboard (setq x-select-enable-clipboard t select-enable-clipboard t ;; Prefixes: Command = M, Alt = A mac-command-modifier 'meta mac-option-modifier 'alt ;; sane trackpad/mouse scroll settings mac-redisplay-dont-reset-vscroll t mac-mouse-wheel-smooth-scroll nil mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(5 ((shift) . 2)) ;; one line at a time mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil ;; don't accelerate scrolling ;;; NOTE Meaningless to railwaycat's emacs-mac build ;; Curse Lion and its sudden but inevitable fullscreen mode! ns-use-native-fullscreen nil ;; Don't open files from the workspace in a new frame ns-pop-up-frames nil) ;; fix emacs PATH on OSX (GUI only) (when window-system (setenv "SHELL" "/usr/local/bin/zsh") ;; `exec-path-from-shell' is slow, so bring out the cache (setq exec-path (or (persistent-soft-fetch 'exec-path-env "osx") (progn (require 'exec-path-from-shell) (exec-path-from-shell-initialize) (persistent-soft-store 'exec-path-env exec-path "osx") exec-path)))) ;; Enable mouse support in terminal (unless window-system (require 'mouse) (xterm-mouse-mode t) (global-set-key [mouse-4] (λ! (scroll-down 1))) (global-set-key [mouse-5] (λ! (scroll-up 1))) (defun track-mouse (e)) (setq mouse-sel-mode t)) ;; OSX Related Plugins ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (use-package dash-at-point :commands (dash-at-point dash-at-point-with-docset) :config (mapc (lambda (r) (add-to-list 'dash-at-point-mode-alist r)) `((java-mode . "java,droid,javafx,grails,groovy,playjava,spring,cvj,processing,javadoc") (scss-mode . ,(cdr (assoc 'sass-mode dash-at-point-mode-alist))) ))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (after! evil ;; On OSX, stop copying each visual state move to the clipboard: ;; https://bitbucket.org/lyro/evil/issue/336/osx-visual-state-copies-the-region-on ;; Most of this code grokked from: ;; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15873346/elisp-rename-macro (defadvice evil-visual-update-x-selection (around clobber-x-select-text activate) (unless (or (featurep 'mac) (featurep 'ns)) ad-do-it))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun narf-open-with (&optional app-name path) "Send PATH to APP-NAME on OSX." (interactive) (let* ((path (f-full (s-replace "'" "\\'" (or path (if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode) (dired-get-file-for-visit) (buffer-file-name)))))) (command (format "open %s" (if app-name (format "-a %s '%s'" (shell-quote-argument app-name) path) (format "'%s'" path))))) (message "Running: %s" command) (shell-command command))) (defmacro open-with! (id &optional app dir) `(defun ,(intern (format "os-%s" id)) () (interactive) (narf-open-with ,app ,dir))) (open-with! open-in-default-program) (open-with! open-in-browser "Google Chrome") (open-with! reveal "Finder" default-directory) (open-with! reveal-project "Finder" (narf/project-root)) (open-with! upload "Transmit") (open-with! upload-folder "Transmit" default-directory) (open-with! send-to-launchbar "LaunchBar") (open-with! send-project-to-launchbar "LaunchBar" (narf/project-root)) (defun os-switch-to-term () (interactive) (do-applescript "tell application \"iTerm\" to activate")) (defun os-switch-to-term-and-cd () (interactive) (narf:send-to-tmux (format "cd %s" (shell-quote-argument default-directory))) (narf-switch-to-iterm)) (defun narf-org-init-for-osx () ;; Reveal files in finder (setq org-file-apps '(("\\.org$" . emacs) (t . "open -R \"%s\"")))) (provide 'core-os-osx) ;;; core-os-osx.el ends here