;;; lang/org/+notebook.el ;; While I program, write or plan, I want easy access to notes of various kinds, ;; such as major-mode/language specific notes, or project-specific notes. They ;; can be accessed via `+org/browse-notes-for-major-mode' and ;; `+org/browse-notes-for-project'. ;; (add-hook '+org-init-hook '+org|init-notebook t) (defvar +org-notes-dir (concat +org-dir "notes/") "The directory where the notes are kept.") (defvar +org-code-notes-dir (concat +org-notes-dir "code/") "The directory where programming notes and snippets are kept.") (defvar +org-project-notes-dir (concat +org-notes-dir "projects/") "The directory where project notes are kept.") (defvar +org-notes-code-alist '((js2-mode . "javascript")) "An alist mapping certain modes (symbols) to their org notes directory name. If a mode isn't here, it's guessed by stripping out the -mode suffix and replacing '+' characters with 'p's.") ;; (defun +org|init-notebook ())