#+TITLE: email/mu4e #+DATE: April 8, 2017 #+SINCE: v2.0 #+STARTUP: inlineimages * Table of Contents :TOC: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#module-flags][Module Flags]] - [[#plugins][Plugins]] - [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]] - [[#macos][MacOS]] - [[#arch-linux][Arch Linux]] - [[#nixos][NixOS]] - [[#opensuse][openSUSE]] - [[#debianubuntu][Debian/Ubuntu]] - [[#features][Features]] - [[#configuration][Configuration]] - [[#offlineimap][offlineimap]] - [[#mbsync][mbsync]] - [[#mu-and-mu4e][mu and mu4e]] - [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]] - [[#no-such-file-or-directory-mu4e][=No such file or directory, mu4e=]] - [[#void-function-org-time-add-error-on-gentoo][~(void-function org-time-add)~ error on Gentoo]] * Description This module makes Emacs an email client, using ~mu4e~. #+begin_quote I want to live in Emacs, but as we all know, living is incomplete without email. So I prayed to the text editor gods and they (I) answered. Emacs+evil's editing combined with org-mode for writing emails? /Yes please./ It uses ~mu4e~ to read my email, but depends on ~offlineimap~ (to sync my email via IMAP) and ~mu~ (to index my mail into a format ~mu4e~ can understand). #+end_quote ** Module Flags + ~+gmail~ Enables gmail-specific configuration. ** Plugins + [[https://github.com/jeremy-compostella/org-msg][org-msg]] * Prerequisites This module requires: + Either ~mbsync~ (default) or ~offlineimap~ (to sync mail with) + ~mu~, to index your downloaded messages and to provide the ~mu4e~ package. ** MacOS #+BEGIN_SRC sh brew install mu # And one of the following brew install isync # mbsync brew install offlineimap #+END_SRC ** Arch Linux Run one of the following commands. #+BEGIN_SRC sh sudo pacman -S isync # mbsync # OR sudo pacman -S offlineimap #+END_SRC Install ~mu~, which is not available in the main repositories but in the AUR, by using for example the AUR helper ~yay~. #+BEGIN_SRC sh yay -S mu #+END_SRC ** NixOS #+BEGIN_SRC nix environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ mu # And one of the following isync offlineimap ]; #+END_SRC [[https://github.com/Emiller88/dotfiles/blob/5eaabedf1b141c80a8d32e1b496055231476f65e/modules/shell/mail.nix][An example of setting up mbsync and mu with home-manager]] ** openSUSE Remove ~#~ in ~#sync_program=offlineimap~ to choose ~offlineimap~ instead of ~mbsync~. #+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir /sudo:: sync_program=isync # mbsync #sync_program=offlineimap sudo zypper install maildir-utils $sync_program #+END_SRC ** Debian/Ubuntu Run the command corresponding to the desired backend and the last one. #+BEGIN_SRC sh sudo apt-get install isync # mbsync # or sudo apt-get install offlineimap # then sudo apt-get install maildir-utils mu4e # mu and mu4e respectivly #+END_SRC * TODO Features * Configuration ** offlineimap This module uses =mbsync= by default. To use =offlineimap=, change ~+mu4e-backend~: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq +mu4e-backend 'offlineimap) #+END_SRC Next, you need to write a configuration file for =offlineimap=. Mine can be found [[https://github.com/hlissner/dotfiles/blob/be0dce5dae8f3cbafaac0cc44269d84b4a742c46/shell/mu/][in my dotfiles repository]]. It is configured to download mail to ~\~/.mail~. I use [[https://www.passwordstore.org/][unix pass]] to securely store my login credentials. You can find a *very* detailed configuration [[https://github.com/OfflineIMAP/offlineimap/blob/master/offlineimap.conf][here]]. Next you can download your email with ~offlineimap -o~. This may take a while, especially if you have thousands of mails. You can now proceed with the [[#mu-and-mu4e][mu and mu4e]] section. ** mbsync The steps needed to set up =mu4e= with =mbsync= are very similar to the ones for [[#offlineimap][offlineimap]]. Start with writing a ~\~/.mbsyncrc~. An example for GMAIL can be found on [[http://pragmaticemacs.com/emacs/migrating-from-offlineimap-to-mbsync-for-mu4e/][pragmaticemacs.com]]. A non-GMAIL example is available as a gist [[https://gist.github.com/agraul/60977cc497c3aec44e10591f94f49ef0][here]]. The [[http://isync.sourceforge.net/mbsync.html][manual page]] contains all needed information to set up your own. Next you can download your email with ~mbsync --all~. This may take a while, but should be quicker than =offlineimap= ;). You can now proceed with the [[#mu-and-mu4e][mu and mu4e]] section. ** mu and mu4e You should have your email downloaded already. If you have not, you need to set =offlineimap= or =mbsync= up before you proceed. Before you can use =mu4e= or the cli program =mu=, you need to index your email initially. How to do that differs a little depending on the version of =mu= you use. You can check your version with ~mu --version~. For =mu= *>=1.4* you need to run two commands: #+BEGIN_SRC sh mu init --maildir ~/.mail --my-address email@example.com mu index #+END_SRC =mu= *<1.4* only requires one command: #+BEGIN_SRC sh mu index --maildir ~/.mail #+END_SRC Then configure Emacs to use your email address: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no ;; Each path is relative to `+mu4e-mu4e-mail-path', which is ~/.mail by default (set-email-account! "Lissner.net" '((mu4e-sent-folder . "/Lissner.net/Sent Mail") (mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Lissner.net/Drafts") (mu4e-trash-folder . "/Lissner.net/Trash") (mu4e-refile-folder . "/Lissner.net/All Mail") (smtpmail-smtp-user . "henrik@lissner.net") (user-mail-address . "henrik@lissner.net") ;; only needed for mu < 1.4 (mu4e-compose-signature . "---\nHenrik Lissner")) t) #+END_SRC * Troubleshooting ** =No such file or directory, mu4e= You will get =No such file or directory, mu4e= errors if you don't run ~doom sync~ after installing =mu= through your package manager. Some times the the ~mu~ package does not include ~mu4e~ (*cough Ubuntu*). if that's the case you will need to [[https://github.com/djcb/mu][install]] it and add it to your ~load-path~ you can do that by... #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no (add-to-list 'load-path "your/path/to/mu4e") ;; if you installed it using your package manager (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e") ;; if you built from source (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e") #+END_SRC If you have completely lost your install then you can use this handy command! #+BEGIN_SRC shell find / -type d -iname '*mu4e*' # I reccomend rerouting all of the error to /dev/null find / -type d -iname '*mu4e*' 2> /dev/null #+END_SRC ** ~(void-function org-time-add)~ error on Gentoo Gentoo users will see this error because [[https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/net-mail/mu/files/70mu-gentoo.el#n2][the =net-mail/mu= package eagerly loads =mu4e= (which pulls in =org=) much too early]]; before Emacs reads =~/.emacs.d=. So early, that it loads the built-in version of org-mode, rather than the newer version that Doom installs. Later versions of the =net-mail/mu= package have [[https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/net-mail/mu?id=770e1fccb119fbce8ba6d16021a3598123f212ff][fixed this issue]], but you may need to switch to the unstable build of =net-mail/mu= to see it.