#+TITLE: Changelog - [[#unreleased-develop][Unreleased (develop)]] - [[#206-oct-05-2017][2.0.6 (Oct 05, 2017)]] - [[#205-sep-03-2017][2.0.5 (Sep 03, 2017)]] - [[#204-jul-14-2017][2.0.4 (Jul 14, 2017)]] - [[#203-jun-11-2017][2.0.3 (Jun 11, 2017)]] - [[#202-may-13-2017][2.0.2 (May 13, 2017)]] - [[#201-apr-8-2017][2.0.1 (Apr 8, 2017)]] - [[#200-jan-17-2017][2.0.0 (Jan 17, 2017)]] * Unreleased (develop) + *Module changes:* + Split =lang/java= into two submodules: one for eclim, and another for meghanada. The latter is still the default, however. Also, the eclim submodule is experimental, since I have few opportunities to test it. + Add =ui/window-select= (and moved ace-window out of ~core-ui~), which offers two submodules for interactive window selection/moving: ace-window and switch-window. + =general= + New command naming convention: ~doom//...~ -- denotes that this an interactive command meant for: + Altering or maintaining your Emacs configuration itself. + And can be safely called through a batch session on the command line. E.g. ~emacs --batch -f doom//some-command~. + New macro for defining fuzzy-find menus (powered by whatever completion engine you have active): ~def-menu!~. + Autoload files can now specify a predicate cookie to tell the compiler/autoload reader whether or not to ignore that file. They look like ~;;;###if (featurep! :feature evil)~. + =core-keybinds= Add :g flag to ~map!~ for defining global keybinds along with vim keybinds, so you don't have to repeat yourself, just for a global binding. + =core-packages= Fix an issue where Doom's package management system wouldn't know what to do with a package that was initially installed with one backend (e.g. ELPA), and whose ~package!~ definition was later changed so that it should be handled by another (e.g. QUELPA). This would cause "FAILED" error messages while trying to install or update these packages (see [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/issues/222][#222]]). + =feature= + =file-templates= Disable file templates for .dir-locals.el files. + =jump= New command ~+jump/online-select~, which is like ~+jump/online~, but will always prompt for which provider to use. + =ui= + =doom= This module no longer sets a default font. This is left to the user to set in their own private module. Use ~(set! :font "Font Name" :size N)~ to do so. + =lang= + =sh= + Improve how variables and subshells in double-quoted strings are fontified. + Fix imenu not recognizing functions with dashes in their names. + =java= + Polished meghanada-mode integration. + New (and optional) +eclim submodule and module flag. + =rust= + Now checks the ~RUST_SRC_PATH~ environment variable before looking for Rust's source in ~+rust-src-dir~. + Now looks for a ~racer~ binary in ~PATH~ before looking in ~+rust-src-dir~. * 2.0.6 (Oct 05, 2017) + *Module changes:* + Add =lang/ledger= + Add =ui/vi-tilde-fringe= -- used to be in =core-ui=; indicates beyond-EOB, using tildes in the fringe (inspired by vim). + Add =feature/services= -- used to be =tools/prodigy=. Adds a way of managing external processes and services. + Add =tools/make= -- for running project Makefile commands from Emacs. + Add =tools/imenu= -- adds a sidebar for imenu (~imenu-list~), and a way of jumping to imenu entries across all open buffers (~imenu-anywhere~). + Move =feature/hydra= into =core-keybinds=. + Rename =feature/debug= to =feature/debugger= (and disabled it by default; it is currently unstable and needs some work). + Remove =org/org-notebook=. It was unused and too small to warrant its own module. Useful tidbits were merged into =org/org=. + =general= + =Makefile= + Fix ~make update~ to work even if Doom is installed somewhere other than ~\~/.emacs.d~ (see [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/issues/190][#190]]). + Removed colons from makefile task target names (like =compile:core=); replaced them with dashses, e.g. =compile-core=. Colons broke compatibility with certain versions of make. + =autoload= + New library: =menu.el= -- allows context-sensitive and customizable fuzzy-searchable menus; this was written to replace long lists of major-mode-local key bindings, like refactoring and code building commands. This replaces =feature/eval='s build task system. + =editor.el= Fix old scratch buffer commands and renamed them: ~doom/open-scratch-buffer~ and ~doom/open-project-scratch-buffer~. The former opens a temporary, transient scratch buffer, the latter opens a permanent one tied to the current project, kept in ~doom-scratch-files-dir~. + =window.el= Changed ~doom-resize-window~ to accept two more arguments, =WINDOW= and =FORCE-P=: ~doom-resize-window WINDOW NEW-SIZE &optional HORIZONTAL FORCE-P~. If =FORCE-P= is non-nil, this function will resize a window regardless of ~window-size-fixed~. + =core-keybinds= Add new =def-hydra!= alias macro for ~defhydra~ (for consistency, and in case we want to wrap it later). + =core-projects= Redesign ~def-project-mode!~ for efficiency, and: + The =:init FORM= property is now =:on-load FORM=. + Three new properties: =:on-enter FORM=, =:on-exit FORM= and =:add-hooks LIST=. + =core-popups= + Added two new popup properties: + ~:static~ If non-nil, treat this popup like a permanent window, making it impervious to automatic closing and being tracked in popup history. This is excellent for semi-permanent popups, like sidebars (think Neotree or imenu-list). + ~:autofit~ If non-nil, this popup will resize to fit its buffer contents. This only works with popups where the buffer content is immediately available, and not for, say, buffers tied to async processes. + ~doom-popup-buffer~ and ~doom-popup-file~ no longer take a variadic argument. Their signature is now ~doom-popup-buffer buffer plist &optional extend-p~ and ~doom-popup-file file plist &optional extend-p~, where =EXTEND-P= will cause =PLIST= to extend from the base rule for that buffer. + Rename ~doom-popup-prop~ to ~doom-popup-property~. + Add support for moving popup windows. See the ~doom/popup-move-*~ commands. There are used by ~+evil/window-move-*~, which provides universal support for moving windows. + Add command: ~doom/popup-raise~, for promoting a popup into a regular window. + Add helper macro: ~save-popup! BODY~ -- hides the popups before running BODY. + Fix ~doom/popup-toggle~ and ~save-popups!~ killing popups with an =:autokill= property. + =feature= + =hydra= Display a separator on the bottom of hydra windows for contrast. + =eval= Build-task management has been removed from =feature/eval= in favor of ~def-menu!~. + =ui= + =doom-dashboard= + Fix /horizontal/ centering discrepancies caused by multiple visible dashboards in windows/frames with different sizes (see [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/issues/192][#192]]). Still doesn't address vertical centering. + Fix dashboard's default-directory not changing to the last open project when switched to. + =doom-modeline= Add a new style to ~+doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style~: ~relative-from-project~, which displays on the buffer's path relative to (and including) the project. + =hl-todo= Add face-based detection for commented regions, so hl-todo can work in modes with no/poor syntax-table support. + =tools= + =neotree= + Fix neotree shrinking by 1 when vertical splits were closed. + Fix Neotree popup rule not taking ~neo-window-width~ and ~neo-window-position~ into account. + =term= Renamed commands for consistency (to ~+term/open~, ~+term/open-popup~ and ~+term/open-popup-in-project~). + =eshell= Renamed commands for consistency (to ~+eshell/open~, ~+eshell/open-popup~ and ~+eshell/open-workspace~). + =lang= + =ruby= Add rake support. See the ~rake~ command. + =web= Only install company-web if =:completion company= is enabled. + =javascript= + Add eslint_d and eslint_d-fix detection and support. + =./node_modules/.bin= is now added to ~exec-path~ in NPM project buffers. + =haskell= There is no longer a 'default' implementation for Haskell. The =+intero= and/or =+dante= module flags must be specified in init.el. + =java= Meghanada is no longer the 'default' implementation for Java. The =+meghanada= and/or =+eclim= module flags must be specified in init.el. + =org= + If a table is under point when ~+org/toggle-fold~ is invoked, the table is realigned. + Fix the incorrect version of org being loaded (site, instead of ELPA) by pushing it up further in the ~load-path~. + Fix ~+org/insert-item~ not jumping over sublists to append a new list item. * 2.0.5 (Sep 03, 2017) + =doom= + Added new module: ~tools/rgb~, with tools for dealing with colors (thanks to [[https://github.com/bandresen][bandresen]]) + Added new module: ~tools/prodigy~, with tools for managing external services (thanks to [[https://github.com/bandresen][bandresen]]) + Added new module: ~feature/hydra~, offers an extra and customizable layer of modal keybinds (thanks to [[https://github.com/bandresen][bandresen]]) + Added two new core-lib helpers for macros: ~doom-enlist~ and ~doom-unquote~. + Switch to ~doom-fallback-buffer~ after using ~doom/kill-all-buffers~ (or ~:killall!~). + ~make doctor~ now does font detection and will complain when fonts are missing. + When switching to a new project, a new workspace is spawned and a fuzzy find-file prompt is opened. However, a buffer from the previous workspace would linger on screen *and* the scratch buffer would CD to HOME, rather than the project root. This is fixed now. + Added module flags to the ~doom!~ macro in init.el, and modified the ~featurep!~ macro so that it can be used to detect these flags from within modules. It is up to modules how to interpret them. More information in [[https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/commit/0b7b8800a2478588bde408c92fcdfa0e43a5baf0][0b7b880]]. + Fix projectile-find-file not respecting ~default-directory~ (caused by changes upstream). + Rewrote, revised and expanded module documentation, and created a [[https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/wiki][wiki]] with more information. + Removed the =:L= flag from =map!= and replaced it with a =:local= property. + Added new function: ~doom|disable-vi-tilde-fringe~ for turning off vi-tilde-fringe in select buffers. + Added support for relative line numbers (see ~doom-line-numbers-style~), using nlinum-relative on Emacs <26, and display-line-numbers on Emacs 26+. + =feature= + =file-templates= Added a file template for: + *.org files + Module README.org files. + =jump= + Added documentation for ~:jump~ setting, describing the three properties it supports (~:definition~, ~:references~ and ~:documentation~). + Rewrote ~+jump/online~ to: + Use the current selection, if active, or prompt for a query otherwise (with the thing at point as the initial input). + Prompts for the provider (search engine) on first use, and reuses the last provider on consecutive uses. If the universal argument is supplied, force ~+jump/online~ to prompt for the provider anyway. + =workspaces= Fix interactive renaming of workspaces, as well as the ability to save and load workspaces from files (see [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/pull/200][#200]]). + =completion= + Added all-the-icons support to ~ivy-switch-buffer~ and ~+ivy/switch-workspace-buffer~. Enable this with ~(setq +ivy-buffer-icons t)~. + =ui= + rainbow-mode is no longer activated on ~prog-mode-hook~. + =doom-modeline= + Modeline now uses shrink-path.el to shrink the buffer name in the case of a small frame (thanks to [[https://github.com/bandresen][bandresen]]). [[https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/pull/176][See #176]] + Fixed mode-line going blank in terminal Emacs (thanks to [[https://github.com/bandresen][bandresen]]). + =doom-dashboard= Fixed "Load last session" button on dashboard. + =tools= + =eshell= General improvements made to further integrate eshell with Doom (thanks to [[https://github.com/bandresen][bandresen]]). [[https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/pull/160][See #160]] + =pass= ~+pass-get-field~ now no-ops if used in a non-interactive session (e.g. during testing or byte compilation). + =neotree= Add =r= and =d= bindings for renaming and deleting files, respectively. + =lang= + =cc= The advise function ~c-lineup-arglist~ was missing, and has now been reimplemented. + =haskell= With module flags implemented, Intero support is now available to lang/haskell and is now the default. Dante support is still available with the ~+dante~ flag. + =java= Now auto-installs meghanda-server on first use, and fixed code-completion in java buffers. + =org= + Fixed vanilla C-j/C-k bindings overshadowing custom window navigation bindings. + Added C-[hjkl] keybindings in insert mode for org table navigation. + Fixed ~+org/insert-item~ throwing =save-excursion: Wrong type argument: listp, 1= error when used from BOL on the first sub-item in a list. * 2.0.4 (Jul 14, 2017) + *Module changes:* + Added =tools/password-store= -- Emacs as a password manager, using [[https://www.passwordstore.org/][pass]] as a backend (contributed by [[https://github.com/bandresen][brandresen]]). + Added =app/irc= -- Emacs as an IRC client, using circe (contributed by [[https://github.com/bandresen][brandresen]]). + ~+pass/ivy~ for ivy integration, with edit/copy field/open url actions. + ~helm-pass~ for helm integration. + Added =lang/hy= -- support for [[http://hylang.org][hylang]], a combination of Lisp and Python (thanks to [[https://github.com/bandresen][bandresen]]). + Added =lang/ocaml= -- support for [[https://ocaml.org/][OCAML]] (thanks to [[https://github.com/Ptival][Ptival]]) + Added =lang/plantuml= -- drawing diagrams in plain text + Added =lang/perl= -- Perl6 support for Emacs + Added =ui/tabbar= -- add tabs to Doom via [[https://github.com/dholm/tabbar][tabbar]] (I don't recommend using it) + Removed =lang/org= + Added =org= -- a new module category for org and org extensions + Removed =app/present= (replaced mostly with =org/org-present=) + =org/org-babel= -- executable code snippets in org-mode, with support for a variety of languages. + =org/org-capture= -- a better org-capture, in or outside of Emacs. + =org/org-export= -- a centralized export system with more export backends. + =org/org-notebook= -- org-mode as a general notebook. + =org/org-present= -- org-mode for presentations. + Added =tools/impatient-mode= -- show off live buffers via HTTP. + =core= + New variable: ~doom-host-dir~, as a base path for ~doom-etc-dir~ and ~doom-cache-dir~. + New hooks: ~doom-init-hook~ and ~doom-post-init-hook~, which are run on ~emacs-startup-hook~. This is meant to simplify post-Emacs initialization hooks (~after-init-hook~, ~emacs-startup-hook~ and ~window-setup-hook~) into two unambiguous ones. + Fix =private//init.el= not being auto-loaded when the user's private module is absent in the root init.el file. + Improve error handling across the board. Emacs should now report more helpful errors. Catastrophic errors will be less likely to inhibit later modules from being loaded. + Unit-tests have been moved to their respective modules (and =core/test/=). + Fix ~def-setting!~ to act more like ~defmacro~; don't aggressively evaluate its arguments on expansion. + New function: ~doom-set-buffer-real BUFFER FLAG~ -- makes Doom consider BUFFER real, no matter what. + Add INSTALLED-ONLY-P argument to ~doom-get-packages~ to filter packages that aren't installed. + =core-ui= + Add quit confirmation when trying to close a frame that contains real buffers. + Fix quit confirmations for clients connected to ~emacs --daemon~ with ~emacsclient~. + Brought back [[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-nlinum-hl][nlinum-hl]], which offers some line number fixes for web-mode and markdown-mode. + Don't report the buffer modified when injecting (or deleting) trailing whitespace in ~doom|inject-trailing-whitespace~ and ~doom|init-highlight-indentation~. + [[https://github.com/domtronn/all-the-icons.el][all-the-icons]] now fails gracefully in the terminal. + New hook: ~doom-init-ui-hook~, run whenever the UI needs to be reloaded (and once at startup). Theme and font loading is also attached to this hook. + New variables for font and theme loading: ~doom-theme~, ~doom-font~, ~doom-variable-pitch-font~, and ~doom-unicode-font~. + New variables for customizing line numbers: ~doom-line-number-lpad~, ~doom-line-number-rpad~, and ~doom-line-number-pad-char~. These were added to facilitate custom whitespace characters in line numbers, e.g. /u2002 (a unicode character that looks like a space). Doing so fixes an issue where ~whitespace-mode~ with ~space-mark~ would replace all space characters indiscriminately, even in line numbers. + Add hooks ~doom-pre-reload-theme-hook~ and ~doom-post-reload-theme-hook~ to ~doom/reload-theme~ command. + =core-popups= + Fix an issue where more specific popup rules were being overriden by more general rules. + New command: ~doom/other-popup~ -- cycles between open popup windows and the original buffer that you originated from. Discussed in [[https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/issues/141][#141]]. + =core-editor= + Change what files recentf will ignore: everything in ~doom-host-dir~ is now ignored and anything else in ~doom-local-dir~ won't be. + New interactive command: ~doom/scratch-buffer~ (replaces ~+doom:scratch-buffer~ in =:ui doom=). + =core-packages= + Generalize ~doom-package-*-p~ functions into ~(doom-package-prop NAME PROPERTY)~. + Fix quelpa temporary files (in ~quelpa-build-dir~) not being removed when a quelpa package was uninstalled. + New hook: ~doom-reload-hook~ (sort of). This has been around for a while, but now it is defined and documented. It runs when ~doom/reload-load-path~ is called (which gets called remotely if you run package management while an Emacs session is active). + ~load!~ can now accept a string as its first argument (the path). + =feature= + =feature/evil= + Remove =goto-last-change=, which conflicts with =goto-chg=, which is a dependency of evil (that does the exact same thing, but is what evil uses). + =feature/jump= + Remove ~:xref-backend~ setting (replaced with ~:jump~). + Add ~:jump MAJOR-MODE &rest PLIST~ setting, which recognizes four properties (that accept functions/commands): + ~:definition~: jumps to the definition of the symbol under point. + ~:references~: lists all references of the symbol at point and lets you jump to them. + ~:documentation~: shows documentation for the symbol at point. + ~:xref-backend~: a function that serves as an xref backend; this replaces ~:definition~ and ~:references~. + =feature/workspaces= + New function: ~+workspace-contains-buffer-p &optional BUFFER PERSP~ -- return non-nil if BUFFER (defaults to current buffer) is in PERSP (defaults to current perspective). + Fix ~+workspace-p~ not detecting a perspective struct. + Fix ~+workspace-buffer-list~ not preserving buffer order (by recency). + =completion= + =completion/company= + Add ~company-dabbrev~ and ~company-ispell~ to the default Company backends. This ensures you have some completion available in buffers previously without any. This is especially useful for text-mode buffers. Discussed in [[https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/issues/134][#134]]. + =ui= + =ui/doom= + Vastly improve daemon and terminal support for doom-themes by reloading the theme when a new client is attached, or new terminal/daemon frame is created. This prevents incorrect colors from bleeding across face class barriers. + Removed evil command ~+doom:scratch-buffer~ (replaced with ~doom/scratch-buffer~ in =core-ui=). + Decoupled font and theme loading from this module. This has now been delegated to =core-ui=. These variables no longer exist: ~+doom-theme~, ~+doom-font~, ~+doom-variable-pitch-font~, ~+doom-unicode-font~. Discussed in [[https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/issues/117][#117]]. + =ui/doom-dashboard= + Fix dashboard not opening in emacsclient/daemon frames. + Add =gg= and =G= keybinds in dashboard for moving to the first and last button (respectively). + =ui/doom-modeline= + Reorganize order of modeline segments, placing the vc branch last. This minimizes the non-uniform spacing caused by all-the-icon icons. + Fix blank mode-line caused by a nil buffer-file-name (used in vcs segment). For example, in org indirect buffers. + =tools= + =tools/neotree= + Fix neotree refusing to open when it was already open in another frame. This is especially frustrating when neotree is open in a (likely buried) terminal emacsclient session, and you're trying to open neotree in another. + =lang= + =lang/cc= + Add code completion to glsl-mode (powered by [[https://github.com/Kaali/company-glsl][company-glsl]]). + =lang/markdown= + Source blocks are now fontified natively, with the fontification of their native major-modes (see ~markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively~). + =lang/sh= + Fix fontification of command substitutions in double-quoted strings to help distinguish them from the rest of string literals. + =lang/web= + Fix HTML entity encoding/decoding functions. + =org= + =org/org= + Fix M-RET in plain lists not preserving indent level for new items. + Fix cursor jumping away when toggling folds or realigning org tables (pressing TAB). + Minimized keybindings into the bare necessities; most custom bindings have been moved to my private module. + =org/org-capture= + Start org-capture-mode in insert-mode (if evil is loaded). * 2.0.3 (Jun 11, 2017) + *New modules* + =ui/unicode= -- fixes unicode font-rendering for a variety of languages, using [[https://github.com/rolandwalker/unicode-fonts][unicode-fonts]]. + =ui/evil-goggles= -- visual feedback for edit operations in evil-mode, using [[https://github.com/edkolev/evil-goggles][evil-goggles]]. + =ui/nav-flash= (extracted from =ui/doom=) -- flashes current line when moving cursor considerable distrances, using [[https://github.com/rolandwalker/nav-flash][nav-flash]]. + =tools/neotree= (extracted from =feature/evil=) -- a file explorer sidebar, using [[https://github.com/jaypei/emacs-neotree/][neotree]]. + =core= + New special file: =private//init.el= is now loaded before modules (after core). + =:private = is now automatically loaded by ~doom!~. + New help command: ~doom/describe-module~ -- for DOOM modules. + New help command: ~doom/describe-setting~ -- for possible ~set!~ targets. + Add =make doctor= to diagnose common issues with your setup & environment. + Removed ~def-bootstrap~ & ~doom-bootstrap~. It was a clumsy system. I'll replace it with README.org files in each module, with working, tangle-able source blocks. + =core-os= + Don't use GTK tooltips on Linux (ugly!). + =core-ui= + New plugin: [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/vi-tilde-fringe][vi-tilde-fringe]] -- subtle, vim-ish empty-line indicator. + New variable: ~doom-ui-mode-names~ (alist) -- for changing ~mode-name~ of major-modes. + Fix left-over hl-line overlays when hl-line-mode is uncleanly killed (e.g. when the major-mode is changed). + Fix disappearing line numbers in nlinum (thanks to [[https://github.com/gilbertw1][gilbertw1]]). + Move theme/font bootstrap to core-ui. + New hook: ~doom-init-ui-hook~ + New global minor-mode ~doom-big-font-mode~ and variable ~doom-big-font~. + =core-keybinds= + New property for ~map!~: ~:textobj~ -- for binding to evil text objects keymaps. + Fix ~:after~ & ~:map*~ properties in ~map!~ macro (wasn't working at all). + Change keybinding scheme; the leader key is now =SPC= and localleader =SPC m=, inspired by spacemacs. + Enable which-key pops up for all keys. + =core-popups= + Properly persist ~popup~ window parameter between sessions. + Improve magit+shackle integration; ensures that links will be followed within the popup they were opened. + Add ~doom-popup-no-fringe~ option (default = t). When non-nil, fringes will be disabled in popup windows (in ~doom-popup-mode~). + =core-packages= + Fix failure to detect out-of-date QUELPA packages. + Fix ~custom-file~ (and custom settings) not being loaded. + Fix crash in ~doom-update-package~ caused by unreachable, new dependencies. + Make ~doom-update-package~ atomic in case of failure. + Make ~doom-refresh-packages~ async. + Improve the security of package management (via ELPA) by a) forcing Emacs to verify TLS connections and b) use HTTPS sources for MELPA and ELPA. + Make ~doom-get-outdated-packages~ asynchronous, producing a substantial speed-up when updating packages from Quelpa sources. + =feature= + =feature/evil= + Add ~+evil:mc~ command [[https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc][evil-mc]]. + Add ~+evil/mc-make-cursor-here~, with visual-block support for [[https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc][evil-mc]]. + =d= (operator) now invokes ~wgrep-mark-deletion~ in wgrep buffers. + New code folding system that combines hideshow (built-in; for indent/marker-based folds) and [[https://github.com/alexmurray/evil-vimish-fold][evil-vimish-fold]] (for arbitrary folds). + Fix [[https://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-matchit][evil-matchit]] in visual mode. + Fix [[https://github.com/hlissner/evil-multiedit][evil-multiedit]] M-d bindings. + Fix stringp error caused by unintialized state in hideshow. + Fix evil normal-mode keybindings in help-mode popups. + Change how ~+evil-esc-hook~ hooks are handled: they now short-circuit on the first hook to return non-nil. + Remove ~+evil/matchit~ (thin wrapper around ~evilmi-jump-items~). + Remove [[https://github.com/jaypei/emacs-neotree/][neotree]] plugin (moved to =tools/neotree=). + =feature/jump= + Call ~recenter~ after using [[https://github.com/jacktasia/dumb-jump][dumb-jump]]. + =feature/workspaces= + No longer saves session on quit if session was blank. + Fix persp-mode switching to main workspace if auto-resume is on. + Fix ~+workspace-get~ returning a non-nil "null perspective" on some occasions where NAME doesn't exist. This is because ~persp-get-by-name~ returns the value of ~persp-not-persp~ to signify null instead of actual nil. + Decouple workspace buffer-list functions from doom buffer library. Now, the workspaces module will explicitly advise ~doom-buffer-list~. + ~+workspace-list~ now returns a list of perspective structs, rather than a list of strings. ~+workspace-list-names~ was introduced for the latter. + =completion= + =completion/company= + Change ~:company-backends~ to accept a variadic list of backends to prepend to ~company-backends~. Its signature is now ~(set! :company-backends MODES &rest BACKENDS)~ ([[https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/pull/125][#125]]). + =completion/ivy= + Flexible column width for ~+ivy/tasks~. + =ui= + =ui/doom= + New plugin: [[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-solaire-mode][solaire-mode]] -- replaces ~doom-buffer-mode~; brightens source windows and dims transient, temporary, or popup windows. + BREAKING CHANGE: Decoupled theme and font loading from ui/doom. This has been moved to core-ui. The following variables have been renamed: + ~+doom-theme~ => ~doom-theme~ + ~+doom-font~ => ~doom-font~ + ~+doom-variable-pitch-font~ => ~doom-variable-pitch-font~ + ~+doom-unicode-font~ => ~doom-unicode-font~ + =ui/doom-modeline= + Reduce excess whitespace on right of flycheck segment. + Buffer-path and file-name segments now use different faces. + The vcs segment now uses a slightly darker color (in clean branches). + Fix blank mode-line when buffer-file-name is nil ([[https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/pull/130][#130]]) + =ui/nav-flash= + Fix over-aggressive nav-flash'ing on evil-multiedit or in eshell/term buffers. + =tools= + =tools/gist= + Changed new gists to be private by default. + =lang= + =lang/haskell= + New plugin: [[https://github.com/iquiw/company-ghc][company-ghc]] -- code-completion support for haskell (requires ~ghc-mod~). + =lang/php= + New plugin: [[https://github.com/xcwen/ac-php][company-php]] -- code-completion support for php (requires a TAGs file created with [[https://github.com/xcwen/phpctags][phpctags]]). + =lang/emacs-lisp= + Omit defuns inside macros from the imenu index. + Don't enable ~flycheck-mode~ in emacs.d files. + =lang/org= + Replace org-bullets source with more up-to-date fork. + =lang/scala= + Fix ~void-variable imenu-auto-rescan~ error caused by ~ensime--setup-imenu~ trying to use imenu variables before loading imenu. + =private/hlissner= + Add =gzz= binding (~+evil/mc-make-cursor-here~) + Add =:mc= ex command (~+evil:mc~) + Add =:lookup= ex command (~+jump:online~). + Add =:gblame= ex command (~magit-blame~). + Add =:grevert= ex command (~git-gutter:revert-hook~). * 2.0.2 (May 13, 2017) + *New modules* + =tools/gist= -- allows you to manage and create gists, using [[https://github.com/defunkt/gist.el][gist.el]]. + =tools/term= -- quickly spawn a terminal (in a popup or buffer) using [[https://github.com/emacsorphanage/multi-term][multi-term]] + =app/twitter= -- Emacs as a twitter client, using [[https://github.com/hayamiz/twittering-mode][twittering-mode]] + =core= + Stop "buffer is read-only" messages while in minibuffer, when I accidentally try to edit the prompt. It's correct behavior, but it consumes the minibuffers, hiding what I'm typing. + Fix Emacs daemon compatibility with DOOM, which assumed a frame will always be visible on startup, causing errors when Emacs is launched as a daemon. + Code-style change: use sharp-quote for functions. This makes the byte-compiler output missing-function warnings when they can't be found, which is helpful. + Stop projectile & git-gutter checks when in a TRAMP buffer; it causes tremendous slowdowns, to the point of being unusable. + Add ~message!~ & ~format!~ macros for printing colored output either a) in a popup buffer when in an interactive session or b) with ansi codes when in an noninteractive session. + Changed ~doom/recompile~ to aggresively recompile =core/core.el= to fix load-path inconsistencies when you've byte-compiled your config and run a package management command. + =core-lib= + Add ~:append~ support to ~add-transient-hook!~ macro. + =core-popups= + Fix over-eager ESC binding killing all popups indiscriminantly + =core-ui= + Remove references to ~ace-maximize-window~ (obsolete) + Fix whitespace adjustment in ~highlight-indentation-current-column-mode~ + =core-packages= + Package management now produces colored and detailed feedback. + =ui= + =ui/doom= + Git-gutter fringe bitmaps no longer appear truncated. + Fix lack of syntax highlighting in scratch buffer + Use comment face as default color for ~+doom-folded-face~ + =ui/doom-modeline= + Fix modeline disappearing due to loss of state. ~doom--modeline-format~ was being killed when switching major modes. + =feature= + =feature/eval= + Fix ~:repl~ & ~+eval/repl-send-region~. + Fix ~+eval/region~ failing only on first invocation because ~+eval-runners~ wasn't populated until quickrun is loaded. + Add TAB auto-completion in comint-mode and REPL buffers + =feature/evil= + Fix ~:mv~ & ~:rm~. + Fix Neotree forgetting that it's a neotree window when switching perspectives. + New plugin: [[https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc][evil-mc]] -- multiple cursors for evil-mode (thanks to [[https://github.com/gilbertw1][gilbertw1]]) + Achieve vim parity w/ file modifiers (~+evil*ex-replace-special-filenames~) + =feature/version-control= + New plugin: [[https://github.com/pidu/git-timemachine][git-timemachine]] -- stepping through a file's git history. + New plugin: [[https://github.com/sshaw/git-link][git-link]] -- generates and opens links to "this file"'s remote repo with your default browser. + Add ~:gbrowse~: find this file on github/gitlab/bitbucket in your browser. + Add ~:gissues~: open this project's issues page in your browser. + Fix ~+vcs/git-browse~ and ~+vcs/git-browse-issues~. + =feature/workspaces= + Add BANG modifier to ~:cleanup~ to span all workspaces. + Since persp-mode handles its "nil" perspective differently from others, pretend that it doesn't exist and spawn a new "main" perspective. + =completion= + =completion/ivy= + Add ~+ivy-do-action!~ factory macro. Use it for in-ivy keybindings. + Add ripgrep file search support. Ripgrep doesn't support multiline searches, but is faster. Use =ag= for multiline (or more PCRE-compliant) searches. + Reverse ivy's built-in behavior of reversing escaping of parentheses when using the_silver_searcher or ripgrep. If you want literal parentheses, escape them explicitly. + Removed ~def-counsel-action!~ + When a selection is used for ~:ag~, the selected text is now regexp-escaped. + =tools= + =tools/tmux= + Fix and refactor library (general update). + =lang= + =lang/cc= + Integrate counsel-ivy into [[https://github.com/Sarcasm/irony-mode][irony-mode]] + =lang/javascript= + Improve electric indent support for ~js2-mode~ and ~rjsx-mode~ + =lang/org= + Fix org-checkbox-statistics not respecting underlying faces + Disable ~show-paren-mode~ in org-mode due to conflicts with org-indent which cause indentation flickering. + Bind ~M-z~ (~undo~), ~C-u~ (~delete-line~) and ~C-w~ (~delete-word~) in ~org-store-link~ and ~org-insert-link~ prompts. + Apply org-headline-done face to checked-checkbox lines, to match how DONE headlines look. Also applies this to items whose subitems are all complete. + Changed default fold behavior when loading an org-file to unfold first level folds. + Add =bin/org-capture= shell script for invoking the org-capture frame from outside Emacs. + Add babel support for: rust, restclient, sql, google translate, haskell and go. + Add ~+org-pretty-mode~ for toggling "pretty" fontification. Prettified entities or hidden regions can make editing difficult. + =lang/python= + Add ipython detection and REPL support + Simplify matchit key (%) in python. The default is to prioritize if-else and other blocks over brackets. I found this frustrating. + =lang/web= + Fix ~+web-encode-entities~, ~+web-decode-entities~, ~+web/encode-entities-region~ and ~+web/decode-entities-region~. + =app= + =app/email= + Replace mbsync with offlineimap. + Add support for marking multiple emails when in visual-mode (evil) in a ~mu4e-headers-mode~ buffer. + Fix trash mark causing duplicates upstream. + Make refiling more compatible with archiving in gmail. + =private/hlissner= + Add keybinds for [[https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc][evil-mc]]: based around ~gz~ (like ~gzz~ to toggle cursor freeze, and ~gzc~ to create a cursor "here"). + Add keybinds for [[https://github.com/hlissner/evil-multiedit][evil-multiedit]]: based around ~M-d~ and ~M-D~. + Replace ~:find~ with ~:ag~, ~:agc[wd]~, ~:rg~ and ~:rgc[wd]~. + Fix ~:x~ ex command (open scratch buffer) * 2.0.1 (Apr 8, 2017) + *New modules* + =feature/jump= -- extra code navigation tools, a jump-to-definition implementation that just works ([[https://github.com/jacktasia/dumb-jump][dumb-jump]]), and tools for looking things up online. + =app/rss= -- Emacs as an RSS reader, using [[https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed][elfeed]] + =core= + Fix ~doom-kill-process-buffers~ not killing process buffers. + Fix ~hippie-expand~ in ex mode/the minibuffer. + Remove unnecessary ~provide~'s in core autoloaded libraries. + Fix ~doom-buffers-in-mode~ not detecting buffers in major-modes derived from the target mode. + Fix out-of-bounds error in ~doom/backward-delete-whitespace-to-column~. + Remove ~doom/append-semicolon~; use evil append mode instead. + Add module bootstrapping mechanism (for installing external dependencies); see ~doom-bootstrap~, ~make bootstrap~ and ~def-bootstrap!~. + Use ~doom-local-dir~ for TRAMP's temp files. + New variable: ~doom-real-buffer-functions~ -- for customizing how ~doom-real-buffer-p~ determines what a "real" buffer is. + Add ~def-memoize!~ for defining memoized functions and ~doom-memoize~ for memoizing existing ones. + =core-lib= + Fix ~remove-hook!~ macro not expanding correctly. + New macro: ~add-transient-hook!~; attach a hook to a hook or function that will remove itself once it runs. + =core-packages= + Add ~doom/recompile~, for re-byte-compiling DOOM. + Add ~doom/compile-lite~ / ~make compile-lite~, which will only byte-compile DOOM's core files, which is a lighter alternative to ~doom/compile~. + Fix duplicates packages appearing in package-management retrieval library. + =core-os= + Reducing how aggressive ~exec-path~ caching is. A =persistent-soft= /and/ byte-compilation cache is excessive. The latter is good (and flexible) enough. + =core-popups= + Set default ~:align~ and ~:select~ shackle properties (of =8= and =below=). + =core-editor= + Advise ~delete-trailing-whitespace~ to not affect current line. If evil is loaded, then it may affect the current line if we're *not* in insert mode. + =core-projects= + Recognize =package.json= as a project-root file (see ~projectile-project-root-files~). + Fix ~:files~ property in ~def-project-mode!~ not detecting project files. + =core-ui= + Replace [[https://github.com/DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides][highlight-indent-guides-mode]] with [[https://github.com/antonj/Highlight-Indentation-for-Emacs/][highlight-indentation-mode]]; the former won't display indent guides on blank lines, even with my whitespace injection hook. + =feature= + =feature/eval= + Fix build tasks system; now tested and works. + Complete rewrite of the module. + =feature/evil= + Fix error in ~+evil:file-move~ if ~save-place-mode~ is disabled. + =feature/snippets= + Don't hijack TAB in other modes. + Enable ~yas-triggers-in-field~, which adds support for nested snippets. + Fix snippet aliases (~%alias~). + =feature/version-control= + Remove ~evil-magit~ and evil-ified bindings for magit in general. Instead, just use emacs mode. If evil is needed, toggle it with =C-z=. + =feature/workspaces= + Fix ~+workspace/kill-session~ not actually killing the session. + Revert forcing persp-mode to stay quiet when it saves the session to file. It just isn't important enough. + Create a new perspective when switching projects (integrates projectile with persp-mode). + Create a new perspective for new frames. + =ui= + =ui/doom= + Improve ~doom-buffer-mode~ heuristics with ~doom-real-buffer-p~, so that only truly real buffers are enlightened. + Replace plugin [[https://github.com/Malabarba/beacon][beacon]] with [[https://github.com/rolandwalker/nav-flash][nav-flash]] -- the former had a habit of causing pauses and pushing my cursor. It also didn't look as nice. + =ui/doom-modeline= + Complete rewrite of the module for code readability and performance. + =ui/doom-dashboard= + Fix a ~max-specpdl-size~ error caused on MacOS, having to do with a ~kill-buffer-query-function~ hook being attached way too soon in the startup process. + =lang= + =lang/cc= + Fix empty ~buffer-file-name~ in ~magic-mode-alist~ rule for obj-c. + Fix irony-mode initialization in cc modes. + =lang/emacs-lisp= + Add xref support for elisp. + =lang/go= + Add code-completion support with [[https://github.com/nsf/gocode][gocode and company-go]]. + Add code navigation support with [[https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el/blob/master/go-guru.el][go-guru]] (built-in to go-mode). + Add REPL support with [[https://github.com/manute/gorepl-mode][gore and gorepl-mode]]. + =lang/haskell= + New plugin: [[https://github.com/jyp/dante][dante]] -- offers xref and flycheck integration, as well as code-navigation tools, like finding definitions, references, type info, etc. + Fix errors on haskell-mode (caused by missing dependencies). + =lang/javascript= + New plugin: [[https://github.com/skeeto/skewer-mode][skewer-mode]] -- provides live JS/CSS/HTML evaluation in a browser. + New plugin: [[https://github.com/yasuyk/web-beautify][web-beautify]] -- js reformatting. + New plugin: [[https://github.com/NicolasPetton/xref-js2][xref-js2]] -- xref integration for javascript. + New plugin: [[https://github.com/felipeochoa/rjsx-mode][rjsx-mode]] -- adds jsx support. + Fix ~doom/newline-and-indent~ in rjsx-mode + Remove electric =<= in rjsx-mode + Enable [[https://github.com/smihica/emmet-mode][emmet-mode]] in rjsx-mode + Fix empty ~buffer-file-name~ in ~magic-mode-alist~ rule for ~rjsx-mode~. + Force [[https://github.com/ternjs/tern][tern]] use projectile for project path detection and resolution. + Add gulpfile.js detection (~+javascript-gulp-mode~). + =lang/latex= + Improve integration between auctex, evil and ~reftex-toc-mode~: j/k motion keys have been bound in reftex-toc-mode, the modeline is hidden, and ~reftex-toc-rescan~ is run automatically. + =lang/org= + Add =+notes= submodule, which makes it easy to access org-mode based notes for the current major-mode or the current project. See ~+org/browse-notes-for-major-mode~ and ~+org/browse-notes-for-project~. + Ensure newer org-mode 9.0+ (downloaded from ELPA) is loaded instead of the older, built-in version of org-mode (8.3). + Update ~+org/dwim-at-point~, ~+org/insert-item~ & ~+org/toggle-checkbox~ for org-mode 9.0 + Fix shackle popup integration with org-export dispatch window. + =lang/ruby= + Add ={Pod,Puppet,Berks}file= detection for ~ruby-mode~. + =lang/web= + New plugin: [[https://github.com/yasuyk/web-beautify][web-beautify]] -- html/css reformatting + Remove ~+web-bower-mode~. I don't use it anymore; I prefer npm as my sole package manager. + Improve ~+web-angularjs-mode~ detection by searching for angular 1 and 2 dependencies in package.json. + Add ~+web-react-mode~ and detect it by searching for reactjs dependencies in package.json. + =app= + =app/rss= + Hide modeline in ~elfeed-search-mode~ buffer. + =app/present= + New plugin: [[https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal/][ox-reveal]] -- export a presentation to html, js & css from org-mode using [[http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/][reveal.js]]. + New plugin: [[https://github.com/takaxp/org-tree-slide][org-tree-slides]] -- use ~org-mode~ directly for presentations. + Add ~+present/big-mode~; which will toggle large fonts, controlled by ~+present-big-font~. + New plugin: [[https://github.com/skeeto/impatient-mode][impatient-mode]] -- show off current buffer(s) over HTTP. + =app/email= + Add support for writing emails in org-mode, which renders to HTML on send. + Add support for sending email through SMTP on a secure port. + Add basic mu4e support. + =private/hlissner= + Fix TAB hijacking in magit. * 2.0.0 (Jan 17, 2017) + *New modules* + =tools/upload= -- map local files to remotes, allowing you to upload/download files between them. + =feature/jump= -- offers a system for navigating codebases that "just works", powered by xref (new experimental Emacs reference API) & [[https://github.com/jacktasia/dumb-jump][dumb-jump]]. + =feature/workspaces= -- offers grouped buffers/windows and persistent sessions. Recently replaced [[https://github.com/pashinin/workgroups2][workgroups2]] with the much-faster [[https://github.com/Bad-ptr/persp-mode.el][persp-mode]]. + =core= + Add .travis.yml and unit-tests. + Remove mplist library -- it was unused and poorly written. + =core-popups= + Replaced popwin with shackle; which is significantly lighter and more stable. + =feature/spellcheck= + Add selection popup for correcting spelling mistakes highlighted by flyspell. + =completion/ivy= + Add ~+ivy:todo~ for jumping to TODO/FIXME tags in your project. + =lang/org= + Make TAB do-what-I-mean (~+org/dwim-at-point~), which will either: follow a link, realign/recalculate tables, toggle checkboxes, toggle TODO/DONE tags, cycle archived subtrees, toggle latex preview fragments, execute babel blocks, or refresh inline images -- depending on where the cursor is. + =lang/web= + Add ~+css/toggle-inline-or-block~ command; it will expand/contract curly-braced blocks. + =private/hlissner= + Add ~:todo~ ex command (~+ivy:todo~)