;;; core-popups.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; I want a "real"-buffer-first policy in my Emacsian utpoia; popup buffers ;; ought to be second-class citizens to "real" buffers. No need for a wall or ;; controversial immigration policies -- all we need is `shackle' (and it will ;; actually work). ;; ;; The gist is: popups should be displayed on one side of the frame, away from ;; 'real' buffers. They should be easy to dispose of when we don't want to see ;; them and easily brought back in case we change our minds. Also, popups should ;; typically have no mode-line. ;; ;; Be warned, this requires a lot of hackery voodoo that could break with an ;; emacs update or an update to any of the packages it tries to tame (like helm ;; or org-mode). (defvar doom-popup-history nil "A list of popups that were last closed. Used by `doom/popup-restore' and `doom*popups-save'.") (defvar doom-popup-remember-history t "If non-nil, DOOM will remember the last popup(s) that were open in `doom-popup-history'.") (defvar doom-popup-other-window nil "The last window selected before a popup was opened.") (defvar doom-popup-no-fringes t "If non-nil, disable fringes in popup windows.") (defvar-local doom-popup-rules nil "The shackle rule that caused this buffer to be recognized as a popup.") (defvar doom-popup-window-parameters '(:noesc :modeline :autokill :autoclose) "A list of window parameters that are set (and cleared) when `doom-popup-mode is enabled/disabled.'") (def-setting! :popup (&rest rules) "Prepend a new popup rule to `shackle-rules'." (if (cl-every #'listp (mapcar #'doom-unquote rules)) `(setq shackle-rules (nconc (list ,@rules) shackle-rules)) `(push (list ,@rules) shackle-rules))) ;; ;; Bootstrap ;; (def-package! shackle :demand t :init (setq shackle-default-alignment 'below shackle-default-size 8 ;;; Baseline popup-window rules ;; Several custom properties have been added that are not part of ;; shackle and are used by doom's popup system. They are: ;; ;; :noesc If non-nil, pressing ESC *inside* the popup will close it. ;; Used by `doom/popup-close-maybe'. ;; :modeline By default, mode-lines are hidden in popups unless this ;; is non-nil. If it is a symbol, it'll use `doom-modeline' ;; to fetch a modeline config (in `doom-popup-mode'). ;; :autokill If non-nil, the popup's buffer will be killed when the ;; popup is closed. Used by `doom*delete-popup-window'. ;; NOTE `doom/popup-restore' can't restore non-file popups ;; that have an :autokill property. ;; :autoclose If non-nil, close popup if ESC is pressed from outside ;; the popup window. shackle-rules '(("^\\*ftp " :noselect t :autokill t :noesc t) ;; doom ("^\\*doom:" :regexp t :size 0.35 :noesc t :select t :modeline t) ("^\\*doom " :regexp t :noselect t :autokill t :autoclose t) ;; built-in (emacs) ("*ert*" :same t :modeline t) ("*info*" :size 0.5 :select t :autokill t) ("*Backtrace*" :size 20 :noselect t) ("*Warnings*" :size 8 :noselect t) ("*Messages*" :size 12 :noselect t) ("*Help*" :size 0.3) ("^\\*.*Shell Command.*\\*$" :regexp t :size 20 :noselect t :autokill t) (apropos-mode :size 0.3 :autokill t :autoclose t) (Buffer-menu-mode :size 20 :autokill t) (comint-mode :noesc t) (grep-mode :size 25 :noselect t :autokill t) (profiler-report-mode :size 0.3 :regexp t :autokill t :modeline minimal) (tabulated-list-mode :noesc t) (special-mode :noselect t :autokill t :autoclose t) ("^\\*" :regexp t :noselect t :autokill t) ("^ \\*" :regexp t :size 12 :noselect t :autokill t :autoclose t))) :config (add-hook 'doom-init-hook #'shackle-mode) (defun doom*shackle-always-align (plist) "Ensure popups are always aligned and selected by default. Eliminates the need for :align t on every rule." (when plist (unless (or (plist-member plist :align) (plist-member plist :same) (plist-member plist :frame)) (plist-put plist :align t)) (unless (or (plist-member plist :select) (plist-member plist :noselect)) (plist-put plist :select t))) plist) (advice-add #'shackle--match :filter-return #'doom*shackle-always-align)) ;; ;; Integration ;; ;; Tell `window-state-get' and `current-window-configuration' to recognize these ;; custom parameters. Helpful for `persp-mode' and persisting window configs ;; that have popups in them. (dolist (param (cons 'popup doom-popup-window-parameters)) (push (cons param 'writable) window-persistent-parameters)) (defvar doom-popup-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [escape] 'doom/popup-close-maybe) (define-key map (kbd "ESC") 'doom/popup-close-maybe) (define-key map [remap doom-kill-buffer] 'kill-this-buffer) (define-key map [remap doom/kill-this-buffer] 'kill-this-buffer) (define-key map [remap split-window-right] 'ignore) (define-key map [remap split-window-below] 'ignore) (define-key map [remap split-window-horizontally] 'ignore) (define-key map [remap split-window-vertically] 'ignore) (define-key map [remap mouse-split-window-horizontally] 'ignore) (define-key map [remap mouse-split-window-vertically] 'ignore) map) "Active keymap in popup windows.") (define-minor-mode doom-popup-mode "Minor mode for popup windows." :init-value nil :keymap doom-popup-mode-map (let ((window (selected-window))) ;; If `doom-popup-rules' isn't set for some reason, try to set it (when-let (plist (and (not doom-popup-rules) (window-parameter window 'popup))) (setq-local doom-popup-rules (window-parameter window 'popup))) ;; Ensure that buffer-opening functions/commands (like ;; `switch-to-buffer-other-window' won't use this window). (set-window-parameter window 'no-other-window doom-popup-mode) ;; Makes popup window resist interactively changing its buffer. (set-window-dedicated-p window doom-popup-mode) (cond (doom-popup-mode (when doom-popup-no-fringes (set-window-fringes window 0 0 fringes-outside-margins)) ;; Save metadata into window parameters so it can be saved by window ;; config persisting plugins like workgroups or persp-mode. (set-window-parameter window 'popup (or doom-popup-rules t)) (when doom-popup-rules (cl-loop for param in doom-popup-window-parameters when (plist-get doom-popup-rules param) do (set-window-parameter window param it)))) (t (when doom-popup-no-fringes (set-window-fringes window doom-ui-fringe-size doom-ui-fringe-size fringes-outside-margins)) ;; Ensure window parameters are cleaned up (set-window-parameter window 'popup nil) (dolist (param doom-popup-window-parameters) (set-window-parameter window param nil)))))) ;; Major mode changes (and other things) may call `kill-all-local-variables', ;; turning off things like `doom-popup-mode'. This prevents that. (put 'doom-popup-mode 'permanent-local t) (put 'doom-popup-rules 'permanent-local t) (defun doom|hide-modeline-in-popup () "Don't show modeline in popup windows without a :modeline rule. If one exists and it's a symbol, use `doom-modeline' to grab the format. If non-nil, show the mode-line as normal. If nil (or omitted, by default), then hide the modeline entirely." (if doom-popup-mode (let ((modeline (plist-get doom-popup-rules :modeline))) (cond ((or (eq modeline 'nil) (not modeline)) (doom-hide-modeline-mode +1)) ((and (symbolp modeline) (not (eq modeline 't))) (setq-local doom--modeline-format (doom-modeline modeline)) (when doom--modeline-format (doom-hide-modeline-mode +1))))) (when doom-hide-modeline-mode (doom-hide-modeline-mode -1)))) (add-hook 'doom-popup-mode-hook #'doom|hide-modeline-in-popup) ;; (defun doom*popup-init (orig-fn &rest args) "Initializes a window as a popup window by enabling `doom-popup-mode' in it and setting `doom-popup-rules' within it. Returns the window." (unless (doom-popup-p) (setq doom-popup-other-window (selected-window))) (let* ((plist (or (nth 2 args) (cond ((windowp (car args)) (shackle-match (window-buffer (car args)))) ((bufferp (car args)) (shackle-match (car args)))))) (buffer (get-buffer (car args))) (window-min-height (if (plist-get plist :modeline) 4 2)) window) (when (and (doom-real-buffer-p buffer) (get-buffer-window-list buffer nil t)) (setq plist (append (list :autokill t) plist)) (setcar args (clone-indirect-buffer (buffer-name (car args)) nil t))) (unless (setq window (apply orig-fn args)) (error "No popup window was found for %s: %s" (car args) plist)) (with-selected-window window (unless (eq plist t) (setq-local doom-popup-rules plist)) (doom-popup-mode +1)) window)) (defun doom*popups-save (orig-fn &rest args) "Sets aside all popups before executing the original function, usually to prevent the popup(s) from messing up the UI (or vice versa)." (let ((in-popup-p (doom-popup-p)) (popups (doom-popup-windows)) (doom-popup-remember-history t)) (when popups (mapc #'doom/popup-close popups)) (unwind-protect (apply orig-fn args) (when popups (let ((origin (selected-window))) (doom/popup-restore) (unless in-popup-p (select-window origin))))))) (defun doom*delete-popup-window (&optional window) "Ensure that popups are deleted properly, and killed if they have :autokill properties." (let ((window (or window (selected-window)))) (when (doom-popup-p window) (when doom-popup-remember-history (setq doom-popup-history (list (doom--popup-data window)))) (let ((autokill-p (plist-get doom-popup-rules :autokill))) (with-selected-window window (doom-popup-mode -1) (when autokill-p (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))) (advice-add #'shackle-display-buffer :around #'doom*popup-init) (advice-add #'balance-windows :around #'doom*popups-save) (advice-add #'delete-window :before #'doom*delete-popup-window) ;; ;; Hacks ;; (progn ; hacks for built-in functions (defun doom*buffer-menu (&optional arg) "Open `buffer-menu' in a popup window." (interactive "P") (let ((buf (list-buffers-noselect arg))) (doom-popup-buffer buf) (with-current-buffer buf (setq mode-line-format "Commands: d, s, x, u; f, o, 1, 2, m, v; ~, %; q to quit; ? for help.")))) (advice-add #'buffer-menu :override #'doom*buffer-menu) (defun doom*suppress-pop-to-buffer-same-window (orig-fn &rest args) (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'pop-to-buffer-same-window) (symbol-function 'pop-to-buffer))) (apply orig-fn args))) (advice-add #'info :around #'doom*suppress-pop-to-buffer-same-window)) (after! comint (defun doom|popup-close-comint-buffer () (when (and (doom-popup-p) (derived-mode-p 'comint-mode) (not (process-live-p (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))) (delete-window))) (add-hook '+evil-esc-hook #'doom|popup-close-comint-buffer t)) (after! eshell ;; By tying buffer life to its process, we ensure that we land back in the ;; eshell buffer after term dies. May cause problems with short-lived ;; processes. ;; FIXME replace with a 'kill buffer' keybinding. (setq eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies t) ;; When eshell runs a visual command (see `eshell-visual-commands'), it spawns ;; a term buffer to run it in, but where it spawns it is the problem... (defun doom*eshell-undedicate-popup (orig-fn &rest args) "Force spawned term buffer to share with the eshell popup (if necessary)." (when (doom-popup-p) (set-window-dedicated-p nil nil) (add-transient-hook! #'eshell-query-kill-processes :after (set-window-dedicated-p nil t))) (apply orig-fn args)) (advice-add #'eshell-exec-visual :around #'doom*eshell-undedicate-popup)) (after! evil (let ((map doom-popup-mode-map)) (define-key map [remap evil-window-delete] #'doom/popup-close) (define-key map [remap evil-save-modified-and-close] #'doom/popup-close) (define-key map [remap evil-window-move-very-bottom] #'ignore) (define-key map [remap evil-window-move-very-top] #'ignore) (define-key map [remap evil-window-move-far-left] #'ignore) (define-key map [remap evil-window-move-far-right] #'ignore) (define-key map [remap evil-window-split] #'ignore) (define-key map [remap evil-window-vsplit] #'ignore)) (defun doom|popup-close-maybe () "If current window is a popup, close it. If minibuffer is open, close it. If not in a popup, close all popups with an :autoclose property." (cond ((doom-popup-p) (unless (doom-popup-prop :noesc) (delete-window))) (t (doom/popup-close-all)))) (add-hook '+evil-esc-hook #'doom|popup-close-maybe t) ;; Make evil-mode cooperate with popups (advice-add #'evil-command-window :override #'doom*popup-evil-command-window) (advice-add #'evil-command-window-execute :override #'doom*popup-evil-command-window-execute) (defun doom*popup-evil-command-window (hist cmd-key execute-fn) "The evil command window has a mind of its own (uses `switch-to-buffer'). We monkey patch it to use pop-to-buffer, and to remember the previous window." (when (eq major-mode 'evil-command-window-mode) (user-error "Cannot recursively open command line window")) (dolist (win (window-list)) (when (equal (buffer-name (window-buffer win)) "*Command Line*") (kill-buffer (window-buffer win)) (delete-window win))) (setq evil-command-window-current-buffer (current-buffer)) (ignore-errors (kill-buffer "*Command Line*")) (with-current-buffer (pop-to-buffer "*Command Line*") (setq-local evil-command-window-execute-fn execute-fn) (setq-local evil-command-window-cmd-key cmd-key) (evil-command-window-mode) (evil-command-window-insert-commands hist))) (defun doom*popup-evil-command-window-execute () "Execute the command under the cursor in the appropriate buffer, rather than the command buffer." (interactive) (let ((result (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))) (execute-fn evil-command-window-execute-fn) (popup (selected-window))) (select-window doom-popup-other-window) (unless (equal evil-command-window-current-buffer (current-buffer)) (user-error "Originating buffer is no longer active")) ;; (kill-buffer "*Command Line*") (doom/popup-close popup) (funcall execute-fn result) (setq evil-command-window-current-buffer nil))) ;; Don't mess with popups (advice-add #'doom-evil-window-move :around #'doom*popups-save) (advice-add #'evil-window-move-very-bottom :around #'doom*popups-save) (advice-add #'evil-window-move-very-top :around #'doom*popups-save) (advice-add #'evil-window-move-far-left :around #'doom*popups-save) (advice-add #'evil-window-move-far-right :around #'doom*popups-save) ;; Don't block moving to/from popup windows (defun doom*ignore-window-parameters-in-popups (dir &optional arg window) (window-in-direction (cond ((eq dir 'up) 'above) ((eq dir 'down) 'below) (t dir)) window t arg windmove-wrap-around t)) (advice-add #'windmove-find-other-window :override #'doom*ignore-window-parameters-in-popups)) (after! helm ;; Helm tries to clean up after itself, but shackle has already done this. ;; This fixes that. To reproduce, add a helm rule in `shackle-rules', open two ;; splits side-by-side, move to the buffer on the right and invoke helm. It ;; will close all but the left-most buffer. (setq-default helm-reuse-last-window-split-state t helm-split-window-in-side-p t) (after! helm-swoop (setq helm-swoop-split-window-function #'pop-to-buffer)) (after! helm-ag ;; This prevents helm-ag from switching between windows and buffers. (defun doom*helm-ag-edit-done (orig-fn &rest args) (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'select-window) #'ignore)) (apply orig-fn args)) (doom/popup-close)) (advice-add #'helm-ag--edit-commit :around #'doom*helm-ag-edit-done) (advice-add #'helm-ag--edit-abort :around #'doom*helm-ag-edit-done) (defun doom*helm-ag-edit (orig-fn &rest args) (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'other-window) #'ignore) ((symbol-function 'switch-to-buffer) #'doom-popup-buffer)) (apply orig-fn args) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*helm-ag-edit*") (use-local-map helm-ag-edit-map)))) (advice-add #'helm-ag--edit :around #'doom*helm-ag-edit))) (after! help-mode ;; Help buffers use `other-window' to decide where to open followed links, ;; which can be unpredictable. It should *only* replace the original buffer we ;; opened the popup from. To fix this these three button types need to be ;; redefined to set aside the popup before following a link. (defsubst doom--switch-from-popup (location) (doom/popup-close) (switch-to-buffer (car location) nil t) (if (not (cdr location)) (message "Unable to find location in file") (goto-char (cdr location)) (recenter))) (define-button-type 'help-function-def :supertype 'help-xref 'help-function (lambda (fun file) (require 'find-func) (when (eq file 'C-source) (setq file (help-C-file-name (indirect-function fun) 'fun))) (doom--switch-from-popup (find-function-search-for-symbol fun nil file)))) (define-button-type 'help-variable-def :supertype 'help-xref 'help-function (lambda (var &optional file) (when (eq file 'C-source) (setq file (help-C-file-name var 'var))) (doom--switch-from-popup (find-variable-noselect var file)))) (define-button-type 'help-face-def :supertype 'help-xref 'help-function (lambda (fun file) (require 'find-func) (doom--switch-from-popup (find-function-search-for-symbol fun 'defface file))))) (after! magit (set! :popup "^\\*magit" :regexp t :size 0.5 :noesc t :autokill t) ;; magit doesn't need much coercing. It works with shackle as is, except for ;; one problem: following non-file magit links tends to open additional ;; popups. We want all this to be contained within one window, so... (defun doom-magit-popup-buffer (buffer) "Pop up the magit window with shackle." (cond ((doom-popup-p) (prog1 (doom-popup-switch-to-buffer buffer) (doom-hide-modeline-mode +1))) (t (magit-display-buffer-traditional buffer)))) (defun doom-magit-quit-window (_kill-buffer) "Close the current magit window properly." (let ((last (current-buffer))) (cond ((when-let (dest (doom-buffers-in-mode 'magit-mode (cl-loop for buf in (window-prev-buffers) unless (eq (car buf) last) collect (car buf)) t)) (doom-popup-switch-to-buffer (car dest))) (kill-buffer last)) (t (mapc #'kill-buffer (doom-buffers-in-mode '(magit-mode magit-process-mode) (buffer-list) t)))))) (setq magit-display-buffer-function #'doom-magit-popup-buffer magit-bury-buffer-function #'doom-magit-quit-window)) (after! mu4e (defun doom*mu4e-popup-window (buf _height) (doom-popup-buffer buf :size 10 :noselect t) buf) (advice-add #'mu4e~temp-window :override #'doom*mu4e-popup-window)) (after! multi-term (setq multi-term-buffer-name "doom:terminal")) (after! neotree ;; Neotree has its own window/popup management built-in, which is difficult to ;; police. For example, switching perspectives will cause neotree to forget it ;; is a neotree pane. ;; ;; By handing neotree over to shackle, which is better integrated into the ;; rest of my config (and persp-mode), this is no longer a problem. (set! :popup " *NeoTree*" :align 'left :size 25) (defun +evil-neotree-display-fn (buf _alist) "Hand neotree off to shackle." (let ((win (doom-popup-buffer buf))) (setq neo-global--buffer (window-buffer win) neo-global--window win))) (setq neo-display-action '(+evil-neotree-display-fn)) (defun +evil|neotree-fix-popup () "Repair neotree state whenever its popup state is restored. This ensures that `doom*popup-save' won't break it." (when (equal (buffer-name) neo-buffer-name) (setq neo-global--window (selected-window)))) (add-hook 'doom-popup-mode-hook #'+evil|neotree-fix-popup)) (after! quickrun ;; don't auto-focus quickrun windows, shackle handles that (setq quickrun-focus-p nil)) (after! twittering-mode (setq twittering-pop-to-buffer-function #'pop-to-buffer)) (after! wgrep ;; close the popup after you're done with a wgrep buffer (advice-add #'wgrep-abort-changes :after #'doom/popup-close) (advice-add #'wgrep-finish-edit :after #'doom/popup-close)) (after! xref (defun doom*xref-follow-and-close (orig-fn &rest args) "Jump to the xref on the current line, select its window and close the popup you came from." (interactive) (let ((popup-p (doom-popup-p)) (window (selected-window))) (apply orig-fn args) (when popup-p (doom/popup-close window)))) (advice-add #'xref-goto-xref :around #'doom*xref-follow-and-close)) ;; Ensure these settings are attached to org-load-hook as late as possible, ;; giving other modules a chance to add their own hooks. (defun doom|init-org-popups () (add-hook! 'org-load-hook (set! :popup '("*Calendar*" :size 0.4 :noselect t) '(" *Org todo*" :size 5 :noselect t) '("*Org Note*" :size 10) '("*Org Select*" :size 20 :noselect t) '("*Org Links*" :size 5 :noselect t) '("*Org Export Dispatcher*" :noselect t) '(" *Agenda Commands*" :noselect t) '("^\\*Org Agenda" :regexp t :size 30) '("*Org Clock*" :noselect t) '("^\\*Org Src" :regexp t :size 0.35 :noesc t) '("*Edit Formulas*" :size 10) '("^\\*Org-Babel" :regexp t :size 25 :noselect t) '("^CAPTURE.*\\.org$" :regexp t :size 20)) ;; Org has its own window management system with a scorched earth philosophy ;; I'm not fond of. i.e. it kills all windows and monopolizes the frame. No ;; thanks. We can do better with shackle's help. (defun doom*suppress-delete-other-windows (orig-fn &rest args) (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'delete-other-windows) (symbol-function 'ignore))) (apply orig-fn args))) (advice-add #'org-add-log-note :around #'doom*suppress-delete-other-windows) (advice-add #'org-capture-place-template :around #'doom*suppress-delete-other-windows) (advice-add #'org-export--dispatch-ui :around #'doom*suppress-delete-other-windows) ;; `org-edit-src-code' simply clones and narrows the buffer to a src block, ;; so we are secretly manipulating the same buffer. Since truely killing it ;; would kill the original org buffer we've got to do things differently. (defun doom*org-src-switch-to-buffer (buffer _context) (if (eq org-src-window-setup 'switch-invisibly) (set-buffer buffer) (pop-to-buffer buffer))) (advice-add #'org-src-switch-to-buffer :override #'doom*org-src-switch-to-buffer) ;; Ensure todo, agenda, and other minor popups handed off to shackle. (defun doom*org-pop-to-buffer (&rest args) (let ((buf (car args))) (pop-to-buffer (cond ((stringp buf) (get-buffer-create buf)) ((bufferp buf) buf) (t (error "Invalid buffer %s" buf)))))) (advice-add #'org-switch-to-buffer-other-window :override #'doom*org-pop-to-buffer) (after! org-agenda (setq org-agenda-window-setup 'other-window org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit nil) ;; Hide modeline in org-agenda (add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook #'doom-hide-modeline-mode) ;; Don't monopolize frame! (advice-add #'org-agenda :around #'doom*suppress-delete-other-windows) (map! :map org-agenda-mode-map :m [escape] 'org-agenda-Quit :m "ESC" 'org-agenda-Quit) (let ((map org-agenda-mode-map)) (define-key map "q" 'org-agenda-Quit) (define-key map "Q" 'org-agenda-Quit))))) (add-hook 'doom-init-hook #'doom|init-org-popups) (provide 'core-popups) ;;; core-popups.el ends here