;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*- ;;; lang/org/packages.el ;; NOTE This is an insecure source, but unavoidable if we want org 9.0+. ;; orgmode.org offers no secure access to this repo. If this bothers you, ;; comment out this `package!' block and download org-plus-contrib from ;; orgmode.org. (package! org-plus-contrib :recipe (:fetcher git :url "http://orgmode.org/org-mode.git")) (package! org-download) (package! org-bullets) (package! ob-go) (package! ob-mongo) (package! ob-redis) (package! ob-restclient) (package! ob-rust :recipe (:fetcher github :repo "zweifisch/ob-rust")) (package! ob-sql-mode) (package! ob-translate) ;; (package! ox-pandox)