;;; completion/ivy/autoload/evil.el (defvar +ivy--ag-last-search nil) ;;;###autoload (autoload '+ivy:ag-search "completion/ivy/autoload/evil" nil t) (evil-define-operator +ivy:ag-search (beg end search regex-p &optional dir) "Preform a counsel search with SEARCH. If SEARCH is nil and in visual mode, use the selection, otherwise activate live ag searching in helm. If REGEX-P is non-nil, SEARCH will be treated as a regular expression. DIR specifies the default-directory from which ag is run." :type inclusive :repeat nil (interactive "") (let ((search (or search (and (evil-visual-state-p) (and beg end (let ((str (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) (if regex-p (rxt-quote-pcre str) str)))) +ivy--ag-last-search))) (setq +ivy--ag-last-search search) (counsel-ag (if regex-p search (regexp-quote search)) (or dir (doom-project-root)) (concat "--nocolor --nogroup" (if regex-p " -Q"))))) ;;;###autoload (autoload '+ivy:ag-search-cwd "completion/ivy/autoload/evil" nil t) (evil-define-operator +ivy:ag-search-cwd (beg end search regex-p) :type inclusive :repeat nil (interactive "") (+ivy:ag-search beg end search regex-p default-directory)) ;;;###autoload (autoload '+ivy:swiper "completion/ivy/autoload/evil" nil t) (evil-define-command +ivy:swiper (&optional search) "Invoke `swiper' with SEARCH, otherwise with the symbol at point." (interactive "") (swiper (or search (thing-at-point 'symbol))))