--- name: Bug report about: Doom might be misbehaving labels: is:bug title: "[BUG] " assignees: '' --- **What did you expect to happen?** ... **What actually happened?** ... **Additional details:** - Include a link to your private config - Include screenshots/casts of your issue - If you mention key sequences, include what commands they're bound to (use `SPC h k KEY` or `C-h h k KEY` to inspect keys). - Include any warnings or errors logged to \*Messages\* (use `M-x view-echo-area-messages` to see it).
If an error message is involved include a backtrace of it.

How to acquire a backtrace:
**Steps to reproduce:** 1. Select these example steps, 2. Delete them, 3. And replace them with precise steps to reproduce your issue. 4. Fill in "system information" below. **System information:**
Place the output of `M-x doom/info` or `~/.emacs.d/bin/doom info` here.