;;; editor/evil/+everywhere.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; We load evil-collection ourselves for these reasons: ;; ;; 1. To truly lazy load it. Some of its modules, like ;; evil-collection-{elisp-mode,buff-menu} are loaded immediately, because ;; Emacs loads their packages immediately, which pulls in all of ;; evil-collection (and other packages with it, sometimes). ;; 2. This ensures a predictable load order, versus lazy loading using :defer or ;; :after-call. This means users can use (after! org ...) and be sure that ;; their changes will override evil-collection's. ;; 3. Eventually, I'd like to remove evil-collection. It changes too often, ;; introduces breaking bugs too frequently, and I don't always agree with ;; their design choices. Regardless, there are useful tidbits I'd like to ;; keep. This will be a slow transition, but this file is where most of it ;; will happen. ;; 4. Adds `+evil-collection-disabled-list', to make it easier for users to ;; disable modules, and to reduce the effort required to maintain our copy of ;; `evil-collection-list' (now I can just copy it from time to time). (defvar +evil-collection-disabled-list '(anaconda-mode buff-menu comint company custom eldoc elisp-mode ert free-keys help helm image kotlin-mode occur package-menu ruby-mode simple slime) "A list of `evil-collection' modules to ignore. See the definition of this variable for an explanation of the defaults (in comments). See `evil-collection-mode-list' for a list of available options.") (defvar evil-collection-setup-minibuffer nil) ;; This has to be defined here since evil-collection doesn't autoload its own. ;; It must be updated whenever evil-collection updates theirs. (defvar evil-collection-mode-list `(2048-game ag alchemist anaconda-mode arc-mode bookmark (buff-menu "buff-menu") calc calendar cider cmake-mode comint company compile custom cus-theme daemons deadgrep debbugs debug diff-mode dired disk-usage doc-view ebib edbi edebug ediff eglot elfeed elisp-mode elisp-refs elisp-slime-nav emms epa ert eshell eval-sexp-fu evil-mc eww flycheck flymake free-keys geiser ggtags git-timemachine go-mode grep guix hackernews helm help helpful hg-histedit hungry-delete ibuffer image image-dired image+ imenu-list indium info ivy js2-mode leetcode log-edit log-view lsp-ui-imenu lua-mode kotlin-mode macrostep man magit magit-todos ,@(when evil-collection-setup-minibuffer '(minibuffer)) monky mu4e mu4e-conversation neotree notmuch nov ;; occur is in replace.el which was built-in before Emacs 26. (occur ,(if (<= emacs-major-version 25) "replace" 'replace)) omnisharp outline p4 (package-menu package) pass (pdf pdf-view) popup proced process-menu prodigy profiler python quickrun racer realgud reftex restclient rjsx-mode robe ruby-mode rtags simple slime (term term ansi-term) tetris tide transmission typescript-mode vc-annotate vc-dir vc-git vdiff view vlf vterm w3m wdired wgrep which-key woman xref youtube-dl (ztree ztree-diff))) (defun +evil-collection-init (module) "Initialize evil-collection-MODULE. Unlike `evil-collection-init', this respects `+evil-collection-disabled-list', and complains if a module is loaded too early (during startup)." (unless (memq (or (car-safe module) module) +evil-collection-disabled-list) (let ((module-sym (or (car-safe module) module))) (doom-log "Initialized evil-collection-%s %s" module-sym (if doom-init-time "" "(too early!)"))) (with-demoted-errors "evil-collection error: %s" (evil-collection-init (list module))))) ;; ;;; Bootstrap ;; These modes belong to packages that Emacs always loads at startup, causing ;; evil-collection to load immediately. We avoid this by loading them after ;; evil-collection has first loaded... (after! evil-collection (let (+evil-collection-disabled-list) (mapc #'+evil-collection-init '(comint custom help)))) ;; ...or on first invokation of their associated major/minor modes. (add-transient-hook! 'Buffer-menu-mode (+evil-collection-init '(buff-menu "buff-menu"))) (add-transient-hook! 'image-mode (+evil-collection-init 'image)) (add-transient-hook! 'emacs-lisp-mode (+evil-collection-init 'elisp-mode)) (add-transient-hook! 'occur-mode (+evil-collection-init (if EMACS26+ 'replace "replace"))) (evil-define-key* 'normal process-menu-mode-map "q" #'kill-current-buffer "d" #'process-menu-delete-process) ;; Load the rest (dolist (mode evil-collection-mode-list) (dolist (req (or (cdr-safe mode) (list mode))) (with-eval-after-load req (+evil-collection-init mode))))