Commit Graph

14474 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Henrik Lissner
Fix #3389: wrong-type-argument on closing calendar
Can happen if you don't open the calendar through =calendar.
2020-10-12 03:37:08 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4081 from brianmcgillion/cleanup-roam
[:lang (org +roam)] company-org-roam is depricated
2020-10-12 01:07:04 -04:00
Brian McGillion
fea5205983 [:lang (org +roam)] company-org-roam is depricated
Just cleans up the residue

Signed-off-by: Brian McGillion <>
2020-10-12 09:02:07 +04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :email ->
jeremy-compostella/org-msg@2db6725 -> jeremy-compostella/org-msg@557d490
wanderlust/apel@d146ddb -> wanderlust/apel@28bca5f
wanderlust/flim@f303f2f -> wanderlust/flim@edb5982
wanderlust/semi@10897f0 -> wanderlust/semi@939c805
wanderlust/wanderlust@7af0d58 -> wanderlust/wanderlust@c7043e6
2020-10-11 23:33:52 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :checkers
d12frosted/flyspell-correct@dea1290 -> d12frosted/flyspell-correct@6d603a1
flycheck/flycheck@c02cd77 -> flycheck/flycheck@cd8e0a2
ideasman42/emacs-spell-fu@e94d01c -> ideasman42/emacs-spell-fu@a7db587
2020-10-11 23:32:51 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :app
jorgenschaefer/circe@89aac22 -> jorgenschaefer/circe@d98986c
skeeto/elfeed@8fb09ad -> skeeto/elfeed@7b2b6fa
2020-10-11 23:31:56 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :lang
200ok-ch/counsel-jq@b14dfc5 -> 200ok-ch/counsel-jq@104c77b
Andersbakken/rtags@b57b360 -> Andersbakken/rtags@e6c7005
Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@8e6dd57 -> Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@0e4bafb
FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@bd28cb8 -> FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@5670fc0
GDQuest/emacs-gdscript-mode@7aea87b -> GDQuest/emacs-gdscript-mode@55a6637
JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@b5f5983 -> JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@8ea90c7
NixOS/nix-mode@0cf1ea1 -> NixOS/nix-mode@bb0b49e
OmniSharp/omnisharp-emacs@e658a18 -> OmniSharp/omnisharp-emacs@e26ff8b
ProofGeneral/PG@03e427a -> ProofGeneral/PG@4f6b602
Raku/raku-mode@e0639c8 -> Raku/raku-mode@8a6e17f
Sterlingg/json-snatcher@c4cecc0 -> Sterlingg/json-snatcher@b28d1c0
agda/agda@36738c1 -> agda/agda@08191e6
asok/projectile-rails@11980b2 -> asok/projectile-rails@7a256b1
borkdude/flycheck-clj-kondo@5472c26 -> borkdude/flycheck-clj-kondo@152df7f
brotzeit/rustic@75b9920 -> brotzeit/rustic@7c9d55b
clojure-emacs/cider@a89b694 -> clojure-emacs/cider@f1c2a79
clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el@9709568 -> clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el@6db85b3
clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@84ed16c -> clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@75c2889
cython/cython@fcfd16c -> cython/cython@ba6cbed
dominikh/go-mode.el@734d523 -> dominikh/go-mode.el@d17d210
emacs-ess/ESS@1baf8bf -> emacs-ess/ESS@a694b26
emacs-lsp/lsp-haskell@a56667b -> emacs-lsp/lsp-haskell@4d85cb3
emacs-lsp/lsp-java@2600162 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-java@3f1ed17
emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@039aa72 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@8f8471c
emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@9603dda -> emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@ccd0007
emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@a884a9a -> emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@a0c56f4
emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@130f7a8 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@948c3a3
emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@f780ddb -> emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@fdff98b
emacs-typescript/typescript.el@42a60e5 -> emacs-typescript/typescript.el@e6f68ab
ericdallo/hover.el@e213f2b -> ericdallo/hover.el@3f07a18
erlang/otp@d9bc785 -> erlang/otp@36b4ba4
factor/factor@3fdb032 -> factor/factor@c6e15bd
flycheck/flycheck-cask@3457ae5 -> flycheck/flycheck-cask@4b2ede6
fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@3e41fe1 -> fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@68dfc22
fxbois/web-mode@60ffd87 -> fxbois/web-mode@b4b0a85
galaunay/poetry.el@22a76cd -> galaunay/poetry.el@eb238d9
greghendershott/racket-mode@c55fd70 -> greghendershott/racket-mode@0ca8b26
hhvm/hack-mode@572c3b4 -> hhvm/hack-mode@9079bc3
hylang/hy-mode@55e84ca -> hylang/hy-mode@7256844
immerrr/lua-mode@35b6e4c -> immerrr/lua-mode@345ebfc
jaor/geiser@adc5c4a -> jaor/geiser@2accab7
joaotavora/sly@34239bc -> joaotavora/sly@fce4f9b
jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@0e5eae0 -> jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@cccdedf
jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@0e5eae0 -> jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@cccdedf
josteink/csharp-mode@4885177 -> josteink/csharp-mode@f46d656
jrblevin/markdown-mode@ef2cb4d -> jrblevin/markdown-mode@152eae2
jschaf/powershell.el@8782677 -> jschaf/powershell.el@d1b3f95
jwiegley/emacs-async@36a1015 -> jwiegley/emacs-async@14f48de
leanprover/lean-mode@6b43776 -> leanprover/lean-mode@cc1f5fa
liblit/demangle-mode@697c1db -> liblit/demangle-mode@aaef0bd
mooz/js2-mode@40aab27 -> mooz/js2-mode@ffb7099
nonsequitur/inf-ruby@9f0f79f -> nonsequitur/inf-ruby@b012457
pashky/restclient.el@ac8aad6 -> pashky/restclient.el@abc307b
pythonic-emacs/anaconda-mode@73266a4 -> pythonic-emacs/anaconda-mode@39b1cf8
pythonic-emacs/pyenv-mode@d191037 -> pythonic-emacs/pyenv-mode@b818901
seagle0128/grip-mode@281ada2 -> seagle0128/grip-mode@91da46f
senny/rvm.el@081d517 -> senny/rvm.el@6897576
swift-emacs/swift-mode@d266fbd -> swift-emacs/swift-mode@e65a80a
wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@fc056fa -> wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@a2f88b1
xuchunyang/elisp-demos@8c97481 -> xuchunyang/elisp-demos@3cca496
2020-10-11 23:20:06 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
lang/cc: fix +cc/ccls-show-* keybinds
Forgot to rename them in df85b4cda.
2020-10-11 21:52:43 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
lang/cc: fix ccls/eglot commands for vanilla users
And conform them to Doom's naming conventions.
2020-10-11 21:50:15 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :completion ivy
tumashu/ivy-posframe@1e602a7 -> tumashu/ivy-posframe@b4fed55

Fixes #4058, due to tumashu/ivy-posframe@d16fbb0
2020-10-11 20:36:44 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :emacs
ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu-session@e2043f8 -> ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu-session@5135b5c
magit/magit@321214c -> magit/magit@2fb3bf7
rmuslimov/browse-at-remote@6aecae4 -> rmuslimov/browse-at-remote@fadf99d
2020-10-11 20:35:31 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Fix #4074: map! with meta/hyper modifier prefixes 2020-10-11 20:31:46 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
tools/lsp: refactor +lsp-optimization-mode 2020-10-11 20:31:46 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
tools/lsp: restore flycheck-checker fix #3989
Removed in 22b6eaed0.
2020-10-11 20:31:33 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Rethink lsp defaults
+ Allow LSP to prompt to install servers. All this machinary just adds
more confusion for beginners, and at least LSP asks for your permission
before it does it.
+ Reverts lsp-enable-file-watchers and lsp-enable-indentation to their
default (enabled), hopefully to help lsp-java, lsp-dart, and lsp-clojure
users, for whom file-watchers seems to be necessary.
+ Apply GC/IPC optimizations globally, to ensure their reach. By only
setting them buffer-locally we don't have a guarantee that subprocesses
will be affected when the lsp buffer isn't focused.

Closes #3989

Co-authored-by: Eric Dallo <>
2020-10-11 18:32:42 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Don't enable explain-pause-mode at startup
When starting Emacs in debug mode, explain-pause-mode is enabled. This
pulls in other packages with it, which can taint results when testing
package load order. Also, explain-pause-mode is for measuring pauses
during interactive use, it isn't very useful for startup benchmarking.

So we only toggle it if doom-debug-mode is toggled interactively.
2020-10-11 16:41:07 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Stop ws-butler from corrupting undo history #4071 2020-10-11 16:41:07 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
regexp-quote comp blacklist entries 2020-10-11 16:41:05 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :lang org
Kungsgeten/org-brain@671db0e -> Kungsgeten/org-brain@e703ae0
abo-abo/org-download@67b3c74 -> abo-abo/org-download@42ac361
astahlman/ob-async@80a30b9 -> astahlman/ob-async@de1cd6c
bastibe/org-journal@a2728e2 -> bastibe/org-journal@e7c51c4
emacs-straight/org-mode@220f2b0 -> emacs-straight/org-mode@e2bb605
fuxialexander/org-pdftools@8cc15bb -> fuxialexander/org-pdftools@3c2b9a4
hakimel/reveal.js@15815ef) -> hakimel/reveal.js@e09437f)
integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@94f35c2 -> integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@7f83636
kaushalmodi/ox-hugo@75b849e -> kaushalmodi/ox-hugo@95723cd
oer/org-re-reveal@7fe39d5 -> oer/org-re-reveal@29f565f
org-roam/org-roam@c33867e -> org-roam/org-roam@87d7c07

Closes #4034; company-org-roam is now deprecated, completions are
provided via capf instead.

Co-authored-by: Jethro Kuan <>
2020-10-11 16:37:51 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :core
Fanael/rainbow-delimiters@5125f4e -> Fanael/rainbow-delimiters@f43d48a
Fuco1/smartparens@555626a -> Fuco1/smartparens@c59bfef
Wilfred/helpful@c0662aa -> Wilfred/helpful@1671e1d
bbatsov/projectile@46d2010 -> bbatsov/projectile@3670ebe
domtronn/all-the-icons.el@8c02280 -> domtronn/all-the-icons.el@6917b08
justbur/emacs-which-key@e48e190 -> justbur/emacs-which-key@ae59b7e
koral/gcmh@b1bde50 -> koral/gcmh@84c43a4
2020-10-11 16:22:13 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :tools
abo-abo/define-word@08c71b1 -> abo-abo/define-word@3af6825
brotzeit/helm-xref@6b4a8bd) -> brotzeit/helm-xref@23f1174)
charignon/github-review@fab440a -> charignon/github-review@e2123cc
cjohansson/emacs-ssh-deploy@1bb2f82 -> cjohansson/emacs-ssh-deploy@cc91b56
editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9bc1343 -> editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@a6c70da
emacs-lsp/dap-mode@4b18543 -> emacs-lsp/dap-mode@400ec52
emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@65034e1 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@fb4c35c
emacsorphanage/quickrun@ce7383c -> emacsorphanage/quickrun@005d269
jacktasia/dumb-jump@0d74b2f -> jacktasia/dumb-jump@fbbe6b0
k1LoW/emacs-ansible@b5ef594 -> k1LoW/emacs-ansible@cf6b8f0
magit/forge@feee7e2 -> magit/forge@031e4f0
magit/magit@321214c -> magit/magit@2fb3bf7
millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@99a4718 -> millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@1bfb80c
purcell/envrc@1dc5aad -> purcell/envrc@da8e306
realgud/realgud@332d136 -> realgud/realgud@ff66001
tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 -> tumashu/posframe@a99da9f
2020-10-11 16:21:05 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Fix void-variable comp-eln-load-path 2020-10-11 15:53:37 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4047 from flatwhatson/deferred-aot
Improvements to native-comp support
2020-10-11 15:43:37 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4076 from lunik1/clojure-doc
Add table describing keybindings for clojure module
2020-10-11 15:01:56 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4075 from gagbo/patch-6
[:lang cc] Fix list in call for cpu count command
2020-10-11 15:01:24 -04:00
Describe keybindings for clojure module 2020-10-11 14:29:59 +01:00
Gerry Agbobada
[:lang cc] Fix list in call for cpu count command
I should find some way to test on Mac OS I guess, or test at least. That would make those small errors easier to catch than trying to review it 1000 times
2020-10-11 11:07:21 +02:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4073 from saep/bugfix/magit--display-buffer-in-direction-doesnt-respect-magit-display-buffer-noselect
Respect magit-display-buffer-noselect
2020-10-10 23:19:06 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #3879 from gagbo/feature/ccls-config
Add ccls-specific configuration
2020-10-10 23:18:20 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump auctex
emacs-straight/auctex@9e7406c -> emacs-straight/auctex@59e251c

9e7406c does not exist on the emacs-straight/auctex mirror.

Half-reverts #4072
2020-10-10 14:54:25 -04:00
Gerry Agbobada
Add ccls-specific configuration
Most of these changes come from MaskRay's private configuration found
here :

- Limit ccls threads to be maximum half the available core count on
  Linux and MacOS
- Add wrappers to call ccls LSP extensions
- Enable ccls-code-lens-mode
- Set initial state to emacs when navigating ccls-tree
- Use 'font-lock for semantic highlighting, making the speed choice
  according to variable's docstring

- config tweaks to eglot
  InitializationOptions aren't handled this way. An example of handling
  ccls init options is provided on joaotavora/eglot#545, hoping that a fix
  gets merged upstream instead of having to handle ccls specifics in Doom
2020-10-10 20:44:52 +02:00
Henrik Lissner
Load dap-mode after lsp-mode manually
:after complicates use-package load-order of its keywords, making it
difficult for users to guess how to remove the dap-tooltip-mode :hook.
We'll just do it ourselves.
2020-10-10 13:50:57 -04:00
Sebastian Witte
3a1fd7b282 Respect magit-display-buffer-noselect
This fixes the behavior of e.g. magit-diff-show-or-scroll-down.
When in magit-log-mode, said action should not move focus to the diff
window because it would otherwise behave identical to pressing
2020-10-10 19:50:10 +02:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4072 from acristoffers/patch-1
Bump :lang latex
2020-10-10 12:54:04 -04:00
Álan Crístoffer
Bump :lang latex
jwiegley/auctex@59e251c -> jwiegley/auctex@9e7406c
iyefrat/evil-tex@06234c9 -> iyefrat/evil-tex@a3b6875

iyefrat/evil-tex#3 fixes selection/navigation in LaTeX files which are not the root document and makes section regex-matching more strict, to avoid partial matching.
2020-10-10 09:13:33 -03:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :lang ocaml
ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@cd0eaa8 -> ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@1dec6c3
ocaml/dune@daea74e -> ocaml/dune@f967df6
ocaml/merlin@3751cbf -> ocaml/merlin@06833e9

Closes #4068. Includes fix for ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat#1481
2020-10-10 02:31:32 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4064 from rickyson96/develop
lang/ledger: Add doctor.el for :lang ledger
2020-10-10 02:30:30 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4069 from brianmcgillion/bump-biblio
Bump :tools biblio
2020-10-10 02:29:51 -04:00
Brian McGillion
404a856f37 Bump :tools biblio
tmalsburg/helm-bibtex@b14b628 -> tmalsburg/helm-bibtex@12f8809

Signed-off-by: Brian McGillion <>
2020-10-10 07:40:45 +04:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4067 from rgrinberg/search-compressed
Search compressed .el files in load history
2020-10-09 18:34:14 -04:00
Rudi Grinberg
b52072ec90 Search compressed .el files in load history
On many installations, the .el files that are builtin to emacs are
compressed. We should search these as well.

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
2020-10-09 15:22:04 -07:00
Henrik Lissner
Merge pull request #4063 from gilbertw1/ligature-doc-fix
Fix ligature documentation typo
2020-10-09 18:14:22 -04:00
Bryan Gilbert
89f709f4a4 Fix ligature documentation typo
Fixes 4061
2020-10-09 15:54:10 -04:00
Ricky Anderson
2f1be297f2 Add doctor.el for :lang ledger 2020-10-10 02:22:18 +07:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :editor evil
emacs-evil/evil@1e7aa5b -> emacs-evil/evil@373a57e
redguardtoo/evil-nerd-commenter@87734b9 -> redguardtoo/evil-nerd-commenter@b670f69
emacs-evil/evil-collection@c136589 -> emacs-evil/evil-collection@a21725f
2020-10-09 04:41:45 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
Bump :tools lsp
emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@9a79593 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@65034e1

Fixes "LSP :: Error from the Language Server: Request
textDocument/codeAction failed with message: Cannot read property
'codeActions' of undefined (Internal Error)" error with lsp-vetur
2020-10-09 03:56:03 -04:00
Henrik Lissner
tools/lsp: apply after changing gcmh-high-cons-threshold 2020-10-08 23:43:12 -04:00
Andrew Whatson
2e07a85590 Native-compile everything on load-path
Add an extra pass to `doom build` to queue native compilation of all
packages on `load-path`. This ensures that all core and site Elisp
packages are actually native-compiled, even on "fast boot" builds.

Add `.local/autolads.el` to the blacklist as native-compiling this file
succeeds, but prevents emacs from starting up.

Revise the evil-collection-vterm blacklist entry to use a more efficient

Fix a bug where an updated .error file wasn't always written, causing
spurious rebuilds.
2020-10-09 09:34:34 +10:00
Andrew Whatson
1d0f1575aa Remove comp-eln-load-path injection hack
This was fixed upstream, so comp-eln-load-path is now passed to async
compilation workers.
2020-10-09 09:34:34 +10:00
Andrew Whatson
30140021de Export comp-deferred-compilation-black-list via autoloads
The latest straight.el adds `:no-native-compile` packages to the
compilation blacklist. We export the build-time blacklist via autoloads
so that it works as expected to prevent native compilation at runtime.
2020-10-09 09:34:23 +10:00