Update key bindings

This commit is contained in:
Henrik Lissner 2015-11-17 02:13:57 -05:00
parent c27643c5e9
commit d3af760f07

View File

@ -12,25 +12,28 @@
;; Global keymaps ;;
"A-x" 'execute-extended-command
"M-x" 'smex
"M-X" 'smex-major-mode-commands
"M-;" 'eval-expression
"M-=" 'text-scale-increase
"M--" 'text-scale-decrease
"M-/" 'evil-commentary-line
"A-x" 'smex
"A-X" 'smex-major-mode-commands
"A-;" 'eval-expression
"A-/" 'evil-commentary-line
(:when window-system
"M-=" 'text-scale-increase
"M--" 'text-scale-decrease)
"M-b" 'narf:build
"M-t" 'helm-projectile-find-file
"A-`" 'narf-switch-to-iterm
"C-`" 'narf/popwin-toggle
"<f9>" 'what-face
"M-w" 'evil-window-delete
"M-W" (λ (let ((data (assq (selected-frame) narf-wg-frames)))
(if data
(progn (wg-delete-workgroup (wg-get-workgroup (cdr data)))
(delete-frame (car data)))
"M-W" 'delete-frame
"M-n" (λ (switch-to-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*new*")))
"M-N" (λ (let ((nlinum-p (and (featurep 'nlinum)
(memq 'nlinum--setup-window window-configuration-change-hook))))
@ -68,8 +71,22 @@
:m "M-7" (λ (narf:switch-to-workgroup-at-index 6))
:m "M-8" (λ (narf:switch-to-workgroup-at-index 7))
:m "M-9" (λ (narf:switch-to-workgroup-at-index 8))
:m "M-0" (λ (text-scale-set 0))
(:when IS-MAC
;; Add animated transitions to OSX emacs
"M-w" (λ (if window-system
(mac-start-animation (get-buffer-window) :type 'fade-out :duration 0.25))
(call-interactively 'evil-window-delete))
"M-W" (λ (let ((data (assq (selected-frame) narf-wg-frames)))
(if data
(progn (wg-delete-workgroup (wg-get-workgroup (cdr data)))
(delete-frame (car data)))
"M-n" (λ (if window-system
(mac-start-animation (get-buffer-window) :type 'fade-out :duration 0.25))
(switch-to-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*new*")))
;; Textmate-esque indent shift left/right
:i "M-[" (kbd "C-o m l C-o I DEL C-o ` l")
:i "M-]" (λ (evil-shift-right (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)))
@ -107,7 +124,7 @@
:nv "]" 'helm-etags-select
:nv "a" 'helm-projectile-find-other-file
:nv "E" (λ (in! narf-emacs-dir (helm-projectile-find-file)))
:nv "n" 'narf/ido-find-org-file
:nv "n" (λ (in! org-directory (helm-projectile-find-file)))
:nv "N" 'narf:org-search-files-or-headers
:nv "m" 'helm-recentf
:nv "M" 'helm-projectile-recentf ; recent PROJECT files
@ -137,19 +154,19 @@
:nv ";" 'narf/nlinum-toggle
:nv "E" 'evil-emacs-state
:n "]" 'next-buffer
:n "[" 'previous-buffer
:n "]" 'next-buffer
:n "[" 'previous-buffer
:n "c" 'narf/reset-theme
:n "s" (λ (narf:yas-snippets t)) ; ido snippets dir
:n "g" 'diff-hl-diff-goto-hunk
:n "e" (λ (call-interactively 'flycheck-buffer) (flycheck-list-errors))
:n "p" 'helm-show-kill-ring
:n "b" 'helm-bookmarks
:n "w" 'narf:helm-wg
:n "W" 'narf:workgroup-display)
:n "c" 'narf/reset-theme
:n "s" (λ (narf:yas-snippets t)) ; ido snippets dir
:n "g" 'diff-hl-diff-goto-hunk
:n "e" (λ (call-interactively 'flycheck-buffer) (flycheck-list-errors))
:n "p" 'helm-show-kill-ring
:n "b" 'helm-bookmarks
:n "w" 'narf:helm-wg
:n "W" 'narf:workgroup-display)
:n "Y" "y$"
;; :n "Y" "y$"
:n "K" 'smart-up
;; Don't move cursor on indent
@ -159,7 +176,7 @@
:n "zr" 'narf/evil-open-folds
:n "zm" 'narf/evil-close-folds
:n "zx" 'narf:kill-real-buffer
:n "zX" 'bury-buffer
:n "ZX" 'bury-buffer
:n "]b" 'narf/next-real-buffer
:n "[b" 'narf/previous-real-buffer
@ -179,7 +196,6 @@
:n "gR" 'narf:eval-buffer
:n "gc" 'evil-commentary
:n "gy" 'evil-commentary-yank
:n "gx" 'evil-exchange
:n "gr" 'narf:eval-region
:v "gR" 'narf:eval-region-and-replace
@ -208,6 +224,7 @@
;; paste from recent yank register; which isn't overwritten by deletes or
;; other operations.
:n "Y" "y$"
:v "P" "\"0p"
:v "S" 'evil-surround-region
@ -284,9 +301,9 @@
(:after company
(:map company-active-map
"C-o" 'company-search-kill-others
"C-n" 'company-select-next-or-abort
"C-p" 'company-select-previous-or-abort
"C-h" 'company-quickhelp-manual-begin
"C-n" 'company-select-next
"C-p" 'company-select-previous
"C-h" 'company-show-doc-buffer
"C-S-h" 'company-show-location
"C-S-s" 'company-search-candidates
"C-s" 'company-filter-candidates
@ -321,10 +338,6 @@
(global-set-key (kbd "<left-margin> <mouse-1>") 'narf/mouse-select-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "<left-margin> <drag-mouse-1>") 'narf/mouse-select-line)
;; Horizontal Scrolling
(global-set-key (kbd "<wheel-right>") (λ (evil-scroll-column-right 2)))
(global-set-key (kbd "<wheel-left>") (λ (evil-scroll-column-left 2)))
;; Keymap fixes ;;
@ -335,8 +348,8 @@
;; Restores "dumb" indentation to the tab key. This rustles a lot of
;; peoples' jimmies, apparently, but it's how I like it.
(bind! :i "<tab" 'narf/dumb-indent
:i "<C-tab" 'indent-for-tab-command
(bind! :i "<tab>" 'narf/dumb-indent
:i "<C-tab>" 'indent-for-tab-command
;; No dumb-tab for lisp
:i :map lisp-mode-map [remap narf/dumb-indent] 'indent-for-tab-command
@ -389,7 +402,7 @@
[escape] 'narf-minibuffer-quit)
:map read-expression-map "C-w" 'evil-delete-backward-word)
:map read-expression-map "C-w" 'backward-kill-word)
(bind! :i "A-o" (λ (insert "ø"))
:i "A-O" (λ (insert "Ø"))