feature/evil: fix stringp error in +evil-fold-p

This commit is contained in:
Henrik Lissner 2017-05-15 21:00:52 +02:00
parent fb8a361e1f
commit a5ee4f8574
2 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
+ [ ] twitter
+ [ ] present
** 2.0.3 [16/28]
** 2.0.3 [17/29]
+ [ ] tools/upload: add ~+upload/open-remote-file~ command to open current file
on the remote (with TRAMP)
+ [ ] lang/org: fix janky visual line motions (~evil-next-visual-line~, etc)
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
+ [ ] Fix invisible buffer-info segment in modeline for terminal Emacs
+ [-] ui/doom: fix nav-flash on evil-multiedit or in eshell/term buffers
+ [-] New module :: tools/regex: PCRE regex editor
+ [X] feature/evil: fix stringp error caused by unintialized state in hideshow
+ [X] feature/evil: extend ~evil-escape~ +to ~evil-multiedit-insert-state~+
+ [X] feature/evil: new code folding system
+ [X] Load ~custom-file~

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
(defun +evil-fold-p ()
(or (+evil--vimish-fold-p)
(ignore-errors (hs-already-hidden-p))))
;;;###autoload (autoload '+evil/fold-toggle "feature/evil/autoload/folds" nil t)
(evil-define-command +evil/fold-toggle ()