General cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Henrik Lissner 2016-04-20 21:36:32 -04:00
parent 9a5f3cad10
commit 53879f2528
11 changed files with 96 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -191,6 +191,14 @@ enable multiple minor modes for the same regexp.")
;; Plugins
(use-package editorconfig
;; Don't affect lisp indentation (only `tab-width')
(setq editorconfig-indentation-alist
(delq (assq 'emacs-lisp-mode editorconfig-indentation-alist)
(editorconfig-mode +1))
(use-package ace-window
:commands ace-window
:config (setq aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l)
@ -202,12 +210,6 @@ enable multiple minor modes for the same regexp.")
:config (setq avy-all-windows nil
avy-background t))
(use-package editorconfig
;; Don't affect lisp indentation (just `tab-width')
(setq editorconfig-indentation-alist (delq (assq 'emacs-lisp-mode editorconfig-indentation-alist) editorconfig-indentation-alist))
(editorconfig-mode +1))
(use-package emr
:commands (emr-initialize emr-show-refactor-menu emr-declare-command)
:config (define-key popup-menu-keymap [escape] 'keyboard-quit))
@ -215,8 +217,7 @@ enable multiple minor modes for the same regexp.")
(use-package expand-region
:commands (er/expand-region er/contract-region er/mark-symbol er/mark-word))
(use-package goto-last-change
:commands goto-last-change)
(use-package goto-last-change :commands goto-last-change)
(use-package hideshow
:commands (hs-minor-mode hs-toggle-hiding hs-already-hidden-p)
@ -300,13 +301,14 @@ enable multiple minor modes for the same regexp.")
(use-package re-builder
:commands (re-builder reb-mode-buffer-p)
:init (add-hook! reb-mode 'narf|reb-cleanup)
(add-hook 'reb-mode-hook 'narf|reb-cleanup)
(evil-set-initial-state 'reb-mode 'insert)
(setq reb-re-syntax 'string)
(evil-set-initial-state 'reb-mode 'insert)
(map! :map rxt-help-mode-map :n [escape] 'kill-buffer-and-window)
(map! :map reb-mode-map
(map! :map rxt-help-mode-map
:n [escape] 'kill-buffer-and-window
:map reb-mode-map
:n "C-g" 'reb-quit
:n [escape] 'reb-quit
:n [backtab] 'reb-change-syntax))

View File

@ -5,6 +5,14 @@
;; code to make a permanent frame header to display these some day)
;; 2. Session persistence
(defvar narf-wg-frames '()
"A list of all the frames opened as separate workgroups. See
(defvar narf-wg-names '()
"A list of fixed names for workgroups. If a name is set, workgroup names aren't
automatically renamed to the project name.")
(use-package workgroups2
:when (display-graphic-p)
@ -36,18 +44,11 @@
wg-list-display-decor-previous-left ""
wg-list-display-decor-previous-right "")
(add-hook! emacs-startup (workgroups-mode +1))
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'workgroups-mode)
(unless (file-exists-p wg-workgroup-directory)
(mkdir wg-workgroup-directory))
(defvar narf-wg-frames '()
"A list of all the frames opened as separate workgroups. See
(defvar narf-wg-names '()
"A list of fixed names for workgroups. If a name is set, workgroup names aren't
automatically renamed to the project name.")
;; Remember the set names in between sessions
(add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'narf-wg-names)
@ -55,14 +56,11 @@ automatically renamed to the project name.")
;; Create a new workgroup on switch-project
(setq projectile-switch-project-action 'narf/wg-projectile-switch-project))
;; Seriously, don't mess with the modeline! `wg-mode-line-display-on' isn't enough
;; `wg-mode-line-display-on' wasn't enough
(advice-add 'wg-change-modeline :override 'ignore)
;; Don't remember popup and neotree windows
(add-hook! kill-emacs
(when (and (featurep 'neotree) (neo-global--window-exists-p))
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'narf|wg-cleanup)
;; This helps abstract some of the underlying functions away, just in case I want to
;; switch to a different package in the future, like persp-mode, eyebrowse or wconf.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
;;; defuns-workgroup.el
(defun narf|wg-cleanup ()
(when (and (featurep 'neotree) (neo-global--window-exists-p))
(defun narf/wg-projectile-switch-project ()
(narf:workgroup-new nil (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name (narf/project-root))) t))
@ -9,6 +15,7 @@
(interactive "<!><a>")
(unless (wg-workgroup-list)
(wg-create-workgroup wg-first-wg-name))
(wg-save-session-as (if session-name
(concat wg-workgroup-directory session-name)
(if bang

View File

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
(define-repl! haskell-mode switch-to-haskell)
(add-hook! haskell-mode '(interactive-haskell-mode flycheck-mode))
(add-to-list 'completion-ignored-extensions ".hi"))
(push ".hi" completion-ignored-extensions))
(use-package inf-haskell
:commands (inferior-haskell-mode inf-haskell-mode switch-to-haskell)
:init (evil-set-initial-state 'inferior-haskell-mode 'emacs)
(define-key inf-haskell-mode-map (kbd "ESC ESC") 'narf/popup-close))
(map! :map inf-haskell-mode-map "ESC ESC" 'narf/popup-close))
(provide 'module-haskell)
;;; module-haskell.el ends here

View File

@ -4,13 +4,16 @@
:mode "\\.js$"
:interpreter "node"
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook '(tern-mode emr-initialize))
(define-repl! js2-mode nodejs-repl)
(define-docset! js2-mode "js,javascript,nodejs,angularjs,express,jquery,mongoose")
(define-company-backend! js2-mode (tern))
(add-hook! js2-mode
(electric-indent-local-mode +1)
(setq electric-indent-chars '(?} ?\) ?.)
narf-electric-indent-words '("||" "&&")))
js2-skip-preprocessor-directives t
@ -22,66 +25,55 @@
;; Launchbar API
"LaunchBar" "File" "Action" "HTTP" "include" "Lib"))
(require 'tern)
(require 'company-tern)
;; [pedantry intensifies]
(defadvice js2-mode (after js2-mode-rename-modeline activate)
(setq mode-name "JS2"))
(map! :map js2-mode-map
(:localleader :nv ";" 'narf/append-semicolon))
(map! :map js2-mode-map (:localleader :nv ";" 'narf/append-semicolon))
(after! web-beautify
(add-hook! js2-mode (setenv "jsbeautify_indent_size" (int-to-string js2-basic-offset)))
(map! :map js2-mode-map :m "gQ" 'web-beautify-js))
(use-package tern
:commands tern-mode
:init (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'tern-mode)
(require 'company-tern)
(define-company-backend! js2-mode (tern)))
(use-package js2-refactor
:init (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'emr-initialize)
(require 'emr)
(mapc (lambda (x)
(let ((command-name (car x))
(title (cadr x))
(region-p (caddr x))
(setq predicate (cond ((eq region-p 'both) nil)
(t (if region-p
(lambda () (use-region-p))
(lambda () (not (use-region-p)))))))
(intern (format "js2r-%s" (symbol-name command-name)))
:title title :modes 'js2-mode :predicate predicate)))
'((extract-function "extract function" t)
(extract-method "extract method" t)
(introduce-parameter "introduce parameter" t)
(localize-parameter "localize parameter" nil)
(expand-object "expand object" nil)
(contract-object "contract object" nil)
(expand-function "expand function" nil)
(contract-function "contract function" nil)
(expand-array "expand array" nil)
(contract-array "contract array" nil)
(wrap-buffer-in-iife "wrap buffer in ii function" nil)
(inject-global-in-iife "inject global in ii function" t)
(add-to-globals-annotation "add to globals annotation" nil)
(extract-var "extract variable" t)
(inline-var "inline variable" t)
(rename-var "rename variable" nil)
(var-to-this "var to this" nil)
(arguments-to-object "arguments to object" nil)
(ternary-to-if "ternary to if" nil)
(split-var-declaration "split var declaration" nil)
(split-string "split string" nil)
(unwrap "unwrap" t)
(log-this "log this" 'both)
(debug-this "debug this" 'both)
(forward-slurp "forward slurp" nil)
(forward-barf "forward barf" nil)))))
(require 'js2-refactor)
(require 'emr)
(mapc (lambda (x)
(let ((command-name (car x))
(title (cadr x))
(region-p (caddr x))
(setq predicate (cond ((eq region-p 'both) nil)
(t (if region-p
(lambda () (use-region-p))
(lambda () (not (use-region-p)))))))
(intern (format "js2r-%s" (symbol-name command-name)))
:title title :modes 'js2-mode :predicate predicate)))
'((extract-function "extract function" t)
(extract-method "extract method" t)
(introduce-parameter "introduce parameter" t)
(localize-parameter "localize parameter" nil)
(expand-object "expand object" nil)
(contract-object "contract object" nil)
(expand-function "expand function" nil)
(contract-function "contract function" nil)
(expand-array "expand array" nil)
(contract-array "contract array" nil)
(wrap-buffer-in-iife "wrap buffer in ii function" nil)
(inject-global-in-iife "inject global in ii function" t)
(add-to-globals-annotation "add to globals annotation" nil)
(extract-var "extract variable" t)
(inline-var "inline variable" t)
(rename-var "rename variable" nil)
(var-to-this "var to this" nil)
(arguments-to-object "arguments to object" nil)
(ternary-to-if "ternary to if" nil)
(split-var-declaration "split var declaration" nil)
(split-string "split string" nil)
(unwrap "unwrap" t)
(log-this "log this" 'both)
(debug-this "debug this" 'both)
(forward-slurp "forward slurp" nil)
(forward-barf "forward barf" nil))))
(use-package jsx-mode :mode "\\.jsx$")

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(define-repl! julia-mode narf/julia-repl)
(evil-set-initial-state 'inferior-julia-mode 'emacs)
(add-to-list 'editorconfig-indentation-alist '(julia-mode julia-indent-offset)))
(push '(julia-mode julia-indent-offset) editorconfig-indentation-alist))
(provide 'module-julia)
;;; module-julia.el ends here

View File

@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
(use-package php-refactor-mode
:init (add-hook! php-mode '(turn-on-eldoc-mode emr-initialize php-refactor-mode))
(require 'emr)
(mapc (lambda (x)
(let ((command-name (car x))
(title (cadr x))

View File

@ -4,13 +4,16 @@
:when IS-MAC
:commands (processing-mode processing-find-sketch)
:mode "\\.pde$"
(define-builder! processing-mode processing-sketch-build)
(add-hook 'processing-compilation-mode-hook 'narf|hide-mode-line)
(setq processing-location "/usr/local/bin/processing-java"
processing-application-dir "/Applications/"
processing-sketchbook-dir "~/Dropbox/work/pde"
processing-output-dir "/tmp")
(define-builder! processing-mode processing-sketch-build)
(after! quickrun
"processing" `((:command . ,processing-location)
@ -21,7 +24,7 @@
(map! :map processing-mode-map
:nv "M-r" 'processing-sketch-run
:m "gD" 'processing-find-in-reference
:m "gd" 'processing-find-in-reference
:m "gF" 'processing-find-sketch
"e" 'processing-export-application
@ -29,7 +32,6 @@
"e" 'processing-open-examples
"o" 'processing-open-sketchbook))
(add-hook 'processing-compilation-mode-hook 'narf|hide-mode-line)
(add-hook! processing-mode
(setq-local company-backends '((company-keywords

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
(define-builder! rust-mode "cargo run" "Cargo.toml")
(define-builder! toml-mode "cargo run" "Cargo.toml")
(use-package flycheck-rust
:config (add-hook 'rust-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode))
(require 'flycheck-rust)
(add-hook 'rust-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
(use-package racer
@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
racer-rust-src-path (concat narf-ext-dir "/rust/src/"))
:when (file-exists-p racer-cmd)
(define-company-backend! rust-mode (racer))
(map! :map rust-mode-map :m "gd" 'racer-find-definition)
;; TODO Unit test keybinds
(add-hook! rust-mode '(racer-mode eldoc-mode flycheck-rust-setup))
(define-company-backend! rust-mode (racer))))
(add-hook! rust-mode '(racer-mode eldoc-mode flycheck-rust-setup))))
(provide 'module-rust)
;;; module-rust.el ends here

View File

@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
(use-package markdown-mode
:mode ("\\.md$" "/README$")
:functions (markdown-use-region-p
(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

View File

@ -80,11 +80,10 @@
(use-package web-beautify
:commands (web-beautify-js web-beautify-css web-beautify-html)
(add-hook! (web-mode css-mode) (setenv "jsbeautify_indent_size" tab-width))
(after! web-mode
(map! :map web-mode-map
(:after web-mode :m "gQ" 'web-beautify-html)
(:after css-mode :m "gQ" 'web-beautify-css))))
(add-hook! (web-mode css-mode js2-mode) (setenv "jsbeautify_indent_size" (int-to-string tab-width)))
(map! (:after web-mode :map web-mode-map :m "gQ" 'web-beautify-html)
(:after css-mode :map css-mode-map :m "gQ" 'web-beautify-css)
(:after js2-mode :map js2-mode-map :m "gQ" 'web-beautify-js)))
(use-package emmet-mode
:commands (emmet-mode)