tools/upload: redocument + refactor

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Henrik Lissner 2017-04-16 16:09:01 -04:00
parent bedde0a435
commit 1c31381bfd

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@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
;;; tools/upload/config.el
;; Uses `ssh-deploy'. Expects a .dir-locals.el file in your project and expects
;; `ssh-deploy-root-remote' to be defined there to tell Emacs where to upload
;; files to. Supports FTP and SSH. If unset, automatically ascertains
;; `ssh-deploy-root-local' using `doom-project-root'.
;; Uses `ssh-deploy' to map a local folder to a remote one. Use
;; `ssh-deploy-root-remote' and `ssh-deploy-root-local' to set up this mapping.
;; Interactive versions of `ssh-deploy's functions are in autoload.el.
;; Example:
;; (setq ssh-deploy-root-local "/home/hlissner/work/site/"
;; ssh-deploy-root-remote "/"
;; ssh-deploy-on-explicity-save t)
;; Note: `ssh-deploy-root-local' is optional, and will resort to
;; `doom-project-root' if unspecified.
;; Can be used via .dir-locals.el file in your project.
(def-package! ssh-deploy
:commands (ssh-deploy-upload-handler
@ -16,12 +22,15 @@
;; Maybe auto-upload on save
(add-hook! 'after-save-hook
(when (and (bound-and-true-p ssh-deploy-root-remote) ssh-deploy-on-explicit-save)
(when (and (bound-and-true-p ssh-deploy-root-remote)
;; Maybe check for changes on open file (if possible)
;; Enable ssh-deploy if variables are set, and check for changes on open file
;; (if possible)
(add-hook! 'find-file-hook
(when (bound-and-true-p ssh-deploy-root-remote)
(require 'ssh-deploy)
(unless ssh-deploy-root-local
(setq ssh-deploy-root-local (doom-project-root)))
(when ssh-deploy-automatically-detect-remote-changes