Update themes

This commit is contained in:
Henrik Lissner 2016-05-22 04:20:27 -04:00
parent b772e972bd
commit 02c51f2c52
3 changed files with 106 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
`(vertical-border ((,c (:foreground ,vertical-bar :background ,vertical-bar))))
`(linum ((,c (:foreground ,linum-fg :background ,bg :bold nil))))
`(linum-highlight-face ((,c (:inherit linum :foreground ,linum-hl-fg :background ,current-line))))
`(doom-linum-highlight-face ((,c (:inherit linum :foreground ,linum-hl-fg :background ,current-line))))
`(show-paren-match ((,c (:foreground ,magenta :inverse-video t))))
;; Modeline
@ -360,49 +360,43 @@
;; *****************************************************************************************
(after! vc-annotate
(require 'dash)
(require 'dash)
;; Color helper functions
;; Shamelessly *borrowed* from solarized
(defun --color-name-to-rgb (color &optional frame)
(let ((valmax (float (car (color-values "#ffffff")))))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x valmax)) (color-values color frame))))
;; Color helper functions
;; Shamelessly *borrowed* from solarized
(defun --color-name-to-rgb (color &optional frame)
(mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x (float (car (color-values "#ffffff")))))
(color-values color frame)))
(defun --color-rgb-to-hex (red green blue)
(format "#%02x%02x%02x"
(* red 255) (* green 255) (* blue 255)))
(defun --color-blend (color1 color2 alpha)
(apply (lambda (r g b) (format "#%02x%02x%02x" (* r 255) (* g 255) (* b 255)))
(--zip-with (+ (* alpha it) (* other (- 1 alpha)))
(--color-name-to-rgb color1)
(--color-name-to-rgb color2))))
(defun --color-blend (color1 color2 alpha)
(apply '--color-rgb-to-hex
(-zip-with '(lambda (it other)
(+ (* alpha it) (* other (- 1 alpha))))
(--color-name-to-rgb color1)
(--color-name-to-rgb color2))))
'((20 . ,green)
(40 . ,(--color-blend yellow green (/ 1.0 3)))
(60 . ,(--color-blend yellow green (/ 2.0 3)))
(80 . ,yellow)
(100 . ,(--color-blend orange yellow (/ 1.0 3)))
(120 . ,(--color-blend orange yellow (/ 2.0 3)))
(140 . ,orange)
(160 . ,(--color-blend magenta orange (/ 1.0 3)))
(180 . ,(--color-blend magenta orange (/ 2.0 3)))
(200 . ,magenta)
(220 . ,(--color-blend red magenta (/ 1.0 3)))
(240 . ,(--color-blend red magenta (/ 2.0 3)))
(260 . ,red)
(280 . ,(--color-blend grey-2 red (/ 1.0 4)))
(300 . ,(--color-blend grey-2 red (/ 2.0 4)))
(320 . ,(--color-blend grey-2 red (/ 3.0 4)))
(340 . ,grey-2)
(360 . ,grey-2)))
`(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil)
`(vc-annotate-background ,black))))
'((20 . ,green)
(40 . ,(--color-blend yellow green (/ 1.0 3)))
(60 . ,(--color-blend yellow green (/ 2.0 3)))
(80 . ,yellow)
(100 . ,(--color-blend orange yellow (/ 1.0 3)))
(120 . ,(--color-blend orange yellow (/ 2.0 3)))
(140 . ,orange)
(160 . ,(--color-blend magenta orange (/ 1.0 3)))
(180 . ,(--color-blend magenta orange (/ 2.0 3)))
(200 . ,magenta)
(220 . ,(--color-blend red magenta (/ 1.0 3)))
(240 . ,(--color-blend red magenta (/ 2.0 3)))
(260 . ,red)
(280 . ,(--color-blend grey-l red (/ 1.0 4)))
(300 . ,(--color-blend grey-l red (/ 2.0 4)))
(320 . ,(--color-blend grey-l red (/ 3.0 4)))
(340 . ,grey-l)
(360 . ,grey-l)))
`(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil)
`(vc-annotate-background ,black)))
;; *****************************************************************************************

View File

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
;; `(linum ((,c (:foreground ,linum-fg :bold nil :height 0.9))))
`(linum ((,c (:foreground ,linum-fg :bold nil :height 0.8))))
`(linum-highlight-face ((,c (:inherit linum :bold t :foreground ,linum-hl-fg))))
`(doom-linum-highlight-face ((,c (:inherit linum :bold t :foreground ,linum-hl-fg))))
`(show-paren-match ((,c (:foreground ,magenta :bold t :inverse-video t))))
;; Modeline

View File

@ -4,22 +4,35 @@
(deftheme doom-one "A dark theme for hellish emacs, inspired by Molokai")
(when (display-graphic-p)
;; Brighten up code buffers; darken special and popup buffers
(defface doom-default '((t (:inherit default)))
"Face for source code windows")
(defun doom|buffer-bg (&rest _)
"Face for source code windows"
:group 'doom)
(defface doom-linum '((t (:inherit linum)))
"Another linum face for darker windows (like popups)"
:group 'doom)
;; Brighten up code buffers; darken special and popup buffers
(defvar-local doom-one-buffer nil)
(put 'doom-one-buffer 'permanent-local t)
(defun doom-one|buffer-bg (&rest _)
(setq-local doom-one-buffer t)
(set (make-local-variable 'face-remapping-alist)
'((default doom-default)
(linum doom-linum))))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'doom|buffer-bg)
(defun doom-one|buffer-bg-maybe ()
(when doom-one-buffer (doom-one|buffer-bg)))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'doom-one|buffer-bg)
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'doom-one|buffer-bg-maybe)
;; Brighter minibuffer when active + no fringe in minibuffer
(defface doom-minibuffer-active '((t (:inherit mode-line)))
"Face for active minibuffer")
"Face for active minibuffer"
:group 'doom)
(add-hook! minibuffer-setup
(set-window-fringes (minibuffer-window) 0 0 nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'face-remapping-alist)
'((default doom-minibuffer-active)))))
(with-selected-window (minibuffer-window)
(set-window-fringes (selected-window) 0 0 nil)
(set (make-local-variable 'face-remapping-alist)
'((default doom-minibuffer-active))))))
(let* ((c '((class color)))
@ -42,7 +55,7 @@
(grey-d "#3F3F48")
(grey-dd "#20272e")
(yellow "#E2C770")
(yellow-d "#9d8464")
(yellow-d "#CDB464")
(orange "#E69055")
(red "#ff665c")
(magenta "#DC79DC")
@ -107,7 +120,7 @@
`(cursor ((,c (:background ,white))))
`(hl-line ((,c (:background ,current-line))))
`(region ((,c (:background ,selection :foreground ,white))))
`(highlight ((,c (:foreground ,yellow :inverse-video t))))
`(highlight ((,c (:background ,blue :foreground ,black))))
`(shadow ((,c (:foreground ,cyan))))
;; `(secondary-selection ((,c (:background ,orange))))
;; `(lazy-highlight ((,c (:background ,orange))))
@ -118,9 +131,9 @@
`(warning ((,c (:foreground ,yellow))))
`(success ((,c (:foreground ,green ))))
`(flycheck-error ((,c (:underline (:style wave :color ,red) :background ,grey-d))))
`(flycheck-warning ((,c (:underline (:style wave :color ,yellow) :background ,grey-d))))
`(flycheck-info ((,c (:underline (:style wave :color ,green) :background ,grey-d))))
`(flycheck-error ((,c (:underline (:style wave :color ,red) :background ,bg-d))))
`(flycheck-warning ((,c (:underline (:style wave :color ,yellow) :background ,bg-d))))
`(flycheck-info ((,c (:underline (:style wave :color ,green) :background ,bg-d))))
`(flyspell-incorrect ((,c (:underline (:style wave :color ,error-highlight)
:inherit unspecified))))
@ -157,7 +170,7 @@
`(linum ((,c (:foreground ,linum-fg :background ,bg-d :bold nil))))
`(doom-linum ((,c (:inherit linum :background ,bg))))
`(linum-highlight-face ((,c (:inherit linum :foreground ,linum-hl-fg :background ,current-line))))
`(doom-linum-highlight-face ((,c (:inherit linum :foreground ,linum-hl-fg :background ,current-line))))
`(show-paren-match ((,c (:foreground ,magenta :inverse-video t))))
;; Modeline
@ -170,9 +183,9 @@
`(mode-line-buffer-path ((,c (:foreground ,modeline-fg-2))))
`(mode-line-count-face ((,c (:foreground ,black :background ,blue))))
`(spaceline-flycheck-error ((,c (:underline nil :foreground ,black :background ,red))))
`(spaceline-flycheck-warning ((,c (:underline nil :foreground ,black :background ,yellow))))
`(spaceline-flycheck-info ((,c (:underline nil :foreground ,black :background ,green))))
`(doom-flycheck-error ((,c (:underline nil :foreground ,black :background ,red))))
`(doom-flycheck-warning ((,c (:underline nil :foreground ,black :background ,yellow))))
`(doom-flycheck-info ((,c (:underline nil :foreground ,black :background ,green))))
`(spaceline-highlight-face ((,c (:foreground ,black :background ,yellow))))
`(powerline-active1 ((,c (:foreground ,modeline-fg-2 :background ,modeline-bg))))
`(powerline-active2 ((,c (:foreground ,modeline-fg-3 :background ,modeline-bg))))
@ -280,6 +293,12 @@
`(avy-lead-face-2 ((,c (:background ,highlight :foreground ,black))))
`(avy-lead-face ((,c (:background ,highlight :foreground ,black))))
;; which-key
`(which-key-key-face ((,c (:foreground ,green))))
`(which-key-group-description-face ((,c (:foreground ,violet))))
`(which-key-command-description-face ((,c (:foreground ,blue))))
`(which-key-local-map-description-face ((,c (:foreground ,magenta))))
;; lang-specific
;; *****************************************************************************************
;; (css|scss)-mode
@ -377,54 +396,44 @@
;; *****************************************************************************************
(after! vc-annotate
(require 'dash)
(require 'dash)
;; Color helper functions
;; Shamelessly *borrowed* from solarized
(defun --color-name-to-rgb (color &optional frame)
(let ((valmax (float (car (color-values "#ffffff")))))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x valmax)) (color-values color frame))))
;; Color helper functions
;; Shamelessly *borrowed* from solarized
(defun --color-name-to-rgb (color &optional frame)
(mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x (float (car (color-values "#ffffff")))))
(color-values color frame)))
(defun --color-rgb-to-hex (red green blue)
(format "#%02x%02x%02x"
(* red 255) (* green 255) (* blue 255)))
(defun --color-blend (color1 color2 alpha)
(apply (lambda (r g b) (format "#%02x%02x%02x" (* r 255) (* g 255) (* b 255)))
(--zip-with (+ (* alpha it) (* other (- 1 alpha)))
(--color-name-to-rgb color1)
(--color-name-to-rgb color2))))
(defun --color-blend (color1 color2 alpha)
(apply '--color-rgb-to-hex
(-zip-with '(lambda (it other)
(+ (* alpha it) (* other (- 1 alpha))))
(--color-name-to-rgb color1)
(--color-name-to-rgb color2))))
'((20 . ,green)
(40 . ,(--color-blend yellow green (/ 1.0 3)))
(60 . ,(--color-blend yellow green (/ 2.0 3)))
(80 . ,yellow)
(100 . ,(--color-blend orange yellow (/ 1.0 3)))
(120 . ,(--color-blend orange yellow (/ 2.0 3)))
(140 . ,orange)
(160 . ,(--color-blend magenta orange (/ 1.0 3)))
(180 . ,(--color-blend magenta orange (/ 2.0 3)))
(200 . ,magenta)
(220 . ,(--color-blend red magenta (/ 1.0 3)))
(240 . ,(--color-blend red magenta (/ 2.0 3)))
(260 . ,red)
(280 . ,(--color-blend grey-2 red (/ 1.0 4)))
(300 . ,(--color-blend grey-2 red (/ 2.0 4)))
(320 . ,(--color-blend grey-2 red (/ 3.0 4)))
(340 . ,grey-2)
(360 . ,grey-2)))
`(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil)
`(vc-annotate-background ,black))))
'((20 . ,green)
(40 . ,(--color-blend yellow green (/ 1.0 3)))
(60 . ,(--color-blend yellow green (/ 2.0 3)))
(80 . ,yellow)
(100 . ,(--color-blend orange yellow (/ 1.0 3)))
(120 . ,(--color-blend orange yellow (/ 2.0 3)))
(140 . ,orange)
(160 . ,(--color-blend magenta orange (/ 1.0 3)))
(180 . ,(--color-blend magenta orange (/ 2.0 3)))
(200 . ,magenta)
(220 . ,(--color-blend red magenta (/ 1.0 3)))
(240 . ,(--color-blend red magenta (/ 2.0 3)))
(260 . ,red)
(280 . ,(--color-blend grey-l red (/ 1.0 4)))
(300 . ,(--color-blend grey-l red (/ 2.0 4)))
(320 . ,(--color-blend grey-l red (/ 3.0 4)))
(340 . ,grey-l)
(360 . ,grey-l)))
`(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil)
`(vc-annotate-background ,black)))
;; *****************************************************************************************
(provide-theme 'doom-one)
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End: