
88 lines
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2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;;; init.el --- NARF bootstrap
2014-07-15 14:21:56 +08:00
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;; Author: Henrik Lissner <>
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.0.0001
2014-07-15 14:21:56 +08:00
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;;; Are you pondering what i'm pondering, Pinky?
2014-12-11 04:54:36 +08:00
2015-06-06 18:38:16 +08:00
;; ,,, !/:.
;; /::\". !!:::
;; :::::\". ," \:,::
;; ::::::\ ". ,","\::.
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;; \:::::":\ "/""v' :'
2015-06-06 18:38:16 +08:00
;; !::::\ ! \ \ __
;; "::::\ \ ! \.&&&&,
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;; ," __ ", cd,&&&&&&'
2015-06-06 18:38:16 +08:00
;; \ ". "" / \&&&" _,---
;; "",__\_ / _,:":::::
;; _," ,"" ,-,__,/":,_ ,",":::::::
;; _," ," `'' ::::,",__,,----,,__," /:::::::::
;; ," ,".__, \:::," " /:::":::::/
;; ," ,/"::::::\ >" (_-"/::::::
;; / ,"_!:::::::/, ," _,,--, /::::::/
;; / "" _,"\:::::::' ! ," ){:::::/
;; ! _," \ "", \,"""-,____,"__,,,"_," _/
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;; ""t" \\ \ "-,_(*)&&&&(*)," \ ."
2015-06-06 18:38:16 +08:00
;; / \", ! , \ ! - )
;; ! \ "" ! !==!"-,__,'
;; ! \ """_""""`, ", /"_
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;; \ , .l /" " ", \! ,_/
2015-06-06 18:38:16 +08:00
;; ), \ / \ \/ ,, /! !
;; ,::\ \," \ ! \/ ! !
;; _,::::" ) )\ ," ___ \ -,_, ,"",! !
;; __,,,::::"" ," ,":::,-:::--:" __\_!__/_""-,_!
;; ,,:::""""""" ,:_,""__...._"""::::"" /:::::" ""::::::
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;; (:._ l::::::::::::\\/ "" ""
2015-06-06 18:38:16 +08:00
;; """"--,,,--- """"
2014-12-06 06:28:03 +08:00
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;; These mice are not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
2014-08-30 10:37:25 +08:00
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
(defconst narf-debug-mode nil)
2014-07-15 14:21:56 +08:00
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
(defconst narf-default-font '(:family "terminus (ttf)" :size 12 :antialias nil))
(defconst narf-default-theme (if window-system 'narf-dark 'wombat))
2015-04-23 08:48:28 +08:00
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
(setq user-emacs-directory "~/Dropbox/Projects/dev/narf-emacs/")
(load (concat user-emacs-directory "core/core.el"))
(mapc 'require
;; (;; Settings for specific modes or tools
;; init-cc ; c/c++/obj-c madness
;; ;; init-cscope
;; ;; init-csharp ; unity, mono and xamarin
;; init-data ; dbs 'n data formats
;; ;; init-eshell
;; ;; init-go
;; init-java ; the poster child for carpal tunnel syndome
;; init-js ; alert("not java, javascript!")
;; init-lisp ; elisp, clisp and clojure
;; init-lua ; one-based indices? one-based indices.
;; init-org ; for fearless [organized] leader
;; init-php ; making php less painful to work with
;; init-python ; beautiful is better than ugly
;; init-regex ; /^[^\s](meaning)[^\n]*/
;; init-ruby ; <3
;; init-scss ; @include magic;
;; init-sh ; #!/bin/bash_your_head_in
;; ;; init-sonicpi ; the funk soul brotha
;; ;; init-swift ; yay, emoji variabless!
;; init-text ; i got nothing...
;; ;; init-rust
;; ;; init-r ; for science!
;; init-vim ; the confessional
;; init-web ; for the 2.0'er
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;; bindings
;; commands
;; )
;; )
2015-04-23 08:48:28 +08:00
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
(require 'local nil t)
(message ">>> Loaded in %s" (emacs-init-time))
2014-09-21 04:54:04 +08:00
2014-12-06 06:28:03 +08:00
2015-06-06 18:40:33 +08:00
;;; I think so Brain...