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;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-autoload-files.el
(describe "core/autoload/files"
:var (src dest projectile-projects-cache-time projectile-projects-cache)
(before-all (require 'projectile))
(after-all (unload-feature 'projectile t))
(setq src (make-temp-file "test-src")
existing (make-temp-file "test-existing")
dest (expand-file-name "test-dest" temporary-file-directory))
(quiet! (find-file-literally src))
(spy-on 'y-or-n-p :and-return-value nil)
(projectile-mode +1))
(projectile-mode -1)
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))
(ignore-errors (delete-file src))
(ignore-errors (delete-file existing))
(ignore-errors (delete-file dest)))
(describe "move-this-file"
(it "won't move to itself"
(expect (quiet! (doom/move-this-file src)) :to-throw))
(it "will move to another file"
(expect (quiet! (doom/move-this-file dest t)))
(expect (file-exists-p dest))
(expect (file-exists-p src) :to-be nil))
(it "will prompt if overwriting a file"
(quiet! (doom/move-this-file existing))
(expect 'y-or-n-p :to-have-been-called-times 1)
(expect (file-exists-p src))))
(describe "copy-this-file"
(it "refuses to copy to itself"
(expect (quiet! (doom/copy-this-file src)) :to-throw))
(it "copies to another file"
(expect (quiet! (doom/copy-this-file dest t)))
(expect (file-exists-p! src dest)))
(it "prompts if overwriting a file"
(quiet! (quiet! (doom/copy-this-file existing)))
(expect 'y-or-n-p :to-have-been-called-times 1)))
(describe "delete-this-file"
(it "fails gracefully on non-existent files"
(expect (quiet! (doom/delete-this-file dest)) :to-throw))
(it "deletes existing files"
(quiet! (doom/delete-this-file existing t))
(expect (file-exists-p existing) :to-be nil))
(it "prompts to delete any existing file"
(quiet! (doom/delete-this-file existing))
(expect 'y-or-n-p :to-have-been-called-times 1))))