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2019-07-22 10:16:47 +08:00
;;; core/cli/install.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defcli! (install i)
((noconfig-p ["--no-config"] "Don't create DOOMDIR or dummy files therein")
(noenv-p ["--no-env"] "Don't generate an envvars file (see 'doom help env')")
(noinstall-p ["--no-install"] "Don't auto-install packages")
(nofonts-p ["--no-fonts"] "Don't install (or prompt to install) all-the-icons fonts")
&rest _args)
2019-09-09 08:41:09 +08:00
"Installs and sets up Doom Emacs for the first time.
This command does the following:
1. Creates DOOMDIR at ~/.doom.d,
2019-09-09 08:41:09 +08:00
2. Copies ~/.emacs.d/init.example.el to $DOOMDIR/init.el (if it doesn't exist),
3. Creates dummy files for $DOOMDIR/{config,packages}.el,
4. Prompts you to generate an envvar file (same as 'doom env'),
5. Installs any dependencies of enabled modules (specified by $DOOMDIR/init.el),
6. And prompts to install all-the-icons' fonts
This command is idempotent and safe to reuse.
The location of DOOMDIR can be changed with the -p option, or by setting the
DOOMDIR environment variable. e.g.
doom -p ~/.config/doom install
DOOMDIR=~/.config/doom doom install"
:bare t
(print! (green "Installing Doom Emacs!\n"))
(let ((default-directory (doom-path "~")))
;; Create `doom-private-dir'
(if noconfig-p
(print! (warn "Not copying private config template, as requested"))
(print! (start "Creating %s") (relpath doom-private-dir))
(make-directory doom-private-dir 'parents)
(print! (success "Created %s") (relpath doom-private-dir)))
:boom: Replace exec-path-from-shell w/ 'bin/doom env' IMPORTANT: This is a breaking update for Mac users, as your shell environment will no longer be inherited correctly (with the removal of exec-path-from-shell). The quick fix is: 'bin/doom env refresh'. Also, the set-env! autodef now does nothing (and is deprecated), be sure to remove calls to it in your config. Smaller changes: + This update also adds --no-* switches to doom quickstart + Includes general improvements to the documentation of several bin/doom commands. + Moves doom/reload* commands to core/autoload/config.el + doom/reload-project has been removed (it didn't actually do anything) The breaking change: This update adds an "envvar file" to Doom Emacs. This file is generated by `doom env refresh`, populated with variables scraped from your shell environment (from both non-interactive and interactive sessions). This file is then (inexpensively) loaded at startup, if it exists. + The file is manually generated with `doom env refresh`. + It can be regenerated automatically whenever `doom refresh` is run by running `doom env enable` (`doom env clear` will reverse this and delete the env file). + `doom quickstart` will ask if you want to auto-generate this envvar file. You won't need it if you're confident Emacs will always be started from the correct environment, however. + Your env file can be reloaded from a running Emacs session with `M-x doom/reload-env`. Note: this won't work if the Emacs session you're running it in doesn't have a correct SHELL set. i.e. don't use this to create your first env file! The idea isn't mine -- it's borrowed from Spacemacs -- and was introduced to me in #1053 by @yurimx. I was impressed with it. Prior to this, I was unhappy with exec-path-from-shell (no hate to the dev, I understand its necessity), and 'doom patch-macos' wasn't ideal for mac users (needed to be reapplied every time you update Emacs). What's more, many users (even Linux users) had to install exec-path-from-shell anyway. This solution suffers from none of their shortcomings. More reliable than patch-macos, more performant and complete than exec-path-from-shell, and easily handled by bin/doom.
2019-03-28 12:06:10 +08:00
;; Create init.el, config.el & packages.el
(mapc (lambda (file)
(cl-destructuring-bind (filename . fn) file
(if (file-exists-p! filename doom-private-dir)
(print! (warn "%s already exists, skipping") filename)
(print! (info "Creating %s%s") (relpath doom-private-dir) filename)
(with-temp-file (doom-path doom-private-dir filename)
(funcall fn))
(print! (success "Done!")))))
'(("init.el" .
(lambda ()
(doom-path doom-emacs-dir "init.example.el"))))
("config.el" .
(lambda ()
(doom-path doom-core-dir "templates/config.example.el"))))
("packages.el" .
(lambda ()
(doom-path doom-core-dir "templates/packages.example.el")))))))
;; In case no init.el was present the first time `doom-initialize-modules' was
;; called in core.el (e.g. on first install)
(doom-initialize 'force 'noerror)
;; Ask if user would like an envvar file generated
(if noenv-p
(print! (warn "Not generating envvars file, as requested"))
(if (file-exists-p doom-env-file)
(print! (info "Envvar file already exists, skipping"))
(when (or doom-auto-accept
(y-or-n-p "Generate an envvar file? (see `doom help env` for details)"))
(doom-cli-reload-env-file 'force-p))))
;; Install Doom packages
(if noinstall-p
(print! (warn "Not installing plugins, as requested"))
(print! "Installing plugins")
(print! "Regenerating autoloads files")
2020-02-03 07:39:42 +08:00
2020-02-03 07:44:03 +08:00
(cond (nofonts-p)
(print! (warn "Doom cannot install all-the-icons' fonts on Windows!\n"))
(concat "You'll have to do so manually:\n\n"
" 1. Launch Doom Emacs\n"
" 2. Execute 'M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts' to download the fonts\n"
" 3. Open the download location in windows explorer\n"
" 4. Open each font file to install them"))))
((or doom-auto-accept
(y-or-n-p "Download and install all-the-icon's fonts?"))
2020-02-03 07:23:05 +08:00
(require 'all-the-icons)
(let ((window-system (cond (IS-MAC 'ns)
(IS-LINUX 'x))))
2020-02-03 07:44:03 +08:00
(all-the-icons-install-fonts 'yes))))
(when (file-exists-p "~/.emacs")
(print! (warn "A ~/.emacs file was detected. This conflicts with Doom and should be deleted!")))
(print! (success "\nFinished! Doom is ready to go!\n"))
(doom-template-insert "QUICKSTART_INTRO")
(print! (buffer-string)))))