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2017-08-22 02:12:25 +08:00
#+TITLE: :lang javascript
This module adds Javascript support.
+ Code completion (tern)
+ REPL support (nodejs-repl)
+ Refactoring commands (js2-refactor)
+ Syntax checking (flycheck)
+ Browser code injection with skewer-mode
+ Coffeescript & JSX support
+ Jump-to-definitions and references support (xref)
* Table of Contents :TOC:
- [[#install][Install]]
- [[#node--npm][Node & NPM]]
- [[#dependencies][Dependencies]]
- [[#appendix][Appendix]]
- [[#commands][Commands]]
* Install
** Node & NPM
To get started with Javascript, you'll need node and its package manager, NPM, installed.
*** MacOS
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle (if (doom-system-os 'macos) "yes")
brew install node
*** Arch Linux
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir /sudo:: :tangle (if (doom-system-os 'arch) "yes")
sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S nodejs npm
** Dependencies
This module optionally requires ~tern~ for code completion.
npm -g install tern
* Appendix
** Commands
| command | key / ex command | description |
| ~+javascript/repl~ | =:repl= | Open the NodeJS REPL (or send the current selection to it) |
| ~+javascript/skewer-this-buffer~ | =SPC m S= | Attaches a browser to the current buffer |