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2017-05-29 06:26:41 +08:00
#+TITLE: DOOM Modules
* Table of Contents :TOC:noexport:
- [[#introduction][Introduction]]
- [[#overview][Overview]]
- [[#enablingdisabling-modules][Enabling/disabling modules]]
- [[#the-structure-of-a-module][The structure of a module]]
- [[#configel][config.el]]
- [[#packagesel][packages.el]]
- [[#autoloadel-or-autoloadel][autoload.el OR autoload/*.el]]
- [[#additional-files][Additional files]]
- [[#appendix][Appendix]]
* Introduction
2017-06-17 05:48:07 +08:00
DOOM is comprised of its core files and then its modules. These modules loosely
take after Spacemacs' layers, but utilizes a small list of macros to manage and
configure plugins and DOOM Emacs itself.
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These macros are:
+ Package management
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+ ~(featurep! MODULE SUBMODULE)~: returns =t= if =:module submodule= is activated.
+ ~(load! NAME)~: loads NAME.el, relative to the current file.
+ ~(require! MODULE SUBMODULE &optional RELOAD-P)~: activates a module & loads its config.el, if it isn't already loaded.
+ ~(package! NAME &key recipe pin)~: declares a package to be installed and where to get it.
+ ~(depends-on! MODULE SUBMODULE)~: loads a module's packages.el.
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+ Configuration
2017-06-17 05:48:07 +08:00
+ ~(set! SETTING &rest ARGS)~: safely cross-configure other modules. Use ~M-x doom/describe-setting~ to see what's available.
+ ~(def-package! NAME &rest PLIST)~: configure a package (wrapper around ~use-package~).
+ ~(def-setting! SETTING &rest ARGS)~: defines a setting other modules can ~set!~.
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The TL;DR of this document is:
+ Modules are comprised of: =config.el=, =packages.el=, either =autoload.el= or =autoload/*.el=, and =+*.el= files; these are all optional.
+ =config.el= is the only file loaded when a module is activated, and is where you configure the module and its plugins.
+ =packages.el= files inform DOOM what plugins to install and where from, using the ~package!~ macro. This macro accepts a MELPA-style recipe plist to specify a location other than the ELPA for fetching plugins.
+ Use ~set!~ to safely cross-configure modules; ~doom/describe-setting~ can help you discover what settings are available.
+ Packages are deferred by default; add ~:demand t~ to their ~def-package!~ declaration to load them immediately.
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+ The =private/{user-login-name}= module is automatically loaded. It is harmless to keep =:private {user-login-name}= in your init.el however.
+ =private/{user-login-name}/init.el= is a special file that is automatically loaded after DOOM core files, but before modules are loaded. Use it to configure DOOM.
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* Overview
These modules are in their ideal load order.
+ :feature :: Broad modules that bring essential functionality to Emacs as an editor.
+ :completion :: Swappable completion modules for narrowing down candidate lists quickly.
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+ :ui :: Aesthetic modules that affect the Emacs interface or user experience.
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+ :tools :: Small modules that add specific, non-essential functionality to Emacs.
+ :lang :: Modules that bring support for a language or group of languages to Emacs.
+ :app :: Opinionated and heavy modules that totally transform Emacs' UI to serve a specific purpose.
+ :private :: Private configuration modules that are untracked by version control (except for my personal one; use it as a reference).
** Enabling/disabling modules
Change the ~doom!~ block in your ~init.el~ file to enable/disable modules on startup. You'll need to restart Emacs.
Don't forget to run ~make~ afterwards to ensure that the needed packages are installed (and unneeded ones are uninstalled).
*Remember*: if you've byte-compiled your config, your changes won't take effect
until you recompile or delete the \*.elc files.
* The structure of a module
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Modules are made up of five *optional* parts:
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+ config.el :: The heart of a module; loaded when the module is activated.
+ packages.el :: Tells DOOM what packages to install and where from. Isn't loaded until package management commands are used.
+ autoload.el (or autoload/*.el) :: Lazily-loaded functions for that module.
+ +*.el :: Additional config files; not automatically loaded.
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+ test/*.el :: unit tests for that module, if any.
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** config.el
*config.el* is loaded immediately. It is the only file proactively loaded by the DOOM module system. Additional files must be explicitly loaded using ~load!~.
It should expect dependencies (in =packages.el=) to be installed and available, but shouldn't make assumptions about what modules are activated (use ~featurep!~ for this).
Packages should be configured using ~after!~ or ~def-package!~ (an alias for ~use-package~).
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; from modules/completion/company/config.el
(def-package! company
:commands (company-mode global-company-mode company-complete
company-complete-common company-manual-begin company-grab-line)
(setq company-idle-delay nil
company-tooltip-limit 10
company-dabbrev-downcase nil
company-dabbrev-ignore-case nil)
+ Packages are *deferred* by default: add ~:demand t~ to ~def-package!~ blocks to load them immediately.
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+ Use ~featurep!~ to test DOOM module availability for conditional packages.
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+ Use ~set!~ to cross-configure modules safely, e.g. company backends:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; from modules/lang/python/config.el
(set! :company-backend 'python-mode '(company-anaconda))
** packages.el
This file isn't loaded until you use DOOM's package management commands.
Evaluating them should be deterministic, idempotent, and without side-effects (besides updating ~doom-modules~ and ~doom-packages~).
Packages are declared with the ~package!~ macro, e.g.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; from modules/lang/org/packages.el
(package! org-bullets)
;; from modules/tools/rotate-text/packages.el
(package! rotate-text :recipe (:fetcher github :repo "debug-ito/rotate-text.el"))
The packages.el of another module can loaded with ~depends-on!~:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; from modules/feature/file-templates/packages.el
(depends-on! :feature snippets)
** autoload.el OR autoload/*.el
Functions in these files are lazily loaded. ~doom/reload-autoloads~ will scan these and produce an =autoloads.el= file, which tells Emacs where to find these functions.
For example:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; from modules/lang/org/autoload/org.el
(defun +org/toggle-checkbox ()
;; from modules/lang/org/autoload/evil.el
;;;###autoload (autoload '+org:attach "lang/org/autoload/evil" nil t)
(evil-define-command +org:attach (&optional uri)
(interactive "<a>")
Autoload files named ~evil*.el~ will be ignored if =:feature evil= isn't loaded.
** Additional files
The only convention is to prefix additional elisp files with a =+=, e.g.
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These are /not/ loaded automatically. Use ~load!~ to do so.
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#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; from modules/feature/version-control/config.el
(load +git)
* Appendix
+ Macros
+ ~(featurep! CATEGORY MODULE)~
+ ~(load! NAME)~
+ ~(package! NAME &key recipe pin)~
+ ~(require! CATEGORY MODULE &optional RELOAD-P)~
+ ~(def-package! NAME &rest PLIST)~
+ ~(set! SETTING &rest ARGS)~
+ ~(def-setting! NAME ARGLIST &rest BODY)~
+ Commands
+ ~doom/reload~
+ ~doom/reload-autoloads~
+ ~doom/compile~
+ ~doom/recompile~
+ ~doom/clean-cache~
+ ~doom/clean-compiled~