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2019-01-03 15:12:50 +08:00
#+TITLE: completion/ivy
#+DATE: February 13, 2017
#+SINCE: v2.0
#+STARTUP: inlineimages
* Table of Contents :TOC_3:noexport:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#module-flags][Module Flags]]
- [[#plugins][Plugins]]
- [[#hacks][Hacks]]
- [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]]
- [[#install][Install]]
- [[#macos][MacOS]]
- [[#arch-linux][Arch Linux]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#jump-to-file-project-navigation][Jump-to-file project navigation]]
- [[#project-search--replace][Project search & replace]]
- [[#in-buffer-searching][In-buffer searching]]
- [[#task-lookup][Task lookup]]
- [[#ivy-integration-for-various-completing-commands][Ivy integration for various completing commands]]
- [[#general][General]]
- [[#jump-to-files-buffers-or-projects][Jump to files, buffers or projects)]]
- [[#search][Search]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#enable-fuzzynon-fuzzy-search-for-specific-commands][Enable fuzzy/non-fuzzy search for specific commands]]
- [[#change-the-position-of-the-ivy-childframe][Change the position of the ivy childframe]]
- [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]]
2019-01-03 15:12:50 +08:00
* Description
This module provides Ivy integration for a variety of Emacs commands, as well as
a unified interface for project search and replace, powered by ag, rg, pt,
git-grep & grep (whichever is available).
2017-05-10 20:14:10 +08:00
2017-08-22 02:07:07 +08:00
I prefer ivy over ido for its flexibility. I prefer ivy over helm because it's
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lighter, simpler and faster in many cases.
2017-08-22 02:07:07 +08:00
2017-05-26 02:08:50 +08:00
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** Module Flags
+ =+fuzzy= Enables fuzzy completion for Ivy searches.
+ =+prescient= Enables prescient filtering and sorting for Ivy searches.
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+ =+childframe= Causes Ivy to display in a floating child frame, above Emacs.
*This requires GUI Emacs 26.1+*
+ =+icons= Enables file icons for switch-{buffer,project}/find-file counsel
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** Plugins
+ [[][ivy]]
+ [[][counsel]]
+ [[][counsel-projectile]]
+ [[][swiper]]
+ [[][ivy-hydra]]
+ [[][ivy-rich]]
+ [[][wgrep]]
+ [[][amx]]
+ [[][flx]]* (=+fuzzy=)
+ [[][prescient]]* (=+prescient=)
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+ [[][ivy-posframe]]* (=+childframe=)
+ [[][all-the-icons-ivy]]* (=+icons=)
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** Hacks
+ Functions with ivy/counsel equivalents have been globally remapped (like
~find-file~ => ~counsel-find-file~). So a keybinding to ~find-file~ will
invoke ~counsel-find-file~ instead.
+ ~counsel-[arp]g~'s 3-character limit was reduced to 1 (mainly for the ex
2017-08-22 02:07:07 +08:00
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* Prerequisites
This module optionally depends on one of:
2019-01-03 15:12:50 +08:00
+ [[][ripgrep]] (rg)
+ [[][the_silver_searcher]] (ag)
+ [[][the_platinum_searcher]] (pt)
2019-01-03 15:12:50 +08:00
Ripgrep is recommended, but the order of its results aren't deterministic and it
doesn't support full PCRE (at the time of writing). The_silver_searcher is a
good alternative if either of these bother you.
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If none of these are installed, file search commands will use git-grep (falling
back to grep, otherwise).
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** Install
*** MacOS
brew install ripgrep the_silver_searcher
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*** Arch Linux
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir /sudo::
sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S ripgrep the_silver_searcher
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* Features
Ivy and its ilk are large plugins. Covering everything about them is outside of
this documentation's scope, so only Doom-specific Ivy features are listed here:
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2017-08-22 02:07:07 +08:00
** Jump-to-file project navigation
2019-01-03 15:12:50 +08:00
Inspired by Sublime Text's jump-to-anywhere, CtrlP/Unite in Vim, and Textmate's
Command-T, this module provides similar functionality by bringing ~projectile~
and ~ivy~ together.
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2017-05-10 20:14:10 +08:00
2019-01-03 15:12:50 +08:00
| Keybind | Description |
| =SPC f /=, =SPC SPC= | Jump to file in project |
| =SPC f .=, =SPC .= | Jump to file from current directory |
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2019-01-03 15:12:50 +08:00
** Project search & replace
This module provides interactive text search and replace using the first search
program available on your system (rg, ag, pt, git-grep or grep).
| Keybind | Description |
| =SPC / b=, =M-f= | Search the current buffer |
| =SPC / p= | Search project |
| =SPC / d= | Search this directory |
| =SPC p t= | List all TODO/FIXMEs in project |
The ~+ivy-project-search-engines~ variable is consulted to determine which
underlying program to check for (and in what order). It's default value is ~'(rg
ag pt)~. If none of these are available, it will resort to =git-grep= (falling
back to =grep= after that).
To use a specific program, the following engine-specific commands are available
(but not bound to any key by default) for searching from the project root or the
current directory (recursively), respectively:
+ ~+ivy/ag~ / ~+ivy/ag-from-cwd~
+ ~+ivy/rg~ / ~+ivy/rg-from-cwd~
+ ~+ivy/pt~ / ~+ivy/pt-from-cwd~
+ ~+ivy/grep~ / ~+ivy/grep-from-cwd~
The universal argument (=SPC u= for evil users; =C-u= otherwise) changes the
behavior of these commands, instructing the underlying search engine to include
ignored files.
This module also provides Ex Commands for evil users:
| Ex command | Description |
| ~:ag[!] [QUERY]~ | Search project w/ ag[fn:1] |
| ~:rg[!] [QUERY]~ | Search project w/ rg[fn:1] |
| ~:pt[!] [QUERY]~ | Search project w/ pt[fn:1] |
| ~:grep[!] [QUERY]~ | Search project w/ git-grep/grep[fn:1] |
| ~:agcwd[!] [QUERY]~ | Search this directory w/ the_silver_searcher |
| ~:rgcwd[!] [QUERY]~ | Search this directory w/ ripgrep |
| ~:ptcwd[!] [QUERY]~ | Search this directory w/ the_platinum_searcher |
| ~:grepcwd[!] [QUERY]~ | Search this directory w/ git-grep/grep |
The optional BANG functions is equivalent to the universal argument for the
previous commands.
While in a search (e.g. invoked from ~+ivy:ag~ or ~:rg~), these extra
keybindings are available to you:
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| Keybind | Description |
| =S-TAB= | Open a writable buffer of your search results |
| =C-SPC= | Preview the current candidate |
| =M-RET= | Open the selected candidate in other-window |
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2019-01-03 15:12:50 +08:00
Changes to the resulting wgrep buffer (opened by =S-TAB=) can be committed with
=C-c C-c= and aborted with =C-c C-k=.
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2017-05-10 20:14:10 +08:00
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** In-buffer searching
The =swiper= package provides an interactive buffer search powered by ivy. It
can be invoked with:
+ =SPC / b=
+ =M-f=
+ ~:sw[iper] [QUERY]~
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2017-05-10 20:14:10 +08:00
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A wgrep buffer can be opened from swiper with =S-TAB=.
** Task lookup
Some projects have TODO's and FIXME's littered across them. The ~+ivy/tasks~
command allows you to search and jump to them. It can be invoked with:
+ =SPC p t= (C-u = restrict search to current file)
+ ~:todo[!]~ (BANG = restrict search to current file)
** Ivy integration for various completing commands
*** General
| Keybind | Description |
| =M-x=, =SPC := | Smarter, smex-powered M-x |
| =SPC '= | Resume last ivy session |
*** Jump to files, buffers or projects)
| Keybind | Description |
| =SPC RET= | Find bookmark |
| =SPC f .=, =SPC .= | Browse from current directory |
| =SPC f /=, =SPC p /=, =SPC SPC= | Find file in project |
| =SPC f r= | Find recently opened file |
| =SPC p p= | Open another project |
| =SPC b b=, =SPC ,= | Switch to buffer in current workspace |
| =SPC b B=, =SPC <= | Switch to buffer |
*** Search
| Keybind | Description |
| =SPC / i= | Search for symbol in current buffer |
| =SPC / I= | Search for symbol in all similar buffers |
| =SPC / b=, =M-f= | Search the current buffer |
| =SPC / p= | Search project |
| =SPC / d= | Search this directory |
| =SPC p t= | List all TODO/FIXMEs in project |
* Configuration
** TODO Enable fuzzy/non-fuzzy search for specific commands
** TODO Change the position of the ivy childframe
* TODO Troubleshooting