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;;; lisp/lib/print.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
;;; Commentary
;; This is Doom's output library, for controlling what does and doesn't get
;; logged, and provides a simple DSL for formatting output. It's mainly to
;; serve the noninteractive use-case, as `message' is more than good enough in
;; interactive sessions, but `print!' and `doom-log' are safe to use as a
;; drop-in replacement.
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'doom)) ; be silent, o'byte-compiler
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(require 'ansi-color)
;;; Variables
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(defvar doom-print-ansi-alist
'(;; fx
(bold . 1)
(dark . 2)
(italic . 3)
(underscore . 4)
(blink . 5)
(rapid . 6)
(contrary . 7)
(concealed . 8)
(strike . 9)
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
;; fg
(black . 30)
(red . 31)
(green . 32)
(yellow . 33)
(blue . 34)
(magenta . 35)
(cyan . 36)
(white . 37)
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
;; bg
(on-black . 40)
(on-red . 41)
(on-green . 42)
(on-yellow . 43)
(on-blue . 44)
(on-magenta . 45)
(on-cyan . 46)
(on-white . 47))
"An alist of fg/bg/fx names mapped to ansi codes.
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
This serves as the cipher for converting (COLOR ...) function calls in `print!'
and `format!' into colored output, where COLOR is any car of this list (or
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(defvar doom-print-class-alist
`((buffer . doom-print--buffer)
(color . doom-print--style)
(class . doom-print--class)
(indent . doom-print--indent)
(fill . doom-print--fill)
(join . doom-print--join)
(org . doom-print--org)
(markup . doom-print--cli-markup)
(trim . string-trim)
(rtrim . string-trim-right)
(ltrim . string-trim-left)
(p . doom-print--paragraph)
(truncate . doom-print--truncate)
(success . (lambda (str &rest args)
(apply #'doom-print--style 'green
(doom-print--indent str "")
(warn . (lambda (str &rest args)
(apply #'doom-print--style 'yellow
(doom-print--indent str "! ")
(error . (lambda (str &rest args)
(apply #'doom-print--style 'red
(doom-print--indent str "x ")
(item . (lambda (str &rest args)
(if args (apply #'format str args) str)
"- ")))
(start . (lambda (str &rest args)
(if args (apply #'format str args) str)
"> ")))
(path . (lambda (&rest segments)
(abbreviate-file-name (apply #'doom-path segments))))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(symbol . symbol-name)
(relpath . (lambda (str &optional dir)
(if (or (not str)
(not (stringp str))
(string-blank-p str))
(let ((dir (or dir (file-truename default-directory)))
(str (file-truename str)))
(if (file-in-directory-p str dir)
(file-relative-name str dir)
(abbreviate-file-name str))))))
(filename . file-name-nondirectory)
(dirname . (lambda (path)
(unless (file-directory-p path)
(setq path (file-name-directory path)))
(directory-file-name path))))
"An alist of text classes that map to transformation functions.
Any of these classes can be called like functions from within `format!' and
`print!' calls, which will transform their input.")
(defvar doom-print-indent 0
"Level to rigidly indent text returned by `format!' and `print!'.")
(defvar doom-print-indent-increment 2
"Steps in which to increment `doom-print-indent' for consecutive levels.")
(defvar doom-print-backend (if noninteractive 'ansi 'text-properties)
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
"Whether to print colors/styles with ANSI codes or with text properties.
Accepts `ansi' and `text-properties'. `nil' means don't render styles at all.")
(defvar doom-print-level 'notice
"The current, default logging level.")
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(defvar doom-print-minimum-level 'notice
"The minimum logging level for a message to be output.")
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
;; Record print levels in these symbols for easy, quasi-read-only access later.
(let ((levels '(debug ; the system is thinking out loud
info ; less details about important progress
notice ; important details about important progress
warning ; a dismissable issue that may have reprecussions later
error))) ; something has gone terribly wrong
(dotimes (i (length levels))
(put (nth i levels) 'print-level i)))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
;;; Library
(cl-defun doom-print
(output &key
(format nil)
(level doom-print-level)
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(newline t)
(stream standard-output))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
"Print OUTPUT to stdout.
Unlike `message', this:
- Respects the value of `standard-output'.
- Indents according to `doom-print-indent' (if FORMAT is non-nil).
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
- Prints to stdout instead of stderr in batch mode.
- Recognizes more terminal escape codes (only in batch mode).
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
- No-ops if OUTPUT is nil or an empty/blank string.
Returns OUTPUT."
(cl-check-type output (or null string))
(when (and (stringp output)
(or (eq level t)
(if (listp level)
(memq doom-print-minimum-level level)
(>= (get level 'print-level)
(get doom-print-minimum-level 'print-level)))))
(when format
(setq output (doom-print--format "%s" output)))
(princ output stream)
(if newline (terpri stream))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(defmacro format! (message &rest args)
"An alternative to `format' that understands `print!'s style syntax."
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
`(doom-print--format ,@(doom-print--apply `(,message ,@args))))
(defmacro print-group! (&rest body)
"Indents any `print!' or `format!' output within BODY."
(declare (indent defun))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key if indent level verbose title
;; TODO: Implement these
(cl-loop for (key val) on body by #'cddr
while (keywordp key)
collect (pop body)
collect (pop body))
(if verbose (setq level ''info))
,@(if title `((print! (start ,title))))
(let ((doom-print-level (or ,level doom-print-level))
(+ (if ,(or if t) (or ,indent doom-print-indent-increment) 0)
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(defmacro print! (message &rest args)
"Prints MESSAGE, formatted with ARGS, to stdout.
Returns non-nil if the message is a non-empty string.
Can be colored using (color ...) blocks:
(print! \"Hello %s\" (bold (blue \"How are you?\")))
(print! \"Hello %s\" (red \"World\"))
(print! (green \"Great %s!\") \"success\")
Uses faces in interactive sessions and ANSI codes otherwise."
`(doom-print (format! ,message ,@args)))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(defmacro insert! (&rest args)
"Like `insert', but with the power of `format!'.
Each argument in ARGS can be a list, as if they were arguments to `format!':
\(fn &rest (MESSAGE . ARGS)...)"
`(insert ,@(cl-loop for arg in args
if (listp arg)
collect `(format! ,@arg)
else collect arg)))
(defvar doom-print--output-depth 0)
(defmacro with-output-to! (streamspec &rest body)
"Capture all output within BODY according to STREAMSPEC.
STREAMSPEC is a list of log specifications, indicating where to write output
based on the print level of the message. For example:
`((>= notice ,(get-buffer-create \"*stdout*\"))
(= error ,(get-buffer-create \"*errors*\"))
(t . ,(get-buffer-create \"*debug*\")))"
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((sym (make-symbol "streamspec")))
`(letf! ((,sym ,streamspec)
(standard-output (doom-print--redirect-standard-output ,sym t))
(#'message (doom-print--redirect-message ,sym (if noninteractive 'debug 'notice)))
(doom-print--output-depth (1+ doom-print--output-depth)))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
;;; Helpers
(defun doom-print--redirect-streams (streamspec level)
(if (or (eq streamspec t)
(bufferp streamspec)
(functionp streamspec)
(markerp streamspec))
(list (cons t streamspec))
(cl-loop for (car . spec) in streamspec
if (eq car t)
collect (cons t spec)
collect (cons (or (eq level t)
(get level 'print-level)
(get (car spec) 'print-level)))
(cadr spec)))))
(defun doom-print--redirect-standard-output (streamspec level)
(let ((old standard-output)
(streams (doom-print--redirect-streams streamspec level)))
(lambda (ch)
(let ((str (char-to-string ch)))
(dolist (stream streams)
(when (or (eq (car stream) t)
(funcall (car stream)))
(doom-print str :newline nil :stream (cdr stream))))
(doom-print str :newline nil :stream t :level level)))))
(defun doom-print--redirect-message (streamspec level)
(let ((old (symbol-function #'message))
(streams (doom-print--redirect-streams streamspec level)))
(lambda (message &rest args)
(when message
(let ((output (apply #'doom-print--format message args)))
(if (<= doom-print--output-depth 1)
(doom-print output :level level :stream t)
(let ((doom-print--output-depth (1- doom-print--output-depth)))
(funcall old "%s" output)))
(dolist (stream streams)
(when (or (eq (car stream) t)
(funcall (car stream)))
(doom-print output :stream (cdr stream)))))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(defun doom-print--format (message &rest args)
(if (or (null message) (string-blank-p message))
(concat (make-string doom-print-indent 32)
"\n" (concat "\n" (make-string doom-print-indent 32))
(if args (apply #'format message args) message)
t t))))
(defun doom-print--indent (text &optional prefix)
"Indent TEXT by WIDTH spaces. If ARGS, format TEXT with them."
(let ((width
(cond ((null prefix)
((integerp prefix)
((length (ansi-color-filter-apply (format "%s" prefix)))))))
(insert (format "%s" (or text "")))
(indent-rigidly (point-min) (point-max) width)
(when (stringp prefix)
(goto-char (point-min))
(delete-char width)
(insert prefix))
(defun doom-print--fill (message &optional column indent)
"Ensure MSG is split into lines no longer than `fill-column'."
(let* ((fill-column (or column fill-column))
(col 0)
(indent (or indent 0))
(fill-prefix (make-string indent ?\s)))
(insert (format "%s" (or message ""))))
;; HACK This monkey patches `fill-region' to not count ANSI codes as
;; legitimate characters, when calculating per-line `fill-column'.
(letf! (defun current-fill-column ()
(let ((target (funcall current-fill-column)))
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(let ((n 0)
(c 0))
(while (and (not (eolp)) (<= n target))
(if (looking-at ansi-color-control-seq-regexp)
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(let ((len (length (match-string 0))))
(cl-incf c len)
(forward-char len))
(cl-incf n 1)
(forward-char 1))))
(+ target c (length fill-prefix))))))
(fill-region (point-min) (point-max) nil t))
(defun doom-print--paragraph (&rest lines)
(doom-print--fill (apply #'concat lines)))
(defun doom-print--join (sequence &optional separator)
"Ensure SEQUENCE is joined with SEPARATOR.
`nil' and empty strings in SEQUENCE are omitted."
(mapconcat (doom-partial #'format "%s")
(seq-remove (fn! (or (null %)
(and (stringp %)
(string-empty-p %))))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(or separator " ")))
(defun doom-print--truncate (text &optional col ellipsis)
"Replaces basic org markup with ansi/text-properties."
(truncate-string-to-width (or text "") (or col (- fill-column doom-print-indent))
nil nil (or ellipsis "...")))
(defun doom-print--buffer (buffer &optional beg end)
"Replaces basic org markup with ansi/text-properties."
(if (and (bufferp buffer) (buffer-live-p buffer))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(if (or beg end)
(buffer-substring (or beg (point-min))
(or end (point-max)))
(defun doom-print--cli-markup (text)
"Replace `...', `...`, and ```...``` quotes in TEXT with CLI formatting.
- `$ENVVAR' = bolded
- `--switch' = bolded
- `ARG' = underlined
- `symbol' = highlighted in blue
- `arbitrary code` = highlighted in blue
- ```
Arbitrary multiline code gets highlighted in blue too.
(if (not text) ""
(let ((case-fold-search nil))
;; TODO Syntax highlighting?
" *```\n\\(.+?\\)\n *```" (doom-print--style 'blue "%s" "\\1")
"`\\$ \\([^`\n]+?\\)`" (format "`%s`" (doom-print--style 'blue "%s" "\\1"))
"`\\([^ \n]+?\\)'"
(let ((styles '(("^\\$" . envvar)
("^--?" . option)
("^[A-Z][A-Z0-9-_]*$" . arg)
("." . symbol))))
(lambda (match)
(let ((text (match-string 1 match)))
(pcase (assoc-default text styles #'string-match-p)
(`arg (doom-print--style 'underscore "%s" text))
(`envvar (doom-print--style 'bold "%s" text))
(`option (doom-print--style 'bold "%s" text))
(_ (format "`%s'" (doom-print--style 'blue "%s" text)))))))
text t)
(defun doom-print--org (text)
"Replaces basic Org markup with ansi/text-properties.
All emphasis markers need to be preceded by a backslash."
(let* ((inhibit-modification-hooks t)
(styles '((?* . bold)
(?_ . underscore)
(?/ . italic)
(?= . magenta)
(?+ . strike)
(?~ . blue)))
(fences (regexp-quote (mapconcat #'char-to-string (mapcar #'car styles) ""))))
(save-excursion (insert text))
(while (re-search-forward (format "\\([%s]\\)" fences) nil t)
(unless (= (char-before (match-beginning 0)) ?\\)
(let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
(ibeg (point))
(fence (match-string 1))
(fence-re (regexp-quote fence)))
(when (re-search-forward (format "[^\\]%s" fence-re) (line-end-position 2) t)
(let ((end (point))
(iend (1- (point))))
(let ((text (buffer-substring ibeg iend)))
(when-let (style (cdr (assq (string-to-char fence) styles)))
(goto-char beg)
(delete-region beg end)
(insert (doom-print--style style "%s" text)))))
(goto-char beg)))))
(defun doom-print--style (style format &rest args)
"Apply STYLE to formatted MESSAGE with ARGS.
STYLE is a symbol that correlates to `doom-print-ansi-alist'.
In a noninteractive session, this wraps the result in ansi color codes.
Otherwise, it maps colors to a term-color-* face."
(let* ((code (cdr (assq style doom-print-ansi-alist)))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(format (format "%s" (or format "")))
(message (if args (apply #'format format args) format)))
(unless code
(error "Invalid print style: %s" style))
(pcase doom-print-backend
(format "\e[0%dm%s\e[%dm" code message 0))
(ansi-color-apply message))
refactor!(cli): rewrite CLI framework libraries BREAKING CHANGE: this changes Doom's CLI framework in subtle ways, which is listed in greater detail below. If you've never extended Doom's CLI, then this won't affect you, but otherwise it'd be recommended you read on below. This commit focuses on the CLI framework itself and backports some foundational changes to its DSL and how it resolves command line arguments to CLIs, validates input, displays documentation, and persists state across sessions -- and more. This is done in preparation for the final stretch towarding completing the CLI rewrite (see #4273). This is also an effort to generalize Doom's CLI (both its framework and bin/doom), to increase it versatility and make it a viable dev tool for other Doom projects (on our Github org) and beyond. However, there is a *lot* to cover so I'll try to be brief: - Refactor: generalize Doom's CLI framework by moving all bin/doom specific configuration/commands out of core-cli into bin/doom. This makes it easier to use bin/doom as a project-agnostic development tool (or for users to write their own). - Refactor: change the namespace for CLI variables/functions from doom-cli-X to doom-X. - Fix: subcommands being mistaken as arguments. "doom make index" will resolve to (defcli! (doom make index)) if it exists, otherwise (defcli! (doom make)) with "index" as an argument. Before this, it would resolve to the latter no matter what. &rest can override this; with (defcli! (doom make) (&rest args)), (defcli! (doom make index)) will never be invoked. - Refactor!: redesign our output library (was core/autoload/output.el, is now core/autoload/print.el), and how our CLI framework buffers and logs output, and now merges logs across (exit! ...) restarts. - Feat: add support for :before and :after pseudo commands. E.g. (defcli! (:before doom help) () ...) (defcli! (:after doom sync) () ...) Caveat: unlike advice, only one of each can be defined per-command. - Feat: option arguments now have rudimentary type validation (see `doom-cli-option-arg-types`). E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) ((foo ("--foo" num))) ...) If NUM is not a numeric, it will throw a validation error. Any type that isn't in `doom-cli-option-arg-types` will be treated as a wildcard string type. `num` can also be replaced with a specification, e.g. "HOST[:PORT]", and can be formatted by using symbol quotes: "`HOST'[:`PORT']". - Feat: it is no longer required that options *immediately* follow the command that defines them (but it must be somewhere after it, not before). E.g. With: (defcli! (:before doom foo) ((foo ("--foo"))) ...) (defcli! (doom foo baz) () ...) Before: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz FAIL: doom foo baz --foo After: FAIL: doom --foo foo baz GOOD: doom foo --foo baz GOOD: doom foo baz --foo - Refactor: CLI session state is now kept in a doom-cli-context struct (which can be bound to a CLI-local variable with &context in the arglist): (defcli! (doom sync) (&context context) (print! "Command: " (doom-cli-context-command context))) These contexts are persisted across sessions (when restarted). This is necessary to support seamless script restarting (i.e. execve emulation) in post-3.0. - Feat: Doom's CLI framework now understands "--". Everything after it will be treated as regular arguments, instead of sub-commands or options. - Refactor!: the semantics of &rest for CLIs has changed. It used to be "all extra literal, non-option arguments". It now means *all* unprocessed arguments, and its use will suppress "unrecognized option" errors, and tells the framework not to process any further subcommands. Use &args if you just want "all literal arguments following this command". - Feat: add new auxiliary keywords for CLI arglists: &context, &multiple, &flags, &args, &stdin, &whole, and &cli. - &context SYM: binds the currently running context to SYM (a `doom-cli-context` struct). Helpful for introspection or passing along state when calling subcommands by hand (with `call!`). - &stdin SYM: SYM will be bound to a string containing any input piped into the running script, or nil if none. Use `doom-cli-context-pipe-p` to detect whether the script has been piped into or out of. - &multiple OPTIONS...: allows all following OPTIONS to be repeated. E.g. "foo -x a -x b -x c" will pass (list ("-x" . "a") ("-x" . "b") ("-x" . "c")) as -x's value. - &flags OPTIONS...: All options after "&flags" get an implicit --no-* switch and cannot accept arguments. Will be set to :yes or :no depending on which flag is provided, and nil if the flag isn't provided. Otherwise, a default value can be specified in that options' arglist. E.g. (defcli! (doom foo) (&flags (foo ("--foo" :no))) ...) When called, this command sets FOO to :yes if --foo, :no if --no-foo, and defaults to :no otherwise. - &args SYM: this replaces what &rest used to be; it binds to SYM a list of all unprocessed (non-option) arguments. - &rest SYM: now binds SYM to a list of all unprocessed arguments, including options. This also suppresses "unrecognized option" errors, but will render any sub-commands inaccessible. E.g. (defcli! (doom make) (&rest rest) ...) ;; These are now inaccessible! (defcli! (doom make foo) (&rest rest) ...) (defcli! (doom make bar) (&rest rest) ...) - &cli SYM: binds SYM to the currently running `doom-cli` struct. Can also be obtained via `(doom-cli-get (doom-cli-context-command context))`. Possibly useful for introspection. - feat: add defobsolete! macro for quickly defining obsolete commands. - feat: add defalias! macro for quickly defining alias commands. - feat: add defautoload! macro for defining an autoloaded command (won't be loaded until it is called for). - refactor!: rename defcligroup! to defgroup! for consistency. - fix: CLIs will now recursively inherit plist properties from parent defcli-group!'s (but will stack :prefix). - refactor!: remove obsolete 'doom update': - refactor!: further generalize 'doom ci' - In an effort to generalize 'doom ci' (so other Doom--or non-doom--projects can use it), all its subcommands have been changed to operate on the current working directory's repo instead of $EMACSDIR. - Doom-specific CI configuration was moved to .github/ci.el. - All 'doom ci' commands will now preload one of \$CURRENT_REPO_ROOT/ci.el or \$DOOMDIR/ci.el before executing. - refactor!: changed 'doom env' - 'doom env {-c,--clear}' is now 'doom env {clear,c}' - -r/--reject and -a/--allow may now be specified multiple times - refactor!: rewrote CLI help framework and error handling to be more sophisticated and detailed. - feat: can now initiate $PAGER on output with (exit! :pager) (or use :pager? to only invoke pager is output is longer than the terminal is tall). - refactor!: changed semantics+conventions for global bin/doom options - Single-character global options are now uppercased, to distinguish them from local options: - -d (for debug mode) is now -D - -y (to suppress prompts) is now -! - -l (to load elisp) is now -L - -h (short for --help) is now -? - Replace --yes/-y switches with --force/-! - -L/--load FILE: now silently ignores file errors. - Add --strict-load FILE: does the same as -L/--load, but throws an error if FILE does not exist/is unreadable. - Add -E/--eval FORM: evaluates arbitrary lisp before commands are processed. - -L/--load, --strict-load, and -E/--eval can now be used multiple times in one command. - Add --pager COMMAND to specify an explicit pager. Will also obey $DOOMPAGER envvar. Does not obey $PAGER. - Fix #3746: which was likely caused by the generated post-script overwriting the old mid-execution. By salting the postscript filenames (with both an overarching session ID and a step counter). - Docs: document websites, environment variables, and exit codes in 'doom --help' - Feat: add imenu support for def{cli,alias,obsolete}! Ref: #4273 Fix: #3746 Fix: #3844
2022-06-19 01:16:06 +08:00
(_ message))))
(defun doom-print--class (class format &rest args)
"Apply CLASS to formatted format with ARGS.
CLASS is derived from `doom-print-class-alist', and can contain any arbitrary,
transformative logic."
(let (fn)
(cond ((setq fn (cdr (assq class doom-print-class-alist)))
(if (functionp fn)
(apply fn format args)
(error "%s does not have a function" class)))
(args (apply #'format format args))
(defun doom-print--apply (forms &optional sub)
"Replace color-name functions with calls to `doom-print--style'."
(cond ((null forms) nil)
((listp forms)
(append (cond ((not (symbolp (car forms)))
(list (doom-print--apply (car forms))))
(list (car forms)))
((assq (car forms) doom-print-ansi-alist)
`(doom-print--style ',(car forms)))
((assq (car forms) doom-print-class-alist)
`(doom-print--class ',(car forms)))
((list (car forms))))
(doom-print--apply (cdr forms) t)
(provide 'doom-lib '(print))
;;; print.el ends here