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;;; ../core/autoload/cache.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; This little library thinly wraps around persistent-soft (which is a pcache
;; wrapper, how about that). It has three purposes:
;; + To encapsulate the cache backend (persistent-soft/pcache in this case), in
;; case it needs to change.
;; + To provide `doom-cache-persist': a mechanism for easily persisting
;; variables across Emacs sessions.
;; + To lazy-load persistent-soft until it is really needed.
;; Like persistent-soft, caches assume a 2-tier structure, where all caches are
;; namespaced by location.
(defvar doom-cache-alists '(t)
"An alist of alists, containing lists of variables for the doom cache library
to persist across Emacs sessions.")
(defvar doom-cache-location 'doom
"The default location for cache files. This symbol is translated into a file
name under `pcache-directory' (by default a subdirectory under
`doom-cache-dir'). One file may contain multiple cache entries.")
(defun doom|save-persistent-cache ()
"Hook to run when an Emacs session is killed. Saves all persisted variables
listed in `doom-cache-alists' to files."
(dolist (alist (butlast doom-cache-alists 1))
(cl-loop with key = (car alist)
for var in (cdr alist)
if (symbol-value var)
do (doom-cache-set var it nil key))))
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'doom|save-persistent-cache)
;; Library
(defmacro with-cache! (location &rest body)
"Runs BODY with a different default `doom-cache-location'."
(declare (indent defun))
`(let ((doom-cache-location ',location))
(defun doom-cache-persist (location variables)
"Persist VARIABLES (list of symbols) in LOCATION (symbol).
This populates these variables with cached values, if one exists, and saves them
to file when Emacs quits.
Warning: this is incompatible with buffer-local variables."
(dolist (var variables)
(when (doom-cache-exists var location)
(set var (doom-cache-get var location))))
(setf (alist-get location doom-cache-alists)
(append variables (cdr (assq location doom-cache-alists)))))
(defun doom-cache-desist (location &optional variables)
"Unregisters VARIABLES (list of symbols) in LOCATION (symbol) from
`doom-cache-alists', thus preventing them from being saved between sessions.
Does not affect the actual variables themselves or their values."
(if variables
(setf (alist-get location doom-cache-alists)
(cl-set-difference (cdr (assq location doom-cache-alists))
(delq (assq location doom-cache-alists)
(defun doom-cache-get (key &optional location)
"Retrieve KEY from LOCATION (defaults to `doom-cache-location'), if it exists
and hasn't expired."
key (symbol-name (or location doom-cache-location))))
(defun doom-cache-set (key value &optional ttl location)
"Set KEY to VALUE in the cache. TTL is the time (in seconds) until this cache
entry expires. LOCATION is the super-key to store this cache item under; the
default is `doom-cache-location'. "
key value
(symbol-name (or location doom-cache-location)) ttl))
(defun doom-cache-exists (key &optional location)
"Returns t if KEY exists at LOCATION (defaults to `doom-cache-location')."
(persistent-soft-exists-p key (or location doom-cache-location)))
(defun doom-cache-clear (&optional location)
"Clear a cache LOCATION (defaults to `doom-cache-location')."
(persistent-soft-flush (or location doom-cache-location)))