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#+TITLE: Module Appendix
#+STARTUP: nofold
Functionality in Doom is divided into collections of code called modules (à la
Spacemacs' layers). A module is a bundle of packages, configuration and
commands, organized into a unit that can be enabled or disabled by adding or
removing them from your ~doom!~ block (found in =$DOOMDIR/init.el=).
* Table of Contents :TOC:
- [[#app][:app]]
- [[#checkers][:checkers]]
- [[#completion][:completion]]
- [[#config][:config]]
- [[#editor][:editor]]
- [[#emacs][:emacs]]
- [[#email][:email]]
- [[#input][:input]]
- [[#lang][:lang]]
- [[#term][:term]]
- [[#tools][:tools]]
- [[#ui][:ui]]
* :app
Application modules are complex and opinionated modules that transform Emacs
toward a specific purpose. They may have additional dependencies and should be
loaded last, before =:config= modules.
+ [[file:../modules/app/calendar/][calendar]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/app/irc/][irc]] - how neckbeards socialize
+ rss =+org= - an RSS client in Emacs
+ [[file:../modules/app/twitter/][twitter]] - A twitter client for Emacs
* :checkers
+ syntax =+childframe= - Live error/warning highlights
+ spell =+everywhere= - Spell checking
+ grammar - TODO
* :completion
Modules that provide new interfaces or frameworks for completion, including code
+ [[file:../modules/completion/company/][company]] =+childframe +tng= - The ultimate code completion backend
+ helm =+fuzzy +childframe= - *Another* search engine for love and life
+ ido - The /other/ *other* search engine for love and life
+ [[file:../modules/completion/ivy/][ivy]] =+fuzzy +prescient +childframe= - /The/ search engine for love and life
* :config
Modules that configure Emacs one way or another, or focus on making it easier
for you to customize it yourself. It is best to load these last.
+ literate - For users with literate configs. This will tangle+compile a in your ~doom-private-dir~ when it changes.
+ [[file:../modules/config/default/][default]] =+bindings +smartparens= - The default module sets reasonable defaults
for Emacs. It also provides a Spacemacs-inspired keybinding scheme and a
smartparens config. Use it as a reference for your own modules.
* :editor
Modules that affect and augment your ability to manipulate or insert text.
+ [[file:../modules/editor/evil/][evil]] =+everywhere= - transforms Emacs into Vim
+ [[file:../modules/editor/file-templates/][file-templates]] - Auto-inserted templates in blank new files
+ [[file:../modules/editor/fold/][fold]] - universal code folding
+ format =+onsave= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/editor/lispy/][lispy]] - TODO
+ multiple-cursors - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/editor/objed/][objed]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/editor/parinfer/][parinfer]] - TODO
+ rotate-text - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/editor/snippets/][snippets]] - Snippet expansion for lazy typists
+ [[file:../modules/editor/word-wrap/][word-wrap]] - soft wrapping with language-aware indent
* :emacs
Modules that reconfigure or augment packages or features built into Emacs.
+ [[file:../modules/emacs/dired/][dired]] =+ranger +icons= - TODO
+ electric - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/emacs/ibuffer/][ibuffer]] =+icons= - TODO
+ vc - TODO
* :email
+ [[file:../modules/email/mu4e/][mu4e]] =+gmail= - TODO
+ notmuch - TODO
+ wanderlust =+gmail= - TODO
* :input
+ [[file:../modules/input/chinese/][chinese]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/input/japanese/][japanese]] - TODO
* :lang
Modules that bring support for a language or group of languages to Emacs.
+ [[file:../modules/lang/agda/][agda]] - TODO
+ assembly - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/cc/][cc]] =+lsp= - TODO
2020-02-28 19:29:20 +08:00
+ [[file:../modules/lang/clojure/][clojure]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ common-lisp - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/coq/][coq]] - TODO
+ crystal - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/csharp/][csharp]] - TODO
+ data - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/elixir/][elixir]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ elm - TODO
+ emacs-lisp - TODO
+ erlang - TODO
2020-02-01 16:06:15 +08:00
+ [[file:../modules/lang/ess/][ess]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/faust/][faust]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/fsharp/][fsharp]] - TODO
2020-02-03 03:08:55 +08:00
+ [[file:../modules/lang/fstar/][fstar]] - F* support
+ [[file:../modules/lang/go/][go]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/haskell/][haskell]] =+dante +intero +lsp= - TODO
+ hy - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/idris/][idris]] - TODO
+ java =+meghanada +lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/javascript/][javascript]] =+lsp= - JavaScript, TypeScript, and CoffeeScript support
+ julia - TODO
+ kotlin =+lsp+= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/latex/][latex]] =+latexmk +cdlatex= - TODO
+ lean - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/ledger/][ledger]] - TODO
+ lua =+moonscript= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/markdown/][markdown]] =+grip= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/nim/][nim]] - TODO
+ nix - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/ocaml/][ocaml]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/org/][org]] =+brain +dragndrop +gnuplot +hugo +ipython +journal +jupyter +pandoc +pomodoro +present= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/perl/][perl]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/php/][php]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ plantuml - TODO
+ purescript - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/python/][python]] =+lsp +pyenv +conda= - TODO
+ qt - TODO
+ racket - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/rest/][rest]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/ruby/][ruby]] =+lsp +rvm +rbenv +rails +chruby=
+ [[file:../modules/lang/rust/][rust]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ scala =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/scheme/][scheme]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/sh/][sh]] =+fish +lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/solidity/][solidity]] - TODO
+ swift =+lsp= - TODO
+ terra - TODO
+ web =+lsp= - HTML and CSS (SCSS/SASS/LESS/Stylus) support.
* :term
Modules that offer terminal emulation.
+ eshell - TODO
+ shell - TODO
+ term - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/term/vterm/][vterm]] - TODO
* :tools
Small modules that give Emacs access to external tools & services.
+ ansible - TODO
+ debugger - A (nigh-)universal debugger in Emacs
+ [[file:../modules/tools/direnv/][direnv]] - TODO
2020-02-09 17:47:05 +08:00
+ [[file:../modules/tools/docker/][docker]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/editorconfig/][editorconfig]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/ein/][ein]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/eval/][eval]] =+overlay= - REPL & code evaluation support for a variety of languages
+ gist - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/lookup/][lookup]] =+dictionary +docsets= - Universal jump-to & documentation lookup
+ [[file:../modules/tools/lsp/][lsp]] =+peek= - TODO
+ macos - TODO
+ magit - TODO
+ make - TODO
+ pass - TODO
+ pdf - TODO
+ prodigy - TODO
+ rgb - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/terraform/][terraform]]
+ tmux - TODO
+ upload - TODO
* :ui
Aesthetic modules that affect the Emacs interface or user experience.
+ [[file:../modules/ui/deft/][deft]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/doom/][doom]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/doom-dashboard/][doom-dashboard]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/doom-quit/][doom-quit]] - TODO
+ fill-column - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/hl-todo/][hl-todo]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/hydra/][hydra]] - TODO
+ indent-guides - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/modeline/][modeline]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/nav-flash/][nav-flash]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/neotree/][neotree]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/ophints/][ophints]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/popup/][popup]] =+all +defaults= - Makes temporary/disposable windows less intrusive
+ pretty-code - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/tabs/][tabs]] - TODO
+ treemacs - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/unicode/][unicode]] - TODO
+ vc-gutter - TODO
+ vi-tilde-fringe - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/window-select/][window-select]] =+switch-window +numbers= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/workspaces/][workspaces]] - Isolated workspaces
+ [[file:../modules/ui/zen/][zen]] - Distraction-free coding (or writing)