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2017-02-11 13:46:42 +08:00
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/packages.el
:boom: Replace exec-path-from-shell w/ 'bin/doom env' IMPORTANT: This is a breaking update for Mac users, as your shell environment will no longer be inherited correctly (with the removal of exec-path-from-shell). The quick fix is: 'bin/doom env refresh'. Also, the set-env! autodef now does nothing (and is deprecated), be sure to remove calls to it in your config. Smaller changes: + This update also adds --no-* switches to doom quickstart + Includes general improvements to the documentation of several bin/doom commands. + Moves doom/reload* commands to core/autoload/config.el + doom/reload-project has been removed (it didn't actually do anything) The breaking change: This update adds an "envvar file" to Doom Emacs. This file is generated by `doom env refresh`, populated with variables scraped from your shell environment (from both non-interactive and interactive sessions). This file is then (inexpensively) loaded at startup, if it exists. + The file is manually generated with `doom env refresh`. + It can be regenerated automatically whenever `doom refresh` is run by running `doom env enable` (`doom env clear` will reverse this and delete the env file). + `doom quickstart` will ask if you want to auto-generate this envvar file. You won't need it if you're confident Emacs will always be started from the correct environment, however. + Your env file can be reloaded from a running Emacs session with `M-x doom/reload-env`. Note: this won't work if the Emacs session you're running it in doesn't have a correct SHELL set. i.e. don't use this to create your first env file! The idea isn't mine -- it's borrowed from Spacemacs -- and was introduced to me in #1053 by @yurimx. I was impressed with it. Prior to this, I was unhappy with exec-path-from-shell (no hate to the dev, I understand its necessity), and 'doom patch-macos' wasn't ideal for mac users (needed to be reapplied every time you update Emacs). What's more, many users (even Linux users) had to install exec-path-from-shell anyway. This solution suffers from none of their shortcomings. More reliable than patch-macos, more performant and complete than exec-path-from-shell, and easily handled by bin/doom.
2019-03-28 12:06:10 +08:00
;; core.el
(package! auto-minor-mode :pin "17cfa1b54800fdef2975c0c0531dad34846a5065")
(package! gcmh :pin "b1bde5089169a74f62033d027e06e98cbeedd43f")
(package! explain-pause-mode
:recipe (:host github
:repo "lastquestion/explain-pause-mode")
:pin "2356c8c3639cbeeb9751744dbe737267849b4b51")
:boom: Replace exec-path-from-shell w/ 'bin/doom env' IMPORTANT: This is a breaking update for Mac users, as your shell environment will no longer be inherited correctly (with the removal of exec-path-from-shell). The quick fix is: 'bin/doom env refresh'. Also, the set-env! autodef now does nothing (and is deprecated), be sure to remove calls to it in your config. Smaller changes: + This update also adds --no-* switches to doom quickstart + Includes general improvements to the documentation of several bin/doom commands. + Moves doom/reload* commands to core/autoload/config.el + doom/reload-project has been removed (it didn't actually do anything) The breaking change: This update adds an "envvar file" to Doom Emacs. This file is generated by `doom env refresh`, populated with variables scraped from your shell environment (from both non-interactive and interactive sessions). This file is then (inexpensively) loaded at startup, if it exists. + The file is manually generated with `doom env refresh`. + It can be regenerated automatically whenever `doom refresh` is run by running `doom env enable` (`doom env clear` will reverse this and delete the env file). + `doom quickstart` will ask if you want to auto-generate this envvar file. You won't need it if you're confident Emacs will always be started from the correct environment, however. + Your env file can be reloaded from a running Emacs session with `M-x doom/reload-env`. Note: this won't work if the Emacs session you're running it in doesn't have a correct SHELL set. i.e. don't use this to create your first env file! The idea isn't mine -- it's borrowed from Spacemacs -- and was introduced to me in #1053 by @yurimx. I was impressed with it. Prior to this, I was unhappy with exec-path-from-shell (no hate to the dev, I understand its necessity), and 'doom patch-macos' wasn't ideal for mac users (needed to be reapplied every time you update Emacs). What's more, many users (even Linux users) had to install exec-path-from-shell anyway. This solution suffers from none of their shortcomings. More reliable than patch-macos, more performant and complete than exec-path-from-shell, and easily handled by bin/doom.
2019-03-28 12:06:10 +08:00
Backport bits of CLI rewrite The rewrite for Doom's CLI is taking a while, so I've backported a few important changes in order to ease the transition and fix a couple bugs sooner. Fixes #2802, #2737, #2386 The big highlights are: - Fix #2802: We now update recipe repos *before* updating/installing any new packages. No more "Could not find package X in recipe repositories". - Fix #2737: An edge case where straight couldn't reach a pinned commit (particularly with agda). - Doom is now smarter about what option it recommends when straight prompts you to make a choice. - Introduces a new init path for Doom. The old way: - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode in non-interactive sessions - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise. The new way - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode *only* for bin/doom - Launch is a simple mode for non-interactive sessions that still need access to your interactive config (like async org export/babel). - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise. This should fix compatibility issues with plugins that use the async.el library or spawn child Emacs processes to fake parallelization (like org's async export and babel functionality). - Your private init.el is now loaded more reliably when running any bin/doom command. This gives you an opportunity to configure its settings. - Added doom-first-{input,buffer,file}-hook hooks, which we use to queue deferred activation of a number of packages. Users can remove these modes from these hooks; altogether preventing them from loading, rather than waiting for them to load to then disable them, e.g. (after! smartparens (smartparens-global-mode -1)) -> (remove-hook 'doom-first-buffer #'smartparens-global-mode) Hooks added to doom-first-*-hook variables will be removed once they run. This should also indirectly fix #2386, by preventing interactive modes from running in non-interactive session. - Added `doom/bump-*` commands to make bumping modules and packages easier, and `doom/bumpify-*` commands for converting package! statements into user/repo@sha1hash format for bump commits. - straight.el is now commit-pinned, like all other packages. We also more reliably install straight.el by cloning it ourselves, rather than relying on its bootstrap.el. This should prevent infinite "straight has diverged from master" prompts whenever we change branches (though, you might have to put up with it one more after this update -- see #2937 for workaround). All the other minor changes: - Moved core/autoload/cli.el to core/autoload/process.el - The package manager will log attempts to check out pinned commits - If package state is incomplete while rebuilding packages, emit a simpler error message instead of an obscure one! - Added -u switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom update' afterwards - Added -p switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom purge' afterwards - Replace doom-modules function with doom-modules-list - The `with-plist!` macro was removed, since `cl-destructuring-bind` already serves that purpose well enough. - core/autoload/packages.el was moved into core-packages.el - bin/doom will no longer die if DOOMDIR or DOOMLOCALDIR don't have a trailing slash - Introduces doom-debug-variables; a list of variables to toggle on doom/toggle-debug-mode. - The sandbox has been updated to reflect the above changes, also: 1. Child instances will no longer inherit the process environment of the host instance, 2. It will no longer produce an auto-save-list directory in ~/.emacs.d
2020-05-15 03:00:23 +08:00
;; core-packages.el
(package! straight
2020-05-15 17:32:11 +08:00
:type 'core
Backport bits of CLI rewrite The rewrite for Doom's CLI is taking a while, so I've backported a few important changes in order to ease the transition and fix a couple bugs sooner. Fixes #2802, #2737, #2386 The big highlights are: - Fix #2802: We now update recipe repos *before* updating/installing any new packages. No more "Could not find package X in recipe repositories". - Fix #2737: An edge case where straight couldn't reach a pinned commit (particularly with agda). - Doom is now smarter about what option it recommends when straight prompts you to make a choice. - Introduces a new init path for Doom. The old way: - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode in non-interactive sessions - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise. The new way - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode *only* for bin/doom - Launch is a simple mode for non-interactive sessions that still need access to your interactive config (like async org export/babel). - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise. This should fix compatibility issues with plugins that use the async.el library or spawn child Emacs processes to fake parallelization (like org's async export and babel functionality). - Your private init.el is now loaded more reliably when running any bin/doom command. This gives you an opportunity to configure its settings. - Added doom-first-{input,buffer,file}-hook hooks, which we use to queue deferred activation of a number of packages. Users can remove these modes from these hooks; altogether preventing them from loading, rather than waiting for them to load to then disable them, e.g. (after! smartparens (smartparens-global-mode -1)) -> (remove-hook 'doom-first-buffer #'smartparens-global-mode) Hooks added to doom-first-*-hook variables will be removed once they run. This should also indirectly fix #2386, by preventing interactive modes from running in non-interactive session. - Added `doom/bump-*` commands to make bumping modules and packages easier, and `doom/bumpify-*` commands for converting package! statements into user/repo@sha1hash format for bump commits. - straight.el is now commit-pinned, like all other packages. We also more reliably install straight.el by cloning it ourselves, rather than relying on its bootstrap.el. This should prevent infinite "straight has diverged from master" prompts whenever we change branches (though, you might have to put up with it one more after this update -- see #2937 for workaround). All the other minor changes: - Moved core/autoload/cli.el to core/autoload/process.el - The package manager will log attempts to check out pinned commits - If package state is incomplete while rebuilding packages, emit a simpler error message instead of an obscure one! - Added -u switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom update' afterwards - Added -p switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom purge' afterwards - Replace doom-modules function with doom-modules-list - The `with-plist!` macro was removed, since `cl-destructuring-bind` already serves that purpose well enough. - core/autoload/packages.el was moved into core-packages.el - bin/doom will no longer die if DOOMDIR or DOOMLOCALDIR don't have a trailing slash - Introduces doom-debug-variables; a list of variables to toggle on doom/toggle-debug-mode. - The sandbox has been updated to reflect the above changes, also: 1. Child instances will no longer inherit the process environment of the host instance, 2. It will no longer produce an auto-save-list directory in ~/.emacs.d
2020-05-15 03:00:23 +08:00
:recipe `(:host github
:repo "raxod502/straight.el"
:branch ,straight-repository-branch
:local-repo "straight.el"
:files ("straight*.el")
:no-build t)
Bump * bbatsov/projectile@bbcf781 -> bbatsov/projectile@46d2010 domtronn/all-the-icons.el@ed8e44d -> domtronn/all-the-icons.el@8c02280 emacsmirror/straight@fc077dd -> emacsmirror/straight@0c7c757 justbur/emacs-which-key@3642c11 -> justbur/emacs-which-key@e48e190 jwiegley/use-package@7d92536 -> jwiegley/use-package@4fb1f9a purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@1efc30d -> purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@60273e7 + :app - :app calendar kidd/org-gcal.el@7445058 -> kidd/org-gcal.el@2cad2d8 - :app irc jorgenschaefer/circe@e5bf5f8 -> jorgenschaefer/circe@89aac22 - :app rss skeeto/elfeed@d0405e6 -> skeeto/elfeed@8fb09ad - :app twitter abo-abo/avy@509471b -> abo-abo/avy@bbf1e73 + :completion - :completion company company-mode/company-mode@5eb7d86 -> company-mode/company-mode@54f60ef sebastiencs/company-box@889d723 -> sebastiencs/company-box@20384f0 - :completion helm emacs-helm/helm@5d224cb -> emacs-helm/helm@e9a1e53 tumashu/posframe@922e4d2 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :completion ivy abo-abo/swiper@c6b60d3 -> abo-abo/swiper@9bb6841 raxod502/prescient.el@b11d79b -> raxod502/prescient.el@cc289ba snyball/ivy-posframe@4474956 -> snyball/ivy-posframe@82a63ae + :checkers - :checkers syntax alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@2b3e94c -> alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@c928b5b + :editor - :editor evil emacs-evil/evil@2bc6ca3 -> emacs-evil/evil@1e7aa5b emacs-evil/evil-collection@3e62b6b -> emacs-evil/evil-collection@c136589 - :editor fold seregaxvm/vimish-fold@6368523 -> seregaxvm/vimish-fold@9d12e39 - :editor god emacsorphanage/god-mode@1eb6ef3 -> emacsorphanage/god-mode@ad2e674 - :editor lispy abo-abo/lispy@cdaa9c7 -> abo-abo/lispy@0a9dcfd noctuid/lispyville@25a7012 -> noctuid/lispyville@0f13f26 - :editor objed clemera/objed@e89d8da -> clemera/objed@dea5a64 - :editor snippets joaotavora/yasnippet@5b1217a -> joaotavora/yasnippet@5cbdbf0 hlissner/doom-snippets@21b7c8d -> hlissner/doom-snippets@60c57d6 - :editor word-wrap emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 + :emacs - :emacs dired purcell/diredfl@83567d0 -> purcell/diredfl@cd052df - :emacs ibuffer purcell/ibuffer-projectile@504b0ed -> purcell/ibuffer-projectile@ecbe482 purcell/ibuffer-vc@1249c1e -> purcell/ibuffer-vc@5fa6aea - :emacs undo emacs-straight/undo-tree@5b6df03 -> emacs-straight/undo-tree@7523823 ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@46de023 -> ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@c0806c1 - :emacs vc magit/magit@d459e52 -> magit/magit@321214c pidu/git-timemachine@391eb61 -> pidu/git-timemachine@8d67575 + :email + :email notmuch -> org-mime/org-mime@9f84446 -> org-mime/org-mime@9bb6351 + :email wanderlust wanderlust/semi@57a948c -> wanderlust/semi@10897f0 + :input - :input japanese skk-dev/ddskk@fe7f82b -> skk-dev/ddskk@275a831 + :lang - :lang agda agda/agda@8eb0d01 -> agda/agda@36738c1 - :lang cc Andersbakken/rtags@080cb0e -> Andersbakken/rtags@b57b360 MaskRay/emacs-ccls@44f1fb3 -> Sarcasm/irony-mode@5f75fc0 emacsmirror/cmake-mode@bfe85bc -> emacsmirror/cmake-mode@e58c411 - :lang common-lisp joaotavora/sly@becf7b7 -> joaotavora/sly@155cb06 - :lang coq ProofGeneral/PG@0f0bb2c -> ProofGeneral/PG@03e427a cpitclaudel/company-coq@7ec8058 -> cpitclaudel/company-coq@b096cb5 - :lang dart emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@a06fc74 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@437c548 - :lang elixir elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@02a3922 -> elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@01b3324 - :lang elm jcollard/elm-mode@7782be0 -> jcollard/elm-mode@363da4b - :lang emacs-lisp clojure-emacs/cider@9e117c2 -> clojure-emacs/cider@a89b694 clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@da9f1ec -> clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@84ed16c jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@e71a40f -> jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@0e5eae0 xuchunyang/elisp-demos@4cd55a3 -> xuchunyang/elisp-demos@8c97481 - :lang erlang erlang/otp@3065fbf -> erlang/otp@d9bc785 - :lang ess emacs-ess/ESS@3c2fb63 -> emacs-ess/ESS@1baf8bf - :lang fuel factor/factor@497d649 -> factor/factor@3fdb032 - :lang fsharp fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@8c86e38 -> fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@3e41fe1 - :lang fstar FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@aaaf256 -> FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@bd28cb8 - :lang haskell jyp/dante@7411904 -> jyp/dante@c516bc9 - :lang hy hylang/hy-mode@e2d5fec -> hylang/hy-mode@55e84ca - :lang idris idris-hackers/idris-mode@acc8835 -> idris-hackers/idris-mode@b77eadd - :lang java mopemope/meghanada-emacs@e119c7b -> mopemope/meghanada-emacs@1e41f7f - :lang javascript ananthakumaran/tide@13e7af7 -> ananthakumaran/tide@f0b6dac emacs-typescript/typescript.el@0fc7297 -> emacs-typescript/typescript.el@42a60e5 mooz/js2-mode@5049e54 -> mooz/js2-mode@40aab27 - :lang julia JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@1c122f1 -> JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@b5f5983 tpapp/julia-repl@5fa04de -> tpapp/julia-repl@d073acb - :lang kotlin Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@ab61099 -> Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@8e6dd57 - :lang latex emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 emacs-straight/auctex@6abf890 -> emacs-straight/auctex@59e251c iyefrat/evil-tex@bb01576 -> iyefrat/evil-tex@06234c9 - :lang lean leanprover/lean-mode@65b55b1 -> leanprover/lean-mode@6b43776 - :lang ledger ledger/ledger-mode@7d78645 -> ledger/ledger-mode@805507f - :lang markdown Fanael/edit-indirect@935ded3 -> Fanael/edit-indirect@bdc8f54 jrblevin/markdown-mode@fa9fa20 -> jrblevin/markdown-mode@ef2cb4d seagle0128/grip-mode@52768a0 -> seagle0128/grip-mode@281ada2 - :lang nix NixOS/nix-mode@a00b3f7 -> NixOS/nix-mode@0cf1ea1 - :lang ocaml ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@27a49cc -> ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@cd0eaa8 ocaml/dune@66cfb3a -> ocaml/dune@daea74e - :lang org abo-abo/org-download@768716b -> abo-abo/org-download@67b3c74 bastibe/org-journal@a6378dc -> bastibe/org-journal@a2728e2 dzop/emacs-jupyter@785edbb -> dzop/emacs-jupyter@360cae2 emacs-straight/org-mode@a1e5bee -> emacs-straight/org-mode@220f2b0 hniksic/emacs-htmlize@86f22f2 -> hniksic/emacs-htmlize@4920510 integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@1748185 -> integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@94f35c2 oer/org-re-reveal@c548e23 -> oer/org-re-reveal@7fe39d5 org-roam/company-org-roam@5d7ccd9 -> org-roam/company-org-roam@1132663 org-roam/org-roam@0aa0a7c -> org-roam/org-roam@c33867e - :lang php emacs-php/php-mode@4345dfd -> emacs-php/php-mode@f4c7c69 jwiegley/emacs-async@86aef2c -> jwiegley/emacs-async@36a1015 - :lang plantuml skuro/plantuml-mode@ea45a13 -> skuro/plantuml-mode@5889166 - :lang python cython/cython@0208bf2 -> cython/cython@fcfd16c emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@3cf2e8f -> emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@9603dda emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@7a502e6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@a884a9a necaris/conda.el@9d02130 -> necaris/conda.el@9f7eea1 wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@6a3b4e5 -> wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@fc056fa - :lang racket greghendershott/racket-mode@29afd25 -> greghendershott/racket-mode@c55fd70 - :lang rest pashky/restclient.el@e8ca809 -> pashky/restclient.el@ac8aad6 - :lang ruby nonsequitur/inf-ruby@f3c927c -> nonsequitur/inf-ruby@9f0f79f - :lang rust brotzeit/rustic@0ec0688 -> brotzeit/rustic@75b9920 - :lang scala emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@3d4d4b7 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@039aa72 hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@633a315 -> hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@4358ed8 hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@46bb948 -> hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@1d08e88 - :lang scheme flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@f37b614 -> flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@2940f16 jaor/geiser@0c86289 -> jaor/geiser@adc5c4a - :lang solidity ethereum/emacs-solidity@022b315 -> ethereum/emacs-solidity@d166a86 - :lang swift emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@04d75b6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@130f7a8 swift-emacs/swift-mode@2ab9ea1 -> swift-emacs/swift-mode@d266fbd - :lang web fxbois/web-mode@a2badd0 -> fxbois/web-mode@60ffd87 - :lang yaml yoshiki/yaml-mode@cecf4b1 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 + :term - :term term manateelazycat/multi-term@7307ddd -> manateelazycat/multi-term@017c77c + :tools - :tools ansible yoshiki/yaml-mode@34648f2 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 - :tools debugger emacs-lsp/dap-mode@85a6163 -> emacs-lsp/dap-mode@4b18543 realgud/realgud@5b0ed08 -> realgud/realgud@332d136 tumashu/posframe@6d604a7 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :tools docker Silex/docker.el@d6233bd -> Silex/docker.el@3773112 - :tools editorconfig editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9a73ff7 -> editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9bc1343 - :tools ein millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@ccbed30 -> millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@99a4718 - :tools lookup jacktasia/dumb-jump@b815731 -> jacktasia/dumb-jump@0d74b2f - :tools lsp emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@5c960e7 -> emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@4263c96 emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@edb8119 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@4145a70 emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@1f3e970 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@c39ae37 joaotavora/eglot@fb6b17e -> joaotavora/eglot@5f873d2 - :tools magit magit/forge@2c48746 -> magit/forge@feee7e2 magit/magit@798aff5 -> magit/magit@321214c - :tools pass zx2c4/password-store@07b169e -> zx2c4/password-store@06f4999 - :tools rgb emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@f780ddb -> emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@fdff98b + :ui - :ui doom hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@8a5538e -> hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@24023de - :ui fill-column laishulu/hl-fill-column@43cb3c3 -> laishulu/hl-fill-column@5782a91 - :ui hl-todo tarsius/hl-todo@3bba459 -> tarsius/hl-todo@0598b98 - :ui hydra abo-abo/hydra@87873d7 -> abo-abo/hydra@112e689 - :ui indent-guides DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@1b12c7b -> DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@a4f7714 - :ui modeline seagle0128/doom-modeline@881e099 -> seagle0128/doom-modeline@ffbaaee - :ui tabs ema2159/centaur-tabs@9114ef4 -> ema2159/centaur-tabs@7e0332b - :ui treemacs Alexander-Miller/treemacs@644e940 -> Alexander-Miller/treemacs@027e03b - :ui window-select abo-abo/ace-window@7003c88 -> abo-abo/ace-window@c7cb315
2020-08-20 03:25:47 +08:00
:pin "0c7c7571349b628d87acde474a754f05e86ca876")
Backport bits of CLI rewrite The rewrite for Doom's CLI is taking a while, so I've backported a few important changes in order to ease the transition and fix a couple bugs sooner. Fixes #2802, #2737, #2386 The big highlights are: - Fix #2802: We now update recipe repos *before* updating/installing any new packages. No more "Could not find package X in recipe repositories". - Fix #2737: An edge case where straight couldn't reach a pinned commit (particularly with agda). - Doom is now smarter about what option it recommends when straight prompts you to make a choice. - Introduces a new init path for Doom. The old way: - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode in non-interactive sessions - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise. The new way - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode *only* for bin/doom - Launch is a simple mode for non-interactive sessions that still need access to your interactive config (like async org export/babel). - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise. This should fix compatibility issues with plugins that use the async.el library or spawn child Emacs processes to fake parallelization (like org's async export and babel functionality). - Your private init.el is now loaded more reliably when running any bin/doom command. This gives you an opportunity to configure its settings. - Added doom-first-{input,buffer,file}-hook hooks, which we use to queue deferred activation of a number of packages. Users can remove these modes from these hooks; altogether preventing them from loading, rather than waiting for them to load to then disable them, e.g. (after! smartparens (smartparens-global-mode -1)) -> (remove-hook 'doom-first-buffer #'smartparens-global-mode) Hooks added to doom-first-*-hook variables will be removed once they run. This should also indirectly fix #2386, by preventing interactive modes from running in non-interactive session. - Added `doom/bump-*` commands to make bumping modules and packages easier, and `doom/bumpify-*` commands for converting package! statements into user/repo@sha1hash format for bump commits. - straight.el is now commit-pinned, like all other packages. We also more reliably install straight.el by cloning it ourselves, rather than relying on its bootstrap.el. This should prevent infinite "straight has diverged from master" prompts whenever we change branches (though, you might have to put up with it one more after this update -- see #2937 for workaround). All the other minor changes: - Moved core/autoload/cli.el to core/autoload/process.el - The package manager will log attempts to check out pinned commits - If package state is incomplete while rebuilding packages, emit a simpler error message instead of an obscure one! - Added -u switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom update' afterwards - Added -p switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom purge' afterwards - Replace doom-modules function with doom-modules-list - The `with-plist!` macro was removed, since `cl-destructuring-bind` already serves that purpose well enough. - core/autoload/packages.el was moved into core-packages.el - bin/doom will no longer die if DOOMDIR or DOOMLOCALDIR don't have a trailing slash - Introduces doom-debug-variables; a list of variables to toggle on doom/toggle-debug-mode. - The sandbox has been updated to reflect the above changes, also: 1. Child instances will no longer inherit the process environment of the host instance, 2. It will no longer produce an auto-save-list directory in ~/.emacs.d
2020-05-15 03:00:23 +08:00
;; core-modules.el
(package! use-package
2020-05-15 17:32:11 +08:00
:type 'core
Bump * bbatsov/projectile@bbcf781 -> bbatsov/projectile@46d2010 domtronn/all-the-icons.el@ed8e44d -> domtronn/all-the-icons.el@8c02280 emacsmirror/straight@fc077dd -> emacsmirror/straight@0c7c757 justbur/emacs-which-key@3642c11 -> justbur/emacs-which-key@e48e190 jwiegley/use-package@7d92536 -> jwiegley/use-package@4fb1f9a purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@1efc30d -> purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@60273e7 + :app - :app calendar kidd/org-gcal.el@7445058 -> kidd/org-gcal.el@2cad2d8 - :app irc jorgenschaefer/circe@e5bf5f8 -> jorgenschaefer/circe@89aac22 - :app rss skeeto/elfeed@d0405e6 -> skeeto/elfeed@8fb09ad - :app twitter abo-abo/avy@509471b -> abo-abo/avy@bbf1e73 + :completion - :completion company company-mode/company-mode@5eb7d86 -> company-mode/company-mode@54f60ef sebastiencs/company-box@889d723 -> sebastiencs/company-box@20384f0 - :completion helm emacs-helm/helm@5d224cb -> emacs-helm/helm@e9a1e53 tumashu/posframe@922e4d2 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :completion ivy abo-abo/swiper@c6b60d3 -> abo-abo/swiper@9bb6841 raxod502/prescient.el@b11d79b -> raxod502/prescient.el@cc289ba snyball/ivy-posframe@4474956 -> snyball/ivy-posframe@82a63ae + :checkers - :checkers syntax alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@2b3e94c -> alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@c928b5b + :editor - :editor evil emacs-evil/evil@2bc6ca3 -> emacs-evil/evil@1e7aa5b emacs-evil/evil-collection@3e62b6b -> emacs-evil/evil-collection@c136589 - :editor fold seregaxvm/vimish-fold@6368523 -> seregaxvm/vimish-fold@9d12e39 - :editor god emacsorphanage/god-mode@1eb6ef3 -> emacsorphanage/god-mode@ad2e674 - :editor lispy abo-abo/lispy@cdaa9c7 -> abo-abo/lispy@0a9dcfd noctuid/lispyville@25a7012 -> noctuid/lispyville@0f13f26 - :editor objed clemera/objed@e89d8da -> clemera/objed@dea5a64 - :editor snippets joaotavora/yasnippet@5b1217a -> joaotavora/yasnippet@5cbdbf0 hlissner/doom-snippets@21b7c8d -> hlissner/doom-snippets@60c57d6 - :editor word-wrap emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 + :emacs - :emacs dired purcell/diredfl@83567d0 -> purcell/diredfl@cd052df - :emacs ibuffer purcell/ibuffer-projectile@504b0ed -> purcell/ibuffer-projectile@ecbe482 purcell/ibuffer-vc@1249c1e -> purcell/ibuffer-vc@5fa6aea - :emacs undo emacs-straight/undo-tree@5b6df03 -> emacs-straight/undo-tree@7523823 ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@46de023 -> ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@c0806c1 - :emacs vc magit/magit@d459e52 -> magit/magit@321214c pidu/git-timemachine@391eb61 -> pidu/git-timemachine@8d67575 + :email + :email notmuch -> org-mime/org-mime@9f84446 -> org-mime/org-mime@9bb6351 + :email wanderlust wanderlust/semi@57a948c -> wanderlust/semi@10897f0 + :input - :input japanese skk-dev/ddskk@fe7f82b -> skk-dev/ddskk@275a831 + :lang - :lang agda agda/agda@8eb0d01 -> agda/agda@36738c1 - :lang cc Andersbakken/rtags@080cb0e -> Andersbakken/rtags@b57b360 MaskRay/emacs-ccls@44f1fb3 -> Sarcasm/irony-mode@5f75fc0 emacsmirror/cmake-mode@bfe85bc -> emacsmirror/cmake-mode@e58c411 - :lang common-lisp joaotavora/sly@becf7b7 -> joaotavora/sly@155cb06 - :lang coq ProofGeneral/PG@0f0bb2c -> ProofGeneral/PG@03e427a cpitclaudel/company-coq@7ec8058 -> cpitclaudel/company-coq@b096cb5 - :lang dart emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@a06fc74 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@437c548 - :lang elixir elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@02a3922 -> elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@01b3324 - :lang elm jcollard/elm-mode@7782be0 -> jcollard/elm-mode@363da4b - :lang emacs-lisp clojure-emacs/cider@9e117c2 -> clojure-emacs/cider@a89b694 clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@da9f1ec -> clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@84ed16c jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@e71a40f -> jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@0e5eae0 xuchunyang/elisp-demos@4cd55a3 -> xuchunyang/elisp-demos@8c97481 - :lang erlang erlang/otp@3065fbf -> erlang/otp@d9bc785 - :lang ess emacs-ess/ESS@3c2fb63 -> emacs-ess/ESS@1baf8bf - :lang fuel factor/factor@497d649 -> factor/factor@3fdb032 - :lang fsharp fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@8c86e38 -> fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@3e41fe1 - :lang fstar FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@aaaf256 -> FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@bd28cb8 - :lang haskell jyp/dante@7411904 -> jyp/dante@c516bc9 - :lang hy hylang/hy-mode@e2d5fec -> hylang/hy-mode@55e84ca - :lang idris idris-hackers/idris-mode@acc8835 -> idris-hackers/idris-mode@b77eadd - :lang java mopemope/meghanada-emacs@e119c7b -> mopemope/meghanada-emacs@1e41f7f - :lang javascript ananthakumaran/tide@13e7af7 -> ananthakumaran/tide@f0b6dac emacs-typescript/typescript.el@0fc7297 -> emacs-typescript/typescript.el@42a60e5 mooz/js2-mode@5049e54 -> mooz/js2-mode@40aab27 - :lang julia JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@1c122f1 -> JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@b5f5983 tpapp/julia-repl@5fa04de -> tpapp/julia-repl@d073acb - :lang kotlin Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@ab61099 -> Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@8e6dd57 - :lang latex emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 emacs-straight/auctex@6abf890 -> emacs-straight/auctex@59e251c iyefrat/evil-tex@bb01576 -> iyefrat/evil-tex@06234c9 - :lang lean leanprover/lean-mode@65b55b1 -> leanprover/lean-mode@6b43776 - :lang ledger ledger/ledger-mode@7d78645 -> ledger/ledger-mode@805507f - :lang markdown Fanael/edit-indirect@935ded3 -> Fanael/edit-indirect@bdc8f54 jrblevin/markdown-mode@fa9fa20 -> jrblevin/markdown-mode@ef2cb4d seagle0128/grip-mode@52768a0 -> seagle0128/grip-mode@281ada2 - :lang nix NixOS/nix-mode@a00b3f7 -> NixOS/nix-mode@0cf1ea1 - :lang ocaml ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@27a49cc -> ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@cd0eaa8 ocaml/dune@66cfb3a -> ocaml/dune@daea74e - :lang org abo-abo/org-download@768716b -> abo-abo/org-download@67b3c74 bastibe/org-journal@a6378dc -> bastibe/org-journal@a2728e2 dzop/emacs-jupyter@785edbb -> dzop/emacs-jupyter@360cae2 emacs-straight/org-mode@a1e5bee -> emacs-straight/org-mode@220f2b0 hniksic/emacs-htmlize@86f22f2 -> hniksic/emacs-htmlize@4920510 integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@1748185 -> integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@94f35c2 oer/org-re-reveal@c548e23 -> oer/org-re-reveal@7fe39d5 org-roam/company-org-roam@5d7ccd9 -> org-roam/company-org-roam@1132663 org-roam/org-roam@0aa0a7c -> org-roam/org-roam@c33867e - :lang php emacs-php/php-mode@4345dfd -> emacs-php/php-mode@f4c7c69 jwiegley/emacs-async@86aef2c -> jwiegley/emacs-async@36a1015 - :lang plantuml skuro/plantuml-mode@ea45a13 -> skuro/plantuml-mode@5889166 - :lang python cython/cython@0208bf2 -> cython/cython@fcfd16c emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@3cf2e8f -> emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@9603dda emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@7a502e6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@a884a9a necaris/conda.el@9d02130 -> necaris/conda.el@9f7eea1 wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@6a3b4e5 -> wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@fc056fa - :lang racket greghendershott/racket-mode@29afd25 -> greghendershott/racket-mode@c55fd70 - :lang rest pashky/restclient.el@e8ca809 -> pashky/restclient.el@ac8aad6 - :lang ruby nonsequitur/inf-ruby@f3c927c -> nonsequitur/inf-ruby@9f0f79f - :lang rust brotzeit/rustic@0ec0688 -> brotzeit/rustic@75b9920 - :lang scala emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@3d4d4b7 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@039aa72 hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@633a315 -> hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@4358ed8 hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@46bb948 -> hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@1d08e88 - :lang scheme flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@f37b614 -> flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@2940f16 jaor/geiser@0c86289 -> jaor/geiser@adc5c4a - :lang solidity ethereum/emacs-solidity@022b315 -> ethereum/emacs-solidity@d166a86 - :lang swift emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@04d75b6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@130f7a8 swift-emacs/swift-mode@2ab9ea1 -> swift-emacs/swift-mode@d266fbd - :lang web fxbois/web-mode@a2badd0 -> fxbois/web-mode@60ffd87 - :lang yaml yoshiki/yaml-mode@cecf4b1 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 + :term - :term term manateelazycat/multi-term@7307ddd -> manateelazycat/multi-term@017c77c + :tools - :tools ansible yoshiki/yaml-mode@34648f2 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 - :tools debugger emacs-lsp/dap-mode@85a6163 -> emacs-lsp/dap-mode@4b18543 realgud/realgud@5b0ed08 -> realgud/realgud@332d136 tumashu/posframe@6d604a7 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :tools docker Silex/docker.el@d6233bd -> Silex/docker.el@3773112 - :tools editorconfig editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9a73ff7 -> editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9bc1343 - :tools ein millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@ccbed30 -> millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@99a4718 - :tools lookup jacktasia/dumb-jump@b815731 -> jacktasia/dumb-jump@0d74b2f - :tools lsp emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@5c960e7 -> emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@4263c96 emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@edb8119 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@4145a70 emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@1f3e970 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@c39ae37 joaotavora/eglot@fb6b17e -> joaotavora/eglot@5f873d2 - :tools magit magit/forge@2c48746 -> magit/forge@feee7e2 magit/magit@798aff5 -> magit/magit@321214c - :tools pass zx2c4/password-store@07b169e -> zx2c4/password-store@06f4999 - :tools rgb emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@f780ddb -> emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@fdff98b + :ui - :ui doom hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@8a5538e -> hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@24023de - :ui fill-column laishulu/hl-fill-column@43cb3c3 -> laishulu/hl-fill-column@5782a91 - :ui hl-todo tarsius/hl-todo@3bba459 -> tarsius/hl-todo@0598b98 - :ui hydra abo-abo/hydra@87873d7 -> abo-abo/hydra@112e689 - :ui indent-guides DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@1b12c7b -> DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@a4f7714 - :ui modeline seagle0128/doom-modeline@881e099 -> seagle0128/doom-modeline@ffbaaee - :ui tabs ema2159/centaur-tabs@9114ef4 -> ema2159/centaur-tabs@7e0332b - :ui treemacs Alexander-Miller/treemacs@644e940 -> Alexander-Miller/treemacs@027e03b - :ui window-select abo-abo/ace-window@7003c88 -> abo-abo/ace-window@c7cb315
2020-08-20 03:25:47 +08:00
:pin "4fb1f9a68f1e7e7d614652afc017a6652fd029f1")
Backport bits of CLI rewrite The rewrite for Doom's CLI is taking a while, so I've backported a few important changes in order to ease the transition and fix a couple bugs sooner. Fixes #2802, #2737, #2386 The big highlights are: - Fix #2802: We now update recipe repos *before* updating/installing any new packages. No more "Could not find package X in recipe repositories". - Fix #2737: An edge case where straight couldn't reach a pinned commit (particularly with agda). - Doom is now smarter about what option it recommends when straight prompts you to make a choice. - Introduces a new init path for Doom. The old way: - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode in non-interactive sessions - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise. The new way - Launch in "minimal" CLI mode *only* for bin/doom - Launch is a simple mode for non-interactive sessions that still need access to your interactive config (like async org export/babel). - Launch a "full" interactive mode otherwise. This should fix compatibility issues with plugins that use the async.el library or spawn child Emacs processes to fake parallelization (like org's async export and babel functionality). - Your private init.el is now loaded more reliably when running any bin/doom command. This gives you an opportunity to configure its settings. - Added doom-first-{input,buffer,file}-hook hooks, which we use to queue deferred activation of a number of packages. Users can remove these modes from these hooks; altogether preventing them from loading, rather than waiting for them to load to then disable them, e.g. (after! smartparens (smartparens-global-mode -1)) -> (remove-hook 'doom-first-buffer #'smartparens-global-mode) Hooks added to doom-first-*-hook variables will be removed once they run. This should also indirectly fix #2386, by preventing interactive modes from running in non-interactive session. - Added `doom/bump-*` commands to make bumping modules and packages easier, and `doom/bumpify-*` commands for converting package! statements into user/repo@sha1hash format for bump commits. - straight.el is now commit-pinned, like all other packages. We also more reliably install straight.el by cloning it ourselves, rather than relying on its bootstrap.el. This should prevent infinite "straight has diverged from master" prompts whenever we change branches (though, you might have to put up with it one more after this update -- see #2937 for workaround). All the other minor changes: - Moved core/autoload/cli.el to core/autoload/process.el - The package manager will log attempts to check out pinned commits - If package state is incomplete while rebuilding packages, emit a simpler error message instead of an obscure one! - Added -u switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom update' afterwards - Added -p switch to 'doom sync' to make it run 'doom purge' afterwards - Replace doom-modules function with doom-modules-list - The `with-plist!` macro was removed, since `cl-destructuring-bind` already serves that purpose well enough. - core/autoload/packages.el was moved into core-packages.el - bin/doom will no longer die if DOOMDIR or DOOMLOCALDIR don't have a trailing slash - Introduces doom-debug-variables; a list of variables to toggle on doom/toggle-debug-mode. - The sandbox has been updated to reflect the above changes, also: 1. Child instances will no longer inherit the process environment of the host instance, 2. It will no longer produce an auto-save-list directory in ~/.emacs.d
2020-05-15 03:00:23 +08:00
2017-02-11 13:46:42 +08:00
;; core-ui.el
Bump * bbatsov/projectile@bbcf781 -> bbatsov/projectile@46d2010 domtronn/all-the-icons.el@ed8e44d -> domtronn/all-the-icons.el@8c02280 emacsmirror/straight@fc077dd -> emacsmirror/straight@0c7c757 justbur/emacs-which-key@3642c11 -> justbur/emacs-which-key@e48e190 jwiegley/use-package@7d92536 -> jwiegley/use-package@4fb1f9a purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@1efc30d -> purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@60273e7 + :app - :app calendar kidd/org-gcal.el@7445058 -> kidd/org-gcal.el@2cad2d8 - :app irc jorgenschaefer/circe@e5bf5f8 -> jorgenschaefer/circe@89aac22 - :app rss skeeto/elfeed@d0405e6 -> skeeto/elfeed@8fb09ad - :app twitter abo-abo/avy@509471b -> abo-abo/avy@bbf1e73 + :completion - :completion company company-mode/company-mode@5eb7d86 -> company-mode/company-mode@54f60ef sebastiencs/company-box@889d723 -> sebastiencs/company-box@20384f0 - :completion helm emacs-helm/helm@5d224cb -> emacs-helm/helm@e9a1e53 tumashu/posframe@922e4d2 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :completion ivy abo-abo/swiper@c6b60d3 -> abo-abo/swiper@9bb6841 raxod502/prescient.el@b11d79b -> raxod502/prescient.el@cc289ba snyball/ivy-posframe@4474956 -> snyball/ivy-posframe@82a63ae + :checkers - :checkers syntax alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@2b3e94c -> alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@c928b5b + :editor - :editor evil emacs-evil/evil@2bc6ca3 -> emacs-evil/evil@1e7aa5b emacs-evil/evil-collection@3e62b6b -> emacs-evil/evil-collection@c136589 - :editor fold seregaxvm/vimish-fold@6368523 -> seregaxvm/vimish-fold@9d12e39 - :editor god emacsorphanage/god-mode@1eb6ef3 -> emacsorphanage/god-mode@ad2e674 - :editor lispy abo-abo/lispy@cdaa9c7 -> abo-abo/lispy@0a9dcfd noctuid/lispyville@25a7012 -> noctuid/lispyville@0f13f26 - :editor objed clemera/objed@e89d8da -> clemera/objed@dea5a64 - :editor snippets joaotavora/yasnippet@5b1217a -> joaotavora/yasnippet@5cbdbf0 hlissner/doom-snippets@21b7c8d -> hlissner/doom-snippets@60c57d6 - :editor word-wrap emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 + :emacs - :emacs dired purcell/diredfl@83567d0 -> purcell/diredfl@cd052df - :emacs ibuffer purcell/ibuffer-projectile@504b0ed -> purcell/ibuffer-projectile@ecbe482 purcell/ibuffer-vc@1249c1e -> purcell/ibuffer-vc@5fa6aea - :emacs undo emacs-straight/undo-tree@5b6df03 -> emacs-straight/undo-tree@7523823 ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@46de023 -> ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@c0806c1 - :emacs vc magit/magit@d459e52 -> magit/magit@321214c pidu/git-timemachine@391eb61 -> pidu/git-timemachine@8d67575 + :email + :email notmuch -> org-mime/org-mime@9f84446 -> org-mime/org-mime@9bb6351 + :email wanderlust wanderlust/semi@57a948c -> wanderlust/semi@10897f0 + :input - :input japanese skk-dev/ddskk@fe7f82b -> skk-dev/ddskk@275a831 + :lang - :lang agda agda/agda@8eb0d01 -> agda/agda@36738c1 - :lang cc Andersbakken/rtags@080cb0e -> Andersbakken/rtags@b57b360 MaskRay/emacs-ccls@44f1fb3 -> Sarcasm/irony-mode@5f75fc0 emacsmirror/cmake-mode@bfe85bc -> emacsmirror/cmake-mode@e58c411 - :lang common-lisp joaotavora/sly@becf7b7 -> joaotavora/sly@155cb06 - :lang coq ProofGeneral/PG@0f0bb2c -> ProofGeneral/PG@03e427a cpitclaudel/company-coq@7ec8058 -> cpitclaudel/company-coq@b096cb5 - :lang dart emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@a06fc74 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@437c548 - :lang elixir elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@02a3922 -> elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@01b3324 - :lang elm jcollard/elm-mode@7782be0 -> jcollard/elm-mode@363da4b - :lang emacs-lisp clojure-emacs/cider@9e117c2 -> clojure-emacs/cider@a89b694 clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@da9f1ec -> clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@84ed16c jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@e71a40f -> jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@0e5eae0 xuchunyang/elisp-demos@4cd55a3 -> xuchunyang/elisp-demos@8c97481 - :lang erlang erlang/otp@3065fbf -> erlang/otp@d9bc785 - :lang ess emacs-ess/ESS@3c2fb63 -> emacs-ess/ESS@1baf8bf - :lang fuel factor/factor@497d649 -> factor/factor@3fdb032 - :lang fsharp fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@8c86e38 -> fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@3e41fe1 - :lang fstar FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@aaaf256 -> FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@bd28cb8 - :lang haskell jyp/dante@7411904 -> jyp/dante@c516bc9 - :lang hy hylang/hy-mode@e2d5fec -> hylang/hy-mode@55e84ca - :lang idris idris-hackers/idris-mode@acc8835 -> idris-hackers/idris-mode@b77eadd - :lang java mopemope/meghanada-emacs@e119c7b -> mopemope/meghanada-emacs@1e41f7f - :lang javascript ananthakumaran/tide@13e7af7 -> ananthakumaran/tide@f0b6dac emacs-typescript/typescript.el@0fc7297 -> emacs-typescript/typescript.el@42a60e5 mooz/js2-mode@5049e54 -> mooz/js2-mode@40aab27 - :lang julia JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@1c122f1 -> JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@b5f5983 tpapp/julia-repl@5fa04de -> tpapp/julia-repl@d073acb - :lang kotlin Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@ab61099 -> Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@8e6dd57 - :lang latex emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 emacs-straight/auctex@6abf890 -> emacs-straight/auctex@59e251c iyefrat/evil-tex@bb01576 -> iyefrat/evil-tex@06234c9 - :lang lean leanprover/lean-mode@65b55b1 -> leanprover/lean-mode@6b43776 - :lang ledger ledger/ledger-mode@7d78645 -> ledger/ledger-mode@805507f - :lang markdown Fanael/edit-indirect@935ded3 -> Fanael/edit-indirect@bdc8f54 jrblevin/markdown-mode@fa9fa20 -> jrblevin/markdown-mode@ef2cb4d seagle0128/grip-mode@52768a0 -> seagle0128/grip-mode@281ada2 - :lang nix NixOS/nix-mode@a00b3f7 -> NixOS/nix-mode@0cf1ea1 - :lang ocaml ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@27a49cc -> ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@cd0eaa8 ocaml/dune@66cfb3a -> ocaml/dune@daea74e - :lang org abo-abo/org-download@768716b -> abo-abo/org-download@67b3c74 bastibe/org-journal@a6378dc -> bastibe/org-journal@a2728e2 dzop/emacs-jupyter@785edbb -> dzop/emacs-jupyter@360cae2 emacs-straight/org-mode@a1e5bee -> emacs-straight/org-mode@220f2b0 hniksic/emacs-htmlize@86f22f2 -> hniksic/emacs-htmlize@4920510 integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@1748185 -> integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@94f35c2 oer/org-re-reveal@c548e23 -> oer/org-re-reveal@7fe39d5 org-roam/company-org-roam@5d7ccd9 -> org-roam/company-org-roam@1132663 org-roam/org-roam@0aa0a7c -> org-roam/org-roam@c33867e - :lang php emacs-php/php-mode@4345dfd -> emacs-php/php-mode@f4c7c69 jwiegley/emacs-async@86aef2c -> jwiegley/emacs-async@36a1015 - :lang plantuml skuro/plantuml-mode@ea45a13 -> skuro/plantuml-mode@5889166 - :lang python cython/cython@0208bf2 -> cython/cython@fcfd16c emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@3cf2e8f -> emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@9603dda emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@7a502e6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@a884a9a necaris/conda.el@9d02130 -> necaris/conda.el@9f7eea1 wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@6a3b4e5 -> wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@fc056fa - :lang racket greghendershott/racket-mode@29afd25 -> greghendershott/racket-mode@c55fd70 - :lang rest pashky/restclient.el@e8ca809 -> pashky/restclient.el@ac8aad6 - :lang ruby nonsequitur/inf-ruby@f3c927c -> nonsequitur/inf-ruby@9f0f79f - :lang rust brotzeit/rustic@0ec0688 -> brotzeit/rustic@75b9920 - :lang scala emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@3d4d4b7 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@039aa72 hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@633a315 -> hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@4358ed8 hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@46bb948 -> hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@1d08e88 - :lang scheme flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@f37b614 -> flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@2940f16 jaor/geiser@0c86289 -> jaor/geiser@adc5c4a - :lang solidity ethereum/emacs-solidity@022b315 -> ethereum/emacs-solidity@d166a86 - :lang swift emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@04d75b6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@130f7a8 swift-emacs/swift-mode@2ab9ea1 -> swift-emacs/swift-mode@d266fbd - :lang web fxbois/web-mode@a2badd0 -> fxbois/web-mode@60ffd87 - :lang yaml yoshiki/yaml-mode@cecf4b1 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 + :term - :term term manateelazycat/multi-term@7307ddd -> manateelazycat/multi-term@017c77c + :tools - :tools ansible yoshiki/yaml-mode@34648f2 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 - :tools debugger emacs-lsp/dap-mode@85a6163 -> emacs-lsp/dap-mode@4b18543 realgud/realgud@5b0ed08 -> realgud/realgud@332d136 tumashu/posframe@6d604a7 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :tools docker Silex/docker.el@d6233bd -> Silex/docker.el@3773112 - :tools editorconfig editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9a73ff7 -> editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9bc1343 - :tools ein millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@ccbed30 -> millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@99a4718 - :tools lookup jacktasia/dumb-jump@b815731 -> jacktasia/dumb-jump@0d74b2f - :tools lsp emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@5c960e7 -> emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@4263c96 emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@edb8119 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@4145a70 emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@1f3e970 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@c39ae37 joaotavora/eglot@fb6b17e -> joaotavora/eglot@5f873d2 - :tools magit magit/forge@2c48746 -> magit/forge@feee7e2 magit/magit@798aff5 -> magit/magit@321214c - :tools pass zx2c4/password-store@07b169e -> zx2c4/password-store@06f4999 - :tools rgb emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@f780ddb -> emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@fdff98b + :ui - :ui doom hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@8a5538e -> hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@24023de - :ui fill-column laishulu/hl-fill-column@43cb3c3 -> laishulu/hl-fill-column@5782a91 - :ui hl-todo tarsius/hl-todo@3bba459 -> tarsius/hl-todo@0598b98 - :ui hydra abo-abo/hydra@87873d7 -> abo-abo/hydra@112e689 - :ui indent-guides DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@1b12c7b -> DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@a4f7714 - :ui modeline seagle0128/doom-modeline@881e099 -> seagle0128/doom-modeline@ffbaaee - :ui tabs ema2159/centaur-tabs@9114ef4 -> ema2159/centaur-tabs@7e0332b - :ui treemacs Alexander-Miller/treemacs@644e940 -> Alexander-Miller/treemacs@027e03b - :ui window-select abo-abo/ace-window@7003c88 -> abo-abo/ace-window@c7cb315
2020-08-20 03:25:47 +08:00
(package! all-the-icons :pin "8c0228053dd6693d926970d89270094be52b0f75")
(package! hide-mode-line :pin "88888825b5b27b300683e662fa3be88d954b1cea")
(package! highlight-numbers :pin "8b4744c7f46c72b1d3d599d4fb75ef8183dee307")
2020-04-30 13:38:52 +08:00
(package! rainbow-delimiters :pin "5125f4e47604ad36c3eb4706310fcafac729ca8c")
(package! restart-emacs :pin "9aa90d3df9e08bc420e1c9845ee3ff568e911bd9")
2017-02-11 13:46:42 +08:00
;; core-editor.el
(package! better-jumper :pin "fe548d22c9228b60d9c8a2a452a6c2e03dfdf238")
(package! dtrt-indent :pin "50c440c80e0d15303d8ab543bce4c56e9c2bf407")
(package! helpful :pin "c0662aa07266fe204f4e6d72ccaa6af089400556")
(package! pcre2el :pin "0b5b2a2c173aab3fd14aac6cf5e90ad3bf58fa7d")
(package! smartparens :pin "555626a43f9bb1985aa9a0eb675f2b88b29702c8")
(package! so-long
2020-01-03 10:13:31 +08:00
:built-in 'prefer ; included in Emacs 27+
;; REVIEW so-long is slated to be published to ELPA eventually, but until then
2020-01-12 06:27:04 +08:00
;; I've created my own mirror for it because runs
;; on a potato.
2020-01-15 11:32:11 +08:00
:recipe (:host github :repo "hlissner/emacs-so-long")
:pin "ed666b0716f60e8988c455804de24b55919e71ca")
2020-01-05 07:10:55 +08:00
(package! ws-butler
;; Use my fork of ws-butler, which has a few choice improvements and
;; optimizations (the original has been abandoned).
2020-01-15 11:32:11 +08:00
:recipe (:host github :repo "hlissner/ws-butler")
:pin "2bb49d3ee7d2cba133bc7e9cdac416cd1c5e4fe0")
2017-02-11 13:46:42 +08:00
;; core-projects.el
Bump * bbatsov/projectile@bbcf781 -> bbatsov/projectile@46d2010 domtronn/all-the-icons.el@ed8e44d -> domtronn/all-the-icons.el@8c02280 emacsmirror/straight@fc077dd -> emacsmirror/straight@0c7c757 justbur/emacs-which-key@3642c11 -> justbur/emacs-which-key@e48e190 jwiegley/use-package@7d92536 -> jwiegley/use-package@4fb1f9a purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@1efc30d -> purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@60273e7 + :app - :app calendar kidd/org-gcal.el@7445058 -> kidd/org-gcal.el@2cad2d8 - :app irc jorgenschaefer/circe@e5bf5f8 -> jorgenschaefer/circe@89aac22 - :app rss skeeto/elfeed@d0405e6 -> skeeto/elfeed@8fb09ad - :app twitter abo-abo/avy@509471b -> abo-abo/avy@bbf1e73 + :completion - :completion company company-mode/company-mode@5eb7d86 -> company-mode/company-mode@54f60ef sebastiencs/company-box@889d723 -> sebastiencs/company-box@20384f0 - :completion helm emacs-helm/helm@5d224cb -> emacs-helm/helm@e9a1e53 tumashu/posframe@922e4d2 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :completion ivy abo-abo/swiper@c6b60d3 -> abo-abo/swiper@9bb6841 raxod502/prescient.el@b11d79b -> raxod502/prescient.el@cc289ba snyball/ivy-posframe@4474956 -> snyball/ivy-posframe@82a63ae + :checkers - :checkers syntax alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@2b3e94c -> alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@c928b5b + :editor - :editor evil emacs-evil/evil@2bc6ca3 -> emacs-evil/evil@1e7aa5b emacs-evil/evil-collection@3e62b6b -> emacs-evil/evil-collection@c136589 - :editor fold seregaxvm/vimish-fold@6368523 -> seregaxvm/vimish-fold@9d12e39 - :editor god emacsorphanage/god-mode@1eb6ef3 -> emacsorphanage/god-mode@ad2e674 - :editor lispy abo-abo/lispy@cdaa9c7 -> abo-abo/lispy@0a9dcfd noctuid/lispyville@25a7012 -> noctuid/lispyville@0f13f26 - :editor objed clemera/objed@e89d8da -> clemera/objed@dea5a64 - :editor snippets joaotavora/yasnippet@5b1217a -> joaotavora/yasnippet@5cbdbf0 hlissner/doom-snippets@21b7c8d -> hlissner/doom-snippets@60c57d6 - :editor word-wrap emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 + :emacs - :emacs dired purcell/diredfl@83567d0 -> purcell/diredfl@cd052df - :emacs ibuffer purcell/ibuffer-projectile@504b0ed -> purcell/ibuffer-projectile@ecbe482 purcell/ibuffer-vc@1249c1e -> purcell/ibuffer-vc@5fa6aea - :emacs undo emacs-straight/undo-tree@5b6df03 -> emacs-straight/undo-tree@7523823 ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@46de023 -> ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@c0806c1 - :emacs vc magit/magit@d459e52 -> magit/magit@321214c pidu/git-timemachine@391eb61 -> pidu/git-timemachine@8d67575 + :email + :email notmuch -> org-mime/org-mime@9f84446 -> org-mime/org-mime@9bb6351 + :email wanderlust wanderlust/semi@57a948c -> wanderlust/semi@10897f0 + :input - :input japanese skk-dev/ddskk@fe7f82b -> skk-dev/ddskk@275a831 + :lang - :lang agda agda/agda@8eb0d01 -> agda/agda@36738c1 - :lang cc Andersbakken/rtags@080cb0e -> Andersbakken/rtags@b57b360 MaskRay/emacs-ccls@44f1fb3 -> Sarcasm/irony-mode@5f75fc0 emacsmirror/cmake-mode@bfe85bc -> emacsmirror/cmake-mode@e58c411 - :lang common-lisp joaotavora/sly@becf7b7 -> joaotavora/sly@155cb06 - :lang coq ProofGeneral/PG@0f0bb2c -> ProofGeneral/PG@03e427a cpitclaudel/company-coq@7ec8058 -> cpitclaudel/company-coq@b096cb5 - :lang dart emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@a06fc74 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@437c548 - :lang elixir elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@02a3922 -> elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@01b3324 - :lang elm jcollard/elm-mode@7782be0 -> jcollard/elm-mode@363da4b - :lang emacs-lisp clojure-emacs/cider@9e117c2 -> clojure-emacs/cider@a89b694 clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@da9f1ec -> clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@84ed16c jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@e71a40f -> jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@0e5eae0 xuchunyang/elisp-demos@4cd55a3 -> xuchunyang/elisp-demos@8c97481 - :lang erlang erlang/otp@3065fbf -> erlang/otp@d9bc785 - :lang ess emacs-ess/ESS@3c2fb63 -> emacs-ess/ESS@1baf8bf - :lang fuel factor/factor@497d649 -> factor/factor@3fdb032 - :lang fsharp fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@8c86e38 -> fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@3e41fe1 - :lang fstar FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@aaaf256 -> FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@bd28cb8 - :lang haskell jyp/dante@7411904 -> jyp/dante@c516bc9 - :lang hy hylang/hy-mode@e2d5fec -> hylang/hy-mode@55e84ca - :lang idris idris-hackers/idris-mode@acc8835 -> idris-hackers/idris-mode@b77eadd - :lang java mopemope/meghanada-emacs@e119c7b -> mopemope/meghanada-emacs@1e41f7f - :lang javascript ananthakumaran/tide@13e7af7 -> ananthakumaran/tide@f0b6dac emacs-typescript/typescript.el@0fc7297 -> emacs-typescript/typescript.el@42a60e5 mooz/js2-mode@5049e54 -> mooz/js2-mode@40aab27 - :lang julia JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@1c122f1 -> JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@b5f5983 tpapp/julia-repl@5fa04de -> tpapp/julia-repl@d073acb - :lang kotlin Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@ab61099 -> Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@8e6dd57 - :lang latex emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 emacs-straight/auctex@6abf890 -> emacs-straight/auctex@59e251c iyefrat/evil-tex@bb01576 -> iyefrat/evil-tex@06234c9 - :lang lean leanprover/lean-mode@65b55b1 -> leanprover/lean-mode@6b43776 - :lang ledger ledger/ledger-mode@7d78645 -> ledger/ledger-mode@805507f - :lang markdown Fanael/edit-indirect@935ded3 -> Fanael/edit-indirect@bdc8f54 jrblevin/markdown-mode@fa9fa20 -> jrblevin/markdown-mode@ef2cb4d seagle0128/grip-mode@52768a0 -> seagle0128/grip-mode@281ada2 - :lang nix NixOS/nix-mode@a00b3f7 -> NixOS/nix-mode@0cf1ea1 - :lang ocaml ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@27a49cc -> ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@cd0eaa8 ocaml/dune@66cfb3a -> ocaml/dune@daea74e - :lang org abo-abo/org-download@768716b -> abo-abo/org-download@67b3c74 bastibe/org-journal@a6378dc -> bastibe/org-journal@a2728e2 dzop/emacs-jupyter@785edbb -> dzop/emacs-jupyter@360cae2 emacs-straight/org-mode@a1e5bee -> emacs-straight/org-mode@220f2b0 hniksic/emacs-htmlize@86f22f2 -> hniksic/emacs-htmlize@4920510 integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@1748185 -> integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@94f35c2 oer/org-re-reveal@c548e23 -> oer/org-re-reveal@7fe39d5 org-roam/company-org-roam@5d7ccd9 -> org-roam/company-org-roam@1132663 org-roam/org-roam@0aa0a7c -> org-roam/org-roam@c33867e - :lang php emacs-php/php-mode@4345dfd -> emacs-php/php-mode@f4c7c69 jwiegley/emacs-async@86aef2c -> jwiegley/emacs-async@36a1015 - :lang plantuml skuro/plantuml-mode@ea45a13 -> skuro/plantuml-mode@5889166 - :lang python cython/cython@0208bf2 -> cython/cython@fcfd16c emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@3cf2e8f -> emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@9603dda emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@7a502e6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@a884a9a necaris/conda.el@9d02130 -> necaris/conda.el@9f7eea1 wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@6a3b4e5 -> wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@fc056fa - :lang racket greghendershott/racket-mode@29afd25 -> greghendershott/racket-mode@c55fd70 - :lang rest pashky/restclient.el@e8ca809 -> pashky/restclient.el@ac8aad6 - :lang ruby nonsequitur/inf-ruby@f3c927c -> nonsequitur/inf-ruby@9f0f79f - :lang rust brotzeit/rustic@0ec0688 -> brotzeit/rustic@75b9920 - :lang scala emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@3d4d4b7 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@039aa72 hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@633a315 -> hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@4358ed8 hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@46bb948 -> hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@1d08e88 - :lang scheme flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@f37b614 -> flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@2940f16 jaor/geiser@0c86289 -> jaor/geiser@adc5c4a - :lang solidity ethereum/emacs-solidity@022b315 -> ethereum/emacs-solidity@d166a86 - :lang swift emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@04d75b6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@130f7a8 swift-emacs/swift-mode@2ab9ea1 -> swift-emacs/swift-mode@d266fbd - :lang web fxbois/web-mode@a2badd0 -> fxbois/web-mode@60ffd87 - :lang yaml yoshiki/yaml-mode@cecf4b1 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 + :term - :term term manateelazycat/multi-term@7307ddd -> manateelazycat/multi-term@017c77c + :tools - :tools ansible yoshiki/yaml-mode@34648f2 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 - :tools debugger emacs-lsp/dap-mode@85a6163 -> emacs-lsp/dap-mode@4b18543 realgud/realgud@5b0ed08 -> realgud/realgud@332d136 tumashu/posframe@6d604a7 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :tools docker Silex/docker.el@d6233bd -> Silex/docker.el@3773112 - :tools editorconfig editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9a73ff7 -> editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9bc1343 - :tools ein millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@ccbed30 -> millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@99a4718 - :tools lookup jacktasia/dumb-jump@b815731 -> jacktasia/dumb-jump@0d74b2f - :tools lsp emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@5c960e7 -> emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@4263c96 emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@edb8119 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@4145a70 emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@1f3e970 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@c39ae37 joaotavora/eglot@fb6b17e -> joaotavora/eglot@5f873d2 - :tools magit magit/forge@2c48746 -> magit/forge@feee7e2 magit/magit@798aff5 -> magit/magit@321214c - :tools pass zx2c4/password-store@07b169e -> zx2c4/password-store@06f4999 - :tools rgb emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@f780ddb -> emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@fdff98b + :ui - :ui doom hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@8a5538e -> hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@24023de - :ui fill-column laishulu/hl-fill-column@43cb3c3 -> laishulu/hl-fill-column@5782a91 - :ui hl-todo tarsius/hl-todo@3bba459 -> tarsius/hl-todo@0598b98 - :ui hydra abo-abo/hydra@87873d7 -> abo-abo/hydra@112e689 - :ui indent-guides DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@1b12c7b -> DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@a4f7714 - :ui modeline seagle0128/doom-modeline@881e099 -> seagle0128/doom-modeline@ffbaaee - :ui tabs ema2159/centaur-tabs@9114ef4 -> ema2159/centaur-tabs@7e0332b - :ui treemacs Alexander-Miller/treemacs@644e940 -> Alexander-Miller/treemacs@027e03b - :ui window-select abo-abo/ace-window@7003c88 -> abo-abo/ace-window@c7cb315
2020-08-20 03:25:47 +08:00
(package! projectile :pin "46d2010c6a6cccfc4be72317f10ea99fd041ab54")
2017-02-19 20:03:05 +08:00
;; core-keybinds.el
(package! general :pin "a0b17d207badf462311b2eef7c065b884462cb7c")
Bump * bbatsov/projectile@bbcf781 -> bbatsov/projectile@46d2010 domtronn/all-the-icons.el@ed8e44d -> domtronn/all-the-icons.el@8c02280 emacsmirror/straight@fc077dd -> emacsmirror/straight@0c7c757 justbur/emacs-which-key@3642c11 -> justbur/emacs-which-key@e48e190 jwiegley/use-package@7d92536 -> jwiegley/use-package@4fb1f9a purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@1efc30d -> purcell/ns-auto-titlebar@60273e7 + :app - :app calendar kidd/org-gcal.el@7445058 -> kidd/org-gcal.el@2cad2d8 - :app irc jorgenschaefer/circe@e5bf5f8 -> jorgenschaefer/circe@89aac22 - :app rss skeeto/elfeed@d0405e6 -> skeeto/elfeed@8fb09ad - :app twitter abo-abo/avy@509471b -> abo-abo/avy@bbf1e73 + :completion - :completion company company-mode/company-mode@5eb7d86 -> company-mode/company-mode@54f60ef sebastiencs/company-box@889d723 -> sebastiencs/company-box@20384f0 - :completion helm emacs-helm/helm@5d224cb -> emacs-helm/helm@e9a1e53 tumashu/posframe@922e4d2 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :completion ivy abo-abo/swiper@c6b60d3 -> abo-abo/swiper@9bb6841 raxod502/prescient.el@b11d79b -> raxod502/prescient.el@cc289ba snyball/ivy-posframe@4474956 -> snyball/ivy-posframe@82a63ae + :checkers - :checkers syntax alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@2b3e94c -> alexmurray/flycheck-posframe@c928b5b + :editor - :editor evil emacs-evil/evil@2bc6ca3 -> emacs-evil/evil@1e7aa5b emacs-evil/evil-collection@3e62b6b -> emacs-evil/evil-collection@c136589 - :editor fold seregaxvm/vimish-fold@6368523 -> seregaxvm/vimish-fold@9d12e39 - :editor god emacsorphanage/god-mode@1eb6ef3 -> emacsorphanage/god-mode@ad2e674 - :editor lispy abo-abo/lispy@cdaa9c7 -> abo-abo/lispy@0a9dcfd noctuid/lispyville@25a7012 -> noctuid/lispyville@0f13f26 - :editor objed clemera/objed@e89d8da -> clemera/objed@dea5a64 - :editor snippets joaotavora/yasnippet@5b1217a -> joaotavora/yasnippet@5cbdbf0 hlissner/doom-snippets@21b7c8d -> hlissner/doom-snippets@60c57d6 - :editor word-wrap emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 + :emacs - :emacs dired purcell/diredfl@83567d0 -> purcell/diredfl@cd052df - :emacs ibuffer purcell/ibuffer-projectile@504b0ed -> purcell/ibuffer-projectile@ecbe482 purcell/ibuffer-vc@1249c1e -> purcell/ibuffer-vc@5fa6aea - :emacs undo emacs-straight/undo-tree@5b6df03 -> emacs-straight/undo-tree@7523823 ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@46de023 -> ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu@c0806c1 - :emacs vc magit/magit@d459e52 -> magit/magit@321214c pidu/git-timemachine@391eb61 -> pidu/git-timemachine@8d67575 + :email + :email notmuch -> org-mime/org-mime@9f84446 -> org-mime/org-mime@9bb6351 + :email wanderlust wanderlust/semi@57a948c -> wanderlust/semi@10897f0 + :input - :input japanese skk-dev/ddskk@fe7f82b -> skk-dev/ddskk@275a831 + :lang - :lang agda agda/agda@8eb0d01 -> agda/agda@36738c1 - :lang cc Andersbakken/rtags@080cb0e -> Andersbakken/rtags@b57b360 MaskRay/emacs-ccls@44f1fb3 -> Sarcasm/irony-mode@5f75fc0 emacsmirror/cmake-mode@bfe85bc -> emacsmirror/cmake-mode@e58c411 - :lang common-lisp joaotavora/sly@becf7b7 -> joaotavora/sly@155cb06 - :lang coq ProofGeneral/PG@0f0bb2c -> ProofGeneral/PG@03e427a cpitclaudel/company-coq@7ec8058 -> cpitclaudel/company-coq@b096cb5 - :lang dart emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@a06fc74 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-dart@437c548 - :lang elixir elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@02a3922 -> elixir-editors/emacs-elixir@01b3324 - :lang elm jcollard/elm-mode@7782be0 -> jcollard/elm-mode@363da4b - :lang emacs-lisp clojure-emacs/cider@9e117c2 -> clojure-emacs/cider@a89b694 clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@da9f1ec -> clojure-emacs/clojure-mode@84ed16c jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@e71a40f -> jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup@0e5eae0 xuchunyang/elisp-demos@4cd55a3 -> xuchunyang/elisp-demos@8c97481 - :lang erlang erlang/otp@3065fbf -> erlang/otp@d9bc785 - :lang ess emacs-ess/ESS@3c2fb63 -> emacs-ess/ESS@1baf8bf - :lang fuel factor/factor@497d649 -> factor/factor@3fdb032 - :lang fsharp fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@8c86e38 -> fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode@3e41fe1 - :lang fstar FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@aaaf256 -> FStarLang/fstar-mode.el@bd28cb8 - :lang haskell jyp/dante@7411904 -> jyp/dante@c516bc9 - :lang hy hylang/hy-mode@e2d5fec -> hylang/hy-mode@55e84ca - :lang idris idris-hackers/idris-mode@acc8835 -> idris-hackers/idris-mode@b77eadd - :lang java mopemope/meghanada-emacs@e119c7b -> mopemope/meghanada-emacs@1e41f7f - :lang javascript ananthakumaran/tide@13e7af7 -> ananthakumaran/tide@f0b6dac emacs-typescript/typescript.el@0fc7297 -> emacs-typescript/typescript.el@42a60e5 mooz/js2-mode@5049e54 -> mooz/js2-mode@40aab27 - :lang julia JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@1c122f1 -> JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs@b5f5983 tpapp/julia-repl@5fa04de -> tpapp/julia-repl@d073acb - :lang kotlin Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@ab61099 -> Emacs-Kotlin-Mode-Maintainers/kotlin-mode@8e6dd57 - :lang latex emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@1810c0e -> emacs-straight/adaptive-wrap@319db64 emacs-straight/auctex@6abf890 -> emacs-straight/auctex@59e251c iyefrat/evil-tex@bb01576 -> iyefrat/evil-tex@06234c9 - :lang lean leanprover/lean-mode@65b55b1 -> leanprover/lean-mode@6b43776 - :lang ledger ledger/ledger-mode@7d78645 -> ledger/ledger-mode@805507f - :lang markdown Fanael/edit-indirect@935ded3 -> Fanael/edit-indirect@bdc8f54 jrblevin/markdown-mode@fa9fa20 -> jrblevin/markdown-mode@ef2cb4d seagle0128/grip-mode@52768a0 -> seagle0128/grip-mode@281ada2 - :lang nix NixOS/nix-mode@a00b3f7 -> NixOS/nix-mode@0cf1ea1 - :lang ocaml ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@27a49cc -> ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat@cd0eaa8 ocaml/dune@66cfb3a -> ocaml/dune@daea74e - :lang org abo-abo/org-download@768716b -> abo-abo/org-download@67b3c74 bastibe/org-journal@a6378dc -> bastibe/org-journal@a2728e2 dzop/emacs-jupyter@785edbb -> dzop/emacs-jupyter@360cae2 emacs-straight/org-mode@a1e5bee -> emacs-straight/org-mode@220f2b0 hniksic/emacs-htmlize@86f22f2 -> hniksic/emacs-htmlize@4920510 integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@1748185 -> integral-dw/org-superstar-mode@94f35c2 oer/org-re-reveal@c548e23 -> oer/org-re-reveal@7fe39d5 org-roam/company-org-roam@5d7ccd9 -> org-roam/company-org-roam@1132663 org-roam/org-roam@0aa0a7c -> org-roam/org-roam@c33867e - :lang php emacs-php/php-mode@4345dfd -> emacs-php/php-mode@f4c7c69 jwiegley/emacs-async@86aef2c -> jwiegley/emacs-async@36a1015 - :lang plantuml skuro/plantuml-mode@ea45a13 -> skuro/plantuml-mode@5889166 - :lang python cython/cython@0208bf2 -> cython/cython@fcfd16c emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@3cf2e8f -> emacs-lsp/lsp-pyright@9603dda emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@7a502e6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-python-ms@a884a9a necaris/conda.el@9d02130 -> necaris/conda.el@9f7eea1 wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@6a3b4e5 -> wbolster/emacs-python-pytest@fc056fa - :lang racket greghendershott/racket-mode@29afd25 -> greghendershott/racket-mode@c55fd70 - :lang rest pashky/restclient.el@e8ca809 -> pashky/restclient.el@ac8aad6 - :lang ruby nonsequitur/inf-ruby@f3c927c -> nonsequitur/inf-ruby@9f0f79f - :lang rust brotzeit/rustic@0ec0688 -> brotzeit/rustic@75b9920 - :lang scala emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@3d4d4b7 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-metals@039aa72 hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@633a315 -> hvesalai/emacs-sbt-mode@4358ed8 hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@46bb948 -> hvesalai/emacs-scala-mode@1d08e88 - :lang scheme flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@f37b614 -> flatwhatson/flycheck-guile@2940f16 jaor/geiser@0c86289 -> jaor/geiser@adc5c4a - :lang solidity ethereum/emacs-solidity@022b315 -> ethereum/emacs-solidity@d166a86 - :lang swift emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@04d75b6 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-sourcekit@130f7a8 swift-emacs/swift-mode@2ab9ea1 -> swift-emacs/swift-mode@d266fbd - :lang web fxbois/web-mode@a2badd0 -> fxbois/web-mode@60ffd87 - :lang yaml yoshiki/yaml-mode@cecf4b1 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 + :term - :term term manateelazycat/multi-term@7307ddd -> manateelazycat/multi-term@017c77c + :tools - :tools ansible yoshiki/yaml-mode@34648f2 -> yoshiki/yaml-mode@68fecb5 - :tools debugger emacs-lsp/dap-mode@85a6163 -> emacs-lsp/dap-mode@4b18543 realgud/realgud@5b0ed08 -> realgud/realgud@332d136 tumashu/posframe@6d604a7 -> tumashu/posframe@7b92a54 - :tools docker Silex/docker.el@d6233bd -> Silex/docker.el@3773112 - :tools editorconfig editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9a73ff7 -> editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs@9bc1343 - :tools ein millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@ccbed30 -> millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook@99a4718 - :tools lookup jacktasia/dumb-jump@b815731 -> jacktasia/dumb-jump@0d74b2f - :tools lsp emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@5c960e7 -> emacs-lsp/helm-lsp@4263c96 emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@edb8119 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-mode@4145a70 emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@1f3e970 -> emacs-lsp/lsp-ui@c39ae37 joaotavora/eglot@fb6b17e -> joaotavora/eglot@5f873d2 - :tools magit magit/forge@2c48746 -> magit/forge@feee7e2 magit/magit@798aff5 -> magit/magit@321214c - :tools pass zx2c4/password-store@07b169e -> zx2c4/password-store@06f4999 - :tools rgb emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@f780ddb -> emacs-straight/rainbow-mode@fdff98b + :ui - :ui doom hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@8a5538e -> hlissner/emacs-doom-themes@24023de - :ui fill-column laishulu/hl-fill-column@43cb3c3 -> laishulu/hl-fill-column@5782a91 - :ui hl-todo tarsius/hl-todo@3bba459 -> tarsius/hl-todo@0598b98 - :ui hydra abo-abo/hydra@87873d7 -> abo-abo/hydra@112e689 - :ui indent-guides DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@1b12c7b -> DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides@a4f7714 - :ui modeline seagle0128/doom-modeline@881e099 -> seagle0128/doom-modeline@ffbaaee - :ui tabs ema2159/centaur-tabs@9114ef4 -> ema2159/centaur-tabs@7e0332b - :ui treemacs Alexander-Miller/treemacs@644e940 -> Alexander-Miller/treemacs@027e03b - :ui window-select abo-abo/ace-window@7003c88 -> abo-abo/ace-window@c7cb315
2020-08-20 03:25:47 +08:00
(package! which-key :pin "e48e190a75a0c176e1deac218b891e77792d6921")