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;;; core/autoload/ui.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
2017-02-01 13:31:58 +08:00
;; Public library
(defun doom-resize-window (window new-size &optional horizontal force-p)
"Resize a window to NEW-SIZE. If HORIZONTAL, do it width-wise.
If FORCE-P is omitted when `window-size-fixed' is non-nil, resizing will fail."
(with-selected-window (or window (selected-window))
(let ((window-size-fixed (unless force-p window-size-fixed)))
(enlarge-window (- new-size (if horizontal (window-width) (window-height)))
(defun doom-quit-p (&optional prompt)
"Prompt the user for confirmation when killing Emacs.
Returns t if it is safe to kill this session. Does not prompt if no real buffers
are open."
(or (not (ignore-errors (doom-real-buffer-list)))
(yes-or-no-p (format " %s" (or prompt "Quit Emacs?")))
(ignore (message "Aborted"))))
;; Advice
(defun doom*recenter (&rest _)
"Generic advisor for recentering window (typically :after other functions)."
(defun doom*shut-up (orig-fn &rest args)
"Generic advisor for silencing noisy functions."
(quiet! (apply orig-fn args)))
;; Hooks
(defun doom|apply-ansi-color-to-compilation-buffer ()
"Applies ansi codes to the compilation buffers. Meant for
(ansi-color-apply-on-region compilation-filter-start (point))))
;; Commands
2017-02-01 13:31:58 +08:00
(defun doom/toggle-line-numbers ()
"Toggle line numbers.
Cycles through regular, relative and no line numbers. The order depends on what
`display-line-numbers-type' is set to. If you're using Emacs 26+, and
visual-line-mode is on, this skips relative and uses visual instead.
See `display-line-numbers' for what these values mean."
(defvar doom--line-number-style display-line-numbers-type)
(let* ((styles `(t ,(if (and EMACS26+ visual-line-mode) 'visual 'relative) nil))
(order (cons display-line-numbers-type (remq display-line-numbers-type styles)))
(queue (memq doom--line-number-style order))
(next (if (= (length queue) 1)
(car order)
(car (cdr queue)))))
(setq doom--line-number-style next)
(if EMACS26+
(setq display-line-numbers next)
(pcase next
(`t (nlinum-relative-off) (nlinum-mode +1))
(`relative (nlinum-relative-on))
(`nil (nlinum-mode -1))))
(message "Switched to %s line numbers"
(pcase next
(`t "normal")
(`nil "disabled")
(_ (symbol-name next))))))
2017-02-01 13:31:58 +08:00
(defun doom/reload-theme ()
"Reset the current color theme and fonts."
(let ((theme (or (car-safe custom-enabled-themes) doom-theme)))
(when theme
(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))
(defun doom/delete-frame ()
"Delete the current frame, but ask for confirmation if it isn't empty."
(if (cdr (frame-list))
(when (doom-quit-p "Close frame?")
(defun doom/window-zoom ()
"Close other windows to focus on this one. Activate again to undo this. If the
window changes before then, the undo expires.
Alternatively, use `doom/window-enlargen'."
(if (and (one-window-p)
(assq ?_ register-alist))
(jump-to-register ?_)
(window-configuration-to-register ?_)
2017-05-19 21:56:35 +08:00
(defvar doom--window-enlargened nil)
(defun doom/window-enlargen ()
"Enlargen the current window to focus on this one. Does not close other
windows (unlike `doom/window-zoom') Activate again to undo."
(setq doom--window-enlargened
(if (and doom--window-enlargened
(assq ?_ register-alist))
(ignore (ignore-errors (jump-to-register ?_)))
(window-configuration-to-register ?_)
(if (window-dedicated-p)
;; `window-resize' and `window-max-delta' don't respect
;; `ignore-window-parameters', so we gotta force it to.
(cl-letf* ((old-window-resize (symbol-function #'window-resize))
(old-window-max-delta (symbol-function #'window-max-delta))
((symbol-function #'window-resize)
(lambda (window delta &optional horizontal _ignore pixelwise)
(funcall old-window-resize window delta horizontal
t pixelwise)))
((symbol-function #'window-max-delta)
(lambda (&optional window horizontal _ignore trail noup nodown pixelwise)
(funcall old-window-max-delta window horizontal t
trail noup nodown pixelwise))))
2018-09-10 06:17:12 +08:00
(defun doom/reload-font ()
"Reload `doom-font', `doom-variable-pitch-font', and `doom-unicode-font', if
2018-09-21 10:22:14 +08:00
(when doom-font
2018-09-10 06:17:12 +08:00
(set-frame-font doom-font t))
(defun doom/set-frame-opacity (opacity)
"Interactively change the current frame's opacity.
OPACITY is an integer between 0 to 100, inclusive."
(list (read-number "Opacity (0-100): "
(or (frame-parameter nil 'alpha)
(set-frame-parameter nil 'alpha opacity))
;; Modes
(define-minor-mode doom-big-font-mode
"A global mode that resizes the font, for streams, screen-sharing and
Uses `doom-big-font' when enabled."
:init-value nil
:lighter " BIG"
:global t
(unless doom-big-font
(user-error "`doom-big-font' must be set to a valid font"))
(unless doom-font
(user-error "`doom-font' must be set to a valid font"))
(set-frame-font (if doom-big-font-mode
t t))