
117 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2015-11-24 16:44:17 +08:00
;;; module-lisp --- all things lisp
2015-06-15 15:06:10 +08:00
(associate! emacs-lisp-mode :match "\\(/Cask\\|\\.\\(el\\|gz\\)\\)$")
(add-hook! emacs-lisp-mode '(turn-on-eldoc-mode flycheck-mode highlight-numbers-mode))
2015-06-15 15:06:10 +08:00
(use-package highlight-quoted
:commands (highlight-quoted-mode)
:init (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'highlight-quoted-mode))
2016-02-21 04:32:19 +08:00
(use-package slime :defer t
:config (setq inferior-lisp-program "clisp"))
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'narf/elisp-init)
(defun narf/elisp-init ()
(def-company-backend! emacs-lisp-mode (elisp yasnippet))
(def-repl! emacs-lisp-mode narf/elisp-inf-ielm)
(def-rotate! emacs-lisp-mode
:symbols (("t" "nil")
("let" "let*")
("when" "unless")
("append" "prepend")
("advice-add" "advice-remove")
("add-hook" "add-hook!" "remove-hook")))
;; Don't affect lisp indentation (only `tab-width')
(setq editorconfig-indentation-alist
(delq (assq 'emacs-lisp-mode editorconfig-indentation-alist)
;; Real go-to-definition for elisp
(map! :map emacs-lisp-mode-map :m "gd" 'narf/elisp-find-function-at-pt)
'emacs-lisp-mode `(("(\\(lambda\\)"
(1 (narf/show-as )))
;; Highlight narf macros (macros are fontified in emacs 25+)
(regexp-opt '("electric" "project-type" "company-backend"
"builder" "repl" "textobj" "tmp-excmd" "rotate"
"repeat" "yas-mode" "env-command" "docset"))
(1 font-lock-keyword-face append))
(regexp-opt '("λ" "in" "map" "after" "shut-up" "add-hook"
"associate" "open-with" "define-org-link"
(1 font-lock-keyword-face append))
;; Ert
(regexp-opt '("ert-deftest") t)
" \\([^ ]+\\)")
(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
(2 font-lock-function-name-face))))
(remove-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'narf/elisp-init))
2015-06-15 15:06:10 +08:00
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'narf/elisp-hook)
(defun narf/elisp-hook ()
(setq mode-name "Elisp") ; [pedantry intensifies]
2015-11-10 04:55:03 +08:00
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace nil t)
2016-03-30 11:13:31 +08:00
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'narf/elisp-auto-compile nil t)
2015-11-20 17:00:38 +08:00
NARF v0.7.0 vcs: + +git-gutter to conf-modes; -git-gutter from evil-insert-state-exit + switch github-browse-file for browse-at-remote + fix <leader>ob; add <leader>d[./sr] vc bindings + vc-annotate bindings and initial state Workgroups2 integration: + don't mess with buffers (speeds up emacs a lot!) + unicode numbers in display + single display function + remember workgroup uid instead (and smarter :tabrename) + clean up after wg update Org-mode + give highlight precedence to links in org-mode + enable encryption + config clean up + use different font for org + exclude attachments in recentf + redo latex and inline-image config + add narf/org-open-notes + update file templates for org CRM Mode-line + polish mode-line + decouple from spaceline-segments.el + refactor narf|spaceline-env-update + add macro-recording and buffer-size indicators to mode-line + python: '2>&1' in env-command + flycheck fringe indicator: change to arrow Aesthetics + update narf-dark-theme + add narf-minibuffer-active face + change writing indicator in writing-mode Misc + fix whitespace in display-startup-echo-area-message + reset fonts for more unicode characters + custom imenu entries + helm-imenu fontification + enable yascroll-bar in REPLs + reorganize my-commands.el + force quit iedit on ESC in normal mode + update snippets submodule + remove ido init (helm handles it all) [EXPERIMENTAL] + back to Terminus(TTF) font + popwin: update config for git-gutter and vc-diff windows + highlight :g[lobal] and :al[ign] matches + decouple narf/get-buffers+narf/get-all-buffers from wg-mess-with-buffer-list + fix narf/helm-buffers-dwim (add interactive form)
2015-12-12 05:51:04 +08:00
(let ((header-face 'font-lock-constant-face))
(push '("Evil Command" "\\(^\\s-*(evil-define-command +\\)\\(\\_<.+\\_>\\)" 2)
(push '("Evil Operator" "\\(^\\s-*(evil-define-operator +\\)\\(\\_<.+\\_>\\)" 2)
(push '("Package" "\\(^\\s-*(use-package +\\)\\(\\_<.+\\_>\\)" 2)
(push '("Spaceline Segment" "\\(^\\s-*(spaceline-define-segment +\\)\\(\\_<.+\\_>\\)" 2)
NARF v0.7.0 vcs: + +git-gutter to conf-modes; -git-gutter from evil-insert-state-exit + switch github-browse-file for browse-at-remote + fix <leader>ob; add <leader>d[./sr] vc bindings + vc-annotate bindings and initial state Workgroups2 integration: + don't mess with buffers (speeds up emacs a lot!) + unicode numbers in display + single display function + remember workgroup uid instead (and smarter :tabrename) + clean up after wg update Org-mode + give highlight precedence to links in org-mode + enable encryption + config clean up + use different font for org + exclude attachments in recentf + redo latex and inline-image config + add narf/org-open-notes + update file templates for org CRM Mode-line + polish mode-line + decouple from spaceline-segments.el + refactor narf|spaceline-env-update + add macro-recording and buffer-size indicators to mode-line + python: '2>&1' in env-command + flycheck fringe indicator: change to arrow Aesthetics + update narf-dark-theme + add narf-minibuffer-active face + change writing indicator in writing-mode Misc + fix whitespace in display-startup-echo-area-message + reset fonts for more unicode characters + custom imenu entries + helm-imenu fontification + enable yascroll-bar in REPLs + reorganize my-commands.el + force quit iedit on ESC in normal mode + update snippets submodule + remove ido init (helm handles it all) [EXPERIMENTAL] + back to Terminus(TTF) font + popwin: update config for git-gutter and vc-diff windows + highlight :g[lobal] and :al[ign] matches + decouple narf/get-buffers+narf/get-all-buffers from wg-mess-with-buffer-list + fix narf/helm-buffers-dwim (add interactive form)
2015-12-12 05:51:04 +08:00
;; Add new colors to helm-imenu
(after! helm-imenu
(defun helm-imenu-transformer (candidates)
(cl-loop for (k . v) in candidates
for types = (or (helm-imenu--get-prop k)
(list "Function" k))
for bufname = (buffer-name (marker-buffer v))
for disp1 = (mapconcat
(lambda (x)
x 'face (cond ((string= x "Variables")
((or (string= x "Function")
(string-prefix-p "Evil " x t))
NARF v0.7.0 vcs: + +git-gutter to conf-modes; -git-gutter from evil-insert-state-exit + switch github-browse-file for browse-at-remote + fix <leader>ob; add <leader>d[./sr] vc bindings + vc-annotate bindings and initial state Workgroups2 integration: + don't mess with buffers (speeds up emacs a lot!) + unicode numbers in display + single display function + remember workgroup uid instead (and smarter :tabrename) + clean up after wg update Org-mode + give highlight precedence to links in org-mode + enable encryption + config clean up + use different font for org + exclude attachments in recentf + redo latex and inline-image config + add narf/org-open-notes + update file templates for org CRM Mode-line + polish mode-line + decouple from spaceline-segments.el + refactor narf|spaceline-env-update + add macro-recording and buffer-size indicators to mode-line + python: '2>&1' in env-command + flycheck fringe indicator: change to arrow Aesthetics + update narf-dark-theme + add narf-minibuffer-active face + change writing indicator in writing-mode Misc + fix whitespace in display-startup-echo-area-message + reset fonts for more unicode characters + custom imenu entries + helm-imenu fontification + enable yascroll-bar in REPLs + reorganize my-commands.el + force quit iedit on ESC in normal mode + update snippets submodule + remove ido init (helm handles it all) [EXPERIMENTAL] + back to Terminus(TTF) font + popwin: update config for git-gutter and vc-diff windows + highlight :g[lobal] and :al[ign] matches + decouple narf/get-buffers+narf/get-all-buffers from wg-mess-with-buffer-list + fix narf/helm-buffers-dwim (add interactive form)
2015-12-12 05:51:04 +08:00
((string= x "Types")
((string= x "Package")
((string= x "Spaceline Segment")
types helm-imenu-delimiter)
for disp = (propertize disp1 'help-echo bufname)
(cons disp (cons k v)))))
2015-11-08 05:57:24 +08:00
2015-11-11 07:10:32 +08:00
2016-04-19 14:08:48 +08:00
(def-project-type! emacs-ert "ert"
2016-04-17 09:36:24 +08:00
:modes (emacs-lisp-mode)
:match "/test/.+-test\\.el$"
:bind (:localleader
:n "tr" 'narf/ert-rerun-test
:n "ta" 'narf/ert-run-all-tests
:n "ts" 'narf/ert-run-test)
(add-hook 'ert-results-mode-hook 'narf|hide-mode-line))
2015-11-24 16:44:17 +08:00
(provide 'module-lisp)
2015-06-15 15:06:10 +08:00
;;; module-elisp.el ends here