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;;; core/core-packages.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
2017-02-19 19:59:55 +08:00
2019-07-23 04:25:53 +08:00
;; Emacs package management is opinionated, and so is Doom. Doom uses `straight'
;; to create a declarative, lazy-loaded and optionally rolling-release package
;; management system. We use `straight' over `package' because the latter is
;; tempermental. ELPA sources suffer downtime occasionally, and often fail at
;; building some packages when GNU Tar is unavailable (e.g. MacOS users start
;; with BSD tar). There are also known gnutls errors in the current stable
;; release of Emacs (26.x) which bork TLS handshakes with ELPA repos (mainly
;; See
2019-07-23 04:25:53 +08:00
;; What's worse, you can only get the latest version of packages through ELPA.
;; In an ecosystem that is constantly changing, this is more frustrating than
;; convenient. Straight (and Doom) can do rolling release, but it is optional
;; (and will eventually be opt-in).
2017-07-14 21:23:12 +08:00
2019-07-23 04:25:53 +08:00
;; ANyhow, interacting with this package management system is done through the
;; bin/doom script included with Doom Emacs. You'll find more about it by
;; running 'doom help' (I highly recommend you add it to your PATH), but here
;; are the highlights:
2017-07-14 21:23:12 +08:00
2019-07-23 04:25:53 +08:00
;; + `bin/doom install`: a wizard that guides you through setting up Doom and
;; your private config for the first time.
;; + `bin/doom refresh`: your go-to command for making sure Doom is in optimal
;; condition. It ensures all unneeded packages are removed, all needed ones
;; are installed, and all metadata associated with them is generated.
;; + `bin/doom upgrade`: upgrades Doom Emacs and your packages to the latest
;; versions. There's also 'bin/doom update' for updating only your packages.
2017-02-06 13:13:24 +08:00
2019-07-23 04:25:53 +08:00
;; How this works is: the system reads packages.el files located in each
;; activated module, your private directory (`doom-private-dir'), and one in
;; `doom-core-dir'. These contain `package!' declarations that tell DOOM what
;; plugins to install and where from.
2017-02-06 13:13:24 +08:00
2019-07-23 04:25:53 +08:00
;; All that said, you can still use package.el's commands, but 'bin/doom
;; refresh' will purge ELPA packages.
2017-01-17 12:15:48 +08:00
(defvar doom-init-packages-p nil
"If non-nil, Doom's package management system has been initialized.")
2017-06-05 20:21:52 +08:00
(defvar doom-packages ()
"A list of enabled packages. Each element is a sublist, whose CAR is the
package's name as a symbol, and whose CDR is the plist supplied to its
`package!' declaration. Set by `doom-initialize-packages'.")
(defvar doom-core-packages '(straight use-package async)
"A list of packages that must be installed (and will be auto-installed if
missing) and shouldn't be deleted.")
(defvar doom-core-package-sources
'((org-elpa :local-repo nil)
:type git :host github
:repo "melpa/melpa"
:no-build t)
:type git :host github
:repo "emacs-straight/gnu-elpa-mirror"
:no-build t)
:type git :host github
:repo "emacs-straight/emacsmirror-mirror"
:no-build t))
"A list of recipes for straight's recipe repos.")
(defvar doom-disabled-packages ()
"A list of packages that should be ignored by `use-package!' and `after!'.")
;;; Package managers
;; Ensure that, if we do need package.el, it is configured correctly. You really
;; shouldn't be using it, but it may be convenient for quick package testing.
(setq package--init-file-ensured t
2017-01-17 12:15:48 +08:00
package-enable-at-startup nil
package-user-dir doom-elpa-dir
package-gnupghome-dir (expand-file-name "gpg" doom-elpa-dir)
2017-02-11 13:46:42 +08:00
;; I omit Marmalade because its packages are manually submitted rather
;; than pulled, so packages are often out of date with upstream.
(let ((proto (if gnutls-verify-error "https" "http")))
`(("gnu" . ,(concat proto "://"))
("melpa" . ,(concat proto "://"))
("org" . ,(concat proto "://")))))
;; Don't save `package-selected-packages' to `custom-file'
(defadvice! doom--package-inhibit-custom-file-a (&optional value)
:override #'package--save-selected-packages
(if value (setq package-selected-packages value)))
;;; straight
(setq straight-base-dir doom-local-dir
straight-repository-branch "develop"
straight-cache-autoloads nil ; we already do this, and better.
;; Doom doesn't encourage you to modify packages in place. Disabling this
;; makes 'doom refresh' instant (once everything set up), which is much
;; nicer UX than the several seconds modification checks.
straight-check-for-modifications nil
;; We handle package.el ourselves (and a little more comprehensively)
straight-enable-package-integration nil
;; Before switching to straight, `doom-local-dir' would average out at
;; around 100mb with half Doom's modules at ~230 packages. Afterwards, at
;; around 1gb. With shallow cloning, that is reduced to ~400mb. This
;; imposes an issue with packages that require their git history for
;; certain things to work (like magit and org), but we can deal with that
;; when we cross that bridge.
straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 1
;; Straight's own emacsmirror mirror is a little smaller and faster.
straight-recipes-emacsmirror-use-mirror t
;; Prefix declarations are unneeded bulk added to our autoloads file. Best
;; we just don't have to deal with them at all.
autoload-compute-prefixes nil)
(defun doom--finalize-straight ()
(mapc #'funcall (delq nil (mapcar #'cdr straight--transaction-alist)))
(setq straight--transaction-alist nil))
;;; Bootstrapper
(defun doom-initialize-packages (&optional force-p)
"Ensures that Doom's package system and straight.el are initialized.
If FORCE-P is non-nil, do it anyway.
This ensure `doom-packages' is populated, if isn't aren't already. Use this
before any of straight's or Doom's package management's API to ensure all the
necessary package metadata is initialized and available for them."
(unless doom-init-packages-p
(setq force-p t))
(when (or force-p (not (bound-and-true-p package--initialized)))
(doom-log "Initializing package.el")
(require 'package)
(when (or force-p (not doom-packages))
(doom-log "Initializing straight")
(setq doom-init-packages-p t)
(unless (fboundp 'straight--reset-caches)
(require 'straight))
(mapc #'straight-use-recipes doom-core-package-sources)
`(straight :type git :host github
:repo ,(format "%s/straight.el" straight-repository-user)
:files ("straight*.el")
:branch ,straight-repository-branch
:no-byte-compile t))
(mapc #'straight-use-package doom-core-packages)
(doom-log "Initializing doom-packages")
(setq doom-disabled-packages nil
doom-packages (doom-package-list))
(cl-loop for (pkg . plist) in doom-packages
for ignored = (eval (plist-get plist :ignore) t)
for disabled = (eval (plist-get plist :disable) t)
if disabled
do (cl-pushnew pkg doom-disabled-packages)
else if (not ignored)
do (with-demoted-errors "Package error: %s"
(if-let (recipe (plist-get plist :recipe))
(let ((plist (straight-recipes-retrieve pkg)))
`(,pkg ,@(doom-plist-merge recipe (cdr plist))))
(unless doom-interactive-mode
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'doom--finalize-straight))))
(defun doom-ensure-straight ()
"Ensure `straight' is installed and was compiled with this version of Emacs."
(defvar bootstrap-version)
(let* (;; Force straight to install into ~/.emacs.d/.local/straight instead of
;; ~/.emacs.d/straight by pretending `doom-local-dir' is our .emacs.d.
(user-emacs-directory straight-base-dir)
(bootstrap-file (doom-path straight-base-dir "straight/repos/straight.el/straight.el"))
(bootstrap-version 5))
(make-directory (doom-path straight-base-dir "straight/build") 'parents)
(unless (featurep 'straight)
(unless (or (require 'straight nil t)
(file-readable-p bootstrap-file))
(format ""
'silent 'inhibit-cookies)
(goto-char (point-max))
(load bootstrap-file nil t))))
2017-02-11 19:52:38 +08:00
2017-02-06 13:13:24 +08:00
2017-02-11 13:46:42 +08:00
;;; Module package macros
2017-01-17 12:15:48 +08:00
2019-07-23 04:30:35 +08:00
(cl-defmacro package!
(name &rest plist &key built-in _recipe disable ignore _freeze)
"Declares a package and how to install it (if applicable).
This macro is declarative and does not load nor install packages. It is used to
populate `doom-packages' with metadata about the packages Doom needs to keep
track of.
Only use this macro in a module's packages.el file.
2017-02-11 13:46:42 +08:00
Accepts the following properties:
:recipe RECIPE
Takes a MELPA-style recipe (see `quelpa-recipe' in `quelpa' for an example);
for packages to be installed from external sources.
:disable BOOL
Do not install or update this package AND disable all of its `def-package!'
:ignore FORM
2018-03-27 06:15:03 +08:00
Do not install this package.
:freeze FORM
Do not update this package if FORM is non-nil.
:built-in BOOL
Same as :ignore if the package is a built-in Emacs package. If set to
'prefer, will use built-in package if it is present.
Returns t if package is successfully registered, and nil if it was disabled
2017-01-17 12:15:48 +08:00
(declare (indent defun))
(let ((old-plist (cdr (assq name doom-packages))))
2019-07-23 04:30:35 +08:00
;; Add current module to :modules
(let ((module-list (plist-get old-plist :modules))
2019-07-23 04:30:35 +08:00
(module (doom-module-from-path)))
(unless (member module module-list)
2019-07-23 04:30:35 +08:00
(plist-put! plist :modules
(append module-list
(list module)
;; Handle :built-in
(unless ignore
(when built-in
(doom-log "Ignoring built-in package %S" name)
(when (equal built-in '(quote prefer))
(setq built-in `(locate-library ,(symbol-name name) nil doom--initial-load-path))))
(plist-put! plist :ignore built-in))
;; DEPRECATED Translate :fetcher to :host
(with-plist! plist (recipe)
(with-plist! recipe (fetcher)
(when fetcher
(message "%s\n%s"
(format "WARNING: The :fetcher property was used for the %S package."
2019-07-23 04:30:35 +08:00
"This property is deprecated. Replace it with :host.")
(plist-put! recipe :host fetcher)
(plist-delete! recipe :fetcher))
(plist-put! plist :recipe recipe)))
(doplist! ((prop val) plist)
(unless (null val)
(plist-put! old-plist prop val)))
(setq plist old-plist)
2019-07-23 04:30:35 +08:00
;; TODO Add `straight-use-package-pre-build-function' support
(append `((setf (alist-get ',name doom-packages) ',plist))
(when disable
`((doom-log "Disabling package %S" ',name)
(add-to-list 'doom-disabled-packages ',name nil 'eq)
(defmacro disable-packages! (&rest packages)
:boom: revise advice naming convention (1/2) This is first of three big naming convention updates that have been a long time coming. With 2.1 on the horizon, all the breaking updates will batched together in preparation for the long haul. In this commit, we do away with the asterix to communicate that a function is an advice function, and we replace it with the '-a' suffix. e.g. doom*shut-up -> doom-shut-up-a doom*recenter -> doom-recenter-a +evil*static-reindent -> +evil--static-reindent-a The rationale behind this change is: 1. Elisp's own formatting/indenting tools would occasionally struggle with | and * (particularly pp and cl-prettyprint). They have no problem with / and :, fortunately. 2. External syntax highlighters (like pygmentize, discord markdown or github markdown) struggle with it, sometimes refusing to highlight code beyond these symbols. 3. * and | are less expressive than - and -- in communicating the intended visibility, versatility and stability of a function. 4. It complicated the regexps we must use to search for them. 5. They were arbitrary and over-complicated to begin with, decided on haphazardly way back when Doom was simply "my private config". Anyhow, like how predicate functions have the -p suffix, we'll adopt the -a suffix for advice functions, -h for hook functions and -fn for variable functions. Other noteable changes: - Replaces advice-{add,remove}! macro with new def-advice! macro. The old pair weren't as useful. The new def-advice! saves on a lot of space. - Removed "stage" assertions to make sure you were using the right macros in the right place. Turned out to not be necessary, we'll employ better checks later.
2019-07-18 21:42:52 +08:00
"A convenience macro for disabling packages in bulk.
Only use this macro in a module's (or your private) packages.el file."
(cl-loop for p in packages
collect `(package! ,p :disable t))))
2017-01-17 12:15:48 +08:00
(provide 'core-packages)
;;; core-packages.el ends here