2023-11-30 20:28:48 -05:00

2205 lines
89 KiB

const DiffMatchPatch = @This();
const std = @import("std");
const testing = std.testing;
const ArrayListUnmanaged = std.ArrayListUnmanaged;
const DiffList = ArrayListUnmanaged(Diff);
/// DMP with default configuration options
pub const default = DiffMatchPatch{};
pub const Diff = struct {
pub const Operation = enum {
operation: Operation,
text: []const u8,
pub fn format(value: Diff, _: anytype, _: anytype, writer: anytype) !void {
try writer.print("({s}, \"{s}\")", .{
switch (value.operation) {
.equal => "=",
.insert => "+",
.delete => "-",
pub fn init(operation: Operation, text: []const u8) Diff {
return .{ .operation = operation, .text = text };
pub fn eql(a: Diff, b: Diff) bool {
return a.operation == b.operation and std.mem.eql(u8, a.text, b.text);
/// Number of milliseconds to map a diff before giving up (0 for infinity).
diff_timeout: u64 = 1000,
/// Cost of an empty edit operation in terms of edit characters.
diff_edit_cost: u16 = 4,
/// At what point is no match declared (0.0 = perfection, 1.0 = very loose).
match_threshold: f32 = 0.5,
/// How far to search for a match (0 = exact location, 1000+ = broad match).
/// A match this many characters away from the expected location will add
/// 1.0 to the score (0.0 is a perfect match).
match_distance: u32 = 1000,
/// The number of bits in an int.
match_max_bits: u16 = 32,
/// When deleting a large block of text (over ~64 characters), how close
/// do the contents have to be to match the expected contents. (0.0 =
/// perfection, 1.0 = very loose). Note that Match_Threshold controls
/// how closely the end points of a delete need to match.
patch_delete_threshold: f32 = 0.5,
/// Chunk size for context length.
patch_margin: u16 = 4,
pub const DiffError = error{OutOfMemory};
/// It is recommended that you use an Arena for this operation.
/// Find the differences between two texts.
/// @param before Old string to be diffed.
/// @param after New string to be diffed.
/// @param checklines Speedup flag. If false, then don't run a
/// line-level diff first to identify the changed areas.
/// If true, then run a faster slightly less optimal diff.
/// @return List of Diff objects.
pub fn diff(
dmp: DiffMatchPatch,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
before: []const u8,
after: []const u8,
/// If false, then don't run a line-level diff first
/// to identify the changed areas. If true, then run
/// a faster slightly less optimal diff.
check_lines: bool,
) DiffError!DiffList {
const deadline = if (dmp.diff_timeout == 0)
@as(u64, @intCast(std.time.milliTimestamp())) + dmp.diff_timeout;
return dmp.diffInternal(allocator, before, after, check_lines, deadline);
fn diffInternal(
dmp: DiffMatchPatch,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
before: []const u8,
after: []const u8,
check_lines: bool,
deadline: u64,
) DiffError!DiffList {
// Check for equality (speedup).
var diffs = DiffList{};
if (std.mem.eql(u8, before, after)) {
if (before.len != 0) {
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.equal, try allocator.dupe(u8, before)));
return diffs;
// Trim off common prefix (speedup).
var common_length = diffCommonPrefix(before, after);
const common_prefix = before[0..common_length];
var trimmed_before = before[common_length..];
var trimmed_after = after[common_length..];
// Trim off common suffix (speedup).
common_length = diffCommonSuffix(trimmed_before, trimmed_after);
const common_suffix = trimmed_before[trimmed_before.len - common_length ..];
trimmed_before = trimmed_before[0 .. trimmed_before.len - common_length];
trimmed_after = trimmed_after[0 .. trimmed_after.len - common_length];
// Compute the diff on the middle block.
diffs = try dmp.diffCompute(allocator, trimmed_before, trimmed_after, check_lines, deadline);
// Restore the prefix and suffix.
if (common_prefix.len != 0) {
try diffs.insert(allocator, 0, Diff.init(.equal, try allocator.dupe(u8, common_prefix)));
if (common_suffix.len != 0) {
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.equal, try allocator.dupe(u8, common_suffix)));
try diffCleanupMerge(allocator, &diffs);
return diffs;
fn diffCommonPrefix(before: []const u8, after: []const u8) usize {
const n = @min(before.len, after.len);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < n) : (i += 1) {
if (before[i] != after[i]) {
return i;
return n;
fn diffCommonSuffix(before: []const u8, after: []const u8) usize {
const n = @min(before.len, after.len);
var i: usize = 1;
while (i <= n) : (i += 1) {
if (before[before.len - i] != after[after.len - i]) {
return i - 1;
return n;
/// Find the differences between two texts. Assumes that the texts do not
/// have any common prefix or suffix.
/// @param before Old string to be diffed.
/// @param after New string to be diffed.
/// @param checklines Speedup flag. If false, then don't run a
/// line-level diff first to identify the changed areas.
/// If true, then run a faster slightly less optimal diff.
/// @param deadline Time when the diff should be complete by.
/// @return List of Diff objects.
fn diffCompute(
dmp: DiffMatchPatch,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
before: []const u8,
after: []const u8,
check_lines: bool,
deadline: u64,
) DiffError!DiffList {
var diffs = DiffList{};
if (before.len == 0) {
// Just add some text (speedup).
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.insert, try allocator.dupe(u8, after)));
return diffs;
if (after.len == 0) {
// Just delete some text (speedup).
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.delete, try allocator.dupe(u8, before)));
return diffs;
const long_text = if (before.len > after.len) before else after;
const short_text = if (before.len > after.len) after else before;
if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, long_text, short_text)) |index| {
// Shorter text is inside the longer text (speedup).
const op: Diff.Operation = if (before.len > after.len)
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(op, try allocator.dupe(u8, long_text[0..index])));
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.equal, try allocator.dupe(u8, short_text)));
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(op, try allocator.dupe(u8, long_text[index + short_text.len ..])));
return diffs;
if (short_text.len == 1) {
// Single character string.
// After the previous speedup, the character can't be an equality.
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.delete, before));
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.insert, after));
return diffs;
// Check to see if the problem can be split in two.
if (try dmp.diffHalfMatch(allocator, before, after)) |half_match| {
// A half-match was found, sort out the return data.
// Send both pairs off for separate processing.
const diffs_a = try dmp.diffInternal(
var diffs_b = try dmp.diffInternal(
defer diffs_b.deinit(allocator);
var tmp_diffs = diffs;
defer tmp_diffs.deinit(allocator);
// Merge the results.
diffs = diffs_a;
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.equal, half_match.common_middle));
try diffs.appendSlice(allocator, diffs_b.items);
return diffs;
if (check_lines and before.len > 100 and after.len > 100) {
return dmp.diffLineMode(allocator, before, after, deadline);
return dmp.diffBisect(allocator, before, after, deadline);
const HalfMatchResult = struct {
prefix_before: []const u8,
suffix_before: []const u8,
prefix_after: []const u8,
suffix_after: []const u8,
common_middle: []const u8,
/// Do the two texts share a Substring which is at least half the length of
/// the longer text?
/// This speedup can produce non-minimal diffs.
/// @param before First string.
/// @param after Second string.
/// @return Five element String array, containing the prefix of text1, the
/// suffix of text1, the prefix of text2, the suffix of text2 and the
/// common middle. Or null if there was no match.
fn diffHalfMatch(
dmp: DiffMatchPatch,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
before: []const u8,
after: []const u8,
) DiffError!?HalfMatchResult {
if (dmp.diff_timeout <= 0) {
// Don't risk returning a non-optimal diff if we have unlimited time.
return null;
const long_text = if (before.len > after.len) before else after;
const short_text = if (before.len > after.len) after else before;
if (long_text.len < 4 or short_text.len * 2 < long_text.len) {
return null; // Pointless.
// First check if the second quarter is the seed for a half-match.
const half_match_1 = try dmp.diffHalfMatchInternal(allocator, long_text, short_text, (long_text.len + 3) / 4);
// Check again based on the third quarter.
const half_match_2 = try dmp.diffHalfMatchInternal(allocator, long_text, short_text, (long_text.len + 1) / 2);
var half_match: ?HalfMatchResult = null;
if (half_match_1 == null and half_match_2 == null) {
return null;
} else if (half_match_2 == null) {
half_match = half_match_1.?;
} else if (half_match_1 == null) {
half_match = half_match_2.?;
} else {
// Both matched. Select the longest.
half_match = if (half_match_1.?.common_middle.len > half_match_2.?.common_middle.len)
// A half-match was found, sort out the return data.
if (before.len > after.len) {
return half_match;
} else {
const half_match_yes = half_match.?;
return .{
.prefix_before = half_match_yes.prefix_after,
.suffix_before = half_match_yes.suffix_after,
.prefix_after = half_match_yes.prefix_before,
.suffix_after = half_match_yes.suffix_before,
.common_middle = half_match_yes.common_middle,
/// Does a Substring of shorttext exist within longtext such that the
/// Substring is at least half the length of longtext?
/// @param longtext Longer string.
/// @param shorttext Shorter string.
/// @param i Start index of quarter length Substring within longtext.
/// @return Five element string array, containing the prefix of longtext, the
/// suffix of longtext, the prefix of shorttext, the suffix of shorttext
/// and the common middle. Or null if there was no match.
fn diffHalfMatchInternal(
_: DiffMatchPatch,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
long_text: []const u8,
short_text: []const u8,
i: usize,
) DiffError!?HalfMatchResult {
// Start with a 1/4 length Substring at position i as a seed.
const seed = long_text[i .. i + long_text.len / 4];
var j: isize = -1;
var best_common = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
var best_long_text_a: []const u8 = "";
var best_long_text_b: []const u8 = "";
var best_short_text_a: []const u8 = "";
var best_short_text_b: []const u8 = "";
while (j < short_text.len and b: {
j = @as(isize, @intCast(std.mem.indexOf(u8, short_text[@as(usize, @intCast(j + 1))..], seed) orelse break :b false)) + j + 1;
break :b true;
}) {
const prefix_length = diffCommonPrefix(long_text[i..], short_text[@as(usize, @intCast(j))..]);
const suffix_length = diffCommonSuffix(long_text[0..i], short_text[0..@as(usize, @intCast(j))]);
if (best_common.items.len < suffix_length + prefix_length) {
best_common.items.len = 0;
try best_common.appendSlice(allocator, short_text[@as(usize, @intCast(j - @as(isize, @intCast(suffix_length)))) .. @as(usize, @intCast(j - @as(isize, @intCast(suffix_length)))) + suffix_length]);
try best_common.appendSlice(allocator, short_text[@as(usize, @intCast(j)) .. @as(usize, @intCast(j)) + prefix_length]);
best_long_text_a = long_text[0 .. i - suffix_length];
best_long_text_b = long_text[i + prefix_length ..];
best_short_text_a = short_text[0..@as(usize, @intCast(j - @as(isize, @intCast(suffix_length))))];
best_short_text_b = short_text[@as(usize, @intCast(j + @as(isize, @intCast(prefix_length))))..];
if (best_common.items.len * 2 >= long_text.len) {
return .{
.prefix_before = best_long_text_a,
.suffix_before = best_long_text_b,
.prefix_after = best_short_text_a,
.suffix_after = best_short_text_b,
.common_middle = best_common.items,
} else {
return null;
/// Find the 'middle snake' of a diff, split the problem in two
/// and return the recursively constructed diff.
/// See Myers 1986 paper: An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations.
/// @param before Old string to be diffed.
/// @param after New string to be diffed.
/// @param deadline Time at which to bail if not yet complete.
/// @return List of Diff objects.
fn diffBisect(
dmp: DiffMatchPatch,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
before: []const u8,
after: []const u8,
deadline: u64,
) DiffError!DiffList {
const before_length: isize = @intCast(before.len);
const after_length: isize = @intCast(after.len);
const max_d: isize = @intCast((before.len + after.len + 1) / 2);
const v_offset = max_d;
const v_length = 2 * max_d;
var v1 = try ArrayListUnmanaged(isize).initCapacity(allocator, @as(usize, @intCast(v_length)));
v1.items.len = @intCast(v_length);
var v2 = try ArrayListUnmanaged(isize).initCapacity(allocator, @as(usize, @intCast(v_length)));
v2.items.len = @intCast(v_length);
var x: usize = 0;
while (x < v_length) : (x += 1) {
v1.items[x] = -1;
v2.items[x] = -1;
v1.items[@intCast(v_offset + 1)] = 0;
v2.items[@intCast(v_offset + 1)] = 0;
const delta = before_length - after_length;
// If the total number of characters is odd, then the front path will
// collide with the reverse path.
const front = (@mod(delta, 2) != 0);
// Offsets for start and end of k loop.
// Prevents mapping of space beyond the grid.
var k1start: isize = 0;
var k1end: isize = 0;
var k2start: isize = 0;
var k2end: isize = 0;
var d: isize = 0;
while (d < max_d) : (d += 1) {
// Bail out if deadline is reached.
if (@as(u64, @intCast(std.time.milliTimestamp())) > deadline) {
// Walk the front path one step.
var k1 = -d + k1start;
while (k1 <= d - k1end) : (k1 += 2) {
const k1_offset = v_offset + k1;
var x1: isize = 0;
if (k1 == -d or (k1 != d and
v1.items[@intCast(k1_offset - 1)] < v1.items[@intCast(k1_offset + 1)]))
x1 = v1.items[@intCast(k1_offset + 1)];
} else {
x1 = v1.items[@intCast(k1_offset - 1)] + 1;
var y1 = x1 - k1;
while (x1 < before_length and
y1 < after_length and before[@intCast(x1)] == after[@intCast(y1)])
x1 += 1;
y1 += 1;
v1.items[@intCast(k1_offset)] = x1;
if (x1 > before_length) {
// Ran off the right of the graph.
k1end += 2;
} else if (y1 > after_length) {
// Ran off the bottom of the graph.
k1start += 2;
} else if (front) {
const k2_offset = v_offset + delta - k1;
if (k2_offset >= 0 and k2_offset < v_length and v2.items[@intCast(k2_offset)] != -1) {
// Mirror x2 onto top-left coordinate system.
const x2 = before_length - v2.items[@intCast(k2_offset)];
if (x1 >= x2) {
// Overlap detected.
return dmp.diffBisectSplit(allocator, before, after, x1, y1, deadline);
// Walk the reverse path one step.
var k2: isize = -d + k2start;
while (k2 <= d - k2end) : (k2 += 2) {
const k2_offset = v_offset + k2;
var x2: isize = 0;
if (k2 == -d or (k2 != d and
v2.items[@intCast(k2_offset - 1)] < v2.items[@intCast(k2_offset + 1)]))
x2 = v2.items[@intCast(k2_offset + 1)];
} else {
x2 = v2.items[@intCast(k2_offset - 1)] + 1;
var y2: isize = x2 - k2;
while (x2 < before_length and y2 < after_length and
before[@intCast(before_length - x2 - 1)] ==
after[@intCast(after_length - y2 - 1)])
x2 += 1;
y2 += 1;
v2.items[@intCast(k2_offset)] = x2;
if (x2 > before_length) {
// Ran off the left of the graph.
k2end += 2;
} else if (y2 > after_length) {
// Ran off the top of the graph.
k2start += 2;
} else if (!front) {
const k1_offset = v_offset + delta - k2;
if (k1_offset >= 0 and k1_offset < v_length and v1.items[@intCast(k1_offset)] != -1) {
const x1 = v1.items[@intCast(k1_offset)];
const y1 = v_offset + x1 - k1_offset;
// Mirror x2 onto top-left coordinate system.
x2 = before_length - v2.items[@intCast(k2_offset)];
if (x1 >= x2) {
// Overlap detected.
return dmp.diffBisectSplit(allocator, before, after, x1, y1, deadline);
// Diff took too long and hit the deadline or
// number of diffs equals number of characters, no commonality at all.
var diffs = DiffList{};
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.delete, try allocator.dupe(u8, before)));
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.insert, try allocator.dupe(u8, after)));
return diffs;
/// Given the location of the 'middle snake', split the diff in two parts
/// and recurse.
/// @param text1 Old string to be diffed.
/// @param text2 New string to be diffed.
/// @param x Index of split point in text1.
/// @param y Index of split point in text2.
/// @param deadline Time at which to bail if not yet complete.
/// @return LinkedList of Diff objects.
fn diffBisectSplit(
dmp: DiffMatchPatch,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
text1: []const u8,
text2: []const u8,
x: isize,
y: isize,
deadline: u64,
) DiffError!DiffList {
const text1a = text1[0..@intCast(x)];
const text2a = text2[0..@intCast(y)];
const text1b = text1[@intCast(x)..];
const text2b = text2[@intCast(y)..];
// Compute both diffs serially.
var diffs = try dmp.diffInternal(allocator, text1a, text2a, false, deadline);
var diffsb = try dmp.diffInternal(allocator, text1b, text2b, false, deadline);
defer diffsb.deinit(allocator);
try diffs.appendSlice(allocator, diffsb.items);
return diffs;
/// Do a quick line-level diff on both strings, then rediff the parts for
/// greater accuracy.
/// This speedup can produce non-minimal diffs.
/// @param text1 Old string to be diffed.
/// @param text2 New string to be diffed.
/// @param deadline Time when the diff should be complete by.
/// @return List of Diff objects.
fn diffLineMode(
dmp: DiffMatchPatch,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
text1_in: []const u8,
text2_in: []const u8,
deadline: u64,
) DiffError!DiffList {
// Scan the text on a line-by-line basis first.
const a = try diffLinesToChars(allocator, text1_in, text2_in);
const text1 = a.chars_1;
const text2 = a.chars_2;
const line_array = a.line_array;
var diffs: DiffList = try dmp.diffInternal(allocator, text1, text2, false, deadline);
// Convert the diff back to original text.
try diffCharsToLines(allocator, diffs.items, line_array.items);
// Eliminate freak matches (e.g. blank lines)
try diffCleanupSemantic(allocator, &diffs);
// Rediff any replacement blocks, this time character-by-character.
// Add a dummy entry at the end.
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.equal, ""));
var pointer: usize = 0;
var count_delete: usize = 0;
var count_insert: usize = 0;
var text_delete = ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
var text_insert = ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer {
while (pointer < diffs.items.len) {
switch (diffs.items[pointer].operation) {
.insert => {
count_insert += 1;
// text_insert += diffs.items[pointer].text;
try text_insert.appendSlice(allocator, diffs.items[pointer].text);
.delete => {
count_delete += 1;
// text_delete += diffs.items[pointer].text;
try text_delete.appendSlice(allocator, diffs.items[pointer].text);
.equal => {
// Upon reaching an equality, check for prior redundancies.
if (count_delete >= 1 and count_insert >= 1) {
// Delete the offending records and add the merged ones.
// diffs.RemoveRange(pointer - count_delete - count_insert, count_delete + count_insert);
try diffs.replaceRange(
pointer - count_delete - count_insert,
count_delete + count_insert,
pointer = pointer - count_delete - count_insert;
const sub_diff = try dmp.diffInternal(allocator, text_delete.items, text_insert.items, false, deadline);
// diffs.InsertRange(pointer, sub_diff);
try diffs.insertSlice(allocator, pointer, sub_diff.items);
pointer = pointer + sub_diff.items.len;
count_insert = 0;
count_delete = 0;
text_delete.items.len = 0;
text_insert.items.len = 0;
pointer += 1;
// diffs.RemoveAt(diffs.Count - 1); // Remove the dummy entry at the end.
diffs.items.len -= 1;
return diffs;
const LinesToCharsResult = struct {
chars_1: []const u8,
chars_2: []const u8,
line_array: ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8),
/// Split two texts into a list of strings. Reduce the texts to a string of
/// hashes where each Unicode character represents one line.
/// @param text1 First string.
/// @param text2 Second string.
/// @return Three element Object array, containing the encoded text1, the
/// encoded text2 and the List of unique strings. The zeroth element
/// of the List of unique strings is intentionally blank.
fn diffLinesToChars(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
text1: []const u8,
text2: []const u8,
) DiffError!LinesToCharsResult {
var line_array = ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8){};
var line_hash = std.StringHashMapUnmanaged(usize){};
// e.g. line_array[4] == "Hello\n"
// e.g. line_hash.get("Hello\n") == 4
// "\x00" is a valid character, but various debuggers don't like it.
// So we'll insert a junk entry to avoid generating a null character.
try line_array.append(allocator, "");
// Allocate 2/3rds of the space for text1, the rest for text2.
const chars1 = try diffLinesToCharsMunge(allocator, text1, &line_array, &line_hash, 170);
const chars2 = try diffLinesToCharsMunge(allocator, text2, &line_array, &line_hash, 255);
return .{ .chars_1 = chars1, .chars_2 = chars2, .line_array = line_array };
/// Split a text into a list of strings. Reduce the texts to a string of
/// hashes where each Unicode character represents one line.
/// @param text String to encode.
/// @param lineArray List of unique strings.
/// @param lineHash Map of strings to indices.
/// @param maxLines Maximum length of lineArray.
/// @return Encoded string.
fn diffLinesToCharsMunge(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
text: []const u8,
line_array: *ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8),
line_hash: *std.StringHashMapUnmanaged(usize),
max_lines: usize,
) DiffError![]const u8 {
var line_start: isize = 0;
var line_end: isize = -1;
var line: []const u8 = "";
var chars = ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
// Walk the text, pulling out a Substring for each line.
// text.split('\n') would would temporarily double our memory footprint.
// Modifying text would create many large strings to garbage collect.
while (line_end < @as(isize, @intCast(text.len)) - 1) {
line_end = b: {
break :b @as(isize, @intCast(std.mem.indexOf(u8, text[@intCast(line_start)..], "\n") orelse
break :b @intCast(text.len - 1))) + line_start;
line = text[@intCast(line_start) .. @as(usize, @intCast(line_start)) + @as(usize, @intCast(line_end + 1 - line_start))];
if (line_hash.get(line)) |value| {
try chars.append(allocator, @intCast(value));
} else {
if (line_array.items.len == max_lines) {
// Bail out at 255 because char 256 == char 0.
line = text[@intCast(line_start)..];
line_end = @intCast(text.len);
try line_array.append(allocator, line);
try line_hash.put(allocator, line, line_array.items.len - 1);
try chars.append(allocator, @intCast(line_array.items.len - 1));
line_start = line_end + 1;
return try chars.toOwnedSlice(allocator);
/// Rehydrate the text in a diff from a string of line hashes to real lines
/// of text.
/// @param diffs List of Diff objects.
/// @param lineArray List of unique strings.
fn diffCharsToLines(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
diffs: []Diff,
line_array: []const []const u8,
) DiffError!void {
var text = ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer text.deinit(allocator);
for (diffs) |*d| {
text.items.len = 0;
var j: usize = 0;
while (j < d.text.len) : (j += 1) {
try text.appendSlice(allocator, line_array[d.text[j]]);
d.text = try allocator.dupe(u8, text.items);
/// Reorder and merge like edit sections. Merge equalities.
/// Any edit section can move as long as it doesn't cross an equality.
/// @param diffs List of Diff objects.
fn diffCleanupMerge(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, diffs: *DiffList) DiffError!void {
// Add a dummy entry at the end.
try diffs.append(allocator, Diff.init(.equal, ""));
var pointer: usize = 0;
var count_delete: usize = 0;
var count_insert: usize = 0;
var text_delete = ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer text_delete.deinit(allocator);
var text_insert = ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer text_insert.deinit(allocator);
var common_length: usize = undefined;
while (pointer < diffs.items.len) {
switch (diffs.items[pointer].operation) {
.insert => {
count_insert += 1;
try text_insert.appendSlice(allocator, diffs.items[pointer].text);
pointer += 1;
.delete => {
count_delete += 1;
try text_delete.appendSlice(allocator, diffs.items[pointer].text);
pointer += 1;
.equal => {
// Upon reaching an equality, check for prior redundancies.
if (count_delete + count_insert > 1) {
if (count_delete != 0 and count_insert != 0) {
// Factor out any common prefixies.
common_length = diffCommonPrefix(text_insert.items, text_delete.items);
if (common_length != 0) {
if ((pointer - count_delete - count_insert) > 0 and
diffs.items[pointer - count_delete - count_insert - 1].operation == .equal)
// diffs.items[pointer - count_delete - count_insert - 1].text
// += text_insert.Substring(0, common_length);
const ii = pointer - count_delete - count_insert - 1;
var nt = try allocator.alloc(u8, diffs.items[ii].text.len + common_length);
// try diffs.items[pointer - count_delete - count_insert - 1].text.append(allocator, text_insert.items[0..common_length]);
const ot = diffs.items[ii].text;
@memcpy(nt[0..ot.len], ot);
@memcpy(nt[ot.len..], text_insert.items[0..common_length]);
// allocator.free(diffs.items[ii].text);
diffs.items[ii].text = nt;
} else {
// diffs.Insert(0, Diff.init(.equal,
// text_insert.Substring(0, common_length)));
const text = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){
.items = try allocator.dupe(u8, text_insert.items[0..common_length]),
try diffs.insert(allocator, 0, Diff.init(.equal, try allocator.dupe(u8, text.items)));
pointer += 1;
try text_insert.replaceRange(allocator, 0, common_length, &.{});
try text_delete.replaceRange(allocator, 0, common_length, &.{});
// Factor out any common suffixies.
// @ZigPort this seems very wrong
common_length = diffCommonSuffix(text_insert.items, text_delete.items);
if (common_length != 0) {
diffs.items[pointer].text = try std.mem.concat(allocator, u8, &.{
text_insert.items[text_insert.items.len - common_length ..],
text_insert.items.len -= common_length;
text_delete.items.len -= common_length;
// Delete the offending records and add the merged ones.
pointer -= count_delete + count_insert;
try diffs.replaceRange(allocator, pointer, count_delete + count_insert, &.{});
if (text_delete.items.len != 0) {
try diffs.replaceRange(allocator, pointer, 0, &.{
Diff.init(.delete, try allocator.dupe(u8, text_delete.items)),
pointer += 1;
if (text_insert.items.len != 0) {
try diffs.replaceRange(allocator, pointer, 0, &.{
Diff.init(.insert, try allocator.dupe(u8, text_insert.items)),
pointer += 1;
pointer += 1;
} else if (pointer != 0 and diffs.items[pointer - 1].operation == .equal) {
// Merge this equality with the previous one.
// TODO: Fix using realloc or smth
var nt = try allocator.alloc(u8, diffs.items[pointer - 1].text.len + diffs.items[pointer].text.len);
// try diffs.items[pointer - count_delete - count_insert - 1].text.append(allocator, text_insert.items[0..common_length]);
const ot = diffs.items[pointer - 1].text;
@memcpy(nt[0..ot.len], ot);
@memcpy(nt[ot.len..], diffs.items[pointer].text);
// allocator.free(diffs.items[pointer - 1].text);
diffs.items[pointer - 1].text = nt;
// allocator.free(diffs.items[pointer].text);
// try diffs.items[pointer - 1].text.append(allocator, diffs.items[pointer].text.items);
_ = diffs.orderedRemove(pointer);
} else {
pointer += 1;
count_insert = 0;
count_delete = 0;
text_delete.items.len = 0;
text_insert.items.len = 0;
if (diffs.items[diffs.items.len - 1].text.len == 0) {
diffs.items.len -= 1;
// Second pass: look for single edits surrounded on both sides by
// equalities which can be shifted sideways to eliminate an equality.
// e.g: A<ins>BA</ins>C -> <ins>AB</ins>AC
var changes = false;
pointer = 1;
// Intentionally ignore the first and last element (don't need checking).
while (pointer < (diffs.items.len - 1)) {
if (diffs.items[pointer - 1].operation == .equal and
diffs.items[pointer + 1].operation == .equal)
// This is a single edit surrounded by equalities.
if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, diffs.items[pointer].text, diffs.items[pointer - 1].text)) {
// Shift the edit over the previous equality.
// diffs.items[pointer].text = diffs.items[pointer - 1].text +
// diffs.items[pointer].text[0 .. diffs.items[pointer].text.len -
// diffs.items[pointer - 1].text.len];
// diffs.items[pointer + 1].text = diffs.items[pointer - 1].text + diffs.items[pointer + 1].text;
const pt = try std.mem.concat(allocator, u8, &.{
diffs.items[pointer - 1].text,
diffs.items[pointer].text[0 .. diffs.items[pointer].text.len -
diffs.items[pointer - 1].text.len],
const p1t = try std.mem.concat(allocator, u8, &.{
diffs.items[pointer - 1].text,
diffs.items[pointer + 1].text,
// allocator.free(diffs.items[pointer].text);
// allocator.free(diffs.items[pointer + 1].text);
diffs.items[pointer].text = pt;
diffs.items[pointer + 1].text = p1t;
try diffs.replaceRange(allocator, pointer - 1, 1, &.{});
changes = true;
} else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, diffs.items[pointer].text, diffs.items[pointer + 1].text)) {
// Shift the edit over the next equality.
// diffs.items[pointer - 1].text += diffs.items[pointer + 1].text;
// diffs.items[pointer].text =
// diffs.items[pointer].text[diffs.items[pointer + 1].text.len..] + diffs.items[pointer + 1].text;
const pm1t = try std.mem.concat(allocator, u8, &.{
diffs.items[pointer - 1].text,
diffs.items[pointer + 1].text,
const pt = try std.mem.concat(allocator, u8, &.{
diffs.items[pointer].text[diffs.items[pointer + 1].text.len..],
diffs.items[pointer + 1].text,
// allocator.free(diffs.items[pointer - 1].text);
// allocator.free(diffs.items[pointer].text);
diffs.items[pointer - 1].text = pm1t;
diffs.items[pointer].text = pt;
try diffs.replaceRange(allocator, pointer + 1, 1, &.{});
changes = true;
pointer += 1;
// If shifts were made, the diff needs reordering and another shift sweep.
if (changes) {
try diffCleanupMerge(allocator, diffs);
/// Reduce the number of edits by eliminating semantically trivial
/// equalities.
/// @param diffs List of Diff objects.
fn diffCleanupSemantic(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, diffs: *DiffList) DiffError!void {
var changes = false;
// Stack of indices where equalities are found.
var equalities = ArrayListUnmanaged(isize){};
// Always equal to equalities[equalitiesLength-1][1]
var last_equality: ?[]const u8 = null;
var pointer: isize = 0; // Index of current position.
// Number of characters that changed prior to the equality.
var length_insertions1: usize = 0;
var length_deletions1: usize = 0;
// Number of characters that changed after the equality.
var length_insertions2: usize = 0;
var length_deletions2: usize = 0;
while (pointer < diffs.items.len) {
if (diffs.items[@intCast(pointer)].operation == .equal) { // Equality found.
try equalities.append(allocator, pointer);
length_insertions1 = length_insertions2;
length_deletions1 = length_deletions2;
length_insertions2 = 0;
length_deletions2 = 0;
last_equality = diffs.items[@intCast(pointer)].text;
} else { // an insertion or deletion
if (diffs.items[@intCast(pointer)].operation == .insert) {
length_insertions2 += diffs.items[@intCast(pointer)].text.len;
} else {
length_deletions2 += diffs.items[@intCast(pointer)].text.len;
// Eliminate an equality that is smaller or equal to the edits on both
// sides of it.
if (last_equality != null and
(last_equality.?.len <= @max(length_insertions1, length_deletions1)) and
(last_equality.?.len <= @max(length_insertions2, length_deletions2)))
// Duplicate record.
try diffs.insert(
@intCast(equalities.items[equalities.items.len - 1]),
Diff.init(.delete, try allocator.dupe(u8, last_equality.?)),
// Change second copy to insert.
diffs.items[@intCast(equalities.items[equalities.items.len - 1] + 1)].operation = .insert;
// Throw away the equality we just deleted.
_ = equalities.pop();
if (equalities.items.len > 0) {
_ = equalities.pop();
pointer = if (equalities.items.len > 0) equalities.items[equalities.items.len - 1] else -1;
length_insertions1 = 0; // Reset the counters.
length_deletions1 = 0;
length_insertions2 = 0;
length_deletions2 = 0;
last_equality = null;
changes = true;
pointer += 1;
// Normalize the diff.
if (changes) {
try diffCleanupMerge(allocator, diffs);
try diffCleanupSemanticLossless(allocator, diffs);
// Find any overlaps between deletions and insertions.
// e.g: <del>abcxxx</del><ins>xxxdef</ins>
// -> <del>abc</del>xxx<ins>def</ins>
// e.g: <del>xxxabc</del><ins>defxxx</ins>
// -> <ins>def</ins>xxx<del>abc</del>
// Only extract an overlap if it is as big as the edit ahead or behind it.
pointer = 1;
while (pointer < diffs.items.len) {
if (diffs.items[@intCast(pointer - 1)].operation == .delete and
diffs.items[@intCast(pointer)].operation == .insert)
const deletion = diffs.items[@intCast(pointer - 1)].text;
const insertion = diffs.items[@intCast(pointer)].text;
const overlap_length1: usize = diffCommonOverlap(deletion, insertion);
const overlap_length2: usize = diffCommonOverlap(insertion, deletion);
if (overlap_length1 >= overlap_length2) {
if (@as(f32, @floatFromInt(overlap_length1)) >= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(deletion.len)) / 2.0 or
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(overlap_length1)) >= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(insertion.len)) / 2.0)
// Overlap found.
// Insert an equality and trim the surrounding edits.
try diffs.insert(
Diff.init(.equal, try allocator.dupe(u8, insertion[0..overlap_length1])),
diffs.items[@intCast(pointer - 1)].text =
try allocator.dupe(u8, deletion[0 .. deletion.len - overlap_length1]);
diffs.items[@intCast(pointer + 1)].text =
try allocator.dupe(u8, insertion[overlap_length1..]);
pointer += 1;
} else {
if (@as(f32, @floatFromInt(overlap_length2)) >= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(deletion.len)) / 2.0 or
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(overlap_length2)) >= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(insertion.len)) / 2.0)
// Reverse overlap found.
// Insert an equality and swap and trim the surrounding edits.
try diffs.insert(
Diff.init(.equal, try allocator.dupe(u8, deletion[0..overlap_length2])),
diffs.items[@intCast(pointer - 1)].operation = .insert;
diffs.items[@intCast(pointer - 1)].text =
try allocator.dupe(u8, insertion[0 .. insertion.len - overlap_length2]);
diffs.items[@intCast(pointer + 1)].operation = .delete;
diffs.items[@intCast(pointer + 1)].text =
try allocator.dupe(u8, deletion[overlap_length2..]);
pointer += 1;
pointer += 1;
pointer += 1;
/// Look for single edits surrounded on both sides by equalities
/// which can be shifted sideways to align the edit to a word boundary.
/// e.g: The c<ins>at c</ins>ame. -> The <ins>cat </ins>came.
pub fn diffCleanupSemanticLossless(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
diffs: *DiffList,
) DiffError!void {
var pointer: usize = 1;
// Intentionally ignore the first and last element (don't need checking).
while (pointer < @as(isize, @intCast(diffs.items.len)) - 1) {
if (diffs.items[pointer - 1].operation == .equal and
diffs.items[pointer + 1].operation == .equal)
// This is a single edit surrounded by equalities.
var equality_1 = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer equality_1.deinit(allocator);
try equality_1.appendSlice(allocator, diffs.items[pointer - 1].text);
var edit = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer edit.deinit(allocator);
try edit.appendSlice(allocator, diffs.items[pointer].text);
var equality_2 = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer equality_2.deinit(allocator);
try equality_2.appendSlice(allocator, diffs.items[pointer + 1].text);
// First, shift the edit as far left as possible.
const common_offset = diffCommonSuffix(equality_1.items, edit.items);
if (common_offset > 0) {
// TODO: Use buffer
const common_string = try allocator.dupe(u8, edit.items[edit.items.len - common_offset ..]);
defer allocator.free(common_string);
equality_1.items.len = equality_1.items.len - common_offset;
// edit.items.len = edit.items.len - common_offset;
const not_common = try allocator.dupe(u8, edit.items[0 .. edit.items.len - common_offset]);
defer allocator.free(not_common);
edit.items.len = 0;
try edit.appendSlice(allocator, common_string);
try edit.appendSlice(allocator, not_common);
try equality_2.insertSlice(allocator, 0, common_string);
// Second, step character by character right,
// looking for the best fit.
var best_equality_1 = ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer best_equality_1.deinit(allocator);
try best_equality_1.appendSlice(allocator, equality_1.items);
var best_edit = ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer best_edit.deinit(allocator);
try best_edit.appendSlice(allocator, edit.items);
var best_equality_2 = ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer best_equality_2.deinit(allocator);
try best_equality_2.appendSlice(allocator, equality_2.items);
var best_score = diffCleanupSemanticScore(equality_1.items, edit.items) +
diffCleanupSemanticScore(edit.items, equality_2.items);
while (edit.items.len != 0 and equality_2.items.len != 0 and edit.items[0] == equality_2.items[0]) {
try equality_1.append(allocator, edit.items[0]);
_ = edit.orderedRemove(0);
try edit.append(allocator, equality_2.items[0]);
_ = equality_2.orderedRemove(0);
const score = diffCleanupSemanticScore(equality_1.items, edit.items) +
diffCleanupSemanticScore(edit.items, equality_2.items);
// The >= encourages trailing rather than leading whitespace on
// edits.
if (score >= best_score) {
best_score = score;
best_equality_1.items.len = 0;
try best_equality_1.appendSlice(allocator, equality_1.items);
best_edit.items.len = 0;
try best_edit.appendSlice(allocator, edit.items);
best_equality_2.items.len = 0;
try best_equality_2.appendSlice(allocator, equality_2.items);
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, diffs.items[pointer - 1].text, best_equality_1.items)) {
// We have an improvement, save it back to the diff.
if (best_equality_1.items.len != 0) {
diffs.items[pointer - 1].text = try allocator.dupe(u8, best_equality_1.items);
} else {
_ = diffs.orderedRemove(pointer - 1);
pointer -= 1;
diffs.items[pointer].text = try allocator.dupe(u8, best_edit.items);
if (best_equality_2.items.len != 0) {
diffs.items[pointer + 1].text = try allocator.dupe(u8, best_equality_2.items);
} else {
_ = diffs.orderedRemove(pointer + 1);
pointer -= 1;
pointer += 1;
/// Given two strings, compute a score representing whether the internal
/// boundary falls on logical boundaries.
/// Scores range from 6 (best) to 0 (worst).
/// @param one First string.
/// @param two Second string.
/// @return The score.
fn diffCleanupSemanticScore(one: []const u8, two: []const u8) usize {
if (one.len == 0 or two.len == 0) {
// Edges are the best.
return 6;
// Each port of this function behaves slightly differently due to
// subtle differences in each language's definition of things like
// 'whitespace'. Since this function's purpose is largely cosmetic,
// the choice has been made to use each language's native features
// rather than force total conformity.
const char1 = one[one.len - 1];
const char2 = two[0];
const nonAlphaNumeric1 = !std.ascii.isAlphanumeric(char1);
const nonAlphaNumeric2 = !std.ascii.isAlphanumeric(char2);
const whitespace1 = nonAlphaNumeric1 and std.ascii.isWhitespace(char1);
const whitespace2 = nonAlphaNumeric2 and std.ascii.isWhitespace(char2);
const lineBreak1 = whitespace1 and std.ascii.isControl(char1);
const lineBreak2 = whitespace2 and std.ascii.isControl(char2);
const blankLine1 = lineBreak1 and
// BLANKLINEEND.IsMatch(one);
(std.mem.endsWith(u8, one, "\n\n") or std.mem.endsWith(u8, one, "\n\r\n"));
const blankLine2 = lineBreak2 and
(std.mem.startsWith(u8, two, "\n\n") or
std.mem.startsWith(u8, two, "\r\n\n") or
std.mem.startsWith(u8, two, "\n\r\n") or
std.mem.startsWith(u8, two, "\r\n\r\n"));
if (blankLine1 or blankLine2) {
// Five points for blank lines.
return 5;
} else if (lineBreak1 or lineBreak2) {
// Four points for line breaks.
return 4;
} else if (nonAlphaNumeric1 and !whitespace1 and whitespace2) {
// Three points for end of sentences.
return 3;
} else if (whitespace1 or whitespace2) {
// Two points for whitespace.
return 2;
} else if (nonAlphaNumeric1 or nonAlphaNumeric2) {
// One point for non-alphanumeric.
return 1;
return 0;
// Define some regex patterns for matching boundaries.
// private Regex BLANKLINEEND = new Regex("\\n\\r?\\n\\Z");
// \n\n
// \n\r\n
// private Regex BLANKLINESTART = new Regex("\\A\\r?\\n\\r?\\n");
// \n\n
// \r\n\n
// \n\r\n
// \r\n\r\n
/// Reduce the number of edits by eliminating operationally trivial
/// equalities.
pub fn diffCleanupEfficiency(
dmp: DiffMatchPatch,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
diffs: *DiffList,
) DiffError!void {
var changes = false;
// Stack of indices where equalities are found.
var equalities = DiffList{};
// Always equal to equalities[equalitiesLength-1][1]
var last_equality = "";
var pointer: isize = 0; // Index of current position.
// Is there an insertion operation before the last equality.
var pre_ins = false;
// Is there a deletion operation before the last equality.
var pre_del = false;
// Is there an insertion operation after the last equality.
var post_ins = false;
// Is there a deletion operation after the last equality.
var post_del = false;
while (pointer < diffs.Count) {
if (diffs.items[pointer].operation == .equal) { // Equality found.
if (diffs.items[pointer].text.len < dmp.diff_edit_cost and (post_ins or post_del)) {
// Candidate found.
pre_ins = post_ins;
pre_del = post_del;
last_equality = diffs.items[pointer].text;
} else {
// Not a candidate, and can never become one.
equalities.items.len = 0;
last_equality = "";
post_ins = false;
post_del = false;
} else { // An insertion or deletion.
if (diffs.items[pointer].operation == .delete) {
post_del = true;
} else {
post_ins = true;
// Five types to be split:
// <ins>A</ins><del>B</del>XY<ins>C</ins><del>D</del>
// <ins>A</ins>X<ins>C</ins><del>D</del>
// <ins>A</ins><del>B</del>X<ins>C</ins>
// <ins>A</del>X<ins>C</ins><del>D</del>
// <ins>A</ins><del>B</del>X<del>C</del>
if ((last_equality.Length != 0) and
((pre_ins and pre_del and post_ins and post_del) or
((last_equality.Length < dmp.diff_edit_cost / 2) and
((if (pre_ins) 1 else 0) + (if (pre_del) 1 else 0) + (if (post_ins) 1 else 0) + (if (post_del) 1 else 0)) == 3)))
// Duplicate record.
try diffs.insert(
equalities.items[equalities.items.len - 1],
Diff.init(.delete, try allocator.dupe(u8, last_equality)),
// Change second copy to insert.
diffs.items[equalities.items[equalities.items.len - 1] + 1].operation = .insert;
_ = equalities.pop(); // Throw away the equality we just deleted.
last_equality = "";
if (pre_ins and pre_del) {
// No changes made which could affect previous entry, keep going.
post_ins = true;
post_del = true;
equalities.items.len = 0;
} else {
if (equalities.items.len > 0) {
_ = equalities.pop();
pointer = if (equalities.items.len > 0) equalities.items[equalities.items.len - 1] else -1;
post_ins = false;
post_del = false;
changes = true;
pointer += 1;
if (changes) {
try diffCleanupMerge(allocator, diffs);
/// Determine if the suffix of one string is the prefix of another.
/// @param text1 First string.
/// @param text2 Second string.
/// @return The number of characters common to the end of the first
/// string and the start of the second string.
fn diffCommonOverlap(text1_in: []const u8, text2_in: []const u8) usize {
var text1 = text1_in;
var text2 = text2_in;
// Cache the text lengths to prevent multiple calls.
const text1_length = text1.len;
const text2_length = text2.len;
// Eliminate the null case.
if (text1_length == 0 or text2_length == 0) {
return 0;
// Truncate the longer string.
if (text1_length > text2_length) {
text1 = text1[text1_length - text2_length ..];
} else if (text1_length < text2_length) {
text2 = text2[0..text1_length];
const text_length = @min(text1_length, text2_length);
// Quick check for the worst case.
if (std.mem.eql(u8, text1, text2)) {
return text_length;
// Start by looking for a single character match
// and increase length until no match is found.
// Performance analysis: https://neil.fraser.name/news/2010/11/04/
var best: usize = 0;
var length: usize = 1;
while (true) {
const pattern = text1[text_length - length ..];
const found = std.mem.indexOf(u8, text2, pattern) orelse
return best;
length += found;
if (found == 0 or std.mem.eql(u8, text1[text_length - length ..], text2[0..length])) {
best = length;
length += 1;
// pub fn main() void {
// var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
// defer arena.deinit();
// var bruh = default.diff(arena.allocator(), "Hello World.", "Goodbye World.", true);
// std.log.err("{any}", .{bruh});
// }
// test {
// var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(testing.allocator);
// defer arena.deinit();
// var bruh = try default.diff(arena.allocator(), "Hello World.", "Goodbye World.", true);
// try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &bruh);
// for (bruh.items) |b| {
// std.log.err("{any}", .{b});
// }
// // for (bruh.items) |b| {
// // std.log.err("{s} {s}", .{ switch (b.operation) {
// // .equal => "",
// // .insert => "+",
// // .delete => "-",
// // }, b.text });
// // }
// }
// TODO: Allocate all text in diffs to
// not cause segfault while freeing; not a problem
// at the moment because we don't free anything :P
test diffCommonPrefix {
// Detect any common suffix.
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), diffCommonPrefix("abc", "xyz")); // Null case
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), diffCommonPrefix("1234abcdef", "1234xyz")); // Non-null case
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), diffCommonPrefix("1234", "1234xyz")); // Whole case
test diffCommonSuffix {
// Detect any common suffix.
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), diffCommonSuffix("abc", "xyz")); // Null case
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), diffCommonSuffix("abcdef1234", "xyz1234")); // Non-null case
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), diffCommonSuffix("1234", "xyz1234")); // Whole case
test diffCommonOverlap {
// Detect any suffix/prefix overlap.
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), diffCommonOverlap("", "abcd")); // Null case
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), diffCommonOverlap("abc", "abcd")); // Whole case
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), diffCommonOverlap("123456", "abcd")); // No overlap
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), diffCommonOverlap("123456xxx", "xxxabcd")); // Overlap
// Some overly clever languages (C#) may treat ligatures as equal to their
// component letters. E.g. U+FB01 == 'fi'
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), diffCommonOverlap("fi", "\u{fb01}")); // Unicode
test diffHalfMatch {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(testing.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
var one_timeout = DiffMatchPatch{};
one_timeout.diff_timeout = 1;
try testing.expectEqual(
@as(?HalfMatchResult, null),
try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "1234567890", "abcdef"),
); // No match #1
try testing.expectEqual(
@as(?HalfMatchResult, null),
try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "12345", "23"),
); // No match #2
// Single matches
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as(?HalfMatchResult, HalfMatchResult{
.prefix_before = "12",
.suffix_before = "90",
.prefix_after = "a",
.suffix_after = "z",
.common_middle = "345678",
}), try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "1234567890", "a345678z")); // Single Match #1
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as(?HalfMatchResult, HalfMatchResult{
.prefix_before = "a",
.suffix_before = "z",
.prefix_after = "12",
.suffix_after = "90",
.common_middle = "345678",
}), try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "a345678z", "1234567890")); // Single Match #2
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as(?HalfMatchResult, HalfMatchResult{
.prefix_before = "abc",
.suffix_before = "z",
.prefix_after = "1234",
.suffix_after = "0",
.common_middle = "56789",
}), try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "abc56789z", "1234567890")); // Single Match #3
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as(?HalfMatchResult, HalfMatchResult{
.prefix_before = "a",
.suffix_before = "xyz",
.prefix_after = "1",
.suffix_after = "7890",
.common_middle = "23456",
}), try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "a23456xyz", "1234567890")); // Single Match #4
// Multiple matches
try testing.expectEqualDeep(
@as(?HalfMatchResult, HalfMatchResult{
.prefix_before = "12123",
.suffix_before = "123121",
.prefix_after = "a",
.suffix_after = "z",
.common_middle = "1234123451234",
try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "121231234123451234123121", "a1234123451234z"),
); // Multiple Matches #1
try testing.expectEqualDeep(
@as(?HalfMatchResult, HalfMatchResult{
.prefix_before = "",
.suffix_before = "-=-=-=-=-=",
.prefix_after = "x",
.suffix_after = "",
.common_middle = "x-=-=-=-=-=-=-=",
try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "x-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=", "xx-=-=-=-=-=-=-="),
); // Multiple Matches #2
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as(?HalfMatchResult, HalfMatchResult{
.prefix_before = "-=-=-=-=-=",
.suffix_before = "",
.prefix_after = "",
.suffix_after = "y",
.common_middle = "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=y",
}), try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=y", "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=yy")); // Multiple Matches #3
// Other cases
// Optimal diff would be -q+x=H-i+e=lloHe+Hu=llo-Hew+y not -qHillo+x=HelloHe-w+Hulloy
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as(?HalfMatchResult, HalfMatchResult{
.prefix_before = "qHillo",
.suffix_before = "w",
.prefix_after = "x",
.suffix_after = "Hulloy",
.common_middle = "HelloHe",
}), try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "qHilloHelloHew", "xHelloHeHulloy")); // Non-optimal halfmatch
one_timeout.diff_timeout = 0;
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as(?HalfMatchResult, null), try one_timeout.diffHalfMatch(arena.allocator(), "qHilloHelloHew", "xHelloHeHulloy")); // Non-optimal halfmatch
test diffLinesToChars {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(testing.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
// Convert lines down to characters.
var tmp_array_list = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena.allocator());
try tmp_array_list.append("");
try tmp_array_list.append("alpha\n");
try tmp_array_list.append("beta\n");
var result = try diffLinesToChars(arena.allocator(), "alpha\nbeta\nalpha\n", "beta\nalpha\nbeta\n");
try testing.expectEqualStrings("\u{0001}\u{0002}\u{0001}", result.chars_1); // Shared lines #1
try testing.expectEqualStrings("\u{0002}\u{0001}\u{0002}", result.chars_2); // Shared lines #2
try testing.expectEqualDeep(tmp_array_list.items, result.line_array.items); // Shared lines #3
tmp_array_list.items.len = 0;
try tmp_array_list.append("");
try tmp_array_list.append("alpha\r\n");
try tmp_array_list.append("beta\r\n");
try tmp_array_list.append("\r\n");
result = try diffLinesToChars(arena.allocator(), "", "alpha\r\nbeta\r\n\r\n\r\n");
try testing.expectEqualStrings("", result.chars_1); // Empty string and blank lines #1
try testing.expectEqualStrings("\u{0001}\u{0002}\u{0003}\u{0003}", result.chars_2); // Empty string and blank lines #2
try testing.expectEqualDeep(tmp_array_list.items, result.line_array.items); // Empty string and blank lines #3
tmp_array_list.items.len = 0;
try tmp_array_list.append("");
try tmp_array_list.append("a");
try tmp_array_list.append("b");
result = try diffLinesToChars(arena.allocator(), "a", "b");
try testing.expectEqualStrings("\u{0001}", result.chars_1); // No linebreaks #1.
try testing.expectEqualStrings("\u{0002}", result.chars_2); // No linebreaks #2.
try testing.expectEqualDeep(tmp_array_list.items, result.line_array.items); // No linebreaks #3.
// TODO: More than 256 to reveal any 8-bit limitations but this requires
// some unicode logic that I don't want to deal with
// TODO: Fix this
// const n: u8 = 255;
// tmp_array_list.items.len = 0;
// var line_list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(arena.allocator());
// var char_list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(arena.allocator());
// var i: u8 = 0;
// while (i < n) : (i += 1) {
// try tmp_array_list.append(&.{ i, '\n' });
// try line_list.appendSlice(&.{ i, '\n' });
// try char_list.append(i);
// }
// try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, n), tmp_array_list.items.len); // Test initialization fail #1
// try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, n), char_list.items.len); // Test initialization fail #2
// try tmp_array_list.insert(0, "");
// result = try diffLinesToChars(arena.allocator(), line_list.items, "");
// try testing.expectEqualStrings(char_list.items, result.chars_1);
// try testing.expectEqualStrings("", result.chars_2);
// try testing.expectEqualDeep(tmp_array_list.items, result.line_array.items);
test diffCharsToLines {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(testing.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
try testing.expect((Diff.init(.equal, "a")).eql(Diff.init(.equal, "a")));
try testing.expect(!(Diff.init(.insert, "a")).eql(Diff.init(.equal, "a")));
try testing.expect(!(Diff.init(.equal, "a")).eql(Diff.init(.equal, "b")));
try testing.expect(!(Diff.init(.equal, "a")).eql(Diff.init(.delete, "b")));
// Convert chars up to lines.
var diffs = std.ArrayList(Diff).init(arena.allocator());
try diffs.appendSlice(&.{
Diff{ .operation = .equal, .text = try arena.allocator().dupe(u8, "\u{0001}\u{0002}\u{0001}") },
Diff{ .operation = .insert, .text = try arena.allocator().dupe(u8, "\u{0002}\u{0001}\u{0002}") },
var tmp_vector = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena.allocator());
try tmp_vector.append("");
try tmp_vector.append("alpha\n");
try tmp_vector.append("beta\n");
try diffCharsToLines(arena.allocator(), diffs.items, tmp_vector.items);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
Diff.init(.equal, "alpha\nbeta\nalpha\n"),
Diff.init(.insert, "beta\nalpha\nbeta\n"),
}), diffs.items);
// TODO: Implement exhaustive tests
test diffCleanupMerge {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(testing.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
// Cleanup a messy diff.
var diffs = DiffList{};
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[0]Diff{}), diffs.items); // Null case
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "b" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "c" },
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "b" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "c" },
}), diffs.items); // No change case
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "b" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "c" },
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "abc" },
}), diffs.items); // Merge equalities
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "b" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "c" },
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "abc" },
}), diffs.items); // Merge deletions
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "b" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "c" },
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "abc" },
}), diffs.items); // Merge insertions
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "b" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "c" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "d" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "e" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "f" },
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "ac" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "bd" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "ef" },
}), diffs.items); // Merge interweave
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "abc" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "dc" },
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "d" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "b" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "c" },
}), diffs.items); // Prefix and suffix detection
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "x" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "abc" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "dc" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "y" },
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "xa" },
.{ .operation = .delete, .text = "d" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "b" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "cy" },
}), diffs.items); // Prefix and suffix detection with equalities
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "a" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "ba" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "c" },
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "ab" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "ac" },
}), diffs.items); // Slide edit left
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "c" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "ab" },
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "a" },
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
.{ .operation = .equal, .text = "ca" },
.{ .operation = .insert, .text = "ba" },
}), diffs.items); // Slide edit right
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
Diff.init(.equal, "a"),
Diff.init(.delete, "b"),
Diff.init(.equal, "c"),
Diff.init(.delete, "ac"),
Diff.init(.equal, "x"),
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
Diff.init(.delete, "abc"),
Diff.init(.equal, "acx"),
}), diffs.items); // Slide edit left recursive
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
Diff.init(.equal, "x"),
Diff.init(.delete, "ca"),
Diff.init(.equal, "c"),
Diff.init(.delete, "b"),
Diff.init(.equal, "a"),
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
Diff.init(.equal, "xca"),
Diff.init(.delete, "cba"),
}), diffs.items); // Slide edit right recursive
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
Diff.init(.delete, "b"),
Diff.init(.insert, "ab"),
Diff.init(.equal, "c"),
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
Diff.init(.insert, "a"),
Diff.init(.equal, "bc"),
}), diffs.items); // Empty merge
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &[_]Diff{
Diff.init(.equal, ""),
Diff.init(.insert, "a"),
Diff.init(.equal, "b"),
try diffCleanupMerge(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{
Diff.init(.insert, "a"),
Diff.init(.equal, "b"),
}), diffs.items); // Empty equality
test diffCleanupSemanticLossless {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(testing.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
var diffs = DiffList{};
try diffCleanupSemanticLossless(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[0]Diff{}), diffs.items); // Null case
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "AAA\r\n\r\nBBB"),
Diff.init(.insert, "\r\nDDD\r\n\r\nBBB"),
Diff.init(.equal, "\r\nEEE"),
try diffCleanupSemanticLossless(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "AAA\r\n\r\n"),
Diff.init(.insert, "BBB\r\nDDD\r\n\r\n"),
Diff.init(.equal, "BBB\r\nEEE"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "AAA\r\nBBB"),
Diff.init(.insert, " DDD\r\nBBB"),
Diff.init(.equal, " EEE"),
try diffCleanupSemanticLossless(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "AAA\r\n"),
Diff.init(.insert, "BBB DDD\r\n"),
Diff.init(.equal, "BBB EEE"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "The c"),
Diff.init(.insert, "ow and the c"),
Diff.init(.equal, "at."),
try diffCleanupSemanticLossless(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "The "),
Diff.init(.insert, "cow and the "),
Diff.init(.equal, "cat."),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "The-c"),
Diff.init(.insert, "ow-and-the-c"),
Diff.init(.equal, "at."),
try diffCleanupSemanticLossless(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "The-"),
Diff.init(.insert, "cow-and-the-"),
Diff.init(.equal, "cat."),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "a"),
Diff.init(.delete, "a"),
Diff.init(.equal, "ax"),
try diffCleanupSemanticLossless(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "a"),
Diff.init(.equal, "aax"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "xa"),
Diff.init(.delete, "a"),
Diff.init(.equal, "a"),
try diffCleanupSemanticLossless(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "xaa"),
Diff.init(.delete, "a"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "The xxx. The "),
Diff.init(.insert, "zzz. The "),
Diff.init(.equal, "yyy."),
try diffCleanupSemanticLossless(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "The xxx."),
Diff.init(.insert, " The zzz."),
Diff.init(.equal, " The yyy."),
}), diffs.items);
fn rebuildtexts(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, diffs: DiffList) ![2][]const u8 {
var text = [2]std.ArrayList(u8){
for (diffs.items) |myDiff| {
if (myDiff.operation != .insert) {
try text[0].appendSlice(myDiff.text);
if (myDiff.operation != .delete) {
try text[1].appendSlice(myDiff.text);
return .{
try text[0].toOwnedSlice(),
try text[1].toOwnedSlice(),
test diffBisect {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(talloc);
defer arena.deinit();
// Normal.
const a = "cat";
const b = "map";
// Since the resulting diff hasn't been normalized, it would be ok if
// the insertion and deletion pairs are swapped.
// If the order changes, tweak this test as required.
var diffs = DiffList{};
defer diffs.deinit(arena.allocator());
var this = default;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "c"),
Diff.init(.insert, "m"),
Diff.init(.equal, "a"),
Diff.init(.delete, "t"),
Diff.init(.insert, "p"),
// Travis TODO not sure if maxInt(u64) is correct for DateTime.MaxValue
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs, try this.diffBisect(arena.allocator(), a, b, std.math.maxInt(u64))); // Normal.
// Timeout.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "cat"),
Diff.init(.insert, "map"),
// Travis TODO not sure if 0 is correct for DateTime.MinValue
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs, try this.diffBisect(arena.allocator(), a, b, 0)); // Timeout.
const talloc = testing.allocator;
test diff {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(talloc);
defer arena.deinit();
// Perform a trivial diff.
var diffs = DiffList{};
defer diffs.deinit(arena.allocator());
var this = DiffMatchPatch{};
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "", "", false)).items); // diff: Null case.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{Diff.init(.equal, "abc")});
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "abc", "abc", false)).items); // diff: Equality.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.equal, "ab"), Diff.init(.insert, "123"), Diff.init(.equal, "c") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "abc", "ab123c", false)).items); // diff: Simple insertion.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.equal, "a"), Diff.init(.delete, "123"), Diff.init(.equal, "bc") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "a123bc", "abc", false)).items); // diff: Simple deletion.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.equal, "a"), Diff.init(.insert, "123"), Diff.init(.equal, "b"), Diff.init(.insert, "456"), Diff.init(.equal, "c") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "abc", "a123b456c", false)).items); // diff: Two insertions.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.equal, "a"), Diff.init(.delete, "123"), Diff.init(.equal, "b"), Diff.init(.delete, "456"), Diff.init(.equal, "c") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "a123b456c", "abc", false)).items); // diff: Two deletions.
// Perform a real diff.
// Switch off the timeout.
this.diff_timeout = 0;
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.delete, "a"), Diff.init(.insert, "b") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "a", "b", false)).items); // diff: Simple case #1.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.delete, "Apple"), Diff.init(.insert, "Banana"), Diff.init(.equal, "s are a"), Diff.init(.insert, "lso"), Diff.init(.equal, " fruit.") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "Apples are a fruit.", "Bananas are also fruit.", false)).items); // diff: Simple case #2.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.delete, "a"), Diff.init(.insert, "\u{0680}"), Diff.init(.equal, "x"), Diff.init(.delete, "\t"), Diff.init(.insert, "\x00") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "ax\t", "\u{0680}x\x00", false)).items); // diff: Simple case #3.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.delete, "1"), Diff.init(.equal, "a"), Diff.init(.delete, "y"), Diff.init(.equal, "b"), Diff.init(.delete, "2"), Diff.init(.insert, "xab") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "1ayb2", "abxab", false)).items); // diff: Overlap #1.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.insert, "xaxcx"), Diff.init(.equal, "abc"), Diff.init(.delete, "y") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "abcy", "xaxcxabc", false)).items); // diff: Overlap #2.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.delete, "ABCD"), Diff.init(.equal, "a"), Diff.init(.delete, "="), Diff.init(.insert, "-"), Diff.init(.equal, "bcd"), Diff.init(.delete, "="), Diff.init(.insert, "-"), Diff.init(.equal, "efghijklmnopqrs"), Diff.init(.delete, "EFGHIJKLMNOefg") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "ABCDa=bcd=efghijklmnopqrsEFGHIJKLMNOefg", "a-bcd-efghijklmnopqrs", false)).items); // diff: Overlap #3.
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{ Diff.init(.insert, " "), Diff.init(.equal, "a"), Diff.init(.insert, "nd"), Diff.init(.equal, " [[Pennsylvania]]"), Diff.init(.delete, " and [[New") });
try testing.expectEqualDeep(diffs.items, (try this.diff(arena.allocator(), "a [[Pennsylvania]] and [[New", " and [[Pennsylvania]]", false)).items); // diff: Large equality.
this.diff_timeout = 100; // 100ms
// Increase the text lengths by 1024 times to ensure a timeout.
const a = "`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\nDid gyre and gimble in the wabe:\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,\nAnd the mome raths outgrabe.\n" ** 1024;
const b = "I am the very model of a modern major general,\nI've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,\nI know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical,\nFrom Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical.\n" ** 1024;
const start_time = std.time.milliTimestamp();
_ = try this.diff(arena.allocator(), a, b, false); // Travis - TODO not sure what the third arg should be
const end_time = std.time.milliTimestamp();
// Test that we took at least the timeout period.
try testing.expect(this.diff_timeout <= end_time - start_time); // diff: Timeout min.
// Test that we didn't take forever (be forgiving).
// Theoretically this test could fail very occasionally if the
// OS task swaps or locks up for a second at the wrong moment.
try testing.expect((this.diff_timeout) * 10000 * 2 > end_time - start_time); // diff: Timeout max.
this.diff_timeout = 0;
// Test the linemode speedup.
// Must be long to pass the 100 char cutoff.
const a = "1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n";
const b = "abcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\nabcdefghij\n";
try testing.expectEqualDeep(try this.diff(arena.allocator(), a, b, true), try this.diff(arena.allocator(), a, b, false)); // diff: Simple line-mode.
const a = "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
const b = "abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij";
try testing.expectEqualDeep(try this.diff(arena.allocator(), a, b, true), try this.diff(arena.allocator(), a, b, false)); // diff: Single line-mode.
const a = "1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\n";
const b = "abcdefghij\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\nabcdefghij\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\nabcdefghij\n1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890\nabcdefghij\n";
const texts_linemode = try rebuildtexts(arena.allocator(), try this.diff(arena.allocator(), a, b, true));
defer {
const texts_textmode = try rebuildtexts(arena.allocator(), try this.diff(arena.allocator(), a, b, false));
defer {
try testing.expectEqualDeep(texts_textmode, texts_linemode); // diff: Overlap line-mode.
// Test null inputs -- not needed because nulls can't be passed in C#.
test diffCleanupSemantic {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(talloc);
defer arena.deinit();
// Cleanup semantically trivial equalities.
// Null case.
var diffs = DiffList{};
defer diffs.deinit(arena.allocator());
// var this = default;
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), diffs.items.len); // Null case
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "ab"),
Diff.init(.insert, "cd"),
Diff.init(.equal, "12"),
Diff.init(.delete, "e"),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // No elimination #1
Diff.init(.delete, "ab"),
Diff.init(.insert, "cd"),
Diff.init(.equal, "12"),
Diff.init(.delete, "e"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "abc"),
Diff.init(.insert, "ABC"),
Diff.init(.equal, "1234"),
Diff.init(.delete, "wxyz"),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // No elimination #2
Diff.init(.delete, "abc"),
Diff.init(.insert, "ABC"),
Diff.init(.equal, "1234"),
Diff.init(.delete, "wxyz"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "a"),
Diff.init(.equal, "b"),
Diff.init(.delete, "c"),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // Simple elimination
Diff.init(.delete, "abc"),
Diff.init(.insert, "b"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "ab"),
Diff.init(.equal, "cd"),
Diff.init(.delete, "e"),
Diff.init(.equal, "f"),
Diff.init(.insert, "g"),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // Backpass elimination
Diff.init(.delete, "abcdef"),
Diff.init(.insert, "cdfg"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.insert, "1"),
Diff.init(.equal, "A"),
Diff.init(.delete, "B"),
Diff.init(.insert, "2"),
Diff.init(.equal, "_"),
Diff.init(.insert, "1"),
Diff.init(.equal, "A"),
Diff.init(.delete, "B"),
Diff.init(.insert, "2"),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // Multiple elimination
Diff.init(.delete, "AB_AB"),
Diff.init(.insert, "1A2_1A2"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.equal, "The c"),
Diff.init(.delete, "ow and the c"),
Diff.init(.equal, "at."),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // Word boundaries
Diff.init(.equal, "The "),
Diff.init(.delete, "cow and the "),
Diff.init(.equal, "cat."),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "abcxx"),
Diff.init(.insert, "xxdef"),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // No overlap elimination
Diff.init(.delete, "abcxx"),
Diff.init(.insert, "xxdef"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "abcxxx"),
Diff.init(.insert, "xxxdef"),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // Overlap elimination
Diff.init(.delete, "abc"),
Diff.init(.equal, "xxx"),
Diff.init(.insert, "def"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "xxxabc"),
Diff.init(.insert, "defxxx"),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // Reverse overlap elimination
Diff.init(.insert, "def"),
Diff.init(.equal, "xxx"),
Diff.init(.delete, "abc"),
}), diffs.items);
diffs.items.len = 0;
try diffs.appendSlice(arena.allocator(), &.{
Diff.init(.delete, "abcd1212"),
Diff.init(.insert, "1212efghi"),
Diff.init(.equal, "----"),
Diff.init(.delete, "A3"),
Diff.init(.insert, "3BC"),
try diffCleanupSemantic(arena.allocator(), &diffs);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(@as([]const Diff, &[_]Diff{ // Two overlap eliminations
Diff.init(.delete, "abcd"),
Diff.init(.equal, "1212"),
Diff.init(.insert, "efghi"),
Diff.init(.equal, "----"),
Diff.init(.delete, "A"),
Diff.init(.equal, "3"),
Diff.init(.insert, "BC"),
}), diffs.items);