Matt Knight 4180534400
Use root build for chips, hals, and boards (#162)
The reason behind this change is that I'm unable to specify a chip, hal,
or board definition in a local project and that's a pattern that we
explicitly want to handle. This means packages must provide an absolute
path to their files, which is already done throughout our small

In the future I'd like to change the API so package creators or those
vendoring everything locally give a relative path.
2024-01-14 11:48:40 -08:00

980 lines
34 KiB

//! Some words on the build script here:
//! We cannot use a test runner here as we're building for freestanding.
//! This means we need to use addExecutable() instead of using
const std = @import("std");
const uf2 = @import("uf2");
// MicroZig Gen 2 Interface //
fn root() []const u8 {
return comptime (std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file) orelse ".");
const build_root = root();
const MicroZig = @This();
b: *std.Build,
self: *std.Build.Dependency,
/// Creates a new instance of the MicroZig build support.
/// This is necessary as we need to keep track of some internal state to prevent
/// duplicated work per firmware built.
pub fn init(b: *std.Build, dependency_name: []const u8) *MicroZig {
const mz = b.allocator.create(MicroZig) catch @panic("out of memory");
mz.* = MicroZig{
.b = b,
.self = b.dependency(dependency_name, .{}),
return mz;
/// This build script validates usage patterns we expect from MicroZig
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const uf2_dep = b.dependency("uf2", .{});
const build_test = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "build.zig" },
build_test.addAnonymousModule("uf2", .{
.source_file = .{ .cwd_relative = uf2_dep.builder.pathFromRoot("build.zig") },
const install_docs = b.addInstallDirectory(.{
.source_dir = build_test.getEmittedDocs(),
.install_dir = .prefix,
.install_subdir = "docs",
// const backings = @import("test/backings.zig");
// const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
// const minimal = addEmbeddedExecutable(b, .{
// .name = "minimal",
// .source_file = .{
// .path = comptime root_dir() ++ "/test/programs/minimal.zig",
// },
// .backing = backings.minimal,
// .optimize = optimize,
// });
// const has_hal = addEmbeddedExecutable(b, .{
// .name = "has_hal",
// .source_file = .{
// .path = comptime root_dir() ++ "/test/programs/has_hal.zig",
// },
// .backing = backings.has_hal,
// .optimize = optimize,
// });
// const has_board = addEmbeddedExecutable(b, .{
// .name = "has_board",
// .source_file = .{
// .path = comptime root_dir() ++ "/test/programs/has_board.zig",
// },
// .backing = backings.has_board,
// .optimize = optimize,
// });
// const core_tests = b.addTest(.{
// .root_source_file = .{
// .path = comptime root_dir() ++ "/src/core.zig",
// },
// .optimize = optimize,
// });
// const test_step = b.step("test", "build test programs");
// test_step.dependOn(&minimal.inner.step);
// test_step.dependOn(&has_hal.inner.step);
// test_step.dependOn(&has_board.inner.step);
// test_step.dependOn(&b.addRunArtifact(core_tests).step);
/// The resulting binary format for the firmware file.
/// A lot of embedded systems don't use plain ELF files, thus we provide means
/// to convert the resulting ELF into other common formats.
pub const BinaryFormat = union(enum) {
/// [Executable and Linkable Format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format), the standard output from the compiler.
/// A flat binary, contains only the loaded portions of the firmware with an unspecified base offset.
/// The [Intel HEX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_HEX) format, contains
/// an ASCII description of what memory to load where.
/// A [Device Firmware Upgrade](https://www.usb.org/sites/default/files/DFU_1.1.pdf) file.
/// The [USB Flashing Format (UF2)](https://github.com/microsoft/uf2) designed by Microsoft.
uf2: uf2.FamilyId,
/// The [firmware format](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esptool/en/latest/esp32/advanced-topics/firmware-image-format.html) used by the [esptool](https://github.com/espressif/esptool) bootloader.
/// Custom option for non-standard formats.
custom: *Custom,
/// Returns the standard extension for the resulting binary file.
pub fn getExtension(format: BinaryFormat) []const u8 {
return switch (format) {
.elf => ".elf",
.bin => ".bin",
.hex => ".hex",
.dfu => ".dfu",
.uf2 => ".uf2",
.esp => ".bin",
.custom => |c| c.extension,
pub const Custom = struct {
/// The standard extension of the format.
extension: []const u8,
/// A function that will convert a given `elf` file into the custom output format.
/// The `*Custom` format is passed so contextual information can be obtained by using
/// `@fieldParentPtr` to provide access to tooling.
convert: *const fn (*Custom, elf: std.Build.LazyPath) std.Build.LazyPath,
const Enum = std.meta.Tag(BinaryFormat);
const Context = struct {
pub fn hash(self: @This(), fmt: BinaryFormat) u32 {
_ = self;
var hasher = std.hash.XxHash32.init(0x1337_42_21);
switch (fmt) {
.elf, .bin, .hex, .dfu, .esp => |val| {
if (@TypeOf(val) != void) @compileError("Missing update: Context.hash now requires special care!");
.uf2 => |family_id| hasher.update(@tagName(family_id)),
.custom => |custom| hasher.update(std.mem.asBytes(custom)),
return hasher.final();
pub fn eql(self: @This(), fmt_a: BinaryFormat, fmt_b: BinaryFormat, index: usize) bool {
_ = self;
_ = index;
if (@as(BinaryFormat.Enum, fmt_a) != @as(BinaryFormat.Enum, fmt_b))
return false;
return switch (fmt_a) {
.elf, .bin, .hex, .dfu, .esp => |val| {
if (@TypeOf(val) != void) @compileError("Missing update: Context.eql now requires special care!");
return true;
.uf2 => |a| (a == fmt_b.uf2),
.custom => |a| (a == fmt_b.custom),
/// The CPU model a target uses.
/// The CPUs usually require special care on how to do interrupts, and getting an entry point.
/// MicroZig officially only supports the CPUs listed here, but other CPUs might be provided
/// via the `custom` field.
pub const CpuModel = union(enum) {
custom: *const Cpu,
pub fn getDescriptor(model: CpuModel) *const Cpu {
return switch (@as(std.meta.Tag(CpuModel), model)) {
inline else => |tag| &@field(cpus, @tagName(tag)),
.custom => model.custom,
/// A cpu descriptor.
pub const Cpu = struct {
/// Display name of the CPU.
name: []const u8,
/// Source file providing startup code and memory initialization routines.
source_file: std.build.LazyPath,
/// The compiler target we use to compile all the code.
target: std.zig.CrossTarget,
/// A descriptor for memory regions in a microcontroller.
pub const MemoryRegion = struct {
/// The type of the memory region for generating a proper linker script.
kind: Kind,
offset: u64,
length: u64,
pub const Kind = union(enum) {
/// This is a (normally) immutable memory region where the code is stored.
/// This is a mutable memory region for data storage.
/// This is a memory region that maps MMIO devices.
/// This is a memory region that exists, but is reserved and must not be used.
/// This is a memory region used for internal linking tasks required by the board support package.
private: PrivateRegion,
pub const PrivateRegion = struct {
/// The name of the memory region. Will not have an automatic numeric counter and must be unique.
name: []const u8,
/// Is the memory region executable?
executable: bool,
/// Is the memory region readable?
readable: bool,
/// Is the memory region writable?
writeable: bool,
/// Defines a custom microcontroller.
pub const Chip = struct {
/// The display name of the controller.
name: []const u8,
/// (optional) link to the documentation/vendor page of the controller.
url: ?[]const u8 = null,
/// The cpu model this controller uses.
cpu: CpuModel,
/// The provider for register definitions.
register_definition: union(enum) {
/// Use `regz` to create a zig file from a JSON schema.
json: std.Build.LazyPath,
/// Use `regz` to create a json file from a SVD schema.
svd: std.Build.LazyPath,
/// Use `regz` to create a zig file from an ATDF schema.
atdf: std.Build.LazyPath,
/// Use the provided file directly as the chip file.
zig: std.Build.LazyPath,
/// The memory regions that are present in this chip.
memory_regions: []const MemoryRegion,
/// Defines a hardware abstraction layer.
pub const HardwareAbstractionLayer = struct {
/// Root source file for this HAL.
source_file: std.Build.LazyPath,
/// Provides a description of a board.
/// Boards provide additional information to a chip and HAL package.
/// For example, they can list attached peripherials, external crystal frequencies,
/// flash sizes, ...
pub const BoardDefinition = struct {
/// Display name of the board
name: []const u8,
/// (optional) link to the documentation/vendor page of the board.
url: ?[]const u8 = null,
/// Provides the root file for the board definition.
source_file: std.Build.LazyPath,
/// The linker script used to link the firmware.
pub const LinkerScript = union(enum) {
/// Auto-generated linker script derived from the memory regions of the chip.
/// Externally defined linker script.
source_file: std.build.LazyPath,
/// A compilation target for MicroZig. Provides information about the chip,
/// hal, board and so on.
/// This is used instead of `std.zig.CrossTarget` to define a MicroZig Firmware.
pub const Target = struct {
/// The preferred binary format of this MicroZig target. If `null`, the user must
/// explicitly give the `.format` field during a call to `getEmittedBin()` or installation steps.
preferred_format: ?BinaryFormat,
/// The chip this target uses,
chip: Chip,
/// Usually, embedded projects are single-threaded and single-core applications. Platforms that
/// support multiple CPUs should set this to `false`.
single_threaded: bool = true,
/// Determines whether the compiler_rt package is bundled with the application or not.
/// This should always be true except for platforms where compiler_rt cannot be built right now.
bundle_compiler_rt: bool = true,
/// (optional) Provides a default hardware abstraction layer that is used.
/// If `null`, no `microzig.hal` will be available.
hal: ?HardwareAbstractionLayer = null,
/// (optional) Provides description of external hardware and connected devices
/// like oscillators and such.
/// This structure isn't used by MicroZig itself, but can be utilized from the HAL
/// if present.
board: ?BoardDefinition = null,
/// (optional) Provide a custom linker script for the hardware or define a custom generation.
linker_script: LinkerScript = .generated,
/// (optional) Further configures the created firmware depending on the chip and/or board settings.
/// This can be used to set/change additional properties on the created `*Firmware` object.
configure: ?*const fn (host_build: *std.Build, *Firmware) void = null,
/// (optional) Post processing step that will patch up and modify the elf file if necessary.
binary_post_process: ?*const fn (host_build: *std.Build, std.Build.LazyPath) std.Build.LazyPath = null,
/// Options to the `addFirmware` function.
pub const FirmwareOptions = struct {
/// The name of the firmware file.
name: []const u8,
/// The MicroZig target that the firmware is built for. Either a board or a chip.
target: Target,
/// The optimization level that should be used. Usually `ReleaseSmall` or `Debug` is a good choice.
/// Also using `std.Build.standardOptimizeOption` is a good idea.
optimize: std.builtin.OptimizeMode,
/// The root source file for the application. This is your `src/main.zig` file.
source_file: std.Build.LazyPath,
// Overrides:
/// If set, overrides the `single_threaded` property of the target.
single_threaded: ?bool = null,
/// If set, overrides the `bundle_compiler_rt` property of the target.
bundle_compiler_rt: ?bool = null,
/// If set, overrides the `hal` property of the target.
hal: ?HardwareAbstractionLayer = null,
/// If set, overrides the `board` property of the target.
board: ?BoardDefinition = null,
/// If set, overrides the `linker_script` property of the target.
linker_script: ?LinkerScript = null,
/// Declares a new MicroZig firmware file.
pub fn addFirmware(
/// The MicroZig instance that should be used to create the firmware.
mz: *MicroZig,
/// The instance of the `build.zig` that is calling this function.
host_build: *std.Build,
/// Options that define how the firmware is built.
options: FirmwareOptions,
) *Firmware {
const micro_build = mz.self.builder;
const chip = &options.target.chip;
const cpu = chip.cpu.getDescriptor();
const maybe_hal = options.hal orelse options.target.hal;
const maybe_board = options.board orelse options.target.board;
const linker_script = options.linker_script orelse options.target.linker_script;
// TODO: let the user override which ram section to use the stack on,
// for now just using the first ram section in the memory region list
const first_ram = blk: {
for (chip.memory_regions) |region| {
if (region.kind == .ram)
break :blk region;
} else @panic("no ram memory region found for setting the end-of-stack address");
// On demand, generate chip definitions via regz:
const chip_source = switch (chip.register_definition) {
.json, .atdf, .svd => |file| blk: {
const regz_exe = mz.dependency("regz", .{ .optimize = .ReleaseSafe }).artifact("regz");
const regz_gen = host_build.addRunArtifact(regz_exe);
regz_gen.addArg("--schema"); // Explicitly set schema type, one of: svd, atdf, json
regz_gen.addArg("--output_path"); // Write to a file
const zig_file = regz_gen.addOutputFileArg("chip.zig");
break :blk zig_file;
.zig => |src| src,
const config = host_build.addOptions();
config.addOption(bool, "has_hal", (maybe_hal != null));
config.addOption(bool, "has_board", (maybe_board != null));
config.addOption(?[]const u8, "board_name", if (maybe_board) |brd| brd.name else null);
config.addOption([]const u8, "chip_name", chip.name);
config.addOption([]const u8, "cpu_name", chip.name);
config.addOption(usize, "end_of_stack", first_ram.offset + first_ram.length);
const fw: *Firmware = host_build.allocator.create(Firmware) catch @panic("out of memory");
fw.* = Firmware{
.mz = mz,
.host_build = host_build,
.artifact = host_build.addExecutable(.{
.name = options.name,
.optimize = options.optimize,
.target = cpu.target,
.linkage = .static,
.root_source_file = .{ .cwd_relative = mz.self.builder.pathFromRoot("src/start.zig") },
.target = options.target,
.output_files = Firmware.OutputFileMap.init(host_build.allocator),
.config = config,
.modules = .{
.microzig = micro_build.createModule(.{
.source_file = .{ .cwd_relative = micro_build.pathFromRoot("src/microzig.zig") },
.dependencies = &.{
.name = "config",
.module = micro_build.createModule(.{ .source_file = config.getSource() }),
.cpu = undefined,
.chip = undefined,
.board = null,
.hal = null,
.app = undefined,
errdefer fw.output_files.deinit();
fw.modules.chip = mz.b.createModule(.{
.source_file = chip_source,
.dependencies = &.{
.{ .name = "microzig", .module = fw.modules.microzig },
fw.modules.microzig.dependencies.put("chip", fw.modules.chip) catch @panic("out of memory");
fw.modules.cpu = mz.b.createModule(.{
.source_file = cpu.source_file,
.dependencies = &.{
.{ .name = "microzig", .module = fw.modules.microzig },
fw.modules.microzig.dependencies.put("cpu", fw.modules.cpu) catch @panic("out of memory");
if (maybe_hal) |hal| {
fw.modules.hal = mz.b.createModule(.{
.source_file = hal.source_file,
.dependencies = &.{
.{ .name = "microzig", .module = fw.modules.microzig },
fw.modules.microzig.dependencies.put("hal", fw.modules.hal.?) catch @panic("out of memory");
if (maybe_board) |brd| {
fw.modules.board = mz.b.createModule(.{
.source_file = brd.source_file,
.dependencies = &.{
.{ .name = "microzig", .module = fw.modules.microzig },
fw.modules.microzig.dependencies.put("board", fw.modules.board.?) catch @panic("out of memory");
fw.modules.app = host_build.createModule(.{
.source_file = options.source_file,
.dependencies = &.{
.{ .name = "microzig", .module = fw.modules.microzig },
const umm = mz.dependency("umm-zig", .{}).module("umm");
fw.modules.microzig.dependencies.put("umm", umm) catch @panic("out of memory");
fw.artifact.addModule("app", fw.modules.app);
fw.artifact.addModule("microzig", fw.modules.microzig);
fw.artifact.strip = false; // we always want debug symbols, stripping brings us no benefit on embedded
fw.artifact.single_threaded = options.single_threaded orelse fw.target.single_threaded;
fw.artifact.bundle_compiler_rt = options.bundle_compiler_rt orelse fw.target.bundle_compiler_rt;
switch (linker_script) {
.generated => {
generateLinkerScript(host_build, chip.*) catch @panic("out of memory"),
.source_file => |source| {
if (options.target.configure) |configure| {
configure(host_build, fw);
return fw;
/// Configuration options for firmware installation.
pub const InstallFirmwareOptions = struct {
/// Overrides the output format for the binary. If not set, the standard preferred file format for the firmware target is used.
format: ?BinaryFormat = null,
/// Adds a new dependency to the `install` step that will install the `firmware` into the folder `$prefix/firmware`.
pub fn installFirmware(
/// The MicroZig instance that was used to create the firmware.
mz: *MicroZig,
/// The instance of the `build.zig` that should perform installation.
b: *std.Build,
/// The firmware that should be installed. Please make sure that this was created with the same `MicroZig` instance as `mz`.
firmware: *Firmware,
/// Optional configuration of the installation process. Pass `.{}` if you're not sure what to do here.
options: InstallFirmwareOptions,
) void {
std.debug.assert(mz == firmware.mz);
const install_step = addInstallFirmware(mz, b, firmware, options);
/// Creates a new `std.Build.Step.InstallFile` instance that will install the given firmware to `$prefix/firmware`.
/// **NOTE:** This does not actually install the firmware yet. You have to add the returned step as a dependency to another step.
/// If you want to just install the firmware, use `installFirmware` instead!
pub fn addInstallFirmware(
/// The MicroZig instance that was used to create the firmware.
mz: *MicroZig,
/// The instance of the `build.zig` that should perform installation.
b: *std.Build,
/// The firmware that should be installed. Please make sure that this was created with the same `MicroZig` instance as `mz`.
firmware: *Firmware,
/// Optional configuration of the installation process. Pass `.{}` if you're not sure what to do here.
options: InstallFirmwareOptions,
) *std.Build.Step.InstallFile {
const format = firmware.resolveFormat(options.format);
const basename = b.fmt("{s}{s}", .{
_ = mz;
return b.addInstallFileWithDir(firmware.getEmittedBin(format), .{ .custom = "firmware" }, basename);
/// Declaration of a firmware build.
pub const Firmware = struct {
const OutputFileMap = std.ArrayHashMap(BinaryFormat, std.Build.LazyPath, BinaryFormat.Context, false);
const Modules = struct {
app: *std.Build.Module,
cpu: *std.Build.Module,
chip: *std.Build.Module,
board: ?*std.Build.Module,
hal: ?*std.Build.Module,
microzig: *std.Build.Module,
// privates:
mz: *MicroZig,
host_build: *std.Build,
target: Target,
output_files: OutputFileMap,
// publics:
/// The artifact that is built by Zig.
artifact: *std.Build.Step.Compile,
/// The options step that provides `microzig.config`. If you need custom configuration, you can add this here.
config: *std.Build.Step.Options,
/// Declaration of the MicroZig modules used by this firmware.
modules: Modules,
/// Path to the emitted elf file, if any.
emitted_elf: ?std.Build.LazyPath = null,
/// Returns the emitted ELF file for this firmware. This is useful if you need debug information
/// or want to use a debugger like Segger, ST-Link or similar.
/// **NOTE:** This is similar, but not equivalent to `std.Build.Step.Compile.getEmittedBin`. The call on the compile step does
/// not include post processing of the ELF files necessary by certain targets.
pub fn getEmittedElf(firmware: *Firmware) std.Build.LazyPath {
if (firmware.emitted_elf == null) {
const raw_elf = firmware.artifact.getEmittedBin();
firmware.emitted_elf = if (firmware.target.binary_post_process) |binary_post_process|
binary_post_process(firmware.host_build, raw_elf)
return firmware.emitted_elf.?;
/// Returns the emitted binary for this firmware. The file is either in the preferred file format for
/// the target or in `format` if not null.
/// **NOTE:** The file returned here is the same file that will be installed.
pub fn getEmittedBin(firmware: *Firmware, format: ?BinaryFormat) std.Build.LazyPath {
const actual_format = firmware.resolveFormat(format);
const gop = firmware.output_files.getOrPut(actual_format) catch @panic("out of memory");
if (!gop.found_existing) {
const elf_file = firmware.getEmittedElf();
const basename = firmware.host_build.fmt("{s}{s}", .{
gop.value_ptr.* = switch (actual_format) {
.elf => elf_file,
.bin => blk: {
const objcopy = firmware.host_build.addObjCopy(elf_file, .{
.basename = basename,
.format = .bin,
break :blk objcopy.getOutput();
.hex => blk: {
const objcopy = firmware.host_build.addObjCopy(elf_file, .{
.basename = basename,
.format = .hex,
break :blk objcopy.getOutput();
.uf2 => |family_id| blk: {
const uf2_exe = firmware.mz.dependency("uf2", .{ .optimize = .ReleaseSafe }).artifact("elf2uf2");
const convert = firmware.host_build.addRunArtifact(uf2_exe);
convert.addArg(firmware.host_build.fmt("0x{X:0>4}", .{@intFromEnum(family_id)}));
break :blk convert.addOutputFileArg(basename);
.dfu => buildConfigError(firmware.host_build, "DFU is not implemented yet. See https://github.com/ZigEmbeddedGroup/microzig/issues/145 for more details!", .{}),
.esp => buildConfigError(firmware.host_build, "ESP firmware image is not implemented yet. See https://github.com/ZigEmbeddedGroup/microzig/issues/146 for more details!", .{}),
.custom => |generator| generator.convert(generator, elf_file),
return gop.value_ptr.*;
pub const AppDependencyOptions = struct {
depend_on_microzig: bool = false,
/// Adds a regular dependency to your application.
pub fn addAppDependency(fw: *Firmware, name: []const u8, module: *std.Build.Module, options: AppDependencyOptions) void {
if (options.depend_on_microzig) {
module.dependencies.put("microzig", fw.modules.microzig) catch @panic("OOM");
fw.modules.app.dependencies.put(name, module) catch @panic("OOM");
pub fn addIncludePath(fw: *Firmware, path: std.Build.LazyPath) void {
pub fn addSystemIncludePath(fw: *Firmware, path: std.Build.LazyPath) void {
pub fn addCSourceFile(fw: *Firmware, source: std.Build.Step.Compile.CSourceFile) void {
pub fn addOptions(fw: *Firmware, module_name: []const u8, options: *std.Build.OptionsStep) void {
fw.artifact.addOptions(module_name, options);
.source_file = options.getOutput(),
) catch @panic("OOM");
pub fn addObjectFile(fw: *Firmware, source: std.Build.LazyPath) void {
fn resolveFormat(firmware: *Firmware, format: ?BinaryFormat) BinaryFormat {
if (format) |fmt| return fmt;
if (firmware.target.preferred_format) |fmt| return fmt;
buildConfigError(firmware.host_build, "{s} has no preferred output format, please provide one in the `format` option.", .{
pub const cpus = struct {
pub const avr5 = Cpu{
.name = "AVR5",
.source_file = .{ .path = build_root ++ "/src/cpus/avr5.zig" },
.target = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .avr,
.cpu_model = .{ .explicit = &std.Target.avr.cpu.avr5 },
.os_tag = .freestanding,
.abi = .eabi,
pub const cortex_m0 = Cpu{
.name = "ARM Cortex-M0",
.source_file = .{ .path = build_root ++ "/src/cpus/cortex-m.zig" },
.target = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .thumb,
.cpu_model = .{ .explicit = &std.Target.arm.cpu.cortex_m0 },
.os_tag = .freestanding,
.abi = .eabi,
pub const cortex_m0plus = Cpu{
.name = "ARM Cortex-M0+",
.source_file = .{ .path = build_root ++ "/src/cpus/cortex-m.zig" },
.target = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .thumb,
.cpu_model = .{ .explicit = &std.Target.arm.cpu.cortex_m0plus },
.os_tag = .freestanding,
.abi = .eabi,
pub const cortex_m3 = Cpu{
.name = "ARM Cortex-M3",
.source_file = .{ .path = build_root ++ "/src/cpus/cortex-m.zig" },
.target = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .thumb,
.cpu_model = .{ .explicit = &std.Target.arm.cpu.cortex_m3 },
.os_tag = .freestanding,
.abi = .eabi,
pub const cortex_m4 = Cpu{
.name = "ARM Cortex-M4",
.source_file = .{ .path = build_root ++ "/src/cpus/cortex-m.zig" },
.target = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .thumb,
.cpu_model = .{ .explicit = &std.Target.arm.cpu.cortex_m4 },
.os_tag = .freestanding,
.abi = .eabi,
pub const riscv32_imac = Cpu{
.name = "RISC-V 32-bit",
.source_file = .{ .path = build_root ++ "/src/cpus/riscv32.zig" },
.target = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .riscv32,
.cpu_model = .{ .explicit = &std.Target.riscv.cpu.sifive_e21 },
.os_tag = .freestanding,
.abi = .none,
fn buildConfigError(b: *std.Build, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn {
const msg = b.fmt(fmt, args);
fn dependency(mz: *MicroZig, name: []const u8, args: anytype) *std.Build.Dependency {
return mz.self.builder.dependency(name, args);
fn generateLinkerScript(b: *std.Build, chip: Chip) !std.Build.LazyPath {
const cpu = chip.cpu.getDescriptor();
var contents = std.ArrayList(u8).init(b.allocator);
const writer = contents.writer();
try writer.print(
\\ * This file was auto-generated by microzig
\\ *
\\ * Target CPU: {[cpu]s}
\\ * Target Chip: {[chip]s}
\\ */
// This is not the "true" entry point, but there's no such thing on embedded platforms
// anyways. This is the logical entrypoint that should be invoked when
// stack, .data and .bss are set up and the CPU is ready to be used.
, .{
.cpu = cpu.name,
.chip = chip.name,
try writer.writeAll("MEMORY\n{\n");
var counters = [4]usize{ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for (chip.memory_regions) |region| {
// flash (rx!w) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 512k
switch (region.kind) {
.flash => {
try writer.print(" flash{d} (rx!w)", .{counters[0]});
counters[0] += 1;
.ram => {
try writer.print(" ram{d} (rw!x)", .{counters[1]});
counters[1] += 1;
.io => {
try writer.print(" io{d} (rw!x)", .{counters[2]});
counters[2] += 1;
.reserved => {
try writer.print(" reserved{d} (rw!x)", .{counters[3]});
counters[3] += 1;
.private => |custom| {
try writer.print(" {s} (", .{custom.name});
if (custom.readable) try writer.writeAll("r");
if (custom.writeable) try writer.writeAll("w");
if (custom.executable) try writer.writeAll("x");
if (!custom.readable or !custom.writeable or !custom.executable) {
try writer.writeAll("!");
if (!custom.readable) try writer.writeAll("r");
if (!custom.writeable) try writer.writeAll("w");
if (!custom.executable) try writer.writeAll("x");
try writer.writeAll(")");
try writer.print(" : ORIGIN = 0x{X:0>8}, LENGTH = 0x{X:0>8}\n", .{ region.offset, region.length });
try writer.writeAll("}\n\nSECTIONS\n{\n");
try writer.writeAll(
\\ .text :
\\ {
\\ KEEP(*(microzig_flash_start))
\\ *(.text*)
\\ } > flash0
switch (cpu.target.getCpuArch()) {
.arm, .thumb => try writer.writeAll(
\\ .ARM.exidx : {
\\ *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
\\ } >flash0
else => {},
try writer.writeAll(
\\ .data :
\\ {
\\ microzig_data_start = .;
\\ *(.rodata*)
\\ *(.data*)
\\ microzig_data_end = .;
\\ } > ram0 AT> flash0
\\ .bss (NOLOAD) :
\\ {
\\ microzig_bss_start = .;
\\ *(.bss*)
\\ microzig_bss_end = .;
\\ } > ram0
\\ microzig_data_load_start = LOADADDR(.data);
try writer.writeAll("}\n");
// TODO: Assert that the flash can actually hold all data!
// try writer.writeAll(
// \\
// \\ ASSERT( (SIZEOF(.text) + SIZEOF(.data) > LENGTH(flash0)), "Error: .text + .data is too large for flash!" );
// \\
// );
const write = b.addWriteFiles();
return write.add("linker.ld", contents.items);