2019-12-01 23:20:09 -08:00

80 lines
2.1 KiB

const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const heap = std.heap;
const mem = std.mem;
const process = std.process;
/// An example of what methods should be implemented on an arg iterator.
pub const ExampleArgIterator = struct {
const Error = error{};
pub fn next(iter: *ExampleArgIterator) Error!?[]const u8 {
return "2";
/// An argument iterator which iterates over a slice of arguments.
/// This implementation does not allocate.
pub const SliceIterator = struct {
const Error = error{};
args: []const []const u8,
index: usize = 0,
pub fn next(iter: *SliceIterator) Error!?[]const u8 {
if (iter.args.len <= iter.index)
return null;
defer iter.index += 1;
return iter.args[iter.index];
test "clap.args.SliceIterator" {
const args = &[_][]const u8{ "A", "BB", "CCC" };
var iter = SliceIterator{ .args = args };
for (args) |a| {
const b = try iter.next();
debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, a, b.?));
/// An argument iterator which wraps the ArgIterator in ::std.
/// On windows, this iterator allocates.
pub const OsIterator = struct {
const Error = process.ArgIterator.NextError;
arena: heap.ArenaAllocator,
args: process.ArgIterator,
/// The executable path (this is the first argument passed to the program)
/// TODO: Is it the right choice for this to be null? Maybe `init` should
/// return an error when we have no exe.
exe_arg: ?[]const u8,
pub fn init(allocator: *mem.Allocator) Error!OsIterator {
var res = OsIterator{
.arena = heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.args = process.args(),
.exe_arg = undefined,
res.exe_arg = try res.next();
return res;
pub fn deinit(iter: *OsIterator) void {
pub fn next(iter: *OsIterator) Error!?[]const u8 {
if (builtin.os == builtin.Os.windows) {
return try iter.args.next(&iter.arena.allocator) orelse return null;
} else {
return iter.args.nextPosix();