2021-05-26 21:06:10 +02:00

47 lines
1.8 KiB

const clap = @import("clap");
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const io = std.io;
pub fn main() !void {
const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
// First we specify what parameters our program can take.
// We can use `parseParam` to parse a string to a `Param(Help)`
const params = comptime [_]clap.Param(clap.Help){
clap.parseParam("-h, --help Display this help and exit. ") catch unreachable,
clap.parseParam("-n, --number <NUM> An option parameter, which takes a value.") catch unreachable,
clap.parseParam("-s, --string <STR>... An option parameter which can be specified multiple times.") catch unreachable,
clap.parseParam("<POS>...") catch unreachable,
// We then initialize an argument iterator. We will use the OsIterator as it nicely
// wraps iterating over arguments the most efficient way on each os.
var iter = try clap.args.OsIterator.init(allocator);
defer iter.deinit();
// Initalize our diagnostics, which can be used for reporting useful errors.
// This is optional. You can also pass `.{}` to `clap.parse` if you don't
// care about the extra information `Diagnostics` provides.
var diag = clap.Diagnostic{};
var args = clap.parseEx(clap.Help, &params, &iter, .{
.allocator = allocator,
.diagnostic = &diag,
}) catch |err| {
// Report useful error and exit
diag.report(io.getStdErr().writer(), err) catch {};
return err;
defer args.deinit();
if (args.flag("--help"))
debug.warn("--help\n", .{});
if (args.option("--number")) |n|
debug.warn("--number = {s}\n", .{n});
for (args.options("--string")) |s|
debug.warn("--string = {s}\n", .{s});
for (args.positionals()) |pos|
debug.warn("{s}\n", .{pos});