2020-09-06 17:31:27 +02:00

636 lines
20 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const io = std.io;
const mem = std.mem;
const testing = std.testing;
pub const args = @import("clap/args.zig");
test "clap" {
_ = args;
_ = ComptimeClap;
_ = StreamingClap;
pub const ComptimeClap = @import("clap/comptime.zig").ComptimeClap;
pub const StreamingClap = @import("clap/streaming.zig").StreamingClap;
/// The names a ::Param can have.
pub const Names = struct {
/// '-' prefix
short: ?u8 = null,
/// '--' prefix
long: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub const Values = enum {
/// Represents a parameter for the command line.
/// Parameters come in three kinds:
/// * Short ("-a"): Should be used for the most commonly used parameters in your program.
/// * They can take a value three different ways.
/// * "-a value"
/// * "-a=value"
/// * "-avalue"
/// * They chain if they don't take values: "-abc".
/// * The last given parameter can take a value in the same way that a single parameter can:
/// * "-abc value"
/// * "-abc=value"
/// * "-abcvalue"
/// * Long ("--long-param"): Should be used for less common parameters, or when no single character
/// can describe the paramter.
/// * They can take a value two different ways.
/// * "--long-param value"
/// * "--long-param=value"
/// * Positional: Should be used as the primary parameter of the program, like a filename or
/// an expression to parse.
/// * Positional parameters have both names.long and names.short == null.
/// * Positional parameters must take a value.
pub fn Param(comptime Id: type) type {
return struct {
id: Id = Id{},
names: Names = Names{},
takes_value: Values = .None,
/// Takes a string and parses it to a Param(Help).
/// This is the reverse of 'help' but for at single parameter only.
pub fn parseParam(line: []const u8) !Param(Help) {
var z: usize = 0;
var res = Param(Help){
.id = Help{
// For testing, i want to be able to easily compare slices just by pointer,
// so I slice by a runtime value here, so that zig does not optimize this
// out. Maybe I should write the test better, geeh.
.msg = line[z..z],
.value = line[z..z],
var it = mem.tokenize(line, " \t");
var param_str = it.next() orelse return error.NoParamFound;
if (!mem.startsWith(u8, param_str, "--") and mem.startsWith(u8, param_str, "-")) {
const found_comma = param_str[param_str.len - 1] == ',';
if (found_comma)
param_str = param_str[0 .. param_str.len - 1];
if (param_str.len != 2)
return error.InvalidShortParam;
res.names.short = param_str[1];
if (!found_comma) {
var help_msg = it.rest();
if (it.next()) |next| blk: {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, next, "<")) {
const start = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, help_msg, '<').? + 1;
const len = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, help_msg[start..], '>') orelse break :blk;
res.id.value = help_msg[start..][0..len];
if (mem.startsWith(u8, help_msg[start + len + 1 ..], "...")) {
res.takes_value = .Many;
help_msg = help_msg[start + len + 1 + 3 ..];
} else {
res.takes_value = .One;
help_msg = help_msg[start + len + 1 ..];
res.id.msg = mem.trim(u8, help_msg, " \t");
return res;
param_str = it.next() orelse return error.NoParamFound;
if (mem.startsWith(u8, param_str, "--")) {
res.names.long = param_str[2..];
if (param_str[param_str.len - 1] == ',')
return error.TrailingComma;
var help_msg = it.rest();
if (it.next()) |next| blk: {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, next, "<")) {
const start = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, help_msg, '<').? + 1;
const len = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, help_msg[start..], '>') orelse break :blk;
res.id.value = help_msg[start..][0..len];
if (mem.startsWith(u8, help_msg[start + len + 1 ..], "...")) {
res.takes_value = .Many;
help_msg = help_msg[start + len + 1 + 3 ..];
} else {
res.takes_value = .One;
help_msg = help_msg[start + len + 1 ..];
res.id.msg = mem.trim(u8, help_msg, " \t");
return res;
return error.NoParamFound;
test "parseParam" {
var z: usize = 0;
var text: []const u8 = "-s, --long <value> Help text";
.id = Help{
.msg = find(text, "Help text"),
.value = find(text, "value"),
.names = Names{
.short = 's',
.long = find(text, "long"),
.takes_value = .One,
}, try parseParam(text));
text = "-s, --long <value>... Help text";
.id = Help{
.msg = find(text, "Help text"),
.value = find(text, "value"),
.names = Names{
.short = 's',
.long = find(text, "long"),
.takes_value = .Many,
}, try parseParam(text));
text = "--long <value> Help text";
.id = Help{
.msg = find(text, "Help text"),
.value = find(text, "value"),
.names = Names{
.short = null,
.long = find(text, "long"),
.takes_value = .One,
}, try parseParam(text));
text = "-s <value> Help text";
.id = Help{
.msg = find(text, "Help text"),
.value = find(text, "value"),
.names = Names{
.short = 's',
.long = null,
.takes_value = .One,
}, try parseParam(text));
text = "-s, --long Help text";
.id = Help{
.msg = find(text, "Help text"),
.value = text[z..z],
.names = Names{
.short = 's',
.long = find(text, "long"),
.takes_value = .None,
}, try parseParam(text));
text = "-s Help text";
.id = Help{
.msg = find(text, "Help text"),
.value = text[z..z],
.names = Names{
.short = 's',
.long = null,
.takes_value = .None,
}, try parseParam(text));
text = "--long Help text";
.id = Help{
.msg = find(text, "Help text"),
.value = text[z..z],
.names = Names{
.short = null,
.long = find(text, "long"),
.takes_value = .None,
}, try parseParam(text));
text = "--long <A | B> Help text";
.id = Help{
.msg = find(text, "Help text"),
.value = find(text, "A | B"),
.names = Names{
.short = null,
.long = find(text, "long"),
.takes_value = .One,
}, try parseParam(text));
testing.expectError(error.NoParamFound, parseParam("Help"));
testing.expectError(error.TrailingComma, parseParam("--long, Help"));
testing.expectError(error.NoParamFound, parseParam("-s, Help"));
testing.expectError(error.InvalidShortParam, parseParam("-ss Help"));
testing.expectError(error.InvalidShortParam, parseParam("-ss <value> Help"));
testing.expectError(error.InvalidShortParam, parseParam("- Help"));
fn find(str: []const u8, f: []const u8) []const u8 {
const i = mem.indexOf(u8, str, f).?;
return str[i..][0..f.len];
pub fn Args(comptime Id: type, comptime params: []const Param(Id)) type {
return struct {
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
clap: ComptimeClap(Id, params),
exe_arg: ?[]const u8,
pub fn deinit(a: *@This()) void {
pub fn flag(a: @This(), comptime name: []const u8) bool {
return a.clap.flag(name);
pub fn option(a: @This(), comptime name: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
return a.clap.option(name);
pub fn allOptions(a: @This(), comptime name: []const u8) [][]const u8 {
return a.clap.allOptions(name);
pub fn positionals(a: @This()) []const []const u8 {
return a.clap.positionals();
/// Parses the command line arguments passed into the program based on an
/// array of `Param`s.
pub fn parse(
comptime Id: type,
comptime params: []const Param(Id),
allocator: *mem.Allocator,
) !Args(Id, params) {
var iter = try args.OsIterator.init(allocator);
const clap = try ComptimeClap(Id, params).parse(allocator, args.OsIterator, &iter);
return Args(Id, params){
.arena = iter.arena,
.clap = clap,
.exe_arg = iter.exe_arg,
/// Will print a help message in the following format:
/// -s, --long <valueText> helpText
/// -s, helpText
/// -s <valueText> helpText
/// --long helpText
/// --long <valueText> helpText
pub fn helpFull(
stream: var,
comptime Id: type,
params: []const Param(Id),
comptime Error: type,
context: var,
helpText: fn (@TypeOf(context), Param(Id)) Error![]const u8,
valueText: fn (@TypeOf(context), Param(Id)) Error![]const u8,
) !void {
const max_spacing = blk: {
var res: usize = 0;
for (params) |param| {
var counting_stream = io.countingOutStream(io.null_out_stream);
try printParam(counting_stream.outStream(), Id, param, Error, context, valueText);
if (res < counting_stream.bytes_written)
res = @intCast(usize, counting_stream.bytes_written);
break :blk res;
for (params) |param| {
if (param.names.short == null and param.names.long == null)
var counting_stream = io.countingOutStream(stream);
try stream.print("\t", .{});
try printParam(counting_stream.outStream(), Id, param, Error, context, valueText);
try stream.writeByteNTimes(' ', max_spacing - @intCast(usize, counting_stream.bytes_written));
try stream.print("\t{}\n", .{try helpText(context, param)});
fn printParam(
stream: var,
comptime Id: type,
param: Param(Id),
comptime Error: type,
context: var,
valueText: fn (@TypeOf(context), Param(Id)) Error![]const u8,
) !void {
if (param.names.short) |s| {
try stream.print("-{c}", .{s});
} else {
try stream.print(" ", .{});
if (param.names.long) |l| {
if (param.names.short) |_| {
try stream.print(", ", .{});
} else {
try stream.print(" ", .{});
try stream.print("--{}", .{l});
switch (param.takes_value) {
.None => {},
.One => try stream.print(" <{}>", .{valueText(context, param)}),
.Many => try stream.print(" <{}>...", .{valueText(context, param)}),
/// A wrapper around helpFull for simple helpText and valueText functions that
/// cant return an error or take a context.
pub fn helpEx(
stream: var,
comptime Id: type,
params: []const Param(Id),
helpText: fn (Param(Id)) []const u8,
valueText: fn (Param(Id)) []const u8,
) !void {
const Context = struct {
helpText: fn (Param(Id)) []const u8,
valueText: fn (Param(Id)) []const u8,
pub fn help(c: @This(), p: Param(Id)) error{}![]const u8 {
return c.helpText(p);
pub fn value(c: @This(), p: Param(Id)) error{}![]const u8 {
return c.valueText(p);
return helpFull(
.helpText = helpText,
.valueText = valueText,
pub const Help = struct {
msg: []const u8 = "",
value: []const u8 = "",
/// A wrapper around helpEx that takes a Param(Help).
pub fn help(stream: var, params: []const Param(Help)) !void {
try helpEx(stream, Help, params, getHelpSimple, getValueSimple);
fn getHelpSimple(param: Param(Help)) []const u8 {
return param.id.msg;
fn getValueSimple(param: Param(Help)) []const u8 {
return param.id.value;
test "clap.help" {
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var slice_stream = io.fixedBufferStream(&buf);
try help(
comptime &[_]Param(Help){
parseParam("-a Short flag. ") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-b <V1> Short option.") catch unreachable,
parseParam("--aa Long flag. ") catch unreachable,
parseParam("--bb <V2> Long option. ") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-c, --cc Both flag. ") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-d, --dd <V3> Both option. ") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-d, --dd <V3>... Both repeated option. ") catch unreachable,
.id = Help{
.msg = "Positional. This should not appear in the help message.",
.takes_value = .One,
const expected = "" ++
"\t-a \tShort flag.\n" ++
"\t-b <V1> \tShort option.\n" ++
"\t --aa \tLong flag.\n" ++
"\t --bb <V2> \tLong option.\n" ++
"\t-c, --cc \tBoth flag.\n" ++
"\t-d, --dd <V3> \tBoth option.\n" ++
"\t-d, --dd <V3>...\tBoth repeated option.\n";
const actual = slice_stream.getWritten();
if (!mem.eql(u8, actual, expected)) {
debug.warn("\n============ Expected ============\n", .{});
debug.warn("{}", .{expected});
debug.warn("============= Actual =============\n", .{});
debug.warn("{}", .{actual});
var buffer: [1024 * 2]u8 = undefined;
var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buffer);
debug.warn("============ Expected (escaped) ============\n", .{});
debug.warn("{x}\n", .{expected});
debug.warn("============ Actual (escaped) ============\n", .{});
debug.warn("{x}\n", .{actual});
/// Will print a usage message in the following format:
/// [-abc] [--longa] [-d <valueText>] [--longb <valueText>] <valueText>
/// First all none value taking parameters, which have a short name are
/// printed, then non positional parameters and finally the positinal.
pub fn usageFull(
stream: var,
comptime Id: type,
params: []const Param(Id),
comptime Error: type,
context: var,
valueText: fn (@TypeOf(context), Param(Id)) Error![]const u8,
) !void {
var cos = io.countingOutStream(stream);
const cs = cos.outStream();
for (params) |param| {
const name = param.names.short orelse continue;
if (param.takes_value != .None)
if (cos.bytes_written == 0)
try stream.writeAll("[-");
try cs.writeByte(name);
if (cos.bytes_written != 0)
try cs.writeByte(']');
var positional: ?Param(Id) = null;
for (params) |param| {
if (param.takes_value == .None and param.names.short != null)
const prefix = if (param.names.short) |_| "-" else "--";
// Seems the zig compiler is being a little wierd. I doesn't allow me to write
const name = if (param.names.short) |*s| @ptrCast([*]const u8, s)[0..1] else param.names.long orelse {
positional = param;
if (cos.bytes_written != 0)
try cs.writeByte(' ');
try cs.print("[{}{}", .{ prefix, name });
switch (param.takes_value) {
.None => {},
.One => try cs.print(" <{}>", .{try valueText(context, param)}),
.Many => try cs.print(" <{}>...", .{try valueText(context, param)}),
try cs.writeByte(']');
if (positional) |p| {
if (cos.bytes_written != 0)
try cs.writeByte(' ');
try cs.print("<{}>", .{try valueText(context, p)});
/// A wrapper around usageFull for a simple valueText functions that
/// cant return an error or take a context.
pub fn usageEx(
stream: var,
comptime Id: type,
params: []const Param(Id),
valueText: fn (Param(Id)) []const u8,
) !void {
const Context = struct {
valueText: fn (Param(Id)) []const u8,
pub fn value(c: @This(), p: Param(Id)) error{}![]const u8 {
return c.valueText(p);
return usageFull(
Context{ .valueText = valueText },
/// A wrapper around usageEx that takes a Param(Help).
pub fn usage(stream: var, params: []const Param(Help)) !void {
try usageEx(stream, Help, params, getValueSimple);
fn testUsage(expected: []const u8, params: []const Param(Help)) !void {
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var fbs = io.fixedBufferStream(&buf);
try usage(fbs.outStream(), params);
const actual = fbs.getWritten();
if (!mem.eql(u8, actual, expected)) {
debug.warn("\n============ Expected ============\n", .{});
debug.warn("{}\n", .{expected});
debug.warn("============= Actual =============\n", .{});
debug.warn("{}\n", .{actual});
var buffer: [1024 * 2]u8 = undefined;
var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buffer);
debug.warn("============ Expected (escaped) ============\n", .{});
debug.warn("{x}\n", .{expected});
debug.warn("============ Actual (escaped) ============\n", .{});
debug.warn("{x}\n", .{actual});
test "usage" {
try testUsage("[-ab]", comptime &[_]Param(Help){
parseParam("-a") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-b") catch unreachable,
try testUsage("[-a <value>] [-b <v>]", comptime &[_]Param(Help){
parseParam("-a <value>") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-b <v>") catch unreachable,
try testUsage("[--a] [--b]", comptime &[_]Param(Help){
parseParam("--a") catch unreachable,
parseParam("--b") catch unreachable,
try testUsage("[--a <value>] [--b <v>]", comptime &[_]Param(Help){
parseParam("--a <value>") catch unreachable,
parseParam("--b <v>") catch unreachable,
try testUsage("<file>", comptime &[_]Param(Help){
.id = Help{
.value = "file",
.takes_value = .One,
try testUsage("[-ab] [-c <value>] [-d <v>] [--e] [--f] [--g <value>] [--h <v>] [-i <v>...] <file>", comptime &[_]Param(Help){
parseParam("-a") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-b") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-c <value>") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-d <v>") catch unreachable,
parseParam("--e") catch unreachable,
parseParam("--f") catch unreachable,
parseParam("--g <value>") catch unreachable,
parseParam("--h <v>") catch unreachable,
parseParam("-i <v>...") catch unreachable,
.id = Help{
.value = "file",
.takes_value = .One,