Abhinav Gupta 7af04ee30d Add autodoc website
This adds a `zig build docs` step that builds the documentation website
and writes it to zig-out/docs.

It further includes a GitHub Workflow that publishes this website
to GitHub Pages. The GitHub Workflow is divided into two jobs:

- build: builds the documentation and uploads it
- publish: downloads the documentation and publishes it

These are separate jobs to minimize permissions available
to the build job.

This workflow runs on two events:

- after every push to master
- `workflow_dispatch`: this allows manually running the workflow
  from its *Actions* page if something went wrong


**Important pre-merge steps:**

If this PR is accepted, the following steps should be taken
before merging the PR:

1. Go to **Settings** for the repository
2. Select **Pages** on the left under *Code and automation*
3. Under *Build and deployment* set **Source** to **GitHub Actions**
4. Merge the PR.

If the steps are missed, the PR will merge just fine,
but the docs job will fail immediately on merge.
This can be remedied by following steps 1-3 above,
and either adding a new commit on master,
or manually firing the workflow from the Actions > API Reference page.
2024-01-02 13:16:54 +01:00

307 lines
9.7 KiB

README.md is autogenerated. Please edit example/README.md.template instead.
# zig-clap
A simple and easy to use command line argument parser library for Zig.
The master branch of zig-clap targets the master branch of Zig. For a
version of zig-clap that targets a specific Zig release, have a look
at the releases. Each release specifies the Zig version it compiles with
in the release notes.
## Features
* Short arguments `-a`
* Chaining `-abc` where `a` and `b` does not take values.
* Multiple specifications are tallied (e.g. `-v -v`).
* Long arguments `--long`
* Supports both passing values using spacing and `=` (`-a 100`, `-a=100`)
* Short args also support passing values with no spacing or `=` (`-a100`)
* This all works with chaining (`-ba 100`, `-ba=100`, `-ba100`)
* Supports options that can be specified multiple times (`-e 1 -e 2 -e 3`)
* Print help message from parameter specification.
* Parse help message to parameter specification.
## API Reference
Automatically generated API Reference for the project
can be found at https://Hejsil.github.io/zig-clap.
Note that Zig autodoc is in beta; the website may be broken or incomplete.
## Examples
### `clap.parse`
The simplest way to use this library is to just call the `clap.parse` function.
const clap = @import("clap");
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const io = std.io;
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
// First we specify what parameters our program can take.
// We can use `parseParamsComptime` to parse a string into an array of `Param(Help)`
const params = comptime clap.parseParamsComptime(
\\-h, --help Display this help and exit.
\\-n, --number <usize> An option parameter, which takes a value.
\\-s, --string <str>... An option parameter which can be specified multiple times.
// Initialize our diagnostics, which can be used for reporting useful errors.
// This is optional. You can also pass `.{}` to `clap.parse` if you don't
// care about the extra information `Diagnostics` provides.
var diag = clap.Diagnostic{};
var res = clap.parse(clap.Help, &params, clap.parsers.default, .{
.diagnostic = &diag,
.allocator = gpa.allocator(),
}) catch |err| {
// Report useful error and exit
diag.report(io.getStdErr().writer(), err) catch {};
return err;
defer res.deinit();
if (res.args.help != 0)
debug.print("--help\n", .{});
if (res.args.number) |n|
debug.print("--number = {}\n", .{n});
for (res.args.string) |s|
debug.print("--string = {s}\n", .{s});
for (res.positionals) |pos|
debug.print("{s}\n", .{pos});
The result will contain an `args` field and a `positionals` field. `args` will have one field
for each none positional parameter of your program. The name of the field will be the longest
name of the parameter.
The fields in `args` are typed. The type is based on the name of the value the parameter takes.
Since `--number` takes a `usize` the field `res.args.number` has the type `usize`.
Note that this is only the case because `clap.parsers.default` has a field called `usize` which
contains a parser that returns `usize`. You can pass in something other than
`clap.parsers.default` if you want some other mapping.
const clap = @import("clap");
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const io = std.io;
const process = std.process;
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
// First we specify what parameters our program can take.
// We can use `parseParamsComptime` to parse a string into an array of `Param(Help)`
const params = comptime clap.parseParamsComptime(
\\-h, --help Display this help and exit.
\\-n, --number <INT> An option parameter, which takes a value.
\\-a, --answer <ANSWER> An option parameter which takes an enum.
\\-s, --string <STR>... An option parameter which can be specified multiple times.
// Declare our own parsers which are used to map the argument strings to other
// types.
const YesNo = enum { yes, no };
const parsers = comptime .{
.STR = clap.parsers.string,
.FILE = clap.parsers.string,
.INT = clap.parsers.int(usize, 10),
.ANSWER = clap.parsers.enumeration(YesNo),
var diag = clap.Diagnostic{};
var res = clap.parse(clap.Help, &params, parsers, .{
.diagnostic = &diag,
.allocator = gpa.allocator(),
}) catch |err| {
diag.report(io.getStdErr().writer(), err) catch {};
return err;
defer res.deinit();
if (res.args.help != 0)
debug.print("--help\n", .{});
if (res.args.number) |n|
debug.print("--number = {}\n", .{n});
if (res.args.answer) |a|
debug.print("--answer = {s}\n", .{@tagName(a)});
for (res.args.string) |s|
debug.print("--string = {s}\n", .{s});
for (res.positionals) |pos|
debug.print("{s}\n", .{pos});
### `streaming.Clap`
The `streaming.Clap` is the base of all the other parsers. It's a streaming parser that uses an
`args.Iterator` to provide it with arguments lazily.
const clap = @import("clap");
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const io = std.io;
const process = std.process;
pub fn main() !void {
const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
// First we specify what parameters our program can take.
const params = [_]clap.Param(u8){
.id = 'h',
.names = .{ .short = 'h', .long = "help" },
.id = 'n',
.names = .{ .short = 'n', .long = "number" },
.takes_value = .one,
.{ .id = 'f', .takes_value = .one },
var iter = try process.ArgIterator.initWithAllocator(allocator);
defer iter.deinit();
// Skip exe argument
_ = iter.next();
// Initialize our diagnostics, which can be used for reporting useful errors.
// This is optional. You can also leave the `diagnostic` field unset if you
// don't care about the extra information `Diagnostic` provides.
var diag = clap.Diagnostic{};
var parser = clap.streaming.Clap(u8, process.ArgIterator){
.params = &params,
.iter = &iter,
.diagnostic = &diag,
// Because we use a streaming parser, we have to consume each argument parsed individually.
while (parser.next() catch |err| {
// Report useful error and exit
diag.report(io.getStdErr().writer(), err) catch {};
return err;
}) |arg| {
// arg.param will point to the parameter which matched the argument.
switch (arg.param.id) {
'h' => debug.print("Help!\n", .{}),
'n' => debug.print("--number = {s}\n", .{arg.value.?}),
// arg.value == null, if arg.param.takes_value == .none.
// Otherwise, arg.value is the value passed with the argument, such as "-a=10"
// or "-a 10".
'f' => debug.print("{s}\n", .{arg.value.?}),
else => unreachable,
Currently, this parser is the only parser that allows an array of `Param` that
is generated at runtime.
### `help`
The `help` prints a simple list of all parameters the program can take. It expects the
`Id` to have a `description` method and an `value` method so that it can provide that
in the output. `HelpOptions` is passed to `help` to control how the help message is
const clap = @import("clap");
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const params = comptime clap.parseParamsComptime(
\\-h, --help Display this help and exit.
\\-v, --version Output version information and exit.
var res = try clap.parse(clap.Help, &params, clap.parsers.default, .{
.allocator = gpa.allocator(),
defer res.deinit();
// `clap.help` is a function that can print a simple help message. It can print any `Param`
// where `Id` has a `describtion` and `value` method (`Param(Help)` is one such parameter).
// The last argument contains options as to how `help` should print those parameters. Using
// `.{}` means the default options.
if (res.args.help != 0)
return clap.help(std.io.getStdErr().writer(), clap.Help, &params, .{});
$ zig-out/bin/help --help
-h, --help
Display this help and exit.
-v, --version
Output version information and exit.
### `usage`
The `usage` prints a small abbreviated version of the help message. It expects the `Id`
to have a `value` method so it can provide that in the output.
const clap = @import("clap");
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const params = comptime clap.parseParamsComptime(
\\-h, --help Display this help and exit.
\\-v, --version Output version information and exit.
\\ --value <str> An option parameter, which takes a value.
var res = try clap.parse(clap.Help, &params, clap.parsers.default, .{
.allocator = gpa.allocator(),
defer res.deinit();
// `clap.usage` is a function that can print a simple help message. It can print any `Param`
// where `Id` has a `value` method (`Param(Help)` is one such parameter).
if (res.args.help != 0)
return clap.usage(std.io.getStdErr().writer(), clap.Help, &params);
$ zig-out/bin/usage --help
[-hv] [--value <str>]