const std = @import("std"); pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void { const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{}); const lib = b.addStaticLibrary(.{ .name = "xml2", .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); lib.linkLibC(); lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "upstream/include" }); lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "override/include" }); if (target.isWindows()) { lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "override/config/win32" }); lib.linkSystemLibrary("ws2_32"); } else { lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "override/config/posix" }); } var flags = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator); defer flags.deinit(); try flags.appendSlice(&.{ // Version info, hardcoded comptime "-DLIBXML_VERSION=" ++ Version.number(), comptime "-DLIBXML_VERSION_STRING=" ++ Version.string(), "-DLIBXML_VERSION_EXTRA=\"\"", comptime "-DLIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION=" ++ Version.dottedString(), // These might now always be true (particularly Windows) but for // now we just set them all. We should do some detection later. "-DSEND_ARG2_CAST=", "-DGETHOSTBYNAME_ARG_CAST=", "-DGETHOSTBYNAME_ARG_CAST_CONST=", // Always on "-DLIBXML_STATIC=1", "-DLIBXML_AUTOMATA_ENABLED=1", "-DWITHOUT_TRIO=1", }); if (!target.isWindows()) { try flags.appendSlice(&.{ "-DHAVE_ARPA_INET_H=1", "-DHAVE_ARPA_NAMESER_H=1", "-DHAVE_DL_H=1", "-DHAVE_NETDB_H=1", "-DHAVE_NETINET_IN_H=1", "-DHAVE_PTHREAD_H=1", "-DHAVE_SHLLOAD=1", "-DHAVE_SYS_DIR_H=1", "-DHAVE_SYS_MMAN_H=1", "-DHAVE_SYS_NDIR_H=1", "-DHAVE_SYS_SELECT_H=1", "-DHAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H=1", "-DHAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H=1", "-DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H=1", "-DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1", }); } // Enable our `./configure` options. For bool-type fields we translate // it to the `LIBXML_{field}_ENABLED` C define where field is uppercased. inline for (std.meta.fields(Options)) |field| { const opt = b.option(bool,, "Configure flag") orelse @as(*const bool, @ptrCast(field.default_value.?)).*; if (opt) { var nameBuf: [32]u8 = undefined; const name = std.ascii.upperString(&nameBuf,; const define = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, "-DLIBXML_{s}_ENABLED=1", .{name}); try flags.append(define); if (std.mem.eql(u8,, "history")) { try flags.appendSlice(&.{ "-DHAVE_LIBHISTORY=1", "-DHAVE_LIBREADLINE=1", }); } if (std.mem.eql(u8,, "mem_debug")) { try flags.append("-DDEBUG_MEMORY_LOCATION=1"); } if (std.mem.eql(u8,, "regexp")) { try flags.append("-DLIBXML_UNICODE_ENABLED=1"); } if (std.mem.eql(u8,, "run_debug")) { try flags.append("-DLIBXML_DEBUG_RUNTIME=1"); } if (std.mem.eql(u8,, "thread")) { try flags.append("-DHAVE_LIBPTHREAD=1"); } } } lib.addCSourceFiles(srcs, flags.items); lib.installHeadersDirectory("upstream/include/libxml", "libxml"); b.installArtifact(lib); } /// The version information for this library. This is hardcoded for now but /// in the future we will parse this from pub const Version = struct { pub const major = "2"; pub const minor = "9"; pub const micro = "12"; pub fn number() []const u8 { return comptime major ++ "0" ++ minor ++ "0" ++ micro; } pub fn string() []const u8 { return comptime "\"" ++ number() ++ "\""; } pub fn dottedString() []const u8 { return comptime "\"" ++ major ++ "." ++ minor ++ "." ++ micro ++ "\""; } }; /// Compile-time options for the library. These mostly correspond to /// options exposed by the native build system used by the library. /// These are mapped to `b.option` calls. const Options = struct { // These options are all defined in libxml2's configure.c and correspond // to `--with-X` options for `./configure`. Their defaults are properly set. c14n: bool = true, catalog: bool = true, debug: bool = true, ftp: bool = false, history: bool = true, html: bool = true, iconv: bool = true, icu: bool = false, iso8859x: bool = true, legacy: bool = false, mem_debug: bool = false, minimum: bool = true, output: bool = true, pattern: bool = true, push: bool = true, reader: bool = true, regexp: bool = true, run_debug: bool = false, sax1: bool = true, schemas: bool = true, schematron: bool = true, thread: bool = true, thread_alloc: bool = false, tree: bool = true, valid: bool = true, writer: bool = true, xinclude: bool = true, xpath: bool = true, xptr: bool = true, xptr_locs: bool = false, modules: bool = true, lzma: bool = false, zlib: bool = false, }; const srcs = &.{ "upstream/buf.c", "upstream/c14n.c", "upstream/catalog.c", "upstream/chvalid.c", "upstream/debugXML.c", "upstream/dict.c", "upstream/encoding.c", "upstream/entities.c", "upstream/error.c", "upstream/globals.c", "upstream/hash.c", "upstream/HTMLparser.c", "upstream/HTMLtree.c", "upstream/legacy.c", "upstream/list.c", "upstream/nanoftp.c", "upstream/nanohttp.c", "upstream/parser.c", "upstream/parserInternals.c", "upstream/pattern.c", "upstream/relaxng.c", "upstream/SAX.c", "upstream/SAX2.c", "upstream/schematron.c", "upstream/threads.c", "upstream/tree.c", "upstream/uri.c", "upstream/valid.c", "upstream/xinclude.c", "upstream/xlink.c", "upstream/xmlIO.c", "upstream/xmlmemory.c", "upstream/xmlmodule.c", "upstream/xmlreader.c", "upstream/xmlregexp.c", "upstream/xmlsave.c", "upstream/xmlschemas.c", "upstream/xmlschemastypes.c", "upstream/xmlstring.c", "upstream/xmlunicode.c", "upstream/xmlwriter.c", "upstream/xpath.c", "upstream/xpointer.c", "upstream/xzlib.c", };