
1098 lines
40 KiB

const std = @import("std");
/// Parses arguments for the given specification and our current process.
/// - `Spec` is the configuration of the arguments.
/// - `allocator` is the allocator that is used to allocate all required memory
/// - `error_handling` defines how parser errors will be handled.
pub fn parseForCurrentProcess(comptime Spec: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime error_handling: ErrorHandling) !ParseArgsResult(Spec, null) {
// Use argsWithAllocator for portability.
// All data allocated by the ArgIterator is freed at the end of the function.
// Data returned to the user is always duplicated using the allocator.
var args = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(allocator);
defer args.deinit();
const executable_name = args.next() orelse {
try error_handling.process(error.NoExecutableName, Error{
.option = "",
.kind = .missing_executable_name,
// we do not assume any more arguments appear here anyways...
return error.NoExecutableName;
var result = try parseInternal(Spec, null, &args, allocator, error_handling);
result.executable_name = try allocator.dupeZ(u8, executable_name);
return result;
/// Parses arguments for the given specification and our current process.
/// - `Spec` is the configuration of the arguments.
/// - `allocator` is the allocator that is used to allocate all required memory
/// - `error_handling` defines how parser errors will be handled.
pub fn parseWithVerbForCurrentProcess(comptime Spec: type, comptime Verb: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime error_handling: ErrorHandling) !ParseArgsResult(Spec, Verb) {
// Use argsWithAllocator for portability.
// All data allocated by the ArgIterator is freed at the end of the function.
// Data returned to the user is always duplicated using the allocator.
var args = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(allocator);
defer args.deinit();
const executable_name = args.next() orelse {
try error_handling.process(error.NoExecutableName, Error{
.option = "",
.kind = .missing_executable_name,
// we do not assume any more arguments appear here anyways...
return error.NoExecutableName;
var result = try parseInternal(Spec, Verb, &args, allocator, error_handling);
result.executable_name = try allocator.dupeZ(u8, executable_name);
return result;
/// Parses arguments for the given specification.
/// - `Generic` is the configuration of the arguments.
/// - `args_iterator` is a pointer to an std.process.ArgIterator that will yield the command line arguments.
/// - `allocator` is the allocator that is used to allocate all required memory
/// - `error_handling` defines how parser errors will be handled.
/// Note that `.executable_name` in the result will not be set!
pub fn parse(comptime Generic: type, args_iterator: anytype, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime error_handling: ErrorHandling) !ParseArgsResult(Generic, null) {
return parseInternal(Generic, null, args_iterator, allocator, error_handling);
/// Parses arguments for the given specification using a `Verb` method.
/// This means that the first positional argument is interpreted as a verb, that can
/// be considered a sub-command that provides more specific options.
/// - `Generic` is the configuration of the arguments.
/// - `Verb` is the configuration of the verbs.
/// - `args_iterator` is a pointer to an std.process.ArgIterator that will yield the command line arguments.
/// - `allocator` is the allocator that is used to allocate all required memory
/// - `error_handling` defines how parser errors will be handled.
/// Note that `.executable_name` in the result will not be set!
pub fn parseWithVerb(comptime Generic: type, comptime Verb: type, args_iterator: anytype, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime error_handling: ErrorHandling) !ParseArgsResult(Generic, Verb) {
return parseInternal(Generic, Verb, args_iterator, allocator, error_handling);
/// Same as parse, but with anytype argument for testability
fn parseInternal(comptime Generic: type, comptime MaybeVerb: ?type, args_iterator: anytype, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime error_handling: ErrorHandling) !ParseArgsResult(Generic, MaybeVerb) {
var result = ParseArgsResult(Generic, MaybeVerb){
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.options = Generic{},
.verb = if (MaybeVerb != null) null else {}, // no verb by default
.positionals = undefined,
.executable_name = null,
errdefer result.arena.deinit();
var result_arena_allocator = result.arena.allocator();
var arglist = std.ArrayList([:0]const u8).init(allocator);
defer arglist.deinit();
var last_error: ?anyerror = null;
while (args_iterator.next()) |item| {
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, item, "--")) {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, item, "--")) {
// double hyphen is considered 'everything from here now is positional'
result.raw_start_index = arglist.items.len;
const Pair = struct {
name: []const u8,
value: ?[]const u8,
const pair = if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, item, "=")) |index|
.name = item[2..index],
.value = item[index + 1 ..],
.name = item[2..],
.value = null,
var found = false;
inline for (std.meta.fields(Generic)) |fld| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, pair.name, fld.name)) {
try parseOption(Generic, result_arena_allocator, &result.options, args_iterator, error_handling, &last_error, fld.name, pair.value);
found = true;
if (MaybeVerb) |Verb| {
if (result.verb) |*verb| {
if (!found) {
const Tag = std.meta.Tag(Verb);
inline for (std.meta.fields(Verb)) |verb_info| {
if (verb.* == @field(Tag, verb_info.name)) {
if (comptime canHaveFieldsAndIsNotZeroSized(verb_info.type)) {
inline for (std.meta.fields(verb_info.type)) |fld| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, pair.name, fld.name)) {
try parseOption(
&@field(verb.*, verb_info.name),
found = true;
if (!found) {
last_error = error.EncounteredUnknownArgument;
try error_handling.process(error.EncounteredUnknownArgument, Error{
.option = pair.name,
.kind = .unknown,
} else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, item, "-")) {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, item, "-")) {
// single hyphen is considered a positional argument
try arglist.append(try result_arena_allocator.dupeZ(u8, item));
} else {
var any_shorthands = false;
for (item[1..], 0..) |char, index| {
var option_name = [2]u8{ '-', char };
var found = false;
if (@hasDecl(Generic, "shorthands")) {
any_shorthands = true;
inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(Generic.shorthands))) |fld| {
if (fld.name.len != 1)
@compileError("All shorthand fields must be exactly one character long!");
if (fld.name[0] == char) {
const real_name = @field(Generic.shorthands, fld.name);
const real_fld_type = @TypeOf(@field(result.options, real_name));
// -2 because we stripped of the "-" at the beginning
if (requiresArg(real_fld_type) and index != item.len - 2) {
last_error = error.EncounteredUnexpectedArgument;
try error_handling.process(error.EncounteredUnexpectedArgument, Error{
.option = &option_name,
.kind = .invalid_placement,
} else {
try parseOption(Generic, result_arena_allocator, &result.options, args_iterator, error_handling, &last_error, real_name, null);
found = true;
if (MaybeVerb) |Verb| {
if (result.verb) |*verb| {
if (!found) {
const Tag = std.meta.Tag(Verb);
inline for (std.meta.fields(Verb)) |verb_info| {
const VerbType = verb_info.type;
if (comptime canHaveFieldsAndIsNotZeroSized(VerbType)) {
if (verb.* == @field(Tag, verb_info.name)) {
const target_value = &@field(verb.*, verb_info.name);
if (@hasDecl(VerbType, "shorthands")) {
any_shorthands = true;
inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(VerbType.shorthands))) |fld| {
if (fld.name.len != 1)
@compileError("All shorthand fields must be exactly one character long!");
if (fld.name[0] == char) {
const real_name = @field(VerbType.shorthands, fld.name);
const real_fld_type = @TypeOf(@field(target_value.*, real_name));
// -2 because we stripped of the "-" at the beginning
if (requiresArg(real_fld_type) and index != item.len - 2) {
last_error = error.EncounteredUnexpectedArgument;
try error_handling.process(error.EncounteredUnexpectedArgument, Error{
.option = &option_name,
.kind = .invalid_placement,
} else {
try parseOption(VerbType, result_arena_allocator, target_value, args_iterator, error_handling, &last_error, real_name, null);
last_error = null; // we need to reset that error here, as it was set previously
found = true;
if (!found) {
last_error = error.EncounteredUnknownArgument;
try error_handling.process(error.EncounteredUnknownArgument, Error{
.option = &option_name,
.kind = .unknown,
if (!any_shorthands) {
try error_handling.process(error.EncounteredUnsupportedArgument, Error{
.option = item,
.kind = .unsupported,
} else {
if (MaybeVerb) |Verb| {
if (result.verb == null) {
inline for (std.meta.fields(Verb)) |fld| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, item, fld.name)) {
// found active verb, default-initialize it
result.verb = @unionInit(Verb, fld.name, fld.type{});
if (result.verb == null) {
try error_handling.process(error.EncounteredUnknownVerb, Error{
.option = "verb",
.kind = .unsupported,
try arglist.append(try result_arena_allocator.dupeZ(u8, item));
if (last_error != null)
return error.InvalidArguments;
// This will consume the rest of the arguments as positional ones.
// Only executes when the above loop is broken.
while (args_iterator.next()) |item| {
try arglist.append(try result_arena_allocator.dupeZ(u8, item));
result.positionals = try arglist.toOwnedSlice();
return result;
fn canHaveFieldsAndIsNotZeroSized(comptime T: type) bool {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct, .Union, .Enum, .ErrorSet => @sizeOf(T) != 0,
else => false,
/// The return type of the argument parser.
pub fn ParseArgsResult(comptime Generic: type, comptime MaybeVerb: ?type) type {
if (@typeInfo(Generic) != .Struct)
@compileError("Generic argument definition must be a struct");
if (MaybeVerb) |Verb| {
const ti: std.builtin.Type = @typeInfo(Verb);
if (ti != .Union or ti.Union.tag_type == null)
@compileError("Verb must be a tagged union");
return struct {
const Self = @This();
/// Exports the type of options.
pub const GenericOptions = Generic;
pub const Verbs = MaybeVerb orelse void;
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
/// The options with either default or set values.
options: Generic,
/// The verb that was parsed or `null` if no first positional was provided.
/// Is `void` when verb parsing is disabled
verb: if (MaybeVerb) |Verb| ?Verb else void,
/// The positional arguments that were passed to the process.
positionals: [][:0]const u8,
// The index of the first "raw arg", meaning the first arg after "--"
raw_start_index: ?usize = null,
/// Name of the executable file (or: zeroth argument)
executable_name: ?[:0]const u8,
pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {
if (self.executable_name) |n|
/// Returns true if the given type requires an argument to be parsed.
fn requiresArg(comptime T: type) bool {
const H = struct {
fn doesArgTypeRequireArg(comptime Type: type) bool {
if (Type == []const u8)
return true;
return switch (@as(std.builtin.TypeId, @typeInfo(Type))) {
.Int, .Float, .Enum => true,
.Bool => false,
.Struct, .Union => true,
.Pointer => true,
else => @compileError(@typeName(Type) ++ " is not a supported argument type!"),
const ti = @typeInfo(T);
if (ti == .Optional) {
return H.doesArgTypeRequireArg(ti.Optional.child);
} else {
return H.doesArgTypeRequireArg(T);
/// Parses a boolean option.
fn parseBoolean(str: []const u8) !bool {
return if (std.mem.eql(u8, str, "yes"))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, str, "true"))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, str, "y"))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, str, "no"))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, str, "false"))
else if (std.mem.eql(u8, str, "n"))
return error.NotABooleanValue;
/// Parses an int option.
fn parseInt(comptime T: type, str: []const u8) !T {
var buf = str;
var multiplier: T = 1;
if (buf.len != 0) {
var base1024 = false;
if (std.ascii.toLower(buf[buf.len - 1]) == 'i') { //ki vs k for instance
buf.len -= 1;
base1024 = true;
if (buf.len != 0) {
const pow: u3 = switch (buf[buf.len - 1]) {
'k', 'K' => 1, //kilo
'm', 'M' => 2, //mega
'g', 'G' => 3, //giga
't', 'T' => 4, //tera
'p', 'P' => 5, //peta
else => 0,
if (pow != 0) {
buf.len -= 1;
if (comptime std.math.maxInt(T) < 1024)
return error.Overflow;
const base: T = if (base1024) 1024 else 1000;
multiplier = try std.math.powi(T, base, @as(T, @intCast(pow)));
const ret: T = switch (@typeInfo(T).Int.signedness) {
.signed => try std.fmt.parseInt(T, buf, 0),
.unsigned => try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(T, buf, 0),
return try std.math.mul(T, ret, multiplier);
test "parseInt" {
const tst = std.testing;
try tst.expectEqual(@as(i32, 50), try parseInt(i32, "50"));
try tst.expectEqual(@as(i32, 6000), try parseInt(i32, "6k"));
try tst.expectEqual(@as(u32, 2048), try parseInt(u32, "0x2KI"));
try tst.expectEqual(@as(i8, 0), try parseInt(i8, "0"));
try tst.expectEqual(@as(usize, 10_000_000_000), try parseInt(usize, "0xAg"));
try tst.expectError(error.Overflow, parseInt(i2, "1m"));
try tst.expectError(error.Overflow, parseInt(u16, "1Ti"));
/// Converts an argument value to the target type.
fn convertArgumentValue(comptime T: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, textInput: []const u8) !T {
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Optional => |opt| return try convertArgumentValue(opt.child, allocator, textInput),
.Bool => if (textInput.len > 0)
return try parseBoolean(textInput)
return true, // boolean options are always true
.Int => return try parseInt(T, textInput),
.Float => return try std.fmt.parseFloat(T, textInput),
.Enum => {
if (@hasDecl(T, "parse")) {
return try T.parse(textInput);
} else {
return std.meta.stringToEnum(T, textInput) orelse return error.InvalidEnumeration;
.Struct, .Union => {
if (@hasDecl(T, "parse")) {
return try T.parse(textInput);
} else {
@compileError(@typeName(T) ++ " has no public visible `fn parse([]const u8) !T`!");
.Pointer => |ptr| switch (ptr.size) {
.Slice => {
if (ptr.child != u8) {
@compileError(@typeName(T) ++ " is not a supported pointer type, only slices of u8 are supported");
// If the type contains a sentinel dupe the text input to a new buffer.
// This is equivalent to allocator.dupeZ but works with any sentinel.
if (comptime std.meta.sentinel(T)) |sentinel| {
const data = try allocator.alloc(u8, textInput.len + 1);
@memcpy(data[0..textInput.len], textInput);
data[textInput.len] = sentinel;
return data[0..textInput.len :sentinel];
// Otherwise the type is []const u8 so just return the text input.
return textInput;
else => @compileError(@typeName(T) ++ " is not a supported pointer type!"),
else => @compileError(@typeName(T) ++ " is not a supported argument type!"),
/// Parses an option value into the correct type.
fn parseOption(
comptime Spec: type,
arena: std.mem.Allocator,
target_struct: *Spec,
args: anytype,
comptime error_handling: ErrorHandling,
last_error: *?anyerror,
/// The name of the option that is currently parsed.
comptime name: []const u8,
/// Optional pre-defined value for options that use `--foo=bar`
value: ?[]const u8,
) !void {
const field_type = @TypeOf(@field(target_struct, name));
const final_value = if (value) |val| blk: {
// use the literal value
const res = try arena.dupeZ(u8, val);
break :blk res;
} else if (requiresArg(field_type)) blk: {
// fetch from parser
const val = args.next();
if (val == null or std.mem.eql(u8, val.?, "--")) {
last_error.* = error.MissingArgument;
try error_handling.process(error.MissingArgument, Error{
.option = "--" ++ name,
.kind = .missing_argument,
const res = try arena.dupeZ(u8, val.?);
break :blk res;
} else blk: {
// argument is "empty"
break :blk "";
@field(target_struct, name) = convertArgumentValue(field_type, arena, final_value) catch |err| {
last_error.* = err;
try error_handling.process(err, Error{
.option = "--" ++ name,
.kind = .{ .invalid_value = final_value },
// we couldn't parse the value, so we return a undefined value as we have signalled an
// error and won't return this anyways.
/// A collection of errors that were encountered while parsing arguments.
pub const ErrorCollection = struct {
const Self = @This();
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
list: std.ArrayList(Error),
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Self {
return Self{
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.list = std.ArrayList(Error).init(allocator),
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
self.* = undefined;
/// Returns the current enumeration of errors.
pub fn errors(self: Self) []const Error {
return self.list.items;
/// Appends an error to the collection
fn insert(self: *Self, err: Error) !void {
const dupe = Error{
.option = try self.arena.allocator().dupe(u8, err.option),
.kind = switch (err.kind) {
.invalid_value => |v| Error.Kind{
.invalid_value = try self.arena.allocator().dupe(u8, v),
// flat copy
.unknown, .out_of_memory, .unsupported, .invalid_placement, .missing_argument, .missing_executable_name, .unknown_verb => err.kind,
try self.list.append(dupe);
/// An argument parsing error.
pub const Error = struct {
const Self = @This();
/// The option that yielded the error
option: []const u8,
/// The kind of error, might include additional information
kind: Kind,
pub fn format(self: Self, comptime fmt: []const u8, options: std.fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype) !void {
_ = fmt;
_ = options;
switch (self.kind) {
.unknown => try writer.print("The option {s} does not exist", .{self.option}),
.invalid_value => |value| try writer.print("Invalid value '{s}' for option {s}", .{ value, self.option }),
.out_of_memory => try writer.print("Out of memory while parsing option {s}", .{self.option}),
.unsupported => try writer.writeAll("Short command line options are not supported."),
.invalid_placement => try writer.writeAll("An option with argument must be the last option for short command line options."),
.missing_argument => try writer.print("Missing argument for option {s}", .{self.option}),
.missing_executable_name => try writer.writeAll("Failed to get executable name from the argument list!"),
.unknown_verb => try writer.print("Unknown verb '{s}'.", .{self.option}),
pub const Kind = union(enum) {
/// When the argument itself is unknown
/// When the parsing of an argument value failed
invalid_value: []const u8,
/// When the parsing of an argument value triggered a out of memory error
/// When the argument is a short argument and no shorthands are enabled
/// Can only happen when a shorthand for an option requires an argument, but is followed by more shorthands.
/// An option was passed that requires an argument, but the option was passed last.
/// This error has an empty option name and can only happen when parsing the argument list for a process.
/// This error has the verb as an option name and will happen when a verb is provided that is not known.
/// The error handling method that should be used.
pub const ErrorHandling = union(enum) {
const Self = @This();
/// Do not print or process any errors, just
/// return a fitting error on the first argument mismatch.
/// Print errors to stderr and return a `error.InvalidArguments`.
/// Collect errors into the error collection and return
/// `error.InvalidArguments` when any error was encountered.
collect: *ErrorCollection,
/// Forwards the parsing error to a functionm
forward: fn (err: Error) anyerror!void,
/// Processes an error with the given handling method.
fn process(comptime self: Self, src_error: anytype, err: Error) !void {
if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(src_error)) != .ErrorSet)
@compileError("src_error must be a error union!");
switch (self) {
.silent => return src_error,
.print => try std.io.getStdErr().writer().print("{}\n", .{err}),
.collect => |collection| try collection.insert(err),
.forward => |func| try func(err),
test {
test "ErrorCollection" {
var option_buf = "option".*;
var invalid_buf = "invalid".*;
var ec = ErrorCollection.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer ec.deinit();
try ec.insert(Error{
.option = &option_buf,
.kind = .{ .invalid_value = &invalid_buf },
option_buf = undefined;
invalid_buf = undefined;
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("option", ec.errors()[0].option);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("invalid", ec.errors()[0].kind.invalid_value);
const TestIterator = struct {
sequence: []const [:0]const u8,
index: usize = 0,
pub fn init(items: []const [:0]const u8) TestIterator {
return TestIterator{ .sequence = items };
pub fn next(self: *@This()) ?[:0]const u8 {
if (self.index >= self.sequence.len)
return null;
const result = self.sequence[self.index];
self.index += 1;
return result;
const TestEnum = enum { default, special, slow, fast };
const TestGenericOptions = struct {
output: ?[]const u8 = null,
@"with-offset": bool = false,
@"with-hexdump": bool = false,
@"intermix-source": bool = false,
numberOfBytes: ?i32 = null,
signed_number: ?i64 = null,
unsigned_number: ?u64 = null,
mode: TestEnum = .default,
// This declares short-hand options for single hyphen
pub const shorthands = .{
.S = "intermix-source",
.b = "with-hexdump",
.O = "with-offset",
.o = "output",
const TestVerb = union(enum) {
magic: MagicOptions,
booze: BoozeOptions,
const MagicOptions = struct { invoke: bool = false };
const BoozeOptions = struct {
cocktail: bool = false,
longdrink: bool = false,
pub const shorthands = .{
.c = "cocktail",
.l = "longdrink",
test "basic parsing (no verbs)" {
var titerator = TestIterator.init(&[_][:0]const u8{
"positional 1",
"positional 2",
var args = try parseInternal(TestGenericOptions, null, &titerator, std.testing.allocator, .print);
defer args.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?[:0]const u8, null), args.executable_name);
try std.testing.expect(void == @TypeOf(args.verb));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), args.positionals.len);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("positional 1", args.positionals[0]);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("positional 2", args.positionals[1]);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("foobar", args.options.output.?);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, -250), args.options.numberOfBytes);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u64, 0xFF00FF), args.options.unsigned_number);
try std.testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.special, args.options.mode);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?i64, null), args.options.signed_number);
try std.testing.expectEqual(true, args.options.@"with-offset");
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, args.options.@"with-hexdump");
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, args.options.@"intermix-source");
test "shorthand parsing (no verbs)" {
var titerator = TestIterator.init(&[_][:0]const u8{
"positional 1",
"positional 2",
var args = try parseInternal(TestGenericOptions, null, &titerator, std.testing.allocator, .print);
defer args.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?[:0]const u8, null), args.executable_name);
try std.testing.expect(void == @TypeOf(args.verb));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), args.positionals.len);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("positional 1", args.positionals[0]);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("positional 2", args.positionals[1]);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("foobar", args.options.output.?);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, -250), args.options.numberOfBytes);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u64, 0xFF00FF), args.options.unsigned_number);
try std.testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.special, args.options.mode);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?i64, null), args.options.signed_number);
try std.testing.expectEqual(true, args.options.@"with-offset");
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, args.options.@"with-hexdump");
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, args.options.@"intermix-source");
test "basic parsing (with verbs)" {
var titerator = TestIterator.init(&[_][:0]const u8{
"--output", // non-verb options can come before or after verb
"booze", // verb
"positional 1",
"positional 2",
var args = try parseInternal(TestGenericOptions, TestVerb, &titerator, std.testing.allocator, .print);
defer args.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?[:0]const u8, null), args.executable_name);
try std.testing.expect(?TestVerb == @TypeOf(args.verb));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), args.positionals.len);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("positional 1", args.positionals[0]);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("positional 2", args.positionals[1]);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("foobar", args.options.output.?);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, -250), args.options.numberOfBytes);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u64, 0xFF00FF), args.options.unsigned_number);
try std.testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.special, args.options.mode);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?i64, null), args.options.signed_number);
try std.testing.expectEqual(true, args.options.@"with-offset");
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, args.options.@"with-hexdump");
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, args.options.@"intermix-source");
try std.testing.expect(args.verb.? == .booze);
const booze = args.verb.?.booze;
try std.testing.expectEqual(true, booze.cocktail);
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, booze.longdrink);
test "shorthand parsing (with verbs)" {
var titerator = TestIterator.init(&[_][:0]const u8{
"booze", // verb
"positional 1",
"positional 2",
"-c", // --cocktail
var args = try parseInternal(TestGenericOptions, TestVerb, &titerator, std.testing.allocator, .print);
defer args.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?[:0]const u8, null), args.executable_name);
try std.testing.expect(?TestVerb == @TypeOf(args.verb));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), args.positionals.len);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("positional 1", args.positionals[0]);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("positional 2", args.positionals[1]);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("foobar", args.options.output.?);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?i32, -250), args.options.numberOfBytes);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u64, 0xFF00FF), args.options.unsigned_number);
try std.testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.special, args.options.mode);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?i64, null), args.options.signed_number);
try std.testing.expectEqual(true, args.options.@"with-offset");
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, args.options.@"with-hexdump");
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, args.options.@"intermix-source");
try std.testing.expect(args.verb.? == .booze);
const booze = args.verb.?.booze;
try std.testing.expectEqual(true, booze.cocktail);
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, booze.longdrink);
test "strings with sentinel" {
var titerator = TestIterator.init(&[_][:0]const u8{
var args = try parseInternal(
struct {
output: ?[:0]const u8 = null,
defer args.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?[:0]const u8, null), args.executable_name);
try std.testing.expect(void == @TypeOf(args.verb));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), args.positionals.len);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("foobar", args.options.output.?);
test "option argument --" {
var titerator = TestIterator.init(&[_][:0]const u8{
try std.testing.expectError(error.MissingArgument, parseInternal(
struct {
output: ?[:0]const u8 = null,
test "index of raw indicator --" {
var titerator = TestIterator.init(&[_][:0]const u8{ "stdin", "-", "--", "not-stdin", "-", "--" });
var args = try parseInternal(
struct {},
defer args.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(args.raw_start_index, 2);
try std.testing.expectEqual(args.positionals.len, 5);
fn reserved_argument(arg: []const u8) bool {
return std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "shorthands") or std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "meta");
pub fn printHelp(comptime Generic: type, name: []const u8, writer: anytype) !void {
if (!@hasDecl(Generic, "meta")) {
@compileError("Missing meta declaration in Generic");
const Meta = @TypeOf(Generic.meta);
try writer.print("Usage: {s}", .{name});
if (@hasField(Meta, "usage_summary")) {
try writer.print(" {s}", .{Generic.meta.usage_summary});
try writer.print("\n\n", .{});
if (@hasField(Meta, "full_text")) {
try writer.print("{s}\n\n", .{Generic.meta.full_text});
if (@hasField(Meta, "option_docs")) {
const fields = std.meta.fields(Generic);
try writer.print("Options:\n", .{});
comptime var maxOptionLength = 0;
inline for (fields) |field| {
if (!reserved_argument(field.name)) {
if (!@hasField(@TypeOf(Generic.meta.option_docs), field.name)) {
@compileError("option_docs not specified for field: " ++ field.name);
if (field.name.len > maxOptionLength) {
maxOptionLength = field.name.len;
inline for (fields) |field| {
if (!reserved_argument(field.name)) {
if (@hasDecl(Generic, "shorthands")) {
var foundShorthand = false;
inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(Generic.shorthands))) |shorthand| {
const option = @field(Generic.shorthands, shorthand.name);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, option, field.name)) {
try writer.print(" -{s}, ", .{shorthand.name});
foundShorthand = true;
if (!foundShorthand)
try writer.print(" ", .{});
const fmtString = std.fmt.comptimePrint("--{{s: <{}}} {{s}}\n", .{maxOptionLength});
try writer.print(fmtString, .{ field.name, @field(Generic.meta.option_docs, field.name) });
test "full help" {
const Options = struct {
boolflag: bool = false,
stringflag: []const u8 = "hello",
pub const shorthands = .{
.b = "boolflag",
pub const meta = .{
.name = "test",
.full_text = "testing tool",
.usage_summary = "[--boolflag] [--stringflag]",
.option_docs = .{
.boolflag = "a boolean flag",
.stringflag = "a string flag",
var test_buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer test_buffer.deinit();
try printHelp(Options, "test", test_buffer.writer());
const expected =
\\Usage: test [--boolflag] [--stringflag]
\\testing tool
\\ -b, --boolflag a boolean flag
\\ --stringflag a string flag
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, test_buffer.items);
test "help with no usage summary" {
const Options = struct {
boolflag: bool = false,
stringflag: []const u8 = "hello",
pub const shorthands = .{
.b = "boolflag",
pub const meta = .{
.full_text = "testing tool",
.option_docs = .{
.boolflag = "a boolean flag",
.stringflag = "a string flag",
var test_buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer test_buffer.deinit();
try printHelp(Options, "test", test_buffer.writer());
const expected =
\\Usage: test
\\testing tool
\\ -b, --boolflag a boolean flag
\\ --stringflag a string flag
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, test_buffer.items);