Anthon van der Neut abf9a9ec6a document verb in readme
Show in demo_verb.zig that you can have non-verb options and verb specific options.
Test that a non-verb option can come before verb.
2022-02-10 11:03:49 +01:00

59 lines
2.2 KiB

# Zig Argument Parser
Simple-to-use argument parser with struct-based config
## Features
- Automatic option generation from a config struct
- Familiar *look & feel*:
- Everything after the first `--` is assumed to be a positional argument
- A single `-` is interpreted as a positional argument which can be used as the stdin/stdout file placeholder
- Short options with no argument can be combined into a single argument: `-dfe`
- Long options can use either `--option=value` or `--option value` syntax (use `--option=--` if you need `--` as a long option argument)
- verbs (sub-commands), with verb specific options. Non-verb specific (global) options can come before or after the
verb on the command line. Non-verb option arguments are processed *before* determining verb. (see `demo_verb.zig`)
- Integrated support for primitive types:
- All integer types (signed & unsigned)
- Floating point types
- Booleans (takes optional argument. If no argument given, the bool is set, otherwise, one of `yes`, `true`, `y`, `no`, `false`, `n` is interpreted)
- Strings
- Enumerations
## Example
const options = argsParser.parseForCurrentProcess(struct {
// This declares long options for double hyphen
output: ?[]const u8 = null,
@"with-offset": bool = false,
@"with-hexdump": bool = false,
@"intermix-source": bool = false,
numberOfBytes: ?i32 = null,
signed_number: ?i64 = null,
unsigned_number: ?u64 = null,
mode: enum { default, special, slow, fast } = .default,
// This declares short-hand options for single hyphen
pub const shorthands = .{
.S = "intermix-source",
.b = "with-hexdump",
.O = "with-offset",
.o = "output",
}, argsAllocator, .print) catch return 1;
defer options.deinit();
std.debug.print("executable name: {s}\n", .{options.executable_name});
std.debug.print("parsed options:\n", .{});
inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(options.options))) |fld| {
std.debug.print("\t{s} = {any}\n", .{
@field(options.options, fld.name),
std.debug.print("parsed positionals:\n", .{});
for (options.positionals) |arg| {
std.debug.print("\t'{s}'\n", .{arg});