2024-09-03 10:56:52 +08:00

84 lines
2.8 KiB

;;; init-projectile -- 项目管理的配置
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'project)
;; 配置项目根目录识别
(setq project-vc-extra-root-markers '(".project" ".git" ".hg" ".svn" "Makefile"))
;; 设置项目列表文件
(setq project-list-file "~/.emacs.d/projects")
;; 手动添加项目到 project.el 的项目列表
(defun my/add-project (dir)
"手动将 DIR 添加到 project.el 的项目列表中。"
(interactive "D添加项目目录: ")
(let ((projects (mapcar (lambda (p) (if (listp p) p (list p)))
(unless (member (list dir) projects)
(setq projects (append projects (list (list dir))))
(setq project--list projects)
;; 保存到项目列表文件
(with-temp-file project-list-file
(insert (prin1-to-string projects)))
(message "项目 %s 已添加到 project.el 列表中" dir))))
;; 手动移除项目
(defun my/remove-project (dir)
"手动将 DIR 从 project.el 的项目列表中移除。"
(interactive "D移除项目目录: ")
(setq project--list (cl-remove-if (lambda (p) (string= (car p) dir)) project--list))
(with-temp-file project-list-file
(insert (prin1-to-string project--list)))
(message "项目 %s 已移除" dir))
;; 禁用自动移除项目
(defun project--remove-dead-projects ()
"Override to do nothing. Prevent auto-removal of projects.")
;; 启动时加载项目列表
(defun my/load-projects ()
"从文件加载项目列表到 project--list。"
(when (file-exists-p project-list-file)
(insert-file-contents project-list-file)
(setq project--list (read (buffer-string))))))
;; 清除不存在的项目缓存
(defun project-forget-zombie-projects ()
"Remove non-existing projects from the known projects list."
(setq project--list
(cl-remove-if-not #'file-directory-p project--list))
(with-temp-file project-list-file
(insert (prin1-to-string project--list)))
(message "已移除不存在的项目"))
;; hydra配置
;; 定义一个用于Project项目管理的 hydra
(defhydra hydra-project-operations (:color blue :hint nil)
_p_: 切换项目 _f_: 查找文件
_d_: 查找目录 _s_: 正则查找
_g_: 全局搜索 _b_: 切换缓冲区
_r_: 忽略项目 _a_: 添加项目
_c_: 清除缓存
("p" project-switch-project "切换项目")
("f" project-find-file "查找文件")
("d" project-find-dir "查找目录")
("s" project-find-regexp "正则查找")
("g" project-find-regexp "全局搜索")
("b" project-switch-to-buffer "切换缓冲区")
("r" project-forget-project "忽略项目")
("a" my/add-project "添加项目")
("c" project-forget-zombie-projects "清除缓存"))
(provide 'init-project)
;;; init-project.el ends here